

To all those wondering, no, I didn't drop the story nor entered an hiatus. Basically, the last two weeks were complicated, with the semester ending and family matters needing my attention, so I couldn't write as much. Not to mention, I thought the next release would be two chapters at once or a big chapter to basically explain the reactions of recent events in the story and a few other things. I am still deciding. And every time I find and get to write, when I see what I wrote I think "That's not good enough" and change many things. I think that's a big result of not enough planning, because I got to admit, I just had a rough idea and started to write and then posted it, just now I am building the background of things etc.

Also, from now on, you may notice this world will be extremely different than the Canon TVDU. Why? Because the more I write, watch and read things in the Fandom, the more I notice plotholes in this universe. And not only from Legacies, which I see as with the most potential but the most bad executed, TVD and the TO are the same, principally when they start to reach the end of the stories. So, I am having to think and plan of things to deal with these plotholes and everything.

Actually, if you guys could also tell me if there is any actual plothole in my story that I didn't deal with, please tell me here. I would extremely.ely appreciate your help.

One, no, two more things. First, I want to write certain chapters outside of the MC's PoV, like the Caroline Chapter I mentioned or didn't mention, and would only mention in the next chapter. Anyway, these chapters would work to deep the personalities of the characters and the MC, because I still think my character is not as developed as I would wish. There is the problem of the story still be in its beginning, but anyway, I still want to improve him more. These chapters would surround more conversations, to deal and explore more with the characters' emotions and personalities. Tell me your opinion of what you think of it.

[Possible Spoiler of the future of the fic, so just skip to the end if you wish]

Second, I am reading. Yes, I am reading books of worlds I would like to explore in this fic. For example, I am reading now the Witcher books, which I'll definitely explore here. I would also like to read the original TVD books, but it's hard to find them. Not to mention I don't have much money now to buy them so... I will go with a few resumes and whatever I find in the Fandom. Because from what I read, I thought of a certain interesting things that I could work with.

[End of possible Spoiler]

Well, I think that's what I wanted to tell you guys. Comment what you thought of the things I said, I appreciate when you guys comment, help a lot. Also, we reached 1K collections, and I got extremely happy with that. So, thanks you all for accompanying

me here, I will try to do my best to make you like this story even more. Thanks for reading my story and see you soon - Author.