
Legacies: Dragon

Only own MC. MC is Lesbian. Girl wishes to be in Legacies with a twist.

xGodWarriorx · TV
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 - Hope is getting better

Nina POV

Azazel calls me to tell me there going to the underworld so I'm gonna stay with Hope at her school for now.

We walk to the entrance as she opened the door to the school where it is exactly the same in the show so I see people looking at me.

"Well let's go" (Hope)

I followed her around school to which people were whispering.

"So? What should I show you first?" (Hope)

"Hopey, I came for you not the school, whatever you wanna do I'm here for" (Nina)

"Well, how about we go over more magic" (Hope)

"Alright, what do you wanna learn?" (Nina)

"More Attack Spells" (Hope)

"Very well" (Nina)

I kissed her forehead for her to walk to the gym to use for training.

We go in for me to put sound proof spell on the gym so no one can hear this.

"Now, your magic core is that of an Ultimate Class being, we're gonna make you into a being that can fight low class gods next" (Nina)

"Are Gods real?" (Hope)

"Yes but they only keep to there domains of mythology so don't worry" (Nina)

"Alright so what we learning?" (Hope)

"We're gonna learn lightning magic" (Nina)

"That's new" (Hope)

"Yep, remember lightning magic is about speed and devastating attacks" (Nina)

I summoned a spark of lightning in my hand and condensed it to the size of a tooth pick.

I aimed it at a training dummy and shot it to obliterate it, Hope was shocked really.

"I just made huge amounts of lightning magic and condensed it til when it reaches a target it will explode" (Nina)

"So how do I do this?" (Hope)

"Feel your magic energy then command it with what element you want" (Nina)

Hope nodded to close her eyes to concentrate, her energy was beginning to rise til sparks of electricity formed on the outside. She opened her eyes full of electricity that you would be blown away by it.

"Alright, now condense it" (Hope)

She was trying hard to condense it but she could only make it the size of a small ball, really good on her first attempt at this.

"That's good enough Hope, you did well on your first try so release your energy" (Nina)

She did to be sweating but not exhausted, good.

"Now here's your task" (Nina)

I walked to the other side of the gym.

"We're gonna clash our lightning to see who's is stronger, warning I'm not gonna hold back" (Nina)

"Alright" (Hope)

Hope channels lightning to her hand and I do the same.

"And now!" (Nina)

We shot lightning at each other which collided, mine was pushing her back but she was holding on for dear life.

"Come on Mikaelson!" (Nina)

"Your really getting on my nerves!" (Hope)

Hopes lightning pushed mine back to hit me shredding my clothes, I look down to see my shirt have way gone revealing my black lace push up bra.

"Good job, first lesson cleared in a hour" (Nina)

Hope was huffing but she smiled.

"But, it's time for payback" (Nina)

"Huh?" (Hope)

I zapped her with lightning destroying her shirt revealing her red lace push up bra, Hope looked down.

"Wow, didn't knew you wore something like that?" (Nina)

"Nina!" (Hope)

"Relax, your my mate so don't flustered by it, your body is perfect" (Nina)

I walked over and kissed her lips.

"Training over, bedroom now" (Nina)

I teleported us to her room which I'm gonna enjoy this.