
legend of cultivator

Dream of eternity… born from a ordinary family and live in a small village… It a peaceful and stable life… the grass grow but once cut…it never to return… Oh how unwilling, how short, oh how I want to live forever… Oh how I…maybe a bit longer… he born ordinary but unwilling and desire for immortality. he born no spiritual root, decided to study the body; like the many other but few will with great success. The great world…it so beautiful that blinded your eyes. Under the great beauty hide: the tiger and snake. many unwilling but how many…could resist death. Seaking for powerful strength and living forever, how far could he reach? Wandering the world, searching for opportunities. There I saw the countless struggles and fight. I look up the sky, remembering something. ah…there’s a sky. The sky, Its many stars but hide too many. The body hides, what mysteries lies: the treasures of the body? Searching the body, connecting the star, but how many can persist? Opening the second mind(sea of consciousness) Chaining your meridians to sets of array, connecting your many hundreds meridians forming it many passageway, it is a formation that channel qi to five organs and 12 organs. connecting the five organ, forming a star formation that transforming the body and making it suitable to cultivate.

Leo_Lin_6683 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Big Ear climbs the mountain for an hour.

Big Ear tries to touch the rock with his right leg, trying to reach the rock below but it is a foot below its reach.

"Almost there…" he tells himself.

He lowered his body by half a foot moving toward a bit right but his hand that pressing on the wall couldn't hold on any longer.

Just as his right leg touches the rock below, his hand slips causing him to fall.


I saw Big Ear scream in fear as he fell from the mountain.


He falls into the pond, splashing the water.


I saw his head slowly floating up.

Big ear cough and a lot of water cough out of his mouth.

He blink his eyes, trying to make his vision less watery and blurry.

He shook his head hard but the water in his eye couldn't shake off.


Noticing a frog in his head.

Big ear eyes widen, feeling something on his forehead.

I think it happened a second ago.


The frog slips out his tongue, smacking it right on Big ear forehead, and sticks to it for more than ten seconds.

Only then does Big Ear come back to his senses.



In the courtyard.

I saw Big Ear and his sister.

Big ears were lying on a wooden table with his body flipped over.

"You need to be careful…"

Big ear nodded as he gritted his teeth.

"Ssh, sister sister lighter lighter." Hissing in pain.

Her sister was rubbing his brother's back: her hand was oily.

"Elder say only this way can recover faster. And you need to rest for at least three days or else…"


During these past weeks, Big Ear received injuries all over his body and some were very serious.

But Big Ear determined to climb higher and faster.

Under her sister's care, he was able to recover pretty fast.

Her sister put several large leaves covering his back.

Big Ear then lying under the sun.

The leaf seems to absorb the sunlight causing the chemical reactions from the oil to activate.

The leaf also protects the big ear from sunburn, and at the same time, it warms his body.


Big ear mouth began to breathe as he moved.

His feet stomp but with no force. Bending one leg like a bow stance. Then he burst that one leg forward landing it with his other leg as his body made a 180-degree turn. His hand turns into a fist, pointing diagonally as his other hand to his wrist with his elbow behind it. His head bent a little as his eyes looked straight at where his fist pointing. This posture requires one leg to bend his knee by 135 degrees. It requires a lot of strength and stability.

Thus it requires a deep breath before bending it.

Big ear had started to practice breathing techniques a day ago.

The breathing does not have to be fast or big.

Even a simple and quick breathing can help.

The breathing technique not only helps speed his recovery but also the blood flow: allowing your body to maintain the same condition.

For example, your muscle will normally shrink if you don't use it, but breathing allows the blood to flow, circulating your blood through the entire body. The blood flows through the muscle, giving the nutrients for its development.

which the blood contains the nutrients for muscle development.

A simple footwork along with breathing then a cycle of breathing.

Completely two or three times a day.

Each cycle takes a big ear a minute or less to finish.

The movements are not a lot but some require great breathing to maintain it. For example, some posture like a single leg squat.

After several months of practice.

Big ears feel a deeper connection with the body.

He felt he had more control over his body.

His mind seems to connect with his body.

He felt he was able to do more than just climbing.

He looks at his hand, its skin looks rough and thick.

After climbing, his skin always interacts with the rock texture, causing it to change.

But a good change, it allows him to climb for a long period without damaging his hand.

Although he can climb without falling and for long periods it is too slow.

He climbs a daily of two or three hours.

That is a long time and in total it is a 1000 feet climb.

That is only for climbing up. Because the waterfall mountain has a road, Big Ear can walk down but if he climbs down, it would take more time than climbing up.


One day when Big Ear was cleaning dust in Uncle Sam's shop, he noticed a book in a dusty old box.

Books are rare, not only expensive to make and what they recorded.

Big ear tired of sweeping, throws the broom to the wall. He squatted down reading the book, like many books he read, he saw many drawings and words he didn't understand. Not all books had the same language. Uncle Sam only studied one language or maybe two.

Big Ear flipped the page from minute to hour and then couldn't help but yawn: his eyes feeling tired. Looking out the house he saw the sunset and realized a lot of time had passed. Big ear held a long piece of paper that was filled the with drawings and had to roll it to make it easier to grab the whole thing. His other hand holding the book.


In Uncle Sam's house, I saw Uncle Sam and Big Ear.

Uncle Sam looks very stressed as if thinking of something.

"A technique that can quickly consume your stamina and mental concentration. It allows you to use more muscle energy, executing higher and more difficult movements."

"Uncle Sam…" Big ear calls but Uncle Sam seems to be in his own world.

It speeds up the blood circulation.

"This is not easy to learn but that movement seems possible to…" Uncle Sam looking at the long paper that is unrolled in the long rectangle table.

"It possible…but not easy to learn but possible to achieve that effect." He keeps repeating it with the same word.

He looked at Big Ear and then said "You say it from that book"

Big ear nodded.

"Then it possible that it records the method or explanation after all who draw these… arghh so hard to understand." Uncle said but then felt so frustrated.

Big ear handed him the book.

An hour passed but little result.

"Hmmm…I only know the simple word and that symbol…I…"

"It ok, just try…" Big ear looks anxious as he insists on Uncle Sam to read.



Uncle Sam looked embarrassed as he read.

The more he reads, the more he feels he can't.

Uncle Sam stopped reading and thought deeply.

He only knows thirteen words among the hundred words on the page.

And they are not all in one sentence but one or two in some sentence. This makes it difficult to connect or what it trying to say.

Uncle Sam feels this handwriting is familiar.

It seems to be a writing from the tribe that is in the desert.

But the desert is said to be very far. Some people walk but it takes at least a year to arrive in their region.

"Go to the city, I heard recently that many kinds of people came and did trade. There should be some from the desert."

"Uncle Sam, I don't want to. Can I not go?" Big ear ask.

"Tomorrow, you have to go because the yan family members are transporting the goods to the city. Hmmm… gave them this."

A small bag was handed to Big Ear.

Yan family, their family has the most people: have around ten members. They are the ones in their village who mostly travel and transport stuff. Thus, they are the reason for the village's growing income.

Big ear looks depressed, with his head looking down.

He doesn't want to go.

Uncle Sam watches him leave but he mutters something.

"This kid…"


"Sister is the city big? Sister is the city big? Sister! Sister!"

"Big ear…" Her sister said as she tried to sleep.

Her sister was very sleepy but her brother didn't know why came to her room and kept talking.

She cover her head with the blanket.


It was already the next morning. As she woke up, she realized something.

She remembers Big Ear keeps talking about the city.

What happens? Could it be…

She rushes out of the house.

"Uncle! Uncle, did you see Big ear!" She looks anxious.

The uncle put down the axes.

They rush out from the courtyard, passing through the many trees and houses.

Arriving near a desert road that is a mile from the village exit or entrance.

There they stopped and saw a carriage and a lot of people there.

Big ear looked surprised as he saw his uncle and sister here.

They walk toward him.

"Big ear, you…I. Sigh, why don't we go back." Her sister said, looking worried as she tried to persuade her brother.

Big Ear shakes his head in response.

After a few minutes of talk, they decide to say goodbye.

"Sister, the city is not as far as you think. Don't worry!"

Taking one last look, the uncle and sister turn their head back to the village.

Watching them leave, Big Ear couldn't help but have a tear down his cheek.

A boy who looks similar age to Big Ear walks to him, patting his hand on his shoulder as if trying to comfort him.

"Don't be sad, it's not like you can't see them anymore."

"What?" Big Ear looks confused.

"… Nevermind." The boy looks speechless, feeling embarrassed that he must have misunderstood something so he quickly walks away.

"Sigh it must be a dream. No more work. I am free but why did I drop tears? Hmmm, must be because I am too happy…" Big ear thought.


Walking on the desert-like road was tiring.

Big ear doesn't know how long he walks but he definitely doesn't want to walk anymore.

His legs were fatigued, and his belly growling.

Big Ear was unprepared for the journey because he was too excited and nervous that even forgot to bring the food.

During the night was so cold even the campfire they set was not enough to warm them up.

It felt like the cold air from the Arctic.

"Why so cold." A man wearing only one shirt said. He reaches his hand on top of the campfire, trying to warm his hand.

"If I knew it was this cold, I would brought extra clothes." Another man who sat near the campfire said.

Two men walk toward the carriage, taking out a box.

In the box were serval winter clothes.

"Let's use these. After all, we only use it for one night."

"But that the goods they ask for. What if we dirty it and they notice it… but I'm really cold." The one who was handling the box said.

"Just remember not to stain or damage anything." The other one replied.

At another campfire, a middle-aged man laughed heartily as he gave the clothes to his son.

"Hahaha! Yun er, no one would know it, so don't worry anymore."

Nodding, the boy receives the clothes his father handed him.

It was the boy who had talked to Big Ear before.

Shivering, Big Ear sleeping beside the tree trunk but felt difficult to sleep.

Seeing this, Yun er decides to share the clothes he had.

The jacket was large, it was made to fit adults so they used it as a blanket instead.


I see a sun in the sky. Many bird chirping.

"Big ear!Big ear! Wake up!" Yun Er yelled, hoping to wake Big Ear up.

Big ear was lying on the ground sleeping.

As Yun Er tries to wake Big Ear up, many of the Yun family are also awake.

They already start to pack up and move the carriage.

One was feeding a horse as he bent his knee, shoving a box of chopped grass.

The horse neighs as he lowers his neck to the box.

Watching the horse eat, the worker couldn't help but pat on the horse's head.

After everyone woke, they began their journey as soon as they were ready.

Big Ear was yawning tirelessly, as he ate the bread in his hand. Yun er was nice enough to share his with Big Ear or else Big Ear has to starve.

As Big Ear ate, in front of Big Ear was a group of men who walking and looking around.

The horse was carrying the carriage. You could tell how strong the horse was to be able to pull a carriage that even ten people struggled to pull.

In front of the horse was a man who leading the direction.

Everything was going smoothly until this happened.

A group of black clothes men blocking their road.

They all held weapons in their hands.

Some have sword, axes, or club.

Their eye look as if not afraid of killing someone.

The Yun family stopped their movement. The one in the lead walk toward the group of men and gave them something: it was a bag.

When it shake, it make a lot of money sound.

A black clothes men with a sword hanging in his wrist, receive the bag; He must be the leader.

He throw the bag in the air and catching it, seem trying to weight the bag.


"Sir…that all we can gave."

"More." This time, the black clothes men take out their weapon as telling them what will happen if they refuse.

Sighing helplessly, he wave his hand, a strong men behind the carriage walk out.

He handed a bag that a bit bigger than the one that handed to the Black clothes men.

Just as the leader of the Yun family was about to have the bag to them, the strong men whisper something in his ear.

"Brother… this our last saving…isn't it too much this time."

He sound reasonable but look; they holding a weapon and not to mention they don't know how to fight.

Even if they look strong but they actually defenseless when they fight. Not to mention, they could die here.

Ignoring his brother word, the leader hand the bag to him.


Big ear who watch all these happening was surprised.

"Who are them?"

"I don't know and I don't want to know. Hmm if you really want to know maybe he know."

Yun er pointing at a man who standing beside the carriage.

He look much thinner compare to other member of the Yun family.

Big ear walk to him then try to talk to him.

In the end big ear only got some information.

They're thief and many who try to cross this road require to pay them coins.

Big ear glups as thinking the thief must be rich. "Why don't I be a thief in the future." He thought while wiping his saliva.

The group of black clothes men walk out the road allowing them to pass.

"Neighhh!" The horse yelled as he began to pull the carriage.

Big ear watch the horse pull as he walk.

Look at his leg…so strong but why so brown?

Just as he was thinking he heard shouting from behind.

"Rumble Rumble…nieghhhh…"

The horse stop along the group of people.

There a dozen of carriages with each being carried by four or six horses.

Not only is the carriage big but its quality is not the same as the Yun family. Even their horse looks strong and armored with steel…

There is a long army following behind.

Each of the soldiers is well-equipped and trained to fight hundreds of battles. I am afraid even the ten strong man of their village could not even take down one.

The front carriage was led by five people who rode a horse pale white along with several generals walking on foot each holding a tall flag with a different color but one had a golden symbol of a lion.

"That flag… it! its! The flag of the twenty-eight main escorts of that…"

"Move out the way, this is the twenty-eight main escort of the capital…unless you want to die."

"Nieghhhh!" The horse neighs at the group of bandits.

"Move!Move!" The black bandit pushed his companion away allowing the people behind to pass.

"WOW! Who are they? Huh, did they just pass like that?"

To think the bandits don't dare to accept fees from them… no different for free.

"Unless they don't want to live anymore. Hmm…after all, they do this for a living. Sigh." A Yun family uncle said in replying to Big Ear Doubt.

Twenty-eight main escort, just from the name, I could tell that it held importance, and just from the number of people who protected it meant it was important.

You must know there are at least a thousand soldiers: that is a scary amount.

A hundred is already a small army but a thousand is a big army.

They could already start building their city with that much number.

Watching the twenty-eight main escort and one of their horse happen to be near Big Ear.

The Yun family cups their hand while moving their carriage off the road allowing them to pass.

"Why so big and arghh their breath so…cough cough!" Big ear couldn't help but cough out some smoke even some out his nose.

The horse's mouth seems to have something inside: his nose breathes a huge amount of air inside as his mouth accidentally releases some smoke when it opens its mouth for breath.

Fire breath?

Big ear watched them leave and it was a long time…


Arriving near a great wall and stunned to see a long line of people waiting to go in.

Big Ear and the Yun family arrive near the city: walking out of the desert-like road while entering the grass and then down the hill.

Big ear watch in amazement.

"so crowded, the people all look so weird, and why is someone even carrying a coffin."

Big Ear thought the coffin was for only dead people but never thought also be used to carry stuff. He ran the hill without waiting for the Yun family then joined the line from the very end.

It was noisy, I could hear all kinds of voices: the old, young, and even baby.

"Phffhikka jaa aka boo she???" a stranger lowered his leg because Big ear shorter than him.

???what is he talking about?

Big ear feels speechless, not knowing what to answer

"Phew!" suddenly a huge wind flowed through their face.

Big ear felt so difficult to breathe when so much air just entered his mouth and nose without giving him a chance to breathe out.

"Huh, did the wind suddenly become so big?"

"Hey! Look up!" someone cried as he pointed at the sky

A flying bird hovering in the sky: it size about the elephant.

"So big!" someone gulped.

"Stop looking, run ahhhhh!!!"

Several screams and cries could be heard. Big Ear began to panic not knowing what to do. At the same time, feeling regretful not staying with the Yun family.

There a person wears poor-looking clothes while hugging a baby in his arms.

" wuwwuwuuu!" the baby cried at the sight of the bird: it descending down.

The man looked in fear while covering his baby's eyes as he ran away afraiding the bird would hit him. Not only him but many, causing the line to be messy.