
Legend of the fated mates.

Werewolves, packs, fated mates, the moon goddess, the Alphas & their moon gifted Luna's, Omegas, Lycans and rogues, just to some up the most famous, well known and popular shifters of the "other" world. A world beyond our wildest dreams and imagination, a world where anything can happen, above and beyond, a world full of unending possibilities and unending fantasy! But besides those famous moon howlers, there are more living creatures out there! But they are sometimes being forgotten since they are living beyond the shadows of the famous wolves. Creatures who are much alike as their famous howling neighbors.... They are also shifters. Shifting between their human form and their true form, having also mates and feel the same way about them just as the wolves! But what if fate brings two people together. Two very different people coming from two very different worlds, not to say from extreme opposites! This is a tale about one of those "forgotten ones", a tale of love, passion, sacrifice, hope but also of fighting for your right of place in the world and for your hearts desires but above all, about the discovery of one's true nature that transcends all boundaries! A tale of two sisters, humans & two shifters, a grizzly and a lion pulled together by fate!

MarjoryBloom84 · Urban
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18 Chs

16. Sisters day.

Somewhere in the city, two unknown man are having a private conversation....

"Is everything ready?" A man asked.

"Yes sir it is, have you spoken to her yet?"

"No i haven't and I'm not planning to either, it's too risky!"

"But you are sure she will comply?" The other man asked, slightly worried.

"Yes, yes, because she knows what will happen if she does not and i think that she would not like for her dear husband to know about what happened in her past so i am pretty confident about that!"

"Hmm i hope so because you know how the BOSS can be if things are not going as he wants and i dont want to be at the end of it!"

"I get that but what about your wife and son, do they know?"

"My son does not know anything! He only knows that his mother is dead and my wife knows only what i told her, that i have found him and i like to keep it that way! I love them both so keep my family put of this!"

"Yeah alright, chill! I'm not the BOSS and besides you are the one that took and hid him away so you are responsable beside the fact that you were the one that....."

"Stop! I know that, don't remind me!....i did what i had to do with both things, no let us focus on tonight! I don't want anymore trouble!"

"Oh sure, just relax, you are with me and we are in this together!"

"Yeah i know but that doesn't mean that I'm happy about it!"

"Well what else do you suggest? You have NO other option, he has us both where he wants because of what we did, only difference is that he does not know that you took the kid!"

"Yeah but i have a feeling that he is Hidding something from us as well, i just hope it has nothing to do with our son!"

"Hmm.....i hope that with you! Now let's get going, there is still some stuff to do before the moon comes up tonight!"

"Sure, let us meet before it all starts at the parking"

"Okay, see you there!"

End of private conversation.

Meanwhile at Ava and Betty's place...

"Ava let's go! I don't want us to be late!" Betty yelled to Ava who was still busy dressing.

"Relax sis! We have lots of time! And we also meet up with the boys for lunch so chill!" Ava replied smirking at her sisters enthousiasm.

"Yeah well before i want look my best and i need time for that!" Betty mushed.

"For whome?!" Ava asked surprised with raised eyebrows.

But Betty stays silent and just played with her phone until Ava came out of the bedroom with her handbag.

"Betty, what are you not telling me?" Ava asked her sister curiously but sternly.

"About what dear?" Betty replied coily.

"Spit it out! For who do you want to dress to impress Bett??"

"Just.....noboy, can't i look nice, we have a party to go to!" Betty mushed as she walk to the front door to get out.

"Sis, i don't like it when you hide things from me or lie so please!"

"Jeez Ava, chill! You are not the only one one who want to have fun okay so please let me do my thing!" Betty replied a bit irritated now.

Once on the way to the city centre the girls stayed silent until they entered the spa.

"Hello lady's welcome, how can i help you?" The friendly lady behind the counter greeted them.

"Hi, we have a reservation under the name Ava!"

"Ah yes, ok, follow me please!" The lady says and walks them through some doors to the back of the facility.

Both sisters start out with a full body massage.

So after they are dressed only in a towel they climb on the massage tables and wait.

"Bett.....I'm sorry if i came on too strong this morning.....but i don't want to lose you or you to get hurt! I love and you are my only sister, my only family that i have left so it is my duty to protect you, i hope you understand!"

"Yes, yes dear sis i know but sometimes it's just too much, you know, all that smothering mother Hen behaviour, but i get it and thank you for loving me and carreing for me but something's i have to do in life, i have to experience so i can become stronger and find my own place since you already found yours obviously!" Betty replied her with a sigh.

"You sound jealous?!...i hope you re not jealous of me and Grissom because if so so then...."

"Sis, stop it, please! There you go again!....i am very happy for you that you have found the love of your life but now it's my turn so please let me find my way and experience it!" She replied looking slightly dreamy.

"Well I'd like to know one day who you look so pretty for so please don't let me waiting for long dear!"

"Hehehe yeah.....sure sis, you will see him tonight, he'll be there!" Replies while thinking of him.

Ava keeps silent after, not wanting to spoiled there girls time and also because she don't want to push her sister away from her so that's she will not trust her anymore but still the subject lingers in her mind like who is is, is he good for her, what is hi family like and all that, but it seems that that has to wait so she must closes her eyes and enjoys the back massage.

Later after the spa treatment the sisters goes shopping for dress, one that would be appropriated for a crowning of a King!

So after browsing boutique after boutique they finally both find a dress with matching schoes and jewelery and then go back home to have lunch with Grissom who promised to be back from work.

Back at the Grissom's the man himself was already busy maling lunch as the sisters enters the house.

"Hello love! Smells good in here!" Ava mushed while sniffing the air.

"Hello beautiful! Welcome back! And Betty! How was you day?" Grissom asked after first kissing Ava on the lips and then hugging Betty.

"It was nice! Loved the spa!" Betty mushed as she drops down at the kitchen table.

"I'm happy you guys enjoyed yourselves! Now let's eat!" He says while glanzing meaningful over to Ava who is blussing red thinking of the dubbele meaning of Grissom's words....

After lunch Betty how's swimming in the pool in the backyard while Grissom checked upon some arrangements trough phone and then goes looking for Ava.

Hours later...

"Betty, are you ready?" Ava yelled out to her younger sibling while passing up and down downstairs waiting.

"Coming!" She yelled from above the staircase and walked down.

"Oh my God sis! You look stunning!" Betty gasps as she sees her elder sister in the dress she bought specially for Grissom and afcourse the coronation.

"You look beautiful too!" Ava returns the compliment and the both walks out and walk over to the waiting limosioune where Grissom waits already outside and holds the door open for both sisters.

"You look beyond beautiful but i can't wait to lay my hands on what's underneeth!" He whispers lowly while slightly nibbling on her ear making Ava to shiver while pissing her tighs together in anticipation!

As the driver takes off Betty sits on the far end on the other side, playing some game on her phone, while Grissom sits next to his mate who he can't keep his eyes and hands off.

It has been torture and Grissom needs all his selfcontrol not to stake his claim right here and now in the car on his little mate but he knows it's worth it to wait a little longer so he tries his best as possible and pressing his ragging hard on to the background of his mind hoping that the sisters will not notice.

After some drive they are dropped of at some secret place that is new to both of the sisters since it is at the Lion estate. Once the are gotten out of the car Grissom leads them to a huge rock in the back of Lionel's huge mansion and places his hand and after the rock opens he leads the girls trough it untill the are at the other side, in the Valley of the Unicorns where other guests already arrived before them, dressed in their very best.

Both sisters can't believe the beauty they see! There are fairy lights everywhere you turn giving the place a romantic fairly take look as the walk towards the castle where the crowing will take place.

Grissom is slightly nervous since now he is only a step away from making Ava his true mate!

What she doesn't know is that after the crowning of Lionel as the new King he arranged for him and Ava to wedd in the matting ceremony.

Normally it's very different from a human wedding but since she is human he wanted to give her what she has dreamed of and he can't wait for it to happen!.