
Chapter 34 : News

Benjen Stark (109 A.C.)


He smiled when he read that the damn war was over, and Aemon had won. Not that there was any doubt that he would, considering the announcement that the final stronghold of the Crabfeeder had fallen. He wondered how Bennard had grown; he hadn't seen his son in 1.5 years. The boy was one of the squires of his cousin. A squire to the heir of the Iron Throne, and he was his nephew. The blood of the kings of Winter would sit on the Iron Throne soon if the gods were just. Laena might bring forth a healthy child, a possible heir to Aemon.

"Husband, what's the cause for the grin on your face?" He looked at her, Lysa Lock, the fiery clanswoman of the mountain clans. "Aemon has taken the last holdout of the Crabfeeder, Bloodstone, and the Crabfeeder are no more."

"Truly, the war is finally over. Bennard and Aemon are finally leaving that hell pit. Good, I know you wish for our son to be closer to the throne, but you know my thoughts on him being near that war." He knew his wife's fears, and he had shared them, but Bennard being Aemon's squire would place their house in his inner circle. Even with Lyanna, they already were.

"True, but from all the letters I have received from our son, he has learned much from Aemon and also made fast friends with other squires, sons of the North, as well as with Laenor Velaryon. This bodes well. The possibility of a good marriage pact for him will not be a problem." He said, and his wife frowned at him.

"Yes, he has made connections, and his close ties to Aemon will help make a connection. The match can be made outside of the North, as Rickon is already betrothed to Lady Giliane Clover."

"True, though I wish that was still an option, Visenya. But Aemon has made a pact with House Strong. Perhaps arranging a match with the youngest child of Lord Vaemond Velaryon. Lady Vaena is only seven, so they are both close in age. Plus, he is one of the right hands of Aemon, and rumors among the northern lords are that Vaemond will be one of the future Lords of the Stepstones. So, making a pact with him and having an alliance with a lord in that region will be advantageous. It will also bring us closer to Lord Corlys." His wife nodded.

"It will be, and will hopefully allow us to increase trade during winter. The safer and more prosperous the trade lanes are, and our connections, the better we can survive the winter years. Winter is coming," his wife ended, his house, their house, family words. "Yes, Winter is coming."

"Well, discuss it with Aemon when he returns to Winterfell. He wishes to be married under the Weirwood as well. We can arrange a double wedding for them and our son. It's a blessing Rickon is being wed, as we already have snow in our midst because of the boy's runting." He shook his head at that. He had scolded his son when he had been given the news that he had gotten a girl with child.

"Oh, Benjen, you know as well as I do, Jeyna Cassel has given birth to a wonderful girl. Sara has your eyes and the dark black of her mother. Rickon is happy with the babe, and he has already vowed to never set the babe aside and to take care of Jeyna." He grumbled at that. It was good his son had taken responsibility for the babe and the mother, as it would be his son's duty.

"At least the boy has taken responsibility for his actions, my dear. As for the babe's eyes, they made me think back on Aemon. They have the same. Perhaps if the gods are good, she will be a useful member of the pack," he said, and he remembered when he first saw his granddaughter. Those grey Stark eyes, he remembered from himself, his father, and Aemon.

"As long as he doesn't go runting the girl again before he he weds. Although, boys are fickle in their desires, especially if women are involved. Then again, most men do fall prey to that. I have only to look at you, and my guard drops," he said with a chuckle.

"Oh, I know, Benjen," Lysa said, and she stood up and kissed him fully on the lips.

Otto Hightower (109 A.C.)

Kingslanding - Small Council

His fingers gripped the armrest of his chair with a tenseness that belied his usually composed demeanor. His gaze was fixed on the parchment before him, the words etched upon it like venom seeping into his veins. "The war is over," he muttered lowly under his breath, the words heavy with disbelief and resentment. His eyes flickered up to the faces around the table, each one wearing expressions of varying degrees of satisfaction. Lyonel, ever loyal to Aemon, looked pleased, while only Tyland and the Grand Maester seemed unhappy; Beesbury seemed positively jubilant at the news.

"Wonderful news, isn't it, Your Grace?" Lyonel spoke first, the man having always been in Aemon's camp, and after his return from the Stepstones, he seemed to hold him in higher regard.

"This is indeed splendid news. I had prayed for this outcome and it seems my brother will return to us. He only needs to settle the peace agreement with the Triarchy. I have already given him leave to act on behalf of the crown to negotiate a settlement between the Iron Throne and the Triarchy," the king said. If there was one person who could do no wrong in the king's eyes, it was his youngest brother, even if the last battle had resulted in no captives being recovered. Not that he cared about them, but still.

"Your Grace, as much as I agree that the war is almost at an end, the way Prince Aemon has ended it has caused concern," His voice addressed the council.

"In what way, Otto? As far as the reports go, the siege of Bloodstone resulted in a minimum amount of casualties on our side. Aemon even made a monument in Little Tyrosh to commemorate the victory over the Crabfeeder and the Triarchy. He used the molten sword and other weapons from Bloodstone to build it, and now there stands a dragon statue in the central plaza of Little Tyrosh," the king questioned, curious about Otto's reasoning.

"True enough, Your Grace, but what about the captives that were held in Bloodstone? You said it yourself, he turned the fortress into a second Harrenhal, all of them probably died in the fires." He said, looking toward the king and Lord Strong.

"Lord Hand, I disagree with your reasoning. Bloodstone was chosen by the Crabfeeder because the fortress is completely inside the isle, not even the ship dock is in the open. Aemon told me this himself during my stay in the Stepstones. Taking Bloodstone by force of arms would have cost thousands of lives because of the way the fortress is constructed. The conqueror himself likely burned innocent lives during his burning of Harrenhal, not only the members of House Hoare," Lord Strong argued. The king grumbled at Lord Strong; unfortunately, the argument was the right one.

"That is the cost of war, Otto. It's an unfortunate fact that innocent lives are lost in war. Now, I wish no more words to be spoken discrediting my brother's victory. Now, what else is there to discuss?" the king ended the debate, and at his invitation, Lord Beesbury began speaking about taxes that could be gained from the acquisition of the Stepstones.

Corlys Velaryon (109 A.C.)

Little Tyrosh

He stood at the top of the stairs, overlooking the town square of the city where troops were assembling. It had been emptied of stalls so there was more place for people to gather for the event. His heart swelled with pride as he watched it being prepared for the knighting ceremony of his son. It was a special moment, one that he had been eagerly anticipating. As were many others as it was a moment that would mark the end of the war as well.

The war was finally coming to an end, and this ceremony would mark that. All that remained was to finalize the agreement with the Triarchy, and he hoped that their delegation would arrive soon to bring an end to the hostilities. From what Aemon had told him, the Triarchy was crumbling and desperate for a peace accord to see their ships once again be able to pass through the Stepstones, to trade and transport their troops for the war with Pentos. Wishing because of Daemon had gone worse for them as well.

As he gazed out over the courtyard, his attention was drawn to the sky by the thunderous roars of dragons. Two magnificent creatures soared overhead, their wings beating against the air with powerful strokes. Seasmoke, the silvery grey dragon, contrasted starkly with the blackness of Balerion. He had seen the beasts fly many times, but he could never shake the feeling of awe that washed over him whenever they passed overhead.

"Father," a voice said, interrupting his thoughts. He turned to see his son, Leanor, approaching with a proud smile on his face.

"Leanor," he said, returning his son's smile. "Are you ready? You look well in the armor. Aemon gifted you the helmet, is it Valyrian Steel?"

"Yes, Father," Leanor replied, his blue eyes shining with excitement. "It looks truly magnificent. In the shape of a seahorse, with silver-gilded dragon horns. Aemon has not held back in its making. Not that it matters, you deserve it," he said with a smile.

He clasped his son's shoulder. He may not always agree with his son or his choices, but he was proud. "You'll make a fine knight, Leanor. You have already done more than enough in this war to prove that."

After that, they made their way down to the town square, where Aemon waited for them. He also wore his most magnificent armor. Black plate steel, with colors of gold, white, and red mixed in, making him a true Targaryen Prince.

Aemon smiled under his dragon wolf-style helmet as they approached, the gold and silver of his armor gleaming in the sunlight. "Lord Corlys, Leanor," he said and looked Leanor over, who had put a helmet over his head. "You look well. My squire, are you ready to become a knight?" Aemon questioned, his voice low and authoritative, a tone he often used in formal gatherings or when he had to take command of situations. "It has been an honor to have taken Laenor on as a squire. He has made the Velaryon name proud, proving himself to be a skilled and honorable squire."

"The honor is ours, Prince Aemon," he replied, bowing to his goodson, showing the respect his prince more than deserved. "Thank you for everything you've done for Leanor."

"I would do it all again, goodfather," Aemon said, turning his attention back to the town square.

As the ceremony began, he watched with a mixture of pride and apprehension. Then, finally, it was time. Aemon stepped forward, drawing his sword and raising it above his head.

"Leanor Velaryon, kneel," he said, his voice ringing out across the square, and Leanor did as he was bid. "In the name of the warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent. Arise, Ser Leanor Velaryon, a knight of the Seven Kingdoms." Then the square erupted into cheers. Aemon embraced his good brother. He looked at the scene with pride; his son was a knight and a true hero of the wars in the Stepstones.

"My friends," Aemon said, bringing the square back to relative silence, his voice ringing out across the gathered mass. "Today marks the end of a long and difficult war. We have faced many challenges together, but through courage and determination, we have emerged victorious. You can all be proud; you fought for your King and your homeland. As Heir to the Iron Throne, I thank you for your service."

Then there were cheers and applause from the crowd as they all cheered their prince and praised them for their efforts.

"But let us not forget those who have fallen in service to our cause," Aemon continued, his voice solemn. "They gave their lives so that we might live in peace, and we owe them a debt that can never be repaid." There was a moment of silence as the crowd bowed their heads in remembrance.

"Let it be known to all, from this moment on, this land we stand on now is part of our kingdom, the Kingdom of Westeros," Aemon shouted and unsheathed his blade, Forstfyre, holding it above his head as both Seasmoke and Balerion roared triumphantly above them.

Rhaenyra Targaryen (109 A.C.)


Runestone was the place where her two cousins and an aunt lived, the high seat of the Rune Kings of old. As she walked into the courtyard, she saw two small children standing beside Rhea Royce. The two children she had wanted to meet the last time she was here. As looked toward Rhea Royce, why Daemon would call the sheep in the Vale pretty was an enigma to her. Rhea Royce looked pretty and well-built, with black curling hair, a v-shaped jaw, and dark bronze eyes. Especially seeing her a second time, as the first time she had arrived late, and everything had been rushed.

To either side of Rhae were their cousins, both looking at her with big eyes. One had the bronze eyes of their mother, and the other she saw had her own, the purple of House Targaryen. She hadn't seen them the last time, and both had a look of Daemon in them.

"Prince Rhaenyra, we are happy to receive you, hero of the Vale, bringer of justice. Runestone is yours; let's hope your stay this time is a bit longer," Rhae said, with a smirk, as she bowed, still holding the twins' hands.

"Thank you for receiving me again, Princess Rhea. I don't plan on leaving this time so soon. Especially now that I have finally been able to meet my cousins," she said with a smile, looking at the two boys, who had stepped behind their mother, and chuckled at the sight. It wasn't surprising; she was a new face, and the boys were not yet two, and could just stand. 

"Don't be scared, boys. This is your cousin, and lady wife to your other uncle, Prince Aemon," Rhea said softly, and the boys stepped out of their mother's shadow. "Yes, I'm your cousin, I'm Rhaenyra, and if I'm not mistaken, you are Baelon," she said, tapping the boy with silver hair and bronze eyes, who gave a happy giggle. "And you must be Yobart," she said, tapping his nose and getting the same reaction.

"They are wonderful. I am happy for you and my uncle," she said politely, but it seemed that the last bit upset Rhea a bit. She couldn't blame her; Daemon had left her alone with the children and gone off fighting in Essos.

"Thank you, Princess. They are, and they bring me much delight. Even if Yobart has given me more trouble. Now he has a dragon bonded with him. Baelon's egg has not yet hatched, though, but perhaps it will, and then we'll have double the trouble," Rhea said with a chuckle, yet there was a nervousness to it.

"Desna, can you please take the children, then the princess can talk properly. Princess, your luggage shall be brought to your chambers. Unless you wish to freshen up first Princess" Rhae said with a smile.

"There is no need, the flight was short, and an overdue conversation with your aunt would be more than welcome," she said as she locked arms with Rhae, and they walked toward Rhea's solar.

Not must later they arrived at Rhea solar. "It's a truly ancient castle, the runes crafted in the walls do bring a sense of wisdom and age to it," she said as she sat down in front of Rhae. "Wine, Princess? It's Gullen White," Rhea offered.

"Hmm, it's quite good, but I do prefer Arbor Gold. Although, my husband prefers a strong Northern Ale," she expressed with a smile.

"If you visit your husband in the future, I shall have Arbor Gold and a good Northern Ale prepared. So, Princess, how do you find the Vale? The last time you and I truly spoke, you were with your mother during your procession through the Vale. You were then but a small child of four, maybe five. My father yet ruled the Vale, and I had just married my lovely husband." Rhae said, yet the part about Daemon came out with a growl.

"Yes three moons ago we barely spoke, and I apologized that everything was so rushed back then. As for the first time, I can't really recall it, only the opening of the Moon Door. I can remember from that procression. But yes, my time here has been pleasing, visiting parts of my homeland. Yet the battle is one thing I could do without in a future visit. The smell of burnt flesh still lingers in my nose," she responded, shuddering a little as she thought back to that day.

"Yes, I read the letter you sent. A waste of lives, really, but you and Liege did come out in one piece. I would have ridden out myself if it wasn't for the children. I hope my cousin did well?" Rhae questioned.

"Yes, his troops were invaluable, and many of the lords who had sent proxies in the conflict have given up hostages. Gunthor will stay on with Lady Jeyne for a longer period to restore order in the Vale further, and has offered to escort the captives to the Wall. Around 500 men in total will be sent there. I called my cousin, Rodrik Waynwood. It was the only way he wouldn't be punished. Arnold's son, little Eldric, shall become a ward to Lady Jeyne, and when he reaches ten namedays, he shall be sent to me and my husband to be taken as a ward." It had been a topic they, Jeyne, and her, had debated about. The boy was still in his swaddling clothes, and a son shouldn't pay for his father's crimes. Yet an edict was signed and sent to the Crown and Citadel where Eldric Arryn was excluded from the line of succession.

"A wise act; no child is guilty of the father's crimes," Rhae said, and the way she said it hinted at a deeper meaning, but she didn't press it. "At least Arnold paid for his crimes, usurping the rightful heir," Rhae expressed with disdain. "May he burn in dragonflame, a starter for what he is to face in one of the Seven Hells, if the septas and septs are to be believed," Rhae was a believer in the old gods, and the Royces of Runestone still held both faiths. It was up to the child to decide which they chose to follow.

"Hmm, yes, well if it had not been dragonflame, it would have been the headsman's axe." True, if Arnold had lived, it would have meant death, but the man had died in battle. The treason he had committed had only one outcome.

"At least it is over now, but the Vale will take some time to come back together. Some of the houses will have lost family, and the shame of the defeat will linger. But they will know now that the Crown will stand behind its kin," Rhae said.

"Just like we will stand with you. Whether you want it or not, Rhea, you are family. As are Baelon and Yobart," she said, taking Rhae's hand.

"Thank you. Life has not been easy being married to Daemon Targaryen. At least I have gotten some more family out of it," Rhea's expression softened, and she gave her a warm smile. "Yes, perhaps if my uncle can one day let go of his anger and reconcile with my husband. Yet in all the time I have known him, he has always held anger toward Lyanna, Visenya, and Aemon."

"Yes, it was that anger and drive that pushed him to consummate our marriage. Before that, we had never done so before. He needed an heir, and here we are with my sons, Yobart Royce and Baelon Targaryen," the last made Rhea smile; she seemed to love both boys, even though one held the name of her husband's house.

"If Daemon ever returns, and if he doesn't come visit us at court or Dragonstone, Laena, Aemon, and I would love to have you. And if you need help with Yobart's dragon, write us, and we will be more than willing to tell you anything you need," she said with a smile.

"Thank you, Rhaenyra. I shall take it to heart," Rhea said, pouring them another glass of wine.

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Thanks for the read.

I'm not totally sure about this chapter I wanted to show, the world and the reaction when the announcement of the war coming to a end.

Let me know what you think.

As for Rhea Royce, she and her children will come back in future chapters.

Next Chapter we will have Aegon's Second Nameday Feast.

HeroDuT1998creators' thoughts