
Legacies: Strongest Supernatural

Only own MC. MC is Lesbian. Girl wishes to be in Legacies with a twist.

xGodWarriorx · TV
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - Saving a beautiful Tribrid

Nina POV

Me and Natalia appeared in the middle of nowhere as word of a naturally born Tribrid of a vampire, werewolf, and witch, that caught my ears but also my father as well.

Natalia: This is where Hope Mikaelson is located.

Nina: I see, thank you honey~

Natalia: My pleasure Darling~

Nina: So is Violet still waiting for her Darling?

Natalia: Yes, in one month she plans to turn him.

Nina: Very well, looks like it's time for me to act.

We see action happening.

Nina: Time to make an impression.

I jumped off the hill to as I teleported to the house to see a weak vampire holding a hybrid to which I grabbed the woman by the back of her neck.

Weak Vampire: Let me go!

Nina: Okay.

I threw her behind me threw the house.


I looked at the hybrid to see she has the same scent as the unconscious Tribrid that I bent down to check on her to see she's fine as I look to the woman.

Nina: Who are you?

Hayley: Hayley Marshall, and who are you?

Nina: Nina Tepes.

Hayley: And why are you stroking my daughters head?

Nina: Oh? Your her mother, I was checking on her but she is beautiful when sleeping.

Hayley: Okay? But thanks for saving me.

Nina: It's no problem but mind catching me up on what's going on.

Hayley told me in quick recap what's happening to which I'm pissed that not only is this racism but most of the Nobles are racist to hybrids but I don't like it but she tried to harm a beautiful creature like this.

Nina: Now I'm angry.

I look at the kid who tricked Hope as I will deal with him later.

Nina: Hayley, get Hope out of here.

I went to Roman to take his daylight ring to give to Hayley.

Hayley: What are you going to do?

Nina: I'm going to snap a vampire's neck, kill a bitch, and then I'm going to get to know this beautiful girl once I'm done here.

I walked to the back to see Klaus Mikaelson and Elijah Mikaelson fighting as I sped to snap Elijah's neck.

Klaus: Who are you?

Nina: Go check on Hope, I have a appointment with a Nazi Vampire Bitch.

I walked passed him to see this Greta bitch as I kicked her over.

Nina: You don't get to live.

Greta: That abomination doesn't get to live!

Nina: No, you don't get to decide how the world is supposed to be but I decide how you die.

I grabbed her by her throat to slam my hand into her chest as I ripped out her heart to drop her body.