
Legacy of John part 2 The Vampire arc begins

The Vampires have made their appearence as the story continues.

Jason_lang · Fantasy
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21 Chs

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Later a Vampire says "He is your what snack?" The Vampire princess says "No Sally he is my pet" Sally says "Your pet?" The Vampire princess says "Yes my pet" Sally says "That pet is very odd" John wakes up he says "Wait a second where am I?" The Vampire princess says "Be quiet he is finally waking up" John says "How did I get here?" The Vampire princess says "Hello you are at my kingdom and you got here by teleportation and your my pet" John says "That's good to know wait pet?" The Vampire princess says "Yes you are my pet" John says "Never I am no one's pet where is Max?" The Vampire princess says "Who is Max?" John says "My friend I left him in the slughter house" The Vampire princess says "Oh he is dead!" John says "What did you say?" She says "Max is dead" John's eyes fully open up he says "Oh shit you are all vampires!" She says "Yes we are" John says "Don't eat me!" The Vampire princess says "Don't worry no one is going to eat you here" John says "Why am I here?" The Vampire princess says "You have been chosen to be a sacriface" John says "Fuck that I am out" She says "No wait that was a joke can't any of you humans take a joke? Yes you were chosen but not to be a sacriface but to be my boyfriend and become the king of the Vampires" John says "I can't" The Vampire princess says "Why not?" John says "In the slughter house I witnessed the only people I ever loved get brutally murdered I need time to be alone so can I come back after I am in the right state of mind?"