
Legend Of The Blood Emperor

This is a cultivation story about a man who has transmigrated over into a body who had his family exterminated overnight. He who did not know this explored the vast world until one day... he finds out, but by the time he found out, the force had grown to a crazy extent. What should he do? Vengeance at the risk of dying? or cultivate for a few more years? But there was one thing this man had that no one else had (or should not have)... This man had also awakened a system but something doesn't seem right?? "This should be the golden spoon right? r-right??" "..." "What the heck!? What kind of golden spoon does nothing except showing my stats! Where is the sign-in features!??" But as he looked he discovered he had awaken a terrifyingly monstrous physique that comes along with a power. A power that could grant him the ability to be able to walk the path to immortality. its still in the works btw. aprox. 1 chap per week. if i have lots of time 2 per week. might not apply when im sick or away or on holiday. some tags might not take place in beginning chapter btw.

AcasualPerson · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Cavern Exploration

A few days passed and Lin Shuang was beginning to get used to his life here: exploring, hunting, sleeping. The sun has just awoken welcoming the world with its warmth and light. Surrounding Lin Shuang was still massive trees the occupied most of the space.

In these few days he also noticed his body force going up.

<Body force (KG)– 49(+16)>

It seemed, just like in his previous life, performing physical activities would make him stronger but the difference is here his rate of growth could be said to be a hundred-fold when compared to the rate of growth from his previous life.

Therefore, he decided to spend some time doing the basic workouts such as push-ups as well as squats etc.

Lin Shuang who was still wearing the tattered robe painted with quite a lot of blood, exposed a part of his chest revealing the massive pectoral muscles.

However, other than his body force, his life force has increased tremendously due to the help of the ability 'Blood Thirsty'.

<Life force – 61(+102)>

< HP - 163/163 - >

Despite his life force only having three digits, most of the animals here only deal a few damages. The highest damage Lin Shuang had ever taken was 12. Most people, who plays rpg games with ridiculous values, would think a measly three digits is nothing – including Lin Shuang at first – but in this world, Lin Shuang could be regarded as the mortal with the highest life force. Even including mortal animals, such as elephants who only had less than 140 life force.

During his journey he had also discovered a vast cave that seemed endless. He made the cave his temporally home. Being stuck in the forest, Lin Shuang felt it was better to just settle down for now. Perhaps he could meet other people adventuring and inquire them for the direction to a town or city. But the problem is time. How long would it take until he met someone? What if no one comes after a year? Ten years? A hundred years? By then he would already be twenty years underground!

Another day passed, and as usual, Lin Shuang followed his daily routine of fight, eat, train then sleep.

As time flew by, before he knew it, a week has passed. On this day, the clouds seemed to weep heavily as it continuously rained for the whole day. Fortunately for Lin Shuang he had saved some food he has as leftovers. Even though his life force was incredibly high, he could still suffer from catching a cold. With such high life force, he would never die from a cold, but the time wasted for recovery would still be a few days.

Lin Shuang felt pity as the three uses of 'blood thirsty' would be wasted. For this day, he mainly trained and by the time it was dawn he decided to explore deeper into the cave. As he went further into the cave, holding a torch, he realised this cave was not as simple as it looked. On the walls were mysterious lines intertwining with each other.

Not only were there many lines, but there was also a plethora of symbols. He felt like he could hear a pulse emanating from these weird designs.

Suddenly, a skeleton in what seemed like a set of broken armour charged at him. Before Lin Shuang reacted, the skeleton had swung its sword with the intention of hacking him in half. Luckily for Lin Shuang he managed to shift backwards in time which only led to a light cut that went from his chest to his belly button.

< - 35hp >

Blood slowly gushed out of his wound. He checked his health as he was shocked. If this was a week ago his life would be hanging on a thread right now.

He also noticed he had gain something like a 'status effect' from his previous life.

< Life force – 334 >

< HP - 299/334 - >

< Debuff status >

< Minor Bleeding >

(Description Locked!)

'What!? This system is an absolute scam. Why is my system so useless compared to another transmigrator...'

He sadly sighed as if he had been wronged. He glanced at the skeleton before slashing down with his stone axe. It landed on the skeleton rib as it began to crack.

Lin Shuang was shocked. He had used all his power in that strike. It was over 100kg of body force! It wasn't just this fact alone that shocked him. It was also his stone axe, which he had made in the past week, was on the verge of breaking...

He was speechless. The skeleton who movements seemed rigid had pounced on Lin Shuang again. This time he reacted in time and parried the attack with his wooden dagger which upon contact had snapped.


As the skeleton was still in a daze, Lin Shuang had taken out his wooden axe. He took a step forward and charged at the skeleton: he planned to attack the ribcage again. The skeleton quickly reacted by aiming the sword at his heart whilst moving towards Lin Shuang. Luckily, Lin Shuang had managed to shift his body before getting hit avoiding his vital points.

< - 29hp >

The sense of pain assaulted his mind. It clashed with the joy of Lin Shuang finally taking down the skeleton. The skeleton body disperse into mist mysteriously leaving only the sword it was using behind.

He looked at his status panel and heaved a sigh. He felt grateful that he had suppressed his curiosity. If he had entered here any earlier, he would have been dead.

<< Host's Stats>>

< Life force – 334 >

< HP - 254/334 - >

<Essence force (G) – 0>

<Body force (KG)– 121)>

(A mortal human average stat is 55)


< Debuff status >

< Minor Bleeding x2 >

(Description Locked!)


He picked up the mysterious sword on the floor. Judging from how strong the skeleton was, Lin Shuang felt that this sword was special. Except he did not know what made the sword special. He played around with it for a bit before hanging it on his back.

Lin Shuang took out some leaf from his robe and thin but long stripes of wood tying it around the leaf which was placed on his wound.

After some time, he saw that the debuff status panel had disappeared. His health had slightly reduced but he felt it was still enough to continue to venture further. There were still a few hours before it hit midnight.

He reckoned there might be some sort of treasure here or else why would there be skeletons who could easily kill humans appearing in this cave. Even though he knew from this point on it would only get more dangerous, he felt it was worth the risk. It was worth the risk for power. For achieving his goal of immortality.

Before he ventured further, he had lit up a torch and packed up some food. When he had finished his preparation, he continued his exploration.

The cave space seemed to expand as he went further. Even strange symbols and lines began appearing on the floor. Examining them closely, Lin Shuang noticed some had a golden shine giving off an unfathomable feeling.

He didn't know when, but a faint layer of mist had appeared. With every inhale, a feeling of pleasure emerged. Slowly, his figure became more refined unknown to his notice.

The further he progressed into the cavern, the denser the mist became. To Lin Shuang surprise, there hasn't been any more skeleton whom in which he had expected.

There was a faint voice that entered his head. He could not understand what the voice was chanting to him, but he felt something inside him changing slowly.

A myriad of words, symbols and shapes rotated around him with a variety of different colours, properties, as well as transparency. As they orbit Lin Shuang, some began disappearing into his body.

He didn't know when this had happened, but before he knew it, he was sitting on the floor with his leg crossed, similar to the meditation position, his eyes closed. In his mind, he saw the vast and profound universe with the glittering of stars and nebula.

< Beep! Beep! BEEP!>

< Error: Unable to analyse >

< System is forcibly shutting down due to interfering from external force >

< Sorry host, good luck! >

Lin Shuang was speechless... Weren't the systems other protagonist had invincible. So why is this rubbish system so weak...

Despite this, Lin Shuang wasn't anxious; he felt whatever was currently occurring to him be a good thing. He felt lucky that this 'external force' wasn't some kind of remnant 1000-year-old soul trying to take over his body.

There were no words to describe this mystical force around him. He couldn't understand it, but for some reason he was also able to understand it. Simply put it was profound. No, very profound.

He slowly lost consciousness as his body remained in the meditative state. The aura in the cavern continuously became stronger and denser. The colours became more vibrant and the cavern itself seemed to be shaking.

Suddenly, a thin manual shrouded with a myriad of colours illuminated the cave, eliminating all darkness. Its power caused the cavern to shake more vigorously. If the cave was an animal, a person looking at it would think the animal was petrified to its core through its intense shivering.

The light grew as an invisible pressure fell. Space seemed to distort and cracked. Time seemed began to slow down unwillingly.

Outside the cavern, a dark vast cloud hovered over the forest. Its area was multiple time larger than the whole of the forest as it rumbled furiously. Water droplets aggressively launched itself from the clouds. Golden lightning cackled in the sky. An extremely powerful pressure descended.

Trees were mercilessly snapped under the pressure; animals were brutally split apart; the grass quickly died presenting an amber colour. The wind howled ferociously as it pierced through the bark of trees.

However, in the middle of the densely packed clouds an orb of lightning manifested with golden dragon circling it. It rapidly grew until it took the shape of a sword. A sword that could sunder the sky, devastate the lands and split the mountains with one stroke. It was hundreds of meters long.

A supreme aura spread for thousands of miles. Many living beings were shocked to the core. This aura, even though it was so far away, had still forced them to become immobilised.

Although, the aura was supressing them, some grandmaster still recognized it. Their eyes expressed fear. Extreme fear.

"Who is so demented to provoke 'it'!"

"This is just courting death!"

The 'it' they were referring to was something they had only seen in the legends their ancestors left behind.

The 'Heavenly Dao's Fury'!

Sorry for late release. was a bit busy. as compensation this chapter is slightly longer than others!

AcasualPersoncreators' thoughts