
Legacies: Strongest Supernatural

Only own MC. MC is Lesbian. Girl wishes to be in Legacies with a twist.

xGodWarriorx · TV
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Chapter 2 - Meeting

Nina POV

I was in the compound as I waited for Hope to wake up with everyone else.

As then Hope got up.

Hope: Mom!

Hayley ran to Hope to hug her.

Hayley: I'm right here, don't worry.

Hope: Mom, are you okay?

Hayley: Yes, I'm fine, I'm just glad your safe and okay.

I was standing at the door frame as I coughed.

Nina: Well now, I'm glad your okay beautiful.

Hope looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

Hope: Um, who are you?

Nina: Your savior, you snore in your sleep, so adorable.

Hope blushed as I smirked with Hayley was about to laugh.

Nina: But it's good to see your fine, I had to kill a Nazi Bitch to make sure you were okay and oh I took care of this.

I had in a Forcefield bubble was The Hollow.

Hope: Is that?

Nina: The Hollow, yes it is, I took the pieces from your family members, I should destroy this cause it caused so much pain.

As I began crushing it with force as it was getting smaller till nothing but dust.

Hope: Thank you.

Nina: Don't mention it but I think your Dad wants us downstairs to question me.

I walked out the room down the stairs to see everyone including Elijah who has his memories back, Rebekah, Marcel, Kol, Davina, and special guest I brought back for Klaus, Cammie.

Hope and Hayley walked down after me.

Nina: So what do you wanna know?

Klaus: Who are you?

Nina: My name is Nina Tepes, daughter of Vlad Dracula Tepes, princess of the vampires.

Hope: Dracula's real?

Nina: Yes, from him all vampires of our kind were created, he's the King.

Rebekah: So what are you doing here?

Nina: Saving Hope, keeping Hope safe and saving my future mother-in-law.

Hope blushed at the mention of me protecting her but also mother-in-law.

Kol: What kind of vampire are you?

Nina: Now, you should know your family wasn't the first, my dad is, he is the first vampire ever, 5,000 years old, now there are two types of our kind of vampire, Noble and Plebeian.

Davina: Only two?

Nina: Yes, Noble Vampires are those born into the Noble Vampire Clans and Plebeian Vampires are created by the Nobles.

Nina: I'm a Noble Vampire but unlike some of the privileged Noble Vampires I treat everyone equally no matter what race they are.

Nina: We don't trust witches and we were at war with the werewolves but I have no problem with any of them.

Everyone listens as I explain.

Nina: Gods exist but they live in their own domain so don't worry about them but I wanted to ask both Hope's parents if I could date your daughter.

Klaus looked at me and Hayley too.

Rebekah: Well at least she's asking the parents to there faces.

Marcel: Yeah but I'm more worried about Dracula paying a visit.

Nina: My dad is busy, not to busy for me but busy all the same.

Hayley: It's okay with me.

Klaus: You can't be serious.

Elijah: Niklaus.

Klaus: We don't know a thing about her or her family.

Nina: And I'm keeping it that way, Hybrids are treated badly by Noble Vampires but if Hope was with me then nobody can mess with you all or feel my father's wrath.