
A Brand New World.... Part 1

When Valentina awoke from being blinded by a strange light and experiencing what she assumed had been a stress-induced auditory hallucinations, she began to shiver from being out in the pouring rain for so long. The young girl then began to rub her hands together in order to warm herself up when she noticed that she was no longer underneath a tree sitting on slightly moistened earth.

Valentina stood up abruptly and she began to take in her new surroundings, What was originally a well-maintained city park with decorative shrubs and trees had somehow become a small grass-filled dense forest like out of a fairy tale with all sorts of unfamiliar flowers, moss, bushes, and trees.

"Where the heck am I, is this some sort of dream?"

While the girl was still feeling cautious, she also thought that the forest scenery was absolutely beautiful and she also began to notice that there was an abundance of wildlife within the woods as well.

"If this is a dream, it's certainly a step up from reality."

There were dozens of birds chirping and moving throughout the numerous trees and Valentina glimpsed a few rabbits and squirrels moving about in the undergrowth of the forest and she noticed a few insect flittering about. Valentina was so engrossed n the observing the otherworldly scenery that she barely noticed a very quiet rustling in the bushes behind her.


Suddenly a small blaze of white darted past Valentina's body, startling her and causing her to give a small but shrill shriek as the small white blur quickly moved around in the grass.

After a few minutes of skittering around in the grass, the small white blur stopped moving around and it launched itself into what looked a like a large bush full of bright silvery blue berries.

Despite being startled by the strange creature only a few minutes ago, Valentina was intrigued by the small blur and she slowly made her way towards the berry bush. While Valentina looked around the bush for another glimpse of the white creature, the sweet scent of the berries drifted into Valentina's nose and then her stomach growled slightly.

Valentina then carefully picked a handful of berries that she thought seemed ripe and she then popped a berry into her mouth. The small piece of fruit was cool to the touch and is tasted like extra sweet raspberry to Valentina, who decided that the fruit was safe to eat and so she began to slowly eat the handful of berries while savoring their wonderful flavor.

When she had eaten her fill of berries and decided to pick a few more, a thin silky and very sticky substance shot out of the bush and stuck to the young girl's hand which caused her to fall backwards out of surprise and land on her bottom. After she landed on the ground, Valentina began to flail her arms about and shriek.

"Get off me! Get off me! Get off me! Eeek!"

This action also managed to yank out the source of the sticky strand of silky thread which was the small white creature that scurried by Valentina earlier. Within a few seconds Valentina calmed down and pulled the still attached creature closer in order to get a better look at it and what she saw astounded her completely.