
The Summoning.... Part 3

As Valentina ran off crying from the horrible actions of the last person who should have been her guardian, the sky began to rumble and soon rain began to pour down in buckets. As the pour girl began to get soaked through her clothes, she got even more lost and and her mood went from feeling anger and despair to feeling completely broken inside.

The three mysterious figures watched Valentina though they were unable to make anything more that her silhouette. The youngest figure watched curiously as Valentina kept moving aimlessly through the pouring rain and he began to speak to his two companions.

"Is that person supposed to be our new dungeon master? He looks too scawny and weak to be of any use to us."

The other two figures turned and began glaring at the other figure which ended shutting him up for the time being and then the oldest figure began to carefully observe Valentina.

"It's true that this person does seem to be on the delicate side, but according to our rituals and research, this person will truly be able to make dungeon the great legend that it once was and maybe even more."

The oldest figure let out a tired sigh and then he began speaking to the other figures.

"This person has had experienced a lot of pain recently, we should do our best to help our future master adjust after we complete the summoning. Now, are we completely ready to Summon forth the dungeon master?"

The two other figures each took a deep breath in order to stead the composure and replied to the oldest figure with a firm yes. The three figures then surrounded a mysterious glowing pink crystal that seemed to surrounded by four glowing circles with strange runes of various colors inside them. the three mysterious figures then began to chant in a strange language that slowly caused the pink glowing crystal to slowly change to the color blue.

Meanwhile back on Earth, Valentina was gotten herself completely lost in the middle of a now heavy downpour in the middle of what she though was a large park. The soaked girl went to cover from the rain under a very large tree where the fell to her knees and once again began crying from being trapped in a completely miserable situation where she would be under the control of a hateful monster disguised as her legal guardian.

After Valentina cried her soft brown eyes out for the next couple of minutes, she took a few deep breathes in order to try to calm herself down and she began to rub her eyes which were red and swollen from all her crying. Valentina shivered from being soaked be the rain and she scooted further under the tree and watched the rain fall for a few minutes and reached into the pockets of the magenta hoodie that she was wearing to look at her phone. There were many missed calls and texts from her aunt and younger cousin but that were also a few threatening text messages from her uncle that basically demanding that she return home.

Valentina sighed and in an exhausted voice she said, "I wish that I could be anywhere but here..."

All of a sudden, she was surrounded by a bright and blinding light, with a booming voice that said "YOUR DESIRE SHALL BE GRANTED THEN!"

The light became so intense that Valentina fainted, and when the poor girl woke up, things could not have been stranger.