
Phontom Lord

Logan soon reached fairy tail but remained hidden in the shadow. Soon Fairy tail attacked the headquarters of Phantom Lords ending in Malarov being out of commission.

Phantom Lord moved their headquarters changing it into Super Mage Giant Phantom MK II mode and started researching Jupiter. Erza prepared her shield getting ready to block the attack but she saw someone standing in front of her.

Logan arrived in front of Erza and took his Gunbai and observed the energy attack of Jupiter. He looked back and spoke in a cold voice: See you soon.

Logan disappeared and appeared in front of Super Mage Giant Phantom MK II flying midair fired the energy bast from the earlier back into the Jupiter. blasting it to pieces. He jumped up and used his Sharingan rushed into Phantom lords headquarters, defeating everything which came in his sight and finally arrived in front of Jose Porla the guild master of Phantom lords using Susano he smacked Jose into ground again and again after which holding him by the neck disappeared and appeared in front of the fairy tails Headquarters where Erza and other where standing. He throws Jose in front of Erza and disappeared again appearing in front of Makarov who was lying on the beds. Logan waved his hand and created a soul recovery portion to him waking him up. Porlyusica soon arrived and asked who he is?

Logan without saying a word signed showed his hand which had a fairy tail guild symbol on it.

Soon Makarov recovered and saw Logan seating theirs without saying anything.

Makarov: Did you complete the mission already?

Logan: Yes

Makarov: What happened with the Phantom lord?

Logan: Done.

Logan splits some blood onto the floor and waved to Porlyusia who was coming to help him: Guild Master I used too much magic to rush back to the guild when I heard it was under attack, I will be going into a slumber soon Take care of my body.

Saying this Logan's body felled on the floor and a black liquid started to consume him soon his entire body was covered, Logan who was pretending inside used his Sharingan's ability and put in a dummy inside the crystal while going into his dimension.

Now with the excuse of being in hibernation, he can practice and travel as much as he wants. Thus, Logan first in his dimension started experimenting with his magic Arc of embodiment, He tried to create Infinity stones, he was able to create the outer structure but not fill the rocks with power, no matter what he tied the power would always leak out of the stone such as Fūinjutsu which he learned in naruto world or Ancient Ruin magic he learned in harry potter world.

He also found via his experiments that the chain of gods which he has created, he found that the chains were depended on the mightiness of the magic a person has not Divinity like the original thus now he faced a problem as he wasn't sure whether the chains where enough to hold the Lesser god Ankhseram in the final fight.

Deep in thought and research came up with various planes he can use during the fight and also old trick such as "Play dead" which he used with Little dark lord but wasn't sure at this time the opponent was a lesser god with the power to eradicate all life near him with a wave of his hand. thus he decided to use his different persona and put away his mask and dressed differently and started traveling throughout the world in the hope to find different and all known versions of God Slayer magic. He remembered a little bit of fairy tail story arrived at Lamia Scale in search of Sherria Blendy who was known to have Sky god slayer magic but was disappointed seeing this as Sherria was just a kid right now and couldn't use magic much.

Filled with disappointment and waiting or the Tenrou Island arc where he remembered one of the attackers having Fire god slaying magic.

Filled with boredom, Logan decided to travel in search for newer types of magic around the world, with his Sharingan he could already observe and copy the process of one's magic, he has already copied Requip from Erza in her mode the Knight and the gunner from Bisca Connell. Like this with hope to find some good unique kind of magic he went around the world leaving from one to another continent in the hope to learn new things. He also met Gildarts in his travel and observed him using crush magic which with his Sharingan and Hope's analysis copied, making it so that he could use crush magic while fighting bare hands in combat, with his experience from Sword art online and Naruto world he already knew how to fight thus incorporated one more magic into his arsenal.

He also tried to create something to bind the Divin but due to his lack of understanding and availability to experiment on the Divin he failed. Thus Having no choice he went to see Zeraf but found that Zeraf had already sealed off his memories resulting in sealing magic thus, making it not possible for him to see him using his magic intentionally or not.

Feeling with no choice, He continued his travel, he came upon a man who could use spiral magic to deflect the attack and return to the attacker.

He also found various versions of takeover magic, he wasn't interested in any so he didn't copy any he just observed everything. During his travel, he found an old man who could use ancient magic by the name of Devil's Lover, the magic was very unique the old man used the magic to recreate the memories of a much happier time of his youth when he had a lover and energy to take on the world. Logan felt connected to the magic and tried to use the same means as always to learn it but failed either his Sharingan nor Hope we're able to provide him answers regarding the magic, feeling frustrated and with a sudden sense of helplessness, Logan decided to one day approach the old man. With Hope's analysis, he knew the man would die of old age soon thus decided to reveal himself.

Logan went up to the old man who lived in a broken house full of sculptures of different people, things as if they were part of some story. Logan also saw hundreds of sculptures of the same women the man recreated again and again in his memories using a ball shape magical item. Logan went the house but stopped seeing the man was working on a sculpture of the same women but the sculptor was smaller in size only a hand size. Logan stood outside the house observed the man craving it carefully with each stork trying to recreate what he had lost. After completing the sculptor the old man looked up and finally saw Logan. Logan bowed to the old man and asked about his magic and would it be possible for him to teach him.

The old man seeing him started laughing loudly and said: Young man, you remind of myself when I was near the end of my youth I too saw someone use this magic and lost myself in it. You seem to not have passed your youth yet why don't you go around a bit more because the magic I use it cursed.

Logan confused by the words of the old man asked: What do you mean cursed? If it's cursed why do you seem so happy to use it?

The old man laughed loudly again and explained: Young man the Magic I use it cursed because it's made purely out of love, it gives you joy sorrow strength and heartache at the same time, Love can define everything for one but at the same time define nothing but pain and suffering for other.

Logan: Is that why I feel connected to the magic? Cause I have loved someone?

Old man chuckling: No brat, you see this is the curse of the magic and also it's a requirement 'Someone who loved you and you loved them more then you love yourself or anything else in the world, Love such which exceeds the boundary of life and death but in the end, you can't with them' that's why you're connected to this magic, that why this magic is Devil's lover. They loved you so much that even the devil had respect for it.

Logan hearing this went into deep thought he has in the previous life had been in a relationship with more than 300 women but all he ever truly loved was his wife Asuna, the more he thought the more he realized Asuna's love. His heartfelt heavy heavier than anything he had gone through, he started remembering the moments of his life with her as Lu An in real life and as Kai in the virtual world. Feel with sadness and remorse Logan wanted to be alone and decided to simply walk away but he heard the old man laugh loudly and say: See this is the curse. When you can overcome it come to me I will teach you my magic, the strongest known love magic even the Devil's lover.

Logan didn't really hear his words and just kept walking soon, he walked for days and night never stopping anywhere until ultimately he without paying attention walked off the mountain, Hope issued a notification after notifications regarding the mountain but Logan ignored them all. Hope using the black matter as a means destroyed and defended him form anything which cam in his way or was in any way about to harm him. Hope being part of his soul was able to control his body if there was a mean which needed its intervention. Falling from the mountain, Hope started to control the black matter in an attempt to use it and prevent anything from happening. Feeling the remorse and sadness in Logan, Hope decided to take matters into its own hands and started the process of initialing Logan onto World seed at the same place where Lu Ting Xiao and Ning Xi were.

Logan lost in the memories kept waking not realizing the intervention of Hope. When suddenly he felt someone hug him, he looked up coming back to reality realized his mother Ning Xi was hugging him, seeing her He started crying. His father just pressed his hand on his shoulder.