
Legend of the Kannais.

Alex Bayly is a hopeless romantic who finds herself wandering through a world of heartbreaks and pain. She is a 31 years old teacher who is unable to find love. Her first love, Damien Norman left her completely broken to a point where she had found it difficult to open her heart to anyone ever again. Everyone mocks her single life, but she pretends to everyone that she enjoys it that way, and she had vowed to never again let anyone in. This loveless life continued right until one day when she met Azrael Herrington... A lone (were)wolf... Can she fight her fate or is there something more in store for her?

Nicholas_Morgan234 · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Chapter 62: War of Wolves 2!

"Gather the strongest and most lethal of our forces. We are going to war..." Alpha James roared.

His beta Londan Grey was beside him dishing out instructions and coordinating other members of the pack.

Alpha Zuck was approaching slowly with his army of about 400 werewolves.

These 400 might look like a small number, but each individual was brimming with confidence and walking like each of them could take on an army.

Azrael on the other hand was summoned by Alpha James and drafted into the cannon fodder team.

The Cannon fodder team is the first team that was scheduled to face the opposing Alpha head-on.

Azrael understood what Alpha James was doing. On the surface, it felt like he was respecting Azrael by promoting him to a top position in the army but in reality, Alpha James wanted to get rid of Azrael so he won't have any opposition when it comes to Alex and he could rid himself of at least an opponent on his way to becoming the new werewolf king.

Azrael was given 50 men to lead. This small army of werewolves was to face the 400 trained and well-prepared mercenaries of Alpha Zuck Danesworth. It was a suicide attempt.

Azrael looked across the 50 men and saw how feeble and scared they were and wondered how he was to utilize them in battle conveniently.

The enemy was already in their camp and they were to go and face them head-on.

Azrael saw one of his fifty men shaking in his boots, there was fear evident on his face.

Azrael walked up to him and asked him a question.

"Have you ever fought in a war?"

The young man shook his head as a way of saying 'no" in response to Azrael's question

Azrael was surprised by this, he then asked them all generally, "Has any of you fought in any war before...?"

Only about 10 raised their hands.

Azrael was now sure of his assumptions. The Alpha gave him 50 men out of which 40 were inexperienced men and only the remaining 10 had any form of experience whatsoever.

Azrael frowned at the plot of the Alpha, he couldn't refuse the order now or leave these men on their own, they would be slaughtered.

The men also could tell what their fate was. Although they were werewolves, their lack of experience spoke volumes.

Azrael decided to speak to them and take charge.

"You are the first batch to face the menacing Alpha Zuck and his 400 mercenaries coming from the east gate. The truth is, you're all cannon fodders meant to be sacrificial lambs to start the war, but I can ensure that none of you dies if you listen to me carefully and obey everything I say..." Azrael spoke like a natural leader.

Every member of the troop listened to him. He had brought out their deepest fear in words and he did it alongside with his pacifying and calming words.

"Firstly, I want you all to swear allegiance to me. I want you all to promise to be my personal soldiers and not that of Alpha Zuck. If you can do that you can be my army if not, you could decide to go on your own..." Azrael spoke of treason in the calmest way possible.

The soldiers started to whisper amongst themselves as the shock plunged them into a world of uncertainty.

Azrael looked at them and saw so many conflicted gazes, he then added,

"If you still think you don't want to be with me, let me remind you, that your so-called Alpha sent all of you to die, and for what? A war he started? I know you don't know the truth and you want to be slaves to your Alpha, but you deserve better."

The soldiers were still not convinced as no one moved or indicated in any form, their desire to follow Azrael.

"Alright then, suit yourselves, the army would be here soon, sooner or later, you will have to decide where you stand, die like a dog or live like a beast..." Azrael said as he turned and started to run furtively in a direction.

Alpha James expected that Azrael would face Alpha Zuck head-on and delay him just enough for him to escape and leave the vicinity of the war zone.

However, Azrael had foreseen that move. He also decided to corner the army and split them.

As Azrael was putting a distance between himself and the army of 50 troops, he had put them under immense pressure to make a choice.

They started to talk rapidly under the influence of this pressure. Time was against them and they needed to pick a side.

"Alpha James seems like a nice guy, but did he really expect us all to be cannon fodder? He didn't even tell us the true situation of things as this new werewolf leader did, I'm going with him..." A soldier suddenly decided and started to chase after Azrael.

"Me too" Another followed.

"I concur " A third followed, then a fourth and a fifth, within a couple of seconds about 30 of them had run to meet up with Azrael while the remaining 20 were rooted to the same spot, unsure of what to choose.

These 20 included the 10 strong and experienced werewolves with another 10 who put their trust in the strong 10.

They decided to attack Alpha Zuck head-on and ignore Azrael.

They started to charge in the part of the incoming Alpha Zuck and his 400 mercenaries.

Azrael hid in a nearby place with the 30 that followed him.

He nodded in satisfaction at them.

"To swear your allegiance to me, I want you all to place your hands on top of each other, and let's make a pact based on the laws of the spirit of the land," Azrael commanded.

Making a pact is also a way to ensure that someone submits to an agreement or a rule.

Anyone who breaks the pact, especially one made by spirits or of blood would die mercilessly so everyone fears making the pact, but to ensure that Azrael keeps his word to them, they had to.

The group of 30 placed a hand on top of the other and they recounted some words, chanting and making a pact with the spirit of the land.

There was a sudden flash of light and it dissipated quickly, signifying that the pact had been made.

Azrael felt his strength level rise at an astronomical speed, his yellow colored eyes coruscated and became red. He had become an Alpha, albeit an Alpha of one of the weakest 30 werewolves ever.