
Legacy of John part 2 The Vampire arc begins

The Vampires have made their appearence as the story continues.

Jason_lang · Fantasy
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21 Chs

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The Vampire princess says "Only if you promise to one day marry me John do you agree to this?" John looks at her and says "I also want Max unharmed than it is a deal" She says "Ok Max will go with you unharmed but you will come back and marry me one day that is the deal" John says "It's a deal" She says "Indeed" John says "Thank you" She says "Wait before you go I want you to have something" John says "What is it?" She says "Some of your hidden power I will unlock it for you before you go" She looks into John's eyes and uses her mind control abillity to unlock a small amount of John's power she says "There it is done" John says "Thank you what do I call you?" The Vampire princess says "Ivy princess of the vampires" John says "I am John fucture king of the Vampires" John leaves Ivy says "Yes you are fucture king of the Vampires" John looks for Max he calls out "Hey Max you here?" A vampire says "I won't let you take him from me!" Max says "Help me John!" John says "I am your fucture king so I order you to drop that human!" The Vampire says "Fuck you I don't have to obey you because your not even king yet!" John says "Fuck it you are right" John looks at her and says "Hey why do you care so much about him?" She says "I love the taste of him" John says "Hey Max what do you think?" Max says "What do I think about what?" John says "About her you are always saying how you would like a girlfriend this is your chance" Max says "Fucking do something John" John says "Ok ok just hold still."