
Legacies: Dragon

Only own MC. MC is Lesbian. Girl wishes to be in Legacies with a twist.

xGodWarriorx · TV
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6 Chs

Chapter 3 - Stating a fact

Nina POV

I'm in my room in Japan, wow I forgot I'm in DxD world as well, Hope is spending time with her family which I can understand really. In this time period it's the Second Season of DXD, the peace conference. Should I fight Vali, I mean mom wouldn't care, she only has emotions about me and Mama really but she doesn't tell the Khaos Brigade anything really. But if Cao Cao thinks he can hurt my parents he's dreaming. Hades as well, fighting him will be enjoyable really to a point.

My phone starts ringing.

"Hello~" (Nina)

'Hey Nina! It's your favorite Fallen Angel' (Azazel)

"Oh Azazel, what can I do for you?" (Nina)

'It's Kokabiel, I feel like he's gonna make a move soon' (Azazel)

"I see, the war mugger is still a pest, you want me to deal with him?" (Nina)

'If you could then that would be great' (Azazel)

"What about Vali?" (Nina)

'He's gonna be there but the Devils are gonna need assistance' (Azazel)

"Alright, I'll do it" (Nina)

'Thank You Nina' (Azazel)

"No Problem, Bye Azazel" (Nina)

I hanged up and laid back down to think when I got another call.

"Hello~" (Nina)

'Nina, it's Hope' (Hope)

"Oh! Hey Hopey, you doing okay?" (Nina)

'Yeah, I just wondering if you can swing by today, maybe hang out' (Hope)

"Sure, why not? I mean I have free time anyways" (Nina)

"Okay, see you then" (Hope)

"Bye Hopey" (Nina)

'Bye Nina' (Hope)

I went to take a shower, I was gonna spend the day with my mate so gotta be clean.

I put on a Red Shirt, Blue Jean Shorts, and Black heels. I grabbed my black leather jacket. I teleported to New Orleans to see my beautiful mate.

I arrived outside her place to hear fighting, this can't be good.


"Klaus, you cannot control Hope!" (Hayley)

"Nik, the girl saved our family's lives, let's not make an enemy we can't win against" (Rebekah)

"I don't care, we know nothing of her" (Klaus)

"Perhaps you shouldn't shouldn't go provoking the girl" (Elijah)

"I'm the Original Hybrid, I have nothing to fear" (Klaus)

"Oh brother" (Kol)

"Nothing to fear, that's an imagination you cooked up" (Nina)

They see me which I look at Klaus with my Draconian eyes.

"You think you can take me? You have an inflated ego thinking you can take a dragon, but the future ruler of dragons, no one is above us in this world" (Nina)

"Watch what you say" (Klaus)

"Just because your my mates father doesn't mean I won't kick your ass all over the quarter" (Nina)

He charges at me but I grab him by his throat.

"Nina, please, that's my dad still" (Hope)

"Fine, you get a warning Klaus Mikaelson but remember that both my parents are Gods, to them your a lower life form to them, an ant they can crush under there boots, I'm included" (Nina)

I threw him against the wall breaking his neck. I walked to Hope to take her hand to her room which got a smile from the family.

"So can you help with my magic?" (Hope)

"Of course I can" (Nina)