
Left Past to Future

Allow me to introduce my self. I'm Salman Rahman. English isn't my first language so please consider my mistakes.This story is about a guy named izek. He was a weak person at first but later he rebored and became stronger. For some reasons the time line of the universe has been broked. What if the past generation people comes to present and present generation comes to past generation because of broken timeline. How unbelievable it could be for both of the generation people's. well read the rest of the story to know more....

Salman_R_Rahman · War
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12 Chs

Chapter 0- Who is Izek

Once upon a time, There was a person called Izek in primitive age. he was a very shy and cold type person. He doesn't get involved in any bad things. always avoid fight and conflicts. But people.... they just treat's him as an insect. They beats him to death every time they see him but doesn't kill him because they enjoy see him suffering. Every day is a worst day and every night is a nightmare for him. They tortured him. he had only wish to die. Because the physically and mentally pain they ware giving him is worth to die. He was barely able to live. every day he gets back home with many scars and blood upon him. He was barren from this life. One day the natives group found him. they're biggest enemy was the loners. Some people from the natives caught him and took him to their king. King S Boredo. He was the biggest and tallest man alive. He was strong enough to destroy the whole forest. He can wins again 1 vs 500. He's straight is uncombable. He let his people torture Izek as worst way they can. After torturing for hours he came and held izek throat and keep punching him. By being punched by him.....izek wasn't able to make it and died on that spot.

{There's are 5 kinds of group. those are Masters, Survivors, Civilians, Natives and loner}. Izek was the loner one. Who are the loaners now? loners are those who were abended from the society. People hate them and no one likes to be around them. They are not given equal rights as others. There wasn't any loner group exited. It was just people who don't have anyone for them called loner. People's like this camed together and decided to create a group of them as the name loners because if nobody cares for them, they are here to help each other.