
Legend Of The Blood Emperor

This is a cultivation story about a man who has transmigrated over into a body who had his family exterminated overnight. He who did not know this explored the vast world until one day... he finds out, but by the time he found out, the force had grown to a crazy extent. What should he do? Vengeance at the risk of dying? or cultivate for a few more years? But there was one thing this man had that no one else had (or should not have)... This man had also awakened a system but something doesn't seem right?? "This should be the golden spoon right? r-right??" "..." "What the heck!? What kind of golden spoon does nothing except showing my stats! Where is the sign-in features!??" But as he looked he discovered he had awaken a terrifyingly monstrous physique that comes along with a power. A power that could grant him the ability to be able to walk the path to immortality. its still in the works btw. aprox. 1 chap per week. if i have lots of time 2 per week. might not apply when im sick or away or on holiday. some tags might not take place in beginning chapter btw.

AcasualPerson · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Man VS the ‘Predator’ 

Lin Shuang's eyes slowly opened as he found himself in a forest. Surprisingly it seemed quite peaceful. The sun which relaxed peacefully on the sky emitted waves of heat. On the branch of a tree, he noticed a baby chick chirping at its mother, but when the chick looked towards him, it seemed to be petrified as it flew away. He was interested.

'Is it because of that source of light?'

He thought. Whilst he was thinking a bunch of words had appeared floating in front of his eyes. He was shocked. Before he could react, they had dived into his head. All of a sudden, he felt enlightened. His comprehension ability had seemed to improve. Furthermore, something had awakened inside of him.

He probed it with his will.

[ Ding! ]

<< Host's Details>>

<Name – Lin Shuang>

<Age – 16>

<Cultivation level – N/A>

<Cultivation technique – N/A>

<Body physique – Blood Devil King Divine Constitution>

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blood Thirsty (active ability): grants the host of this body constitution to absorb the life force of anything that has a life force. However, living beings or item that has a life force more than ten times the user life force cannot have their life force absorb.

Can be used three times – resets daily. (Limit can increase)

Life force absorption rate: (depending on the state and quality, the amount of life force absorbed can be increased or decreased)

Living being: 45% – 70%

Items: 1% - 100%


<< Host's Stats>>

<Life force – 47>

< HP - 47/47 - >

<Essence force (G) – 0>

<Body force (KG)– 49>

(A mortal human average stat is 55)

-- Skill section locked --

Lin Shuang was stunned; his eyes were glued to the blue panel.

'a s-system? But... Where's the sign in features???'

He was extremely excited at first, but his face turned pale as he took another look. It seemed to only display his stats. He was quite disappointed. However, the passive ability – 'Blood Thirsty' – seemed to be quite overpowered.

Lin Shuang who had received the memories of this body never recalled having a divine body constitution. But only the present matters to him. Using his will, he closed the status panel. He decided to explore the forest. As he stood up a notification appeared.

< Ding! >

< A group of ants has been discovered. Would the host like to absorb their life force? >

He then glanced at the group of black ants that were crawling by. He replied using his will as a surge of a mystical force entered his body.

< Host has absorbed 2 life force! >

< (Reminder: Host still has 2 uses left) >

The ants who looked healthy and strong seemed to age a few years. Their speed has suddenly slowed down. Some were even motionless.

He was stunned as he saw this sight. He put up a devious smile as realised that, by using the skill Blood Thirsty, he would be able to increase his life force as well as dealing fatal damage to his enemy killing two birds with one stone.

The more life force Lin Shuang had, the safer he felt. Afterall the amount of life force determined his HP. If it ran out, he would die. He quickly crafted a wooden axe and dagger to help him hunt. His stomach has been complaining for quite some time so he prepared to look for food.

Lin Shuang in his grey robes had spent a few hours trying to hunt but it was to no avail. In one of his attempts, he almost caught the rabbit, however it had noticed him before he had managed to get it.

It was noon. His skin was wet from sweating. He sighed.

[ Ding! ]

< A deer has been discovered. Would the host like to absorb their life force? >

He turned his head and saw a deer.

'Yes.' he replied with his will.

After repeated failures, he decided to use the ability 'Blood Thirsty'.

The brown deer who was taking a casual stroll suddenly stopped. Its body was shivering, and it looked as if it was experiencing great pain.

< Host has absorbed 7 life force! >

< (Reminder: Host still has 1 use left) >

Lin Shuang wasted no time as he threw his wooden axe and dashed forward with the wooden dagger.


The axe landed on one of the deer's legs. It immediately cried out in pain in response to the puddle of blood that was gradually forming under its feet. Following this was a wooden dagger piercing through the deer's head. The world became silence with the exception of the whistling winds. The whimpers of the deer had also ceased. Only a fountain of blood painted the scenery with death.

Lin Shuang sliced the deer's body into many pieces before using a wooden stick he found to skewer the meat. He also quickly made a fire before cooking it. A delicious fragrant entered his nose causing more rambling from his stomach. Right as the meat had finished cooking – at medium rare – he instantly took the skewer full of juicy meat of the skewer before engulfing it rapidly. The oil that escaped his mouth glistened under the light of the flame.

Just as he reached for a second skewer, he felt a glare. A glare behind him. A glare of a predator looking at its prey.

Lin Shuang stretched his arm slowly towards the wooden axe. On the other side, it slowly approached. Its bloodshot eyes locked onto Lin Shuang. Preparing to use the same tactic, he turned his head around to locate the 'predator' before throwing it right at its body.


The giant wolf howled aggressively as it dodged to the side, evading the wooden axe speeding towards it. Using its four legs packed with large amounts of fur, it paced rapidly towards Lin Shuang. Holding his wooden dagger, he extricated his emotions of fear and nervousness, replacing it with excitement.

A large stalk of grass where Lin Shuang was standing was mercilessly executed into multiple parts by a sharp claw. Lin Shuang who had rolled to his right started sprinting forward creating distance between him and the wolf.

Seeing that it had just missed its attack, the wolf was quite furious. It chased Lin Shuang but quickly stopped. Lin Shuang, who had just retrieved his wooden axe that had pierced a few inches in the tree, planned to throw it at the wolf whilst running which would without a doubt kill it. However, plans were plans after all. Not everything thing would proceed as you wished.

The wolf bared its teeth at Lin Shuang. It started to circle him. Lin Shuang realised that it did not have any companions: it was a lone wolf. This relief some of his worry. With the dagger on one hand and the axe on another, he charged bravely at the wolf. The wolf once again pounced on him as it opened its mouth revealing rows of sharp teeth.

35 meters!

20 meters!

10 meters!

5 meters!

With such minimal distance separating them, the wolf hurled its body at Lin Shuang. Lin Shuang who barely reacted placed the axe into the wolfs mouth. He sweated profusely. At that moment he could feel death being mere centimetres away. The wolf who had its mouth impaled with the axe struggled to remove the axe. Moments later the wolf came to a standstill, swimming in its own small puddle of blood. Its pale green eyes stared at Lin Shuang with grievance.

[ Ding! ]

< A heavily injured wolf has been discovered. Would the host like to absorb their life force? >

He nodded his head weakly.

< Host has absorbed 5 life force! >

< Host has run out of uses for today! Daily Limit would refresh in 8 hours & 24 minutes! >

The fire he has set alight before had died down. It was dark. Real dark. But to Lin Shuang he felt pacified. The calm wind was like relaxing music to his ears. The clear sky presenting a full sliver-moon appeased his eyes. In his previous life and this life, he had never felt so peaceful.

'Is this the feeling of escaping danger? Escaping death?'

Lin Shuang asked himself rhetorically as he sat under a vast towering tree. He felt knackered after that battle even though it lasted less than five minutes. However, those five minutes of his life determined whether he would have died or not.

He opened his system status panel and viewed his lifeforce.

<Life force – 47(+14)>

< HP - 56/61 - >

He now had more lifeforce than an average human. He put on a smile before closing his eyes and enjoyed the tranquillity: the soft night gales brushing on him; the absent of cacophony; but most importantly, the peaceful atmosphere.

He leaned his head on the large tree as the fire dimmed. Lin Shuang wrapped the meat skewers in a large leaf before storing it away. His consciousness began to fade slowly as he quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Just like Lin Shuang, the forest seemed to follow him and was motionless – except for the chirping of birds and the swaying of the wind.