
I'm bored.

Tsunade was stunted to hear the sudden voice when she looked up saw a tall more than 6ft tall men standing with dark red hair and purple eyes which seems to mock everything under the sun.

Naruto gave a menacing smile: Will you move them or should I do it myself?

Tsunade came back from shock: Moved back he doesn't appear to be here to fight.

Naruto went forward and set on my of the chairs: So I heard you are looking for me?

Tsunade: Yes you're the Jinchuriki, we would like to talk about a corporation of you working for the village. We didn't find any indication of you being affiliated with any criminal activities or organizations and other villages too haven't reported anything about you.

Naruto: Yes yes I would like that too but sadly I don't need anything from the village

Tsunade: But first before we need you to return the Sharingan you took from Kakashi.

Naruto: I don't know if you much about me but you see I'm just a simple beggar made by your teacher who has to do a different thing to earn money selling unique eyes is just one of them. If you have the money I can sell you Sharingan or Byakugan too of different levels of course. You were supposed to be my Godmother but were busy gambling and drinking I won't take it to the heart and offer you a 10% discount first-time customer discount.

Tsunade: I want the eyes you took from Kakashi.

Naruto: Sorry already sold them, it's a big market out there, many people looking for these eyes.

Without allowing Tsunade to speak.

Naruto stood up and walked toward the window: I was bored to tell you the truth, I thought you would be a bit interesting but... well anyway take care now. Oh, I almost forgot the 4th Shinobi war will start soon, I as your dear cherished godson am giving you the news beforehand. It will start as per my estimation in 10 months. And another thing, I think you should call back my beloved godfather I'm afraid he will run into something he won't be able to can't defeat even with the help of the frogs.

Naruto walking on the streets of Konoha without a care in the world decided to go to Rāmen Ichiraku one of the most sought after places in Naruto world.

Their Ramen was truly one of the best dishes Naruto has eaten in the three worlds he has been in.

Naruto knew that the kidnapping of Gaara was just the beginning so he decided to wait it out and started packing things as soon after the battle he would leave this planet to Hunt for rest of the God trees and then Otsutsuki clan.

Naruto started by unlocking the nine tail seal and replacing it with a normal seal via which Nine tail can stay in naruto if so he desires. Naruto then started placing other seals, one to remove any possibility of chakra absorption another to stop any chakra from entering his body making it impossible to place him under Genjutsu. Naruto also placed a seal over both his eyes making them useless if they are stolen somehow while placing 11 seals around his body each consisting of natural chakra worth of one tail in each. Naruto also went into creating 600 clones each using Senjutsu to control 300 reincarnated shinobis. While also cleaning his cave in the Land of the fox and then went on to Land of the panda to thank them for everyone for teaching him.

Months went by Akatsuki went on to collect each of the tail beasts up till 7, for the 8th tail Village in the cloud called for the conference and established the alliance, Konoha also participated with the condition that Nine tail if found to be returned to them. Meanwhile, Sasuke killed Orochimaru when the lateral tried to take Sasuke's body. Naruto in the meantime killed everyone who came looking for him, He wanted to make sure the balance from the original timeline is maintained thus started killing Akatsuki members who naruto defeated in the original timeline

Naruto indifferent to all this waited for the moment Madara is revied by Nagato. Tobi went on as planned used Nagato to revive Madara who then took both the Rennigen back from Nagato and went forth to collect the 8th tail from Killer B. Killing all the Kages and major of the shinobi forces in the process with the help of Obito

Madara tied to summon Kurama but failed, when tried to using Hashirama cell's Senjutsu to locate nine tail and then failing again he started looking for alternatives. Deciding to complete the 10 tail Madara with the help of kabuto revived 4th Hokage and took his part of the Nine tail and started the process of becoming the host of the ten tail and activated Infinite Tsukuyomi by showing Rinne- Sharingan to the moon.

Naruto calmly watched as Tobi gave a bright smile of his mission being finally complete while black Zetsu slowly took over a body of dead ninja and punch a fist through Madara's chest shocking both Madara and Obito. Madara soon turned into a huge big black ball from which Kaguya Otsutsuki come into being. Naruto who was watching everything form another dimension waited for a moment as Kaguya tries to recover from being unsealed. Naruto using Rinnegan punched Kaguya across the face in a flash, through the dimensional gap, Kaguya who wasn't originally paying attention suddenly felt the push.

Naruto through punch embedded nanotech inside Kaguya to collect chakra, bloodline from her. Controlling her would be impossible as she is too powerful being the ten tail host. Also used Kotoamatsukami onto Kaguya making her memories so making her believe that Naruto is trying to help her.

Kaguya having no combat training what so ever only had the power of having too much chakra. Naruto quickly tried created 10 clones completely surrounding her and used Chakra manifested chains to completely lock her, restricting her from using tricks such as Dimension hopping Jutsu's such as Amenominaka, the chains not only turned unbreakable but also absorbed chakra from Kaguya who needed High chakra to manifest and change her surrounding into one of her personal dimensions.

Chains stopped her from using Yomotsu Hirasaka too making her stay in one place, thus limiting her options.

Naruto without giving any opportunity to Kaguya created 1000 more clones unlocking 2 of the Senjutsu seal to absorb the chakra faster forcing Kaguya to spill all the power she had absorbed from the god tree. As naruto pulled out the chakra out of by chains Naruto used that chakra to create even more clones and restricted Kaguya more, black Zetsu seeing that its Mother is trapped tried to come out of her arm and use All killing ash bones to reduce the clones but couldn't move as chain bound him too.

Slowly Naruto drained all the chakra out of Kaguya making her fall down from the sky unlike earlier when she was Hanging in the air.

Naruto slowly took over every bit of chakra sealing them into different seals on his body. As Kaguya and God tree has merged while absorbing the remaining chakra Kaguya life force too started burning, see this Hagoromo came into being and requested Naruto, Naruto smiled and just simply ignored him.

After observing all the chakra, Naruto didn't release God: Nativity of a World of Trees which was put on by Madara. Naruto started merging all the chakra sealed earlier in seals with Kurama who grow in size and started changing shape gaining one more tail while it's body structure too started changed, his skin started turning into black liquid Kurama at first turned into a very big 10 tail beast first completely of black color which melted into black liquid, Naruto seeing this changed the seal on him which connected him to Kurama, dividing seal into 11 sections where 10 parts stored 10 equal portions of 10 tail chakra which Kurama can control as he please while remaining one portion control the whole seal making it impossible for anyone to absorb or touch the chakra within the seal.

The black mass of liquid slowly changed into Kurama much bigger in height and completely white. Naruto quietly observed as the surrounding of the previously watery tunnel changed into a dense forest with 10 suns revolving in the sky the white Kurama slowly opened its eyes which were identical to Naruto consisting of 11 totems.

White Kurama looked at naruto: Boy, our plan worked. I didn't lose my mind.

Naruto seeing Kurama responding normally too relaxed: Let's start then.

Naruto comes forth and took back the nanotech he has left earlier in Kaguya. Seeing her blood naruto got excited as this was the answer to everything space travel and many others including bloodline abilities.

Naruto gaining control over God: Nativity of a World of Trees tried to control it but failed. Then with the advice of Kurama connected and merged his chakra with that of Kurama.

With the merger of chakra, both of his Rinnegan changed into Rinne Sharingan, unlike Madara or Kaguya who got one on their forehead.

Using the new eyes he instructed the tree to absorb every bit of chakra in everything living or in items such as weapons created by six sage path, removing the chakra network from all over the world thus removing all the ability and affliction anyone had, turning them into normal human or animals, the tree invaded even the Hidden animal realms removing any traces of chakra only leaving those which uses Senjutsu or are product of Senjutsu.

After collecting everything, Hagoromo too disappeared who use to live through the chakra network. Naruto absorbed all the chakra as it was part of the ten tail that Hagoromo distributed. after absorbing everything tree too was absorbed into Naruto's body while releasing people from Infinite Tsukuyomi. Naruto smiled moved to a different dimension and then pulled out Hope Super AI he has earlier collected from Land of the foxes and started analyzing the royal blood of Otsutsuki Clan.

The DNA structure of the blood was such that it would give maximization amplitude for improvement while giving a much bigger life force than all the clans found together combined. Naruto concluded his research stating the Otsutsuki bloodline is the result of many purifications done due to eating the chakra fruit, Kaguya being the royal princess had it in the purest form.

Naruto instructed Hope to marge different structure to unlock the unlimited genetic potential. Hope proving it worth unlock the genetic sequence showing different evolution blood will take showing unlimited possibilities.

Naruto analyzed everything and with the help of Hope started changing and modifying his own body.

After the changes, Naruto changed his body into that of Lu An form. With a complete set of black hair, purple eyes Naruto changed into the same expressionless man he was in the previous world.