
New and Old Monsters - Part 2

The church would have been silent, enveloped in an almost sacred stillness, if not for the howls of the werewolf.

John and Hope were carefully sitting down on the benches, their posture showing their comfort near each other.

Alaric, although barely ten minutes passed since they arrived at the church, claimed another wooden bench to lie on to take a nap, closing his eyes and alerting the two he was going to take a nap and to wake him up if something happened. By this moment of his life, sleeping under the howls of a wolf was a small problem.

Landon, however, couldn't keep his eyes off the werewolf in front of him. Even though this someone seemed ready to rip him apart at any moment.

While it seemed John was apparently looking at nothing, just staring straightforward, he felt a pull from his side as Hope tried to call his attention by pulling his clothes.

Looking down, John noticed Hope looking up at him, with her quickly moving, pointing her finger at the side of her head. 

The young man quickly understood what she meant, doing what she requested. 

I thought you would wait until we got to the school. John said, connecting both of their minds.

Won't you say anything? Hope asked, a little hesitantly. Her question clear as both of them are on the same wavelength in the conversation.

About what? The fact you met a former crush of yours while with me? John asked.

Yes. Hope nodded. I found it awkward when I met him. And even more when you didn't say anything. Are you not…

No. No. John quickly answered, trying to correct what his silence described to her. I am not angry, pissed or anything you might think. 

Then? Hope asked.

I just found it funny looking at you. John said, his tone light but reassuring. You looked so awkward, but I didn't want to laugh during a serious situation. So I just kept it to myself and remained silent. He explained, soothing her worries of any negative thought she might've had about his reaction.

And when Hope listened to him, it seemed it worked as her expression obviously relaxed. I was worried you were in a bad mood for some reason.

I think it is fair you think of that considering how it seemed I reacted. John said, looking forward. Even more when considering we have never been in this situation before.

Yeah. Hope agreed, a silence stretching for a few moments. 

So, how did you meet? John abruptly asked, breaking the silence.

Hope was caught off by surprise. Not because of the abruptness of the question, but the question itself. Do you really want to ask something like this?

What? I am curious. Just wondering how you met since he looks ordinary. Out of our world. John said, taking a look at Landon. 

Looking at Landon, a silence was followed before Hope's answer, with what could be interpreted as a sigh coming from her mind. He seemed normal. Someone outside the mess that was my life years ago. We met in the Grill, he worked there before apparently moving away since I hadn't seen him in years. She slowly explained, trying to remember what she felt years ago. I think I saw him as a means to escape this unordinary life of mine. He was gentle and kind, so I was attracted to him.

Calmly, John listened to Hope's speech. Absorbing the information as his expression remained the same, calm.

Do you still wish for it? John asked, his words serene. A normal life? 

In certain ways, yes. Hope replied, nodding her head. But her answer didn't end there. She continued her thoughts. But I think differently now. You taught me something.

Yeah? And what is it? John looked at her.

That we can still live normal lives while still living in this crazy world of ours. Hope said, smiling as she looked at him. I know the way we expect to live our lives don't align perfectly. But as long as I have you, we can decide things later. After all, we have time, right?

Her words sounded in John's mind, her question expecting an answer more than any before. 

And he answered her, not with great words or actions, but simple ones that gave all the answers she wanted. He pulled her closer, his fingers moving up as they caressed her cheek softly. Yes, we have. 

Hours passed by, with the dark sky changing as orange and yellow rays of light just slightly peeking out of the horizon.

Right at this moment, the enormous black wolf howled, its massive body falling on the ground as pain took over. The unnerving sound of bones breaking and relocating echoed through the church.

"What is happening?" Landon, who now had dark circles around his eyes, suddenly asked, noticing the changes.

John, coming from the benches, grabbed a few blankets in Alaric's bag and stood near the wolf. "The full moon is over. He is turning back into a human." 

At the end of his words, the sound of bones breaking sounded again. But this time, it was quicker and apparently less suffering for the werewolf.

In less than a minute, Rafael laid on the church's floor, shivering from the remembrance of the pain, but his eyes closing as a result of how tired he was.

With a quick movement, John threw the blankets over Rafael, covering him completely.

Approaching the sleeping man on the benches, Hope touched his shoulder lightly. "Dr. Saltzman." She whispered, her voice catching his attention. 

He woke up quickly, immediately sitting up on the bench. "Is it over?" He asked.

"Yes." Hope nodded. 

"Okay." Alaric nodded as well, standing up as he stretched his body a little. "Undo the spell, let John do his trick." He said, approaching his bag to grab it. "John, can you take him to the car?" 

"Of course." John nodded, going to do as asked.

"What, what are you going to do with Rafael?" Landon asked, his words tired as he stayed up the entire night watching Rafael howling and roaring at him.

"We'll take him to our school." Alaric said, his crossbow supported on his right shoulder. "To his new home." 

"And where is it?" Landon asked.

"Mystic Falls." Hope replied, a few steps behind him as she dispelled the magic cast on the three adults, the spell keeping them asleep all this time.

When the three started to wake up, groggily from the forced hours of sleep, they were completely disoriented as they didn't even remember perfectly what happened.


"A second of your attention, please." John said, his right thumb and middle fingers raised at the level of his face.

Hearing the dry sound and deep voice, all three of the adults reacted to it, looking at the young man in front of them. 

However, before they could think of something else, the pupils of the young man contracted, his golden iris glowing faintly for a moment. And was this faint action that made all three believers to not be able to look away from the young man.

"You will return to your homes. You won't stop unless you see it as extremely necessary. But when you do so or arrive at your homes, you will forget everything in the last 24 hours, this conversation, our existence, as well as the thought that Rafael was possessed by the devil. Am I clear?" 

"Yes…" All three answered, their eyes unfocused. 

"Good." John said, his eyes coming back to normal. 

And so, from there, the three adults started to move like robots, all of them walking away.

"Now, what are we going to do about him?" John asked, looking at Landon.

Listening to it, Alaric looked at the boy, who seemed a little afraid of the same fate that his foster parents had to fall upon him.

"It's obvious he is close to Rafael." Alaric said. "Take him with us. It will be good to have a familiar face when Rafael wakes up from his sleep." 

John nodded, the body of Rafael starting to float by his side as the blankets covered in like a cocoon. "Come on. It's time for you to see the other face of the world we live in." He said, walking out of the church. 

[Scene Break]

The towering skyline of Atlanta faded into the dense woods flanking the road to Mystic Falls. The shift in scenery mirrored the quietness inside the car, where all the talk could be resumed to Landon asking Alaric a question and the answering being: We are going to explain everything when we reach there. Now, the only sound was the faint whisper of the wind against the car and the music coming from the radio.

This silence continued even when the car passed through the Salvatore School's gates, only broken when Alaric stopped right in front of the entrance. "Welcome to the Salvatore School." He said, opening the car's door.

Followed by him, John, Hope and Landon also got out of the car, with only Rafael staying behind as he only had blankets to cover himself.


When he was about to ask what he should do, Rafael saw John throw him a set of clothes handed to him by Dorian. "These should be your size. I asked Dorian to get something specially for someone of your size." 

"Am I supposed to change clothes here?" Rafael asked.

"Relax, no one will see you. Painted glasses." John pointed to the car window. "Now, wear it quickly. You will have a long day." He said before closing the door. 

When the door was closed, Dorian looked at Landon, and then at Alaric. "And who is he?" 

"A visit." Alaric said, then he started to talk about something else with Dorian.

Meanwhile, John looked at Landon, a casual look. However, this look unveiled all hidden secrets of the young man. Secrets Landon himself didn't know.

No matter how much I look, besides his soul that seems about to explode in flames and the lack of magic in his blood, I can't see anything else. And although the strange state of his soul, probably related to his phoenix heritage, I can't see much more than that. John thought, evading his eyes off Landon after a second, so as not to seem he was staring at him.

Ever since werewolf Rafael was chained to the ground, John would sometimes look at Landon, or more specifically, at what was hidden in his body and his strange characteristics.

As expected, Landon had no magic in his blood. Not even a drop of it. A very unusual feature considering that every human John had looked up to up until now had magic in them, even if the faintest amount. 

But Landon was different, he lacked any amount of it. Which interested John in why of that, since he knew the boy was of supernatural origin.

Then, John proceeded to take a look at what usually gave him answers. The soul. And he got to admit, Landon's soul was rather unique.

Imagine an intense fire, restrained in a spherical shape, its glow in constant, though minimal, growth, seemingly like the fire expanded and wished to come out of its chains. That was Landon's soul. 

With his knowledge, the only explanation John could think of to answer this was Landon's Phoenix heritage. Which was also the answer for his question of why no magic could be found in Landon's blood.

The magic produced by Landon's Soul would be consumed by his soul right at the moment it was produced, it being the reason why the soul was in constant expansion. Whatever magic he produced, his soul consumed immediately.

Now, what results would come from his soul apparently consuming all the magic he produced were unknown to John. Only time would answer.

Unfortunately, the answer John wished the most seemed not to present itself to him.

No magical remains or anything. However, somehow, Malivore configured Landon to sense the artifacts used to seal it and make him take them. He did it in a way I can't find. John thought calmly, laying his back on the car's door. Well, that's somewhat expected of a 1.000 years-old being which consumed supernatural beings during the past millennium and learned how to use their genes to modify others. It's obvious it must have learned a trick or two in these centuries it lived trying to be able to create its own species. He thought, feeling the warm breeze of the afternoon. 

John, calmly, laid his back on the car's door, thinking of his current situation. 

I should've dealt with Malivore sooner. I wouldn't be this bothered right now if not for the fact I am unwilling to kill many supernatural species alongside it. When it dies, dragons, gargoyles, unicorns and everything it consumed dies as well. And right about now, if I allow it, Landon will enter the school and somehow, he can sense the artifacts used to seal Malivore, and will try to take them. I could easily stop it, by taking the dagger and throwing it in space. But considering the most recent information, I don't doubt it will hit a meteor and start returning to Earth before it falls on Landon's lap. John inwardly laughed at the thought, imagining these events happening. 

"Did you just laugh?" Hope asked, turning to look at John despite his expression remaining the same.

John raised his eyebrows at her. "You are getting quite good at reading me." 

"I spend half of my time with you when I'm awake. It's becoming a habit." She said, letting her body fall on his as John wrapped his arms around Hope.

With Hope now in his arms, John resumed his thought process. Even if I get rid of the dagger, I don't know how effective the "Fate Restoration Phenomenon" is. I mean, if I get rid of the dagger, will it somehow bring the artifact in Triad's or Seylah's possession to Landon? It's kind of hard to predict these things when I don't have a lot of data. I don't believe the phenomenon is omnipotent. It must have its limits, but what they are is still unknown to me. John thought, almost letting out a sigh. But all he did was play a little with Hope's hair.

Not to mention that I don't know what will it restore. After all, I still don't know this world completely. It certainly is different from the world I watched. The Originals are constantly present in Hope's life. There is not a day one of them doesn't call or send a text. John looked at the top of the girl's head. The school works in a more proper way than presented. Hope is as powerful as she should be. And the list goes on. So, one of the two things. This world was badly represented in "Prime Earth" or I am in an alternate universe. Whichever, I don't know what to expect from the future if Landon touches the dagger. At the end, John found himself not exactly knowing what to do. And he wondered why. Thinking over why at firstly he prevented the car accident.

When he went back in his mind, thinking about that night and why he did what he did, he remembered why he did that. 

Wow. He thought, a little of surprise almost escaping through his expression. I changed quite a bit, didn't I? 

As John revisited those memories of weeks ago, he easily understood why he felt a little lost in how to proceed with the situation. The reasons he had to take the decision of preventing the accident were different. Things changed. The current him was trying to follow things the past he wished, ways the present he couldn't follow as he now thought differently.

When he prevented the car accident, he did it for reasons which are now nonexistent. He did it not out of pity for a girl he didn't know, John himself knew that. If he moved for these reasons, he would be now in some country preventing a war or playing the hero. 

No, he did it because… he was afraid.

Afraid of his progressing relationship with Hope to wave in Landon's presence. A fear that disappeared completely. The present he, better than anyone, knew the girl he liked, to whom he said "I love you", wouldn't change her feelings for him because of such things. He was afraid of the fact Hope would force herself to activate her vampire heritage to stop Malivore if he awakened. A fear so stupid when he thought about it because, John, better than anyone else, should know such trivial matters could be easily dealt with by him. After all, the solution had always been within his reach if the situation called for her blood.

But fear wasn't the only thing that changed in him. No, his perspectives changed as well.

His conversation with Caroline days ago opened his mind a little to what he wanted. He realized that maybe, when coming to this world, he did things a little hastily.

John enrolled in a school that he can admit to himself he liked to study here. However, he could say most of the reason he decided to enroll was because of the momentum of meeting a new place, a new universe, one which had a certain meaning to him, and because of his thoughts that he should enjoy a little bit of normality before going to meet the infinite existence at his reach.

However, as a short, but quite meaningful time passed, things changed, himself included.

There wasn't a day that goes by that he gets himself wondering about how other universes might be, or at least wished to see different countries, different scenarios. And if not for Hope and probably himself not having finished his studies, John wouldn't give much thought before setting flight or simply disappear.

Wasn't this the reason for most of his enthusiasm when learning Time and Space were not a problem? All he needed was himself to go wherever he wanted, whenever he wanted. 

He could go anywhere. Visit places and live adventures he could only dream about. Get items he always wished to collect. Meet people he thought were not real two months ago. Weren't these the beauty of having a power like his? 

I am nothing more than someone limited by myself. John thought, his eyes unwavering. As soon as I deal with Malivore, I will do something. What? I don't know. What I feel at the moment. Also, I think it's time I tell Hope some more about me. The young man decided, letting escape the sigh he held back all this time.

"What was it for?" Hope asked, her blue clear eyes focusing on him when she looked up.

"I will tell you later." John said, kissing her forehead slightly. "After everything here is solved." He smiled at her, a comfortable and assuring smile.

"Okay then." Hope nodded, letting her head rest on his chest again.

After some time, Alaric noticed Rafael getting out of the car dressed up. "Let's get inside. We need to talk about certain things." He said, entering the school as everyone followed him.


Silence… Complete and utter silence stretched throughout the darkness. Even the faint cries of despair of the countless beings couldn't be heard in this darkness.

This darkness was filled, but empty at the same time. Unreacting, unwavering, frozen in time. And that was its state for the last 100 years.

However, suddenly, the darkness shaked even so slightly. But for the beings in it, it passed without alert. 

The only thing that felt it was the one in the darkness that couldn't be seen nor heard. But its words spread across the space nonetheless.


[Salvatore School]

In the headmaster's office, five people were gathered. A brief silence took place as all of them found where to stay.

John and Hope stood by the side. Alaric was on his seat and Landon and Rafael were sitting in front of him on the wooden chairs.

"Mr. Rafael Whaite." Alaric said, grabbing a file on the top of his desk. 

"Just Rafael is fine." The aforementioned young man said, a little nervous. 

"Okay, Rafael." Alaric nodded. "I will talk to you, but listen well as well, Landon."

Landon, a little shakily, nodded his head. He was a little… confused. 

"I bet your first full moon was not one of the best." Alaric said, focusing on Rafael.

"Having my foster parents trying to exorcise the devil out of me while all my bones break is not the best feeling." Rafael chuckled, trying to find comfort in a little sarcasm.

"I bet it isn't." Alaric said. "Well, I guess from what you saw in the school's halls, you can guess why you were brought here. Not to mention you must have read or watched Harry Potter or something similar."

"So, school for magic?" Landon said, his curiosity surging despite the confusion and slight apprehension.

"School for the Supernatural. Which covers a lot of territory. In this case, werewolves." Alaric looked at Rafael.

"Ho-how? How am I a werewolf?" Rafael said, he couldn't hold this question anymore. "How the fuck did I become this?! I never got bitten by a dog, much less a werewolf! I would've remembered!" He said, already making guesses based on what he knows of werewolves.

Alaric smiled dryly, preparing for the explanation. "The werewolf gene is not carried like that." Alaric said, supporting his elbows on the surface of the table. "It is passed through your lineage, in this case, one of your biological parents, or both, had the werewolf gene in them. And it lies dormant until the carrier does one thing. They take a human life." 

Hearing the headmaster's explanation, Rafael fell with his back on the chair, eyes a little blank. "You mean that… when Cassie died…" 

"Yes." Alaric said. "We did a little research on you before reaching you. So we know about Cassie. Unfortunately, even in an accident, the gene is still triggered if you were the one who was driving." 

"In the end, it's my fault." Rafael said, small tears falling from his eyes. 

"I'm sorry, son. I can't say much for you." Alaric said. He could relate with Rafael. 

"Hm. And what are you going to do with Rafael? I mean, you brought him here for a reason, right?" Landon asked, looking between Alaric and Hope, the only familiar presence to him.

"Rafael didn't take a life on purpose, so we can accept him if he wants to continue his studies." Alaric said. "We will help him. How to go through the Full Moon, the history of his species, this side of the world and everything in-between. But everything depends on his choice." He added, looking at the werewolf again, who was wiping the tears off his face.

"Is there something to do about it? A way to prevent me from going through that pain again?" Rafael asked, trembling a little just over the fact of him remembering the transformation.

But to his already not great day, Alaric shook his head. "Unfortunately, no."

"And what if I don't want to join the school?" He asked.

"You can decide that by yourself. You're 18, after all." Alaric said, not the first time he heard these words. "But we'll have to make sure you at least learn the basics of everything. Like the sudden urge to kill a vampire." 

"Are they real as well?" Landon asked.

"Werewolves, witches, vampires, everything in-between…" Alaric said, turning his head to the left. "And there is John as well."

John smiled widely. Being the odd one in this situation was cool.

"Right, the Force user." Landon said, remembering John levitating Rafael. Then, he shifted his sight to Hope. "And what are you?" 

"A little different as well." Hope replied, saying nothing more. 

"Now, about you, Landon." Alaric said, grabbing his attention, about to say something when he was interrupted.

"Excuse me, Dr. Saltzman." John said, getting everyone's attention as he took a step forward. "I know what you were about to say to Landon, but I must say it will not be necessary." 

John's words resounded through the room, getting different reactions from the people present. 

From Hope and Alaric, there was surprise as they could guess what he meant. For Landon and Rafael, they didn't know what he meant with his words.

"You know, when we were in the church, I took a look at-" Midway of his words, John's expression shifted. 

"John?" Hope called out.

"There is someone outside." He muttered, his eyes seemingly focusing on the door.

"I don't hear anyone at the door." Hope said.

"Not the door." John shook his head, opening the door. "There is someone in the gates." He said, walking out of the office.

Looking at him, Hope didn't spare a glance at anyone else in the office before heading out. 

Right after her, Landon followed along, with Rafael temporarily getting out of his emotional state and following, with Alaric being the last to leave the room.

When Alaric reached the school's entrance, where John simply stood by, his eyes focused on someone before he could say anything else to his student. The same person everyone was looking at.

Outside of the school gates, right before the school's barrier, a young black woman could be seen standing, completely unmoving. And seeing the woman, John couldn't help but take a second look at her.

She was tall, 6 feet at least, with long pitch black hair going way past her back, with red crimson eyes, very neatly trimmed eyebrows and a round elegant face. She was wearing what seemed to be an old gray tunic with few burn marks, hiding her curvaceous body.

However, her pretty face and body were far from the most outstanding features of her.

Right underneath her eyes were black glowing scales that formed a crescent moon as they continued to appear around their eyes. The same could be seen through her visible body, which was actually pitch black in color, like someone with albinism. Behind her were two large scaled wings, gathered together on her back, but with space to the tail that swung behind her from time to time, a long and scaled tail of at least four feet.

Facing the woman, John didn't know what to say or do, with her only looking back at him for a few moments, staring deeply at him. That is, until she opened her mouth.

"Wyt ti'r gwarchodwr o'r lle hwn?" Not very familiar words came out of her mouth, catching John by surprise.

Old welsh? John thought, identifying the language.

"Which language is she speaking in?" Hope asked, knowing John knew more than a few languages.

"It's Old Welsh. Her words could translate to: Are you the protector of this place?" He said.

"Before that, can we confirm those are…"

"They are real wings and tail, Dr. Saltzman. The same applies for her scales. I can see the heat of blood flowing in them." John said, his eyesight never leaving the woman's figure. "That depends." He replied to her, also in Old Welsh. He knew that using his eidetic memory to learn a few hundred languages would come to hand.

"You possess that which I desire." The woman said, standing in the same place.

"And what would it be?" John asked, walking slowly towards her.

"A dagger." She replied.

Listening to her, John did a lot of effort so his expression wouldn't change. Of course, in the universe I go, after I decide what to do and have something like a character development, things don't go how I wish. Perfect. John thought, quickly cleaning his mind. "I don't know which dagger you seek."

"I know which dagger I seek. As long as I enter, I can get what I wish and we can depart our ways." She said, still unmoving. 

"What is she saying, John?" Alaric asked, standing behind the student.

"She came here for a dagger. She is saying that as long as she gets it, she will go away." John relayed her words to his headmaster.

"We have some daggers. Ask her which one exactly." Alaric said. Without his notice, some students noticed what was happening outside and came out as well, a crowd slowly gathering. "And also what she wishes for it."

John did as ordered. And as expected, the woman gave the answer he expected.

"She doesn't know how the dagger looks. She only knows that she will be able to know which one it is when in its presence. As for why she needs it, she said it's for her kind's freedom."

"For some reason, I'm not liking it." Alaric said, his forehead frowning. "If her kind wishes for freedom, that means they are locked. Ask her why her species is locked and what she is."

Listening to him, John gave a look at Alaric, who only nodded his head, telling him to do it. 

Whatever, it's not like I wished to hand one of Malivore's seals anyway. John thought. "Why is your kind locked and what you are?" He asked.

When these words reached the woman, it seemed her mood changed a little, with her gazing at Alaric. 

"Tell your pitiful human that I am being kind enough to not attack immediately out of respect for you. If you don't want to see this land burned, let me inside and let me retrieve the dagger." She said, basically scowled.

"Phew… Let's calm down a little." John said, taking two steps forward. "You said something that got a little of my interest. Why do you give me some respect? Didn't we just meet?"

"The strong deserve respect." She said simply, but not elaborating more. "But that respect has a limit. All I want is the dagger. If you don't hand it to me, there will be no calm." She said, her expression getting severe. 

Slowly, John walked two steps closer to her, leaving his flip flops behind. Although he was slowly approaching her, there was still more than thirty meters between them.

"You seem really nervous." John said, calmly. "I wonder why. Also, I wonder how do you know about this dagger being in our possession, I wonder what and who you are, and I wonder why your kind is locked while you are here." John said, knowing all the answers of these questions. All he was doing was buying some time. As he walked two more steps, he wished his presence took her attention from everything else, only focusing on him.

However, it seemed the woman in front of him was very perceptive. "Do you think I wouldn't notice the people behind you retreating?"

"Do you think I wouldn't notice the whisper in your mind?" John asked, his feet sinking on the floor.

As the woman listened to his words, her expression severed much more. "I didn't wish for this, but you alerted it. And for my kind as well, sorry for this." She said, disappearing from her position, leaving only cracked metal gates as she rushed towards John.


[Hope's Pov]

A few moments earlier…

The moment I noticed John taking out his flip flops, I knew what he meant with it. Remembering those words during one of our morning spars

I don't like to fight with something on my feet. It's better to get used to the floor and environment when fighting barefoot. He said, his words echoing in my mind.

This meant one thing, a fight was probably about to happen.

Approaching Dr. Saltzman, I pulled his clothes slightly, getting his attention. And then I did a simple hand signal taught in one of the special classes in school. Survival. And the act meant for him to retreat.

He understood it, starting to walk back slowly, pulling together with him Landon and Rafael.

As for me, I stood in place. Watching John. Yeah, like I would retreat while you stayed, idiot.

And as expected, something happened.

If there was a vampire nearby, if they weren't a hundred years old at least, I doubt they could have noticed the woman moving at speed that simply left the metal gates in waste as she passed through it with no problem, her figure moving towards John as he simply raised his guard.


The sound of what seemed like an explosion resounded throughout the school's entrance. But it wasn't an explosion, only the clash of scales against flesh. 

"John!" I shouted, trying to see if he was fine.

However, what followed next was something I couldn't follow perfectly.

I could only see John somehow parrying her next attack, and using his right leg to launch a kick against her head.


Another loud sound spread. But I couldn't care less about it as I looked at how the scaled woman blocked John's attack.

She used her tail? I thought, seeing a blur as the scaled member shot like a whip, aiming for John's torso, with him blocking successfully.

What followed next was a constant clash of strikes and hits, with the strength behind each one of them leading to the blocking one having the ground beneath them crack under the pressure of the strike.

In a time frame of a second, dozens of strikes were exchanged, with both of them moving around the school's courtyard constantly.

"Retreat! Everyone Retreat!" Alaric shouted, trying to push back the students. 

While he did this, the woman launched both of her arms in attack, and had both of them blocked.

However, what she did next surprised me much more.

A small trail of smoke left her mouth, which opened in not humanly possible sizes. 

"Look out!" 


A torrent of fire swept towards John, the smell of melted pavement reaching my nostrils as the fire hit John.

John successfully blocked it. However, so much focused on the fight, he forgot the fire, which resembled a cloud, passing through and went past him, a fire that could easily engulf the entire school's entrance. A fire that could easily incinerate all the vampires, witches and werewolves behind.

Instinctively, I put myself between the fire and the group, a spell coming to my mind. 

"Prohibens flamma clypeum!" I shouted, my magic flowing out as I imagined a protector shield against the flames.

As the flames consumed my vision, I couldn't see what was happening in front of me anymore, just guessing from the sounds.




"Right back at you, bitch!" 


… At least he sounds fine.

[3rd Person's PoV]

"Right back at you, bitch!" John shouted, feeling the slight numbness on his arms from the punch he had to block on the small distraction he had when thinking of the fire moving towards the school.

Fortunately, Hope was there. Although John knew he could still try to block it, he would end up in me leaving an opening, which could result in him getting injured. 

This distraction was a mistake on his part. A mistake of him never having taken parts in such fights before. It was due to his inexperience.

However, he quickly got back from that. The moment he took the punch, John also took advantage of the situation and threw a punch towards the woman. No holding back, no thinking of what can happen to the adversary, just a punch with all the strength he could muster in his current situation.

And the result of that was a few of the woman's scales on her forearm were broken, crimson boiling blood cascading down from her injuries.

That resulted in her mood worsening, roaring at John and then his reply, which resulted in him trying to strike her again.

Seriously, things had taken a very long turn from what I expected. I mean, I knew things could be different, but not to this extent. John thought, easily keeping up with the woman. Somehow, even without Landon touching the artifact, Malivore could feel it and sent one of the creatures it consumed to retrieve it. And regarding the creature, it followed the original plot. A dragon woman was sent to get it. However, what the fuck is this discrepancy in power? The dragon woman in front of me could easily wipe the floor with hundreds of the one shown in the TV show. Damn, I am afraid Hope couldn't have enough physical prowess to even follow the woman's movements without awakening her vampiric heritage. 

As John fought the woman, he observed and analyzed her, his senses following every of her movements.

The wind around her swirled with the slightest of her movement, the power behind every punch of hers could bend metal bars and the fire she breathed out melted the pavement beneath John instantly.

She was powerful. The threat she represented, being what he felt earlier, leading him outside the office and meeting her. An indication that the being before him could threaten him somehow. Something he only felt from three people he met personally in this world. Hope, Freya and Marcel. Besides these three, nothing else gave him the sentiment that it could hurt him. Changing now when meeting the dragon.

But as they fought, John could say that he was her superior, handling most of her attacks with not much more than physical prowess. From this, John knew that the threat he felt was something he still has to see. That's why he didn't lower his guard. 

In a few seconds, the fight fought on land moved to the air, the wings on the woman's back flapping as she soared across the sky. The fight resulted in them changing locations quickly. With both now standing above the open field behind the school, near the lake.

As they fought in the air above, John started to say a few things to her. He wanted to see what she was hiding that was continuing to give him this sensation of threat.

"You know, earlier, when I noticed your presence, I felt a certain threat from you. And sincerely, since you are my enemy right now, I should forget about everything and end this as soon as possible." John said, evading the next attack, suddenly accelerating and hitting her on the back, between her wings and throwing her away. When she stabilized herself in the air, John didn't give her much time to react as he followed her, throwing a kick from up to down on her head.

She still reacted on time, raising both her hands and blocking the kick, but the strength John put into it was enough to send her more than a hundred meters back and down, with her body going towards the woods, disappearing amidst the branches as she hit some trees that broke in half due to her momentum.


As she hit the dirt ground, John landed exactly twenty meters in front of her. Seeing her rise from the small hole of dirt which stained her clothes.

"However, ever since I learned about what I am, I still didn't have a great opportunity to test myself. So, how about we stop playing and you get yourself serious?" John asked, sincere in his words. He wished to have a real good experience with his abilities at the same time he wished to know where this threat came from. 

"You are correct. Even though I have this darkness in my mind- Urgh!" She suddenly groaned in pain, her eyes twitching a little.

It seems Malivore wanted its presence not known for now. John thought.

"I would sully my kind if I have not done my best when fighting a strong opponent." The woman continued.

"Your kind seems like the strong and arrogant one." John said, already knowing what her kind is. And because of that, he had a guess from why he felt this threat.

"We are not arrogant. Arrogance is for those who do not have the strength matching their words. But for my kind, it is just right for us to think that way. We are the rulers of the Isles, after all." She said, her eyes looking at John as he saw a shift in them.

The white surrounding her crimson iris disappeared, covered by blackness with yellow veins.

Obsidian scales started to surge from her skin, her members enlarging and extending as her body shifted. Her tail started to grow immensely, to the point it started to circle the tree behind her. 

In mere seconds, the woman standing before John was no more. Now, what stood there was a obsidian scaled dragon with huge wings that when fully opened, pulled dozens of trees out of the ground, their roots bringing with them the dirt that has been around them for decades.

When the wings were fully opened, they clapped. In a speed the woman had not demonstrated before, the sheer strength behind their movements twisting the air, with leaves and branches moving frantically as it soared towards the sky.

Looking up, John seemed unbothered by the wind strong enough to carry people away, his focus on the dragon with a wingspan of more than 50 meters soaring even higher. Almost about to pass through the school's barrier. 

Okay, things are getting interesting. John thought, admiring a little the dragon that seemed to come out of "Game of Thrones". Also, after this, I will tell Dr. Saltzman to improve this barrier. It would be much more helpful now if it also prevented enemies from entering besides cloaking and alerting us if an enemy invades.

Hope was running. After helping Dr. Saltzman got the students to a safe place, she ignored whatever he said about her also taking shelter and ran in the direction of the woods behind the school.

But midway, she stopped. 


Looking up, Hope saw something she didn't expect to see in her whole life. Even through all her strange life, with a father and uncles who lived a thousand years-old and witches who tried to kill her ever before she was born, she never expected to see what was soaring towards the sky. 

"Is that a dragon?" She asked herself in disbelief, not knowing if she could trust her own senses.

However, when feeling the gentle touch in her mind, she unconsciously knew her question would be answered.

Yes, that's a Dragon. John answered her telepathically. 

Are you okay? Hope asked, her disbelief quickly changing into worry.

Never been better. John said, his mental voice sounding cheering. But although I want to talk more with you now about some things, I need you to do something.

What is it? Hope asked, curious at what he meant but focusing on his request.

I need you to increase the size of the barrier. As you can see, the fight will take some bigger proportions. I know the school intends to keep the supernatural world hidden from the normal world. I am a little afraid I can't control the fight enough so the giant dragon gets out of the barrier's range. If that happens, who knows how the world will react. John said nonchalantly, his eyes kept on the dragon. 

Listening to him, Hope replied. I will ask somebody else to do it, then I'll come back to help you. She said, about to run back.

No. However, she got a reply that she didn't expect.

Turning in the direction he felt him, Hope raised an eyebrow. What do you mean no? 

No. I want You to do it. I don't trust in anyone else to do it. John said, firm in his words.

And leave you alone to deal with that? She said, almost shouting at him.

Although it will be a little difficult, it shouldn't be deadly. John replied. Not to mention, this will be a good opportunity for myself as well. 

John, you aren't telling me you want to fight a fucking dragon alone because you want to test your abilities, right? Hope asked, a little indignant.

Good that you understand me. That's why I love you. John said, smiling. Now, will you do as I asked, please? I know you are worried about me. But don't worry. I will come back in one piece. 

Clenching her jaw and biting her lower lip slightly, Hope knew she couldn't take long to take this decision. After all, although their talk occurred faster since they were talking through their mind, the dragon was already very high in the sky. 

If you hurt yourself because of some stupidity. I swear I will kill you. Hope said, running back to the school. 

Listening to her reply, John nodded. Relax, in this world. No one but you have the permission to kill me. He said, cutting the mental connection.


As John's body accelerated beyond the speed of sound, cracks were left on the ground beneath him as he also shot towards the sky.

While soaring towards the sky, the dragon suddenly did a turn in the air, its head facing down as it dove down. Or more specifically, downwards John.

Opening its mouth, what seemed like a tsunami of fire shot towards the young man, intending to consume him and the entire forest beneath.

Looking at it, instead of dread and fear, John felt something different. It was different from the comfort and joyfulness he felt when with Hope or the curiosity and interest he felt when studying magic or anything that caught his attention.

What he felt was excitement, anticipation for what he was about to face. A thrill he couldn't feel ever since he awakened, a thrill almost forgotten ever since his standard in the world soared. 

Feeling the magic around him swirl at his will as his soul resonates with the surroundings, John grinned at the dragon which faced him. "Let's fucking go!" He muttered under his breath. 

Following his will, the magic changed its shape, forming an equally large tsunami of water which defied gravity as it moved upwards.


The clash between fire and water resulted in an explosion due to the water suddenly flashing into steam due to the immense heat of the fire. Loud, hissing sounds cracked as a thermal shock spread outwards, drying the leaves of the woods and hitting the skin of the students who were watching the battle from their rooms in their windows.

But after the explosion, John didn't stop. And neither did the dragon. With both meeting at the center of the explosion, the clash of their strength scattering the steam around outwards dozens of meters, cleaning the scenery.

Due to the clash, both retreated. With John thrown downwards whilst the dragon was sent upwards. However, with gravity against it, the dragon didn't go back too much.

Meanwhile, John did a vertical U-curve in the air, flying upwards again.

Both beings continued to clash in the sky, with John making use of his small size compared to the dragon to evade his physical attacks and try to hit its flesh.

However, at these moments, the dragon would roll around in the air, breathing out fire that would consume itself and thus John if he tried to strike the creature.

After another clash, John used the strength behind it to retreat a good distance from the ground.

It was fun. But besides this, there isn't much more she can offer. Let's put an end to it. He thought, reaching out his hands, a pull coming from it.


From the school, the gym's ceiling broke as a dozen steel bars used for weightlifting shot through it, piercing through the air as they rushed to John's position at high speeds.


But that was not the end of it. As the spears moved in the air, their surface color changed, the silver metallic color changing into a glowing orange. They were heating up exponentially as all of them reached the sky.

Standing high in the sky, with the sun on his back, John stood resolute as twelve scorching orange bars floated vertically around, like planets to a star. 


Without a single notice, John delved towards the dragon flying in his direction, the bars around him soaring across the air as hissing sounds came from around them.

When both beings were only ten meters apart, with the dragon deliberately letting the boy approach it so much, its mouth opened abruptly, letting out all the fire it could breathe out.

However, little did it know that John would be uncaring about it, diving into the fire as it crossed the flames, its clothes immediately burning, the flames scorching his skin while his hair and nails disappeared. 

Passing through the fire, John reached behind the dragon, standing before the space between its wings with the twelve steel bars around him.

When the dragon was about to try to toss him away, John moved, using his telekinesis to accelerate the bars tremendously, using the strength behind them and their heat to successfully penetrate the dense and thick scaled skin of the dragon, with it letting out a painful cry when feeling the bars pushing apart its flesh. Trying even more crazily to take the boy away from it, using its fire to heat his back.

But with an almost uncaring attitude, John remained unbothered by it as he raised his hands to the sky, his senses expanding as he felt all the charged particles from within kilometers obeying his will, conveying right above him in the sky.

During the fight, the steam produced by the fight was constantly heated by the intense fire of the dragon, making it less dense than the environmental air, with it rising up and now scattered around in the same height as both beings.

The heat of the fire also did something peculiar to the steam. When heated enough, steam ionizes, facilitating electrical conduction. And when this already ionized steam meets with charged particles, which generate electric fields around it, making the electrical conduction even better.

"Let's see if your insides can handle this much electricity!" John shouted. Followed by his voice, dozens of lightning came raining down from above, striking the metal bars sunk into the dragon's back.

"Roar!!" Feeling the paralyzing and burning pain of the electricity coursing through its body, the dragon let out a defying scream as its body started to betray it, falling from the skies at an alarming speed as the lightning burned its insides.


When the colossal creature hit the ground, a crater opened up as dust and dirt scattered around, making a small dust cloud rise, obfuscating the sight of the young man standing on the dragon's back.

As John came down from the dragon's back, the burned skin on him started to disappear. Returning to its previous state as the bubbles and deformed skin recessed to normality.

The hair and nails grew up immediately, obeying his will of when they should stop growing up.

Around him, magic swirled as clothes started to materialize around his body, changing his attire from the day he came into the world to normal clothes.

"That was fun." John muttered, a smile on his face.

Walking a bit, John waved his hand to disperse the dust cloud, revealing the scene of him face to face with the dragon.

The creature was far from being in a good situation, as blood flowed out of its mouth through its teeth, burning the ground beneath slightly due to its properties.

"My kind…" It muttered, mustering whatever strength it had after the attack. "Please… my kind…" 

Listening to her words, words that sounded human, but said by a being bigger than buildings, John would find the situation comical if not for what he felt from the being.

Despair. Fear. Longing even. 

All these sentiments were transmitted to him through not words alone, but sentimentally as well. Through their minds.

Looking at it, John didn't know what to say exactly. He sometimes thought what would be for him to spend a thousand years in pure darkness, without anyone to interact with. It seemed like hell.

And when looking at the dragon, the state it was, with a whisper in its mind tormenting you constantly, and even then worrying so much about their kind. John couldn't say he felt a little pity for it.

It is not like I planned to let all those creatures die anyway. Might as well save the first now. John thought, letting out a sigh as his hand touched the dragon's scales. "Consider it my goodwill for giving me some excitement." He said, closing his eyes, delving into the dragon's mind.


This chapter was quite difficult to write at certain points. At the beginning, everything was going as planned. And then, I just started to write unconsciously at a certain point, and then I stopped to look at what I wrote and thought: I liked it. I left it like that. And then continued to write. You may have noticed certain changes in John's character from the first chapters, and this is one of the points I plan to work in this story. Tha changes he will go through in this new reality. Also, I am planning to change the story's title. I mean, the TVDU, with Legacies as the center, is the starting point of this sotry, but I don't plan to stick all the time in this universe, with it as the center. I don't even know if there will be a center, honestly. Every day, I make differences and new ideas pop up, so I am kind of uncertain about these things. Not to tell that the TVDU will be cast aside. No, it will still be an important world in regard to what I plan. Anyways, many ideas in my head, but not certain in what to follow. But I am also liking where I am going. I already have in mind the next world to work with. And just like you can guess from things here, things there will also be slightly different. Also, this title was the best I could think of when considering everything present in both chapters. Anyway, here is the chapter for today. Comment in what you thought of it, please share your thoughts about it. It will be extremely helpful to me. Thanks for all your support - Author