
legend of cultivator

Dream of eternity… born from a ordinary family and live in a small village… It a peaceful and stable life… the grass grow but once cut…it never to return… Oh how unwilling, how short, oh how I want to live forever… Oh how I…maybe a bit longer… he born ordinary but unwilling and desire for immortality. he born no spiritual root, decided to study the body; like the many other but few will with great success. The great world…it so beautiful that blinded your eyes. Under the great beauty hide: the tiger and snake. many unwilling but how many…could resist death. Seaking for powerful strength and living forever, how far could he reach? Wandering the world, searching for opportunities. There I saw the countless struggles and fight. I look up the sky, remembering something. ah…there’s a sky. The sky, Its many stars but hide too many. The body hides, what mysteries lies: the treasures of the body? Searching the body, connecting the star, but how many can persist? Opening the second mind(sea of consciousness) Chaining your meridians to sets of array, connecting your many hundreds meridians forming it many passageway, it is a formation that channel qi to five organs and 12 organs. connecting the five organ, forming a star formation that transforming the body and making it suitable to cultivate.

Leo_Lin_6683 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The city

The big bird descends down and to the ground and then flaps his wings: creating a huge wind that you have been involved with blows to the surroundings around him.

"Hahahha…" a child's voice heard from above.

At the back of the Big bird was a 5 or 6-year likely child: seated in between the two big wings of the bird.

Big ear felt his eye was about to pop out.

Looking at the Big bird, he couldn't help but feel so small.

He likes a small rock that is compared to a tall tree.

Its claw is enough to grab the head of the human.

It distance away from him was like an inch apart.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Big Ear screamed before turning his head and trying to run but got tripped, causing his face to hit the ground.

Big Ear seems to have no movement afterward. He must have fainted.

"Kaaaa akaaa!!!" The bird screams as it opens its wing, revealing its hundred-green feather.

His black large eyes scan the surroundings before chasing the running crowd.

"Kapuuu you puu baaa died ah you baaa!!!" the stranger who talked to Big Ear before seemed to be cursing as he ran from the chasing Bird.

There were many screams and Chao happening catching the attention of the city guard.

"Go report to the commander."

"Stop! We closing the gate!"

"No nooo… pls aaaaaaah let me in!" An old woman was being pushed away by the guard, collapsing to the ground.

The crowd near the city gate tries to pass through the guard and enter the city.

In a tower, there are many soldiers, wearing iron color armor with helmets. Carrying bows and torches.

"Fast! Fast! Move it!" A soldier shouting at the passing soldier who climbing up the stairs.

Up the tower, I saw soldier going in their position while preparing their weapon.

A middle-aged man wearing black with gold pattern armor watches the soldiers and what they doing.

"Report! Commander, there seems to be an unknown beast appearing outside the city, and the…"

"Hmmm…" seems to be in deep thought, the commander's eyes split its eyeballs into four mini eyes.

"Stop! It's just some brat from the seventh family."


The commander's eyes turn back to normal but looking at the subordinate with a fierce stare.

"Yes… I'll give the command."

As he commanded the soldier to retreat, down the tower where the crowd was still in Chao.

Some even left their child, running for their own life.

The also some living stocks like cows, pigs, and horses but now ownerless.

Big Ear! Big Ear! Wake up!"

Big Ear feels very dizzy as he hears someone calling his name.

As he opened his eyes, He saw Yun Er.

Watching the surroundings while coughing a bit. There seems dust in his eye.

He felt very uncomfortable. As Yun Er helped Big Ear get up, He said, " Now it very Chao, it better we still low for now."

"Where the uncle and the people."

"They still up in the hill… and safe."

"Huh?" looking behind he saw the running crowd but then he saw something scary.

The stranger with the strange language, I saw him but was thrown in the air then…

The Big Bird opens its mouth, revealing its hundred small and sharp teeth.

"Ahhh!!!" He screams in fear as he falls into the bird's mouth.

Big Ear looks stunned, not knowing what to do.

"He… He…" but couldn't say the word.

Yuner and Big Ear rush to the hill.

Sometimes they got pushed or bumped by people and horses.

Although with great difficulty, they still made it.

Running for a mile more where a river crosses by.

They cross over but now with wet clothes. They go another few feet where the surrounding tree is much denser and taller.

"I…I can't run.."

"Almost there, Hu! Hu!..." Yun er breathing hard as he encourages himself.

Finally, I saw the figure of the Yun family, all of them were resting in a clear area. Some were sitting in a chopped log, some were discussing but most were safe.

"Yun er!" a Big man with a beard called out to his son.


The father helps the child dry their clothes using the vampire, he had just set.

"By tomorrow… we go in so rest here for tonight."

"What is that."

"Don't know, just ignore it."

Big Ear couldn't help but recall the scene when the stranger died.

He suddenly feels sad. Maybe sad for the stranger or maybe sad how easily humans can die and feel he also can die at any moment.

Big Ear never felt so sad and depressed before.

It was nighttime, it was quiet but there were some members who were on the watch while talking.

"I think I need to pee…"

"Do it quick."

The big ear could not fall asleep, he hugged his knee, watching the campfire.

Through the fire, he saw the burning leaves, wood, and stone.

But then he also saw humans inside burning and screaming.

He blink his eyes: coming back to his senses.


In the early morning, the Yun family began to awake and pack stuff.

Big ear goes near the river that crossed before and splashes in his face then washes it.

After ten minutes or so they are back on the road.

Big Ear eats as he walks. The bread contains meat but still unsatisfied: never felt so hungry and empty.

He felt everything he ate was just air.

Big Ear listens to the walking feet and the weird sound the carriage makes when it moves its wheel.

Everyone was silent on the way but when down the hill, their expression eased a little.

Some even began to talk.

"Ha to think our life quite long…" an uncle says but stops when he sees his brother's expression.

They arrive in the line.

The line was shorter compared to yesterday and much faster.

Soon it was Big Ear and Yun's family's turn.

The leader gave something like a token and some weird shining rock: they at the size of a grain of rice.

As they walk in, they start to hear the busting and busy sound.

They were full of people and many buildings.

Some buildings were tall while some were long.

In the street, many people are selling and marketing.

Big Ear goes away from the group after saying some words.

"Remember to come back here by the sunset. Or else we leave without you…"

Big Ear nodded in response.


Big Ear passed several stores. sometimes, he couldn't but be attracted by the products they sell. Some sell fruit he saw before.

"Cough cough little kid stop looking this is a banana."

"Wow! The name sounds so funny." Big Ear thought.

Uncle told him before that the desert tribe mostly traded salt so they must be among the seller.

He saw a crowded area, curious about what it was.

He tried to push in but couldn't and instead, he got pushed out.

"Blahhhh Vlahhh ah sheep!"

Big Ear stunned and he got pushed again but also yelled at.

He feels too difficult. He sighs as he walks into another street. After passing through many streets, Big Ear found no seller who had salt.

He squats, looking at the good display on the floor. He was stunned to see a book that seemed to be of bad quality He picked it up and read it.

Some of the pages were ripped and he didn't understand the language.

"Um…Did you draw this?"

The owner shakes his head. Big Ear looks surprised to see The owner's clothes look torn and old.

It also smells.

"I understand the drawing."

Big ear feels excited. He unrolled his long paper.

The owner scratched his head in confusion and said" It's too complicated, I only know the first three drawings."

Big Ear looks disappointed.

The long paper has at least a hundred drawings: many are very complicated and only some parts like arms, legs, and head. Then show the full body but each performs a different posture that looks confusing. Plus there are also some dots and lines arranged like the stars in the sky.

The last drawing shows six tiny humans surrounding a dot and each performs different posture and moves.

How did one turn to six? Aaaaah so confusing! Bug ear couldn't help but stop reading.

The owner then says" I think the dots are the coordination where the limb going to move. And this shows where the body goes and that foot… finally that circle in the body means that there something inside."

Big Ear looked dumbfounded and then looked helpless as he saw the sky was turning orange.

" If you gave me the drawing and I think for three days, Maybe I understand it." the owner said while scratching his head.

Seeing his unreliable figure, Big Ear refuses because who knows if he going to steal it.

Returning to the city gate, Big Ear feels relief because he sees some familiar figure.

"Did you get what you need"

Big Ear shakes his head while looking down.

The uncle pat on his shoulder.

"We leaving." He called to his brother and family.

They began in their road… ah the sunset…