
Legend of the Kannais.

Alex Bayly is a hopeless romantic who finds herself wandering through a world of heartbreaks and pain. She is a 31 years old teacher who is unable to find love. Her first love, Damien Norman left her completely broken to a point where she had found it difficult to open her heart to anyone ever again. Everyone mocks her single life, but she pretends to everyone that she enjoys it that way, and she had vowed to never again let anyone in. This loveless life continued right until one day when she met Azrael Herrington... A lone (were)wolf... Can she fight her fate or is there something more in store for her?

Nicholas_Morgan234 · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Chapter 63: War of Wolves 3

Gradually the day was getting brighter. The first ray of light had spread across the entire residential area of the pack.

The wind blew haphazardly, picking up speed and dropping intermittently as if adding a new dimension to the already tense atmosphere of the war about to come.

The 20 werewolves who left Azrael's team started to charge directly toward Alpha Zuck and his mercenaries.

Alpha Zuck wore a black leather that looked like a swimsuit and covered his entire body. His men wore metal gladiator wear with helmets.

They came with no weapons, they believed their strength, claws, teeth, and senses were their weapons.

If one should call them terrifying it would be an understatement, if you call them intimidating that wouldn't do them justice, they bought out deep-seated fear from the gazes of anyone who laid eyes on them and they walked with such confidence as if they could split the heavens in two and divide the earth via a single blow.

Every one of them walked in rhythm like an overly trained team of warriors.

Not a single smile could be detected on any of the faces present. You would think they were going to face their mortal enemies.

Alpha Zuck was the only one who even came close to smiling and his smile was very creepy like his cheeks were naturally in a smiling position or he was suffering from a facial paralysis condition that made him unable to stop smiling, it looked even more creepy when looked at for a while.

The group of 20 who thought themselves brave, charged directly toward Alpha Zuck and his men.

Alpha Zuck stopped in his tracks, he could smell their presence even before they appeared, he could hear the movement of their legs and their slight murmur.

He stopped abruptly as he waited for them to appear.

Alpha Zuck was so confident that he stood on the same spot as if wordlessly challenging them to come nearer if they dare to.

Alpha Zuck was like an immovable mountain facing a crate of eggs.

The group of 20 didn't consider the terrifying nature of the present situation or their predicament in all of this.

All they wanted to do was to show their strength and make their Alpha proud, who on the other hand, was escaping with the strongest members of his pack.

Azrael watched this 20 from his hiding spot in a distance and shook his head in pity.

"Should we help them...?" One of the other 30 asked Azrael.

"They chose to not swear their allegiance to me, I'm afraid, their fate is in their own hands..." Azrael responded.

The one who appeared as the leader of the 20 decided to face Alpha Zuck head-on, while he told the others to face the other mercenaries.

"I challenge you... to an Alpha duel, if I win, I become the Alpha of this small pathetic group of clowns..." The leader of the 20 spat out at Alpha Zuck.

One of the mercenaries wanted to act on behalf of Alpha Zuck, but Alpha Zuck raised his hands to stop him.

"I wouldn't be worthy of coming here if I allow you to take my challenge..." Alpha Zuck replied to his top mercenary with a smirk.

The leader of the 20 rushed at Alpha Zuck without standing on ceremony, it was abrupt and caught almost everyone off-guard, even Alpha Zuck was surprised by his impromptu charge.

The leader of the 20, named 'Tyson Teron', started to transform as he charged out.

His feet morphed and became long and hairy, it tore through his trouser, his head expanded, and became hairier with dark hair, his nose extended to a snout, and fangs protruded from within.

His hands grew larger in size and the black hairy covering spread across his skin.

His claws protruded from his hands to a length that was equivalent to almost half the length of a regular pencil.

He swung his fist at Alpha Zuck, who remained in the same spot.

His claws created three dents on the surface of Alpha Zuck's face that created a temporary bloody mess.

If that was the face of a regular person, that probably would be dead, but this was a werewolf, and not just any werewolf, but an Alpha under the immortal curse of Bianca Zul, and because of these facts, something strange happened after that.

As soon as the dents were created, his face started to heal at a visible rate until they return to their original state as if nothing has happened.

The leader of the 20 was shocked.

"Shocked?" Alpha Zuck asked while maintaining his creepy smile, "Now it's my turn."

Alpha Zuck stretched his hands which transformed into werewolf hands with extending claws, his claws were different from those of Tyson Teron's.

His claws were longer and denser, like knives extending from his arms.

They gave a metallic feeling when they are looked at, which gives a brilliant flash when exposed to sunlight.

Alpha Zuck was so fast with his attack that if you don't pay attention you won't know what happened even if you were to see the entire scene play out.

Within a space of microseconds, Alpha Zuck slammed his fist into the chest of Tyson Teron, and the claws penetrated like needles used for massage.

They dug out his heart rapidly and Alpha Zuck pulled it out after he found it.

His hands and claws were covered in blood as he held in his hands, the heart of Tyson Teron.

All of that happened within fractions of a second.

Tyson looked at his heart beating in the hands of Alpha Zuck one last time as he took his final breath.

He fell and died on the spot.

Alpha Zuck roared and dropped the heart of the diseased Teron on the ground as his confidence soared. He even beat his chest as an ape would when challenging an opponent.

"I am Alpha Zuck Danesworth, an immortal werewolf, and I am taking over as the new werewolf king... If anyone tries to stand in my way he would meet the same pathetic fate as this loser, even your Alpha won't dare come to face me..." Alpha Zuck roared.

The remaining 19 were a bit intimidated now. The death of their leader had them all losing confidence.

They couldn't even stand straight again. Transformation became a problem for them as they looked pitifully at their present strength and then at the opponent they are meant to face. Things just got out of hand for them.