
Legend of the END

Author Notice:- Hey, everyone. I am not going to continue this novel. I have dropped this novel.

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30 Chs

Bloodline Memory Sequence 1

[Host Bloodline benchmark is passing....20%...22%...25%....]

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! 

[Host is eligible for the Bloodline Memory Sequence] 

[Starting of the Bloodline Memory Sequence] 


"Hey! What is the Bloodline Memory Sequence?'' Mors questions the system. 

But he didn't get an answer from the system. 

"Are you listening to me-'' 

Thump! Thump! Thump! Mors heart starts pounding like a wild beast. 


"What the hell is happening now?'' Mors sits cross-legged and takes a deep breath. 


[Intiation competed. The Bloodline Memory Sequence will now begin.] 

"Yawn! I am getting drowsy.'' Mors's eyelids become heavy. 

[3..2...1 The Bloodline Memory Sequence is starting now.]

[ Good luck to the Host.] 

In the vast expanse of the void, something is floating.