

After Julius and the Titan rulers last fight against invaders of their world for the sake of the continuation of their race, [Becky Vion Ceizer} one of the last of the Titans struggling in life realizes his bloodline power and goes on a an exciting adventure.

Liberty_otiz · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Exploring power 2

After the initial clash with the duo a giant crashed to the ground a deep crater formed dust present everywhere then at the center of the crater Julius in his titan form hundred meter tall could be seen kneeling but a little bruised he slowly stood up and stared at the undead skeleton and the demon his golden aura started burning furiously around his body

Julius shot of to the sky in an undescribable speed and appeared where the both of them were and launched a barrage of attacks but the two quickly retaliated and exchange a lot of blows this countinued for some time but Julius was being pushed back by the both of them sustaining more wounds

But at the last moment he pushed the both of them back with a huge burst of power that cost him some energy separating them by some kilometers in the sky catching his breath he sights looking at his beaten body

The skeleton had a lot of scrashes on his Bones the flames in his eye sockets glowing dimmer but the but the next second they started burning brighter his aura started rising locking on Julius but Necromancer by the side just brought out his demonic blade

But the first to attack was the skeleton dark corrupting death aura flowing on him almost making his bones black looking menancing he brought out a terrifing punch that expanded making Julius look like an ant in front of it but Julius golden aura glowing with a dark red hue added portraying life and death the met the bone fist with his own but was blasted out to the far reach of space and crashed on the bloody moon his figure well imprinted

Looking banged up but a second hasn't passed a fist came crashing down aiming to squash his head but he shifted it at the last moment the almost earth sized moon cracked a bit at the restrained punch of the divine ranker

Julius punched back his golden fist as bright as the sun hit the skull of the undead causing a pained screech from the skeleton they started exchanging blows appearing at different spots in space the space shattering from their blows and reforming the world could have been destroyed if not for the space strengthened for divine ranker

They keep fighting Julius was on the winning side slowly overpowering the skeleton since he was a body awakener that focused on strength unlike the skeleton but even while winning he felt uneasy because of the other guy with his treacherous ways but he turned out to be right because space ripped at his side and a Necromancer came out and slashed his blade glowing with a crimson light Julius turned and catched it with his bear hands but the reminant aura reached his chest cutting a straight line wounding him but not deep just skin surface but it hurt

And with a growl Julius infused a lot of life and death aura in his fist gave him a punch

and Necromancer crashed at some distant space rock gravely wounded with a burning fist imprint on his chest but his aura doing the real damage inside so Necromancer won't be able to join the for a short time

Turning to the skeleton with a dangerous light in his eyes the skeleton brought out a bone saber from the void crafted beautifully and injected a lot of death aura into it and started laughing his teeth clattering but Julius not caring one bit flashed close to him with an even faster speed than before and grabbed the skull of the skeleton but the skeleton used it's bone blade and slashed at his arm but only leaving a small scrash Julius tried to crush the smooth skell but to no avail and throw him in the direction of Necromancer he crashed closed to him

They both looked at him and Necromancer said you are progressing fast in rank 1 divine Necromancer expression showing surprise-but do you think this power is enough for what is to come in the future. After looking at them for some seconds Julius replied I still have much more to show.

After saying that his face turn grim looking concentrated slowly the power of life and death starts to shine again and slowly his body started glowing brighter until a domain spread in space brightly illuminating the space like a second sun it kept expanding covering the whole wide expanse of space

Threatening to cause havok on the small world the skeleton and the demon could be seen doing the same thing both covered the other expanse of space covered in red and dark light seemingly in hamornery augmenting each other

Julius covered in his aura domain could be seen staring at them in thought I wonder how the both of them are bound together remembering the death titan the life queen mentioned he suddenly came to an understanding they are not the strongest apart so they were bounded by the death titan to increase their power after all his their father

Then that little girl in the Life Queens castle could be his daughter taking her power from her mother's side

Then looking at the approaching duo he turned and faced them.

Now currently skeleton king and Necromancer are currently drinking tea with Julius the skeleton currently in human form with long dark hair facing Julius so you want to go out of the hidden region what for

Julius looked at them somberly well this solar system is not safe anymore because those powerhouses of the Empire's and Alliance of race will soon break in here they should be gathering some rare Artifacts to break in here

So am going to negotiate with some old friend so when the time comes I will help me take care of my child Incase I never return from this fight Julius said with full eyes

Well sorry to disappoint you Julius but our abilities does not give much help to get out of here stealthy

You should go meet the Space Titan or the one of darkness but I suggest you meet the one of darkness cuz he take you there with out being noticed

But if you go with the space guy the fluctuation of space could be noticed by some people

Sipping some more tea swallowing all in one gulp he bade them farewell

Moving at fast speeds Julius approached another region were titans practiced the darkness element

Not all the titan world was headed by a ruler like Julius planet and other places only the strong made the rules here but the cities was still headed by some form of government

The place is not lawless

He approached a place a small region with a portal entrance as he approached the guard wilding darkly engraved spears they glanced at him some fear in their eyes

He approached the portal and walked in the surrounding changed he saw a big yard and and different varieties of beautiful dark roses

He saw a beautiful house he felt some presence inside he did not use his supernatural sight to peer inside

But approached and knocked the door it opened and he saw a dark man dark hair with a light eating aura the surrounding getting dimmer by his presence

He politely brought Julius in care for some drink he offered by Julius disagreed saying he is not in the mood

They both sat down on with two opposite chair

Julius looked around the home and he asked where is your daughter she is in the Alliance with her mother

I know why you came here for me to take you to the Alliance right Julius nodded

But you will have to pay a price -Julius brought out a black stone the dark guy eyes glued to it knowing the worth of it suddenly the house disappeared into it then they were outside cool breeze was blowing them

The dark guy was looking at him with an undescribable gaze

Then the house came out of the stone in pristine condition

Julius dropped the stone on the table and the man swiftly took it

Alright then let's go he brought out the stone the small world the house including the flowers and some chunks of land disappeared into the stone

They now they were in space the dark man turned into a wips of darkness and disappeared heading for the edge of the solar system of the Titans

Julius looked into the distance and made a step and covered a large distance it wasn't long he reached the edge

Looking at a conspicuous part of space the dark titan revealed himself

Alright we are both Divine rankers but I don't specialize in strength so you are going to tear open a small space and am going to support you by making it less noticable as possible because their are people watched on the other side.

Julius breathed in and channeled his vast powers proceeding to tear the space.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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