
Lecherous Leech

Silas was riding inside Truck-Kun, flooring it to kill a demon who possessed a friend when it was stopped like hitting a wall. He shot through the windshield and was issekaied the hard way. If dying wasn’t bad enough, his ex-wife, the daughter of god, was put in charge of judging him and his family. She decided to reincarnate them into leeches and toss them into a magical world during a boss fight.

Ultimatedaywriter · Games
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38 Chs

CH18: The Spider Attack

When he pulled out of Ramona, the angry blue-haired fairy, Silas felt like he had fulfilled an arduous task. His first summon, Stella happily offered her peach-colored nipples to suck on while he continued with the spontaneous orgy. After that, his stamina drained faster than his regeneration could keep up. Still, sexual need, thankfully, several instances of stallion kept him going. Hours had flown by while he plundered the depths of fairy after fairy in the grass on the side of a big road.

After he finally had enough and dropped Ramona on her knees. Ramona gaped and dripped as her wrinkled butthole flexed and squeezed, barely managing to close before suddenly opening again. Somehow, she squeezed it back to how it had been before, virgin tight. Regeneration had some interesting consequences.

He saw a new prompt appear and felt a little excited. This was normal from what Stella told him. While he used the system, the system adapted to him to streamline power usage. Besides, the system didn't award stat points from the effort; it only informed the user they had gained stat points.

Orgy Complete Number of Fairies Satisfied 10 in 8 hours


+12 Charisma

Charisma 112 E+

+5 Stamina

Stamina 25 F+

+3 Regeneration

Regeneration 25 E-

His cells burned as the mana in his body made changes to ease regeneration and boost his stamina. With instances of stallion, he wasn't sure he qualified for something crazy like 5 stamina, but buffs weren't counted in training. It was more based on his effort and how much mana he had.

Stella explained it to him a while back. His personal mana pool was responsible for increasing his stats. Humanoids with high mana were more likely to gain more stat points from training and sex than those with low mana. The actual numbers weren't available at the top of her head, but there was a reason why most humans took mage classes early on. It made him want to try the fence again with his higher regeneration, but he held off.

The fairies were finally picking themselves off the ground and looking around. Then, a furry wolf spider leaped from cover and attacked, fangs bared.

Silas threw himself to the side as the spider pinned a fairy before driving its fangs into her abdomen. An ear-piercing scream filled the side of the road as more spiders charged. The fairies took off, leaving him with charging spiders.

The impaled fairy barely had time to take a shuddering breath before the other spiders joined in and ripped her apart. Her real self would suffer a horrifying vision and remember being ripped apart. But Silas didn't have time to feel sorry for her. Thoughts of a vasopressin bond shattered as he caught one of the charging spiders.

Strips of grey fur covered the wolf spider's bodies, hanging on barely to their thoraxes as they moved like lightning. He would like to say his excellent movement skills helped him outfight the spiders, but that wasn't the case. One tried to latch onto him from behind before another bashed it away. They were all sent to get him, which was a case of too many cooks in the kitchen. When one attacked, another made a move and got in their way.

The last blunder gave him seconds of breathing room while they backed him into a corner. He activated charm and felt the skill like never before. With a little finesse, he maneuvered the skill to affect half of them. Unfortunately, communication immediately broke down between the spiders, and they started fighting each other.

Silas looked up when the spiders were occupied to see his fairies stuck in webs being cocooned by a group of smaller spiders.

He watched the infighting wolf spiders as one spider outfought the others with superior speed and tactics. Fortunately, it was charmed. Silas waited for the fighting to die down before walking up to the creature.

The rank 1 spider was larger than it should be natural and stared at him with eight large black eyes. However, it hadn't tried eating him or doing weird spider sex stuff, so he felt comfortable relying on it. He hopped on its back and directed the monster up the tree.

He charmed everything he saw and watched his skill rise with near-peak rank 1 monsters under his control. It had already been 70% through ranking up, and he had reached the threshold requirement long ago. All he had to do was wait for the skill to finish rising.

After gaining more spiders to his side, he felt something like a connection to the creatures he controlled. It was a much weaker connection than the solid cables connecting him to his summons. But, it felt like it was enough to give them instances of discipline. The web-weaving spiders led the way as he rode on the wolf spider.

They made their way deeper off the road towards an old house half submerged in bog water. Around the rundown house, hundreds of bodies were hanging from trees near the house with vast, intricate webs leading in through the house's windows. Eight glowing red eyes stared out from the open door leading into the house, giving off a feeling of supremacy.

Spiders around him started shaking off his charm, and even the spider he was on started freaking out. He tried to retake control with all his might, but the difference between their stats was too high. The second-rank spider at its baseline was much stronger than Silas's best stat. It also had some kind of aura skill that slowly removed charm from its spiders.

It was then that he felt something change with his skill. Mana pushed into his eye and nearly burned it out as his skill upgraded.

Charm: Initiate 0.01%

Infatuate those who see the user's eye based on mana and charisma disparity between the user and the target.

Gain +1% effectiveness Charisma per being per 25 charisma points

Apprentice Threshold: charm 1 humanoid 1 rank higher

While most of his links to the weaver spiders around him failed, his link to the wolf spider strengthened, and it calmed down. A web shot behind him and touched his back, only to fall off. Apparently, there was another use for mucus after all. Unfortunately, his wolf spider wasn't so lucky.

Eight webs shot out and attached themselves to the wolf spider's legs, and the weavers pulled in eight different directions.

Silas leaped away as his ride shrieked before he heard a crack. That was fine; he had a plan; he blasted the rank 2 spider with charm and felt the thing's mind shriek out. It was the reaction he was looking for.

A rank one weaver charged at him, and Silas pushed forward and punched the thing. The spider was so surprised by his action it flew off its web only to blast him with its web to hold on. When the web bounced off, the spider fell down, shrieking.

The spider emerged from the rundown house and blasted the area with purple miasma. Small orifices opened up along its medium dog-sized body, squirting out a purple liquid that quickly turned into gas on contact with the air.

Being a leech and parasite with hands opened a few options that most didn't have. Legs and feet to run combined with opposable thumbs to open things and wield tools were beyond useful. Ultimately his strengths didn't come from frontal assaults or magic attacks yet. Thinking like a popper mage or a warrior wouldn't get him what he wanted. He needed to think like a thief or a parasite. In other words, he couldn't get a flashy spell flinger or warrior class if he wanted to take advantage of his natural abilities.

This wasn't about the rank of the spider. It moved fast through its miasma, waiting for him to get close so it could attack with its fangs. How else would a spider fight but with webs, fangs, and venom? Knowing that allowed him to change the flow of battle without the spider ever realizing it. After the spider's minions failed to attach webs to him and their close proximity became a liability due to charm, the spider decided to play aggressive defense.

Like walking a tightrope, Silas made his way carefully toward his adversary. Summoning wouldn't work the gathered spiders would capture his summons, but that was fine; he didn't need them to win. The second he inched too close to the miasma, the spider shot out fangs bared to finish him in a single move.

With Silas's newly empowered legs, he jumped into the attack. The second he crossed into its mouth, iron defense stacked with vore, spider, and venom gave him not only 3 stacks of iron defense and three instances of stallion. Her scissor-like pedipalps failed to cut him in one go allowing him to crawl into her mouth. Compared to her, he was still more than small enough to be eaten, and she didn't bother resisting.

The second he was in her stomach compacted by rank 2 muscles, he latched on to her stomach wall and fed. Her rank-2 stomach pressed against him stronger than ever before while her rank-2 acids bypassed his defenses and started melting him down. It was gluttony, iron defense stacks, and his regeneration kept him going while he fed.

Silas felt the stomach lurch when the monster noticed something was wrong, but it was already too late. The curtain was closing, and blood flowed like wine.

Leech: Initiate 0.02%

Gain Low-grade EXP by drinking blood.

Inflict 1 instance of stat drain for every minute attached +1 instance for every 25 mana points

Apprentice Threshold – Consume blood from 3 rank-2 beings (1/3)

Level Up

Silas lvl45

+40 Points

Stats Drained

+6 Health

+5 Speed

+2 Skills

Silas Flex lvl45

Rank: 1

Species: Leech


Invertebrate – with no bones to speak of, the user gains a 20% decrease in blunt damage.

Reincarnate – Double the chance to learn new skills.

Mucus – 15% resistance from Normal Acid unless salted or scorched.

Breeding Survivor – 20% increased chance to survive breeding with cannibalistic and parasitic creatures.

Mage – +20% effectiveness of mana


Summoner lvl15 +3 Mana, +3 Charisma


Summon: Sunshine Fairy



Health: 50 E-

Mana: 100 E+ 120%

Stamina: 25 F+

Constitution: 25 E- 130%

Regeneration: 25 E-

Strength: 20 F+

Speed: 14 F+

Charisma: 112 E+ 104%

Skills: 12 F+

Stat Points: 40


Leech: Initiate 0.02%

Gain Low-grade EXP by drinking blood.

Inflict 1 instance of stat drain for every minute attached +1 instance for every 25 mana points

Apprentice Threshold – Consume blood from 3 rank-2 beings (1/3)

Parasyte: Beginner 90% - Gain resistance skills when feeding on other living things.

Initiate Threshold: Feed on 10 different species – Complete

Predator: Beginner 0% - Hunt other life forms to gain experience.

Initiate Threshold: Consume 10 different species

Human: Initiate 0.91%

Maintain human intelligence and memories no matter the form.

Forms gain more human characteristics the higher they level.

Apprentice Threshold: Farm Resources

Hentai: Initiate 8%

Gain instances of Iron Defense for each tag from online searches.

Raise the effectiveness of Constitution +1% for each tag experienced under this skill.

Apprentice Threshold: Initiate a sexual encounter – Complete

Acid Resistance: Beginner 100% - The user receives less damage from Common Acid.

Threshold – Endure A Bovine's Digestion Process.

Magic Resistance: Beginner 50% - The user receives less damage from rank 1 spells.

Initiate Threshold: Survive 10 Spells – Complete

Swimming: Beginner 47% - Use 10% less stamina while swimming.

Initiate Threshold: Swim 1 Mile.

Gluttony: Beginner 85% - After the user is full extra mass is converted to Health stacking until 10 times health pool.

Initiate Threshold – Consume 100x body weight.

Charm: Initiate 1% -

Infatuate or make suggestable those who see the user's eye based on mana disparity between the user and the target.

Gain +1% effectiveness Charisma per 25 Charisma.

Apprentice Threshold: Charm 1 human a rank above the user.

Lust: Beginner 30% - Gain instances of stallion every time a sex-based skill is active.

Initiate Threshold – Have sex with 10 willing partners - Complete

Regiment: Beginner 17% - For every 25 charisma points, add an instance of discipline to all forces under the user's control

Initiate Threshold – Slay 1 Enemy a rank above the user. – Complete