
Leave my trails with fragments

Xiara_Lin_5375 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 9 Tainted Saint

The war between human aristocrat and Elven became even more enraged, when the noble friend of Elven Princess was killed for creating a rally against the war.

Every corner of the empire was blazing with fire as swords clashed to one another, blood of the innocent's flooded the path. It was no longer a safe place, and they all had to flee from another kingdom. 

"MAMA YOU CANT DO THIS!" Aubrey pleaded 

"I dont want it too, but i want you both to live" Their mother cried hugging them.

"THEN WHY NOT COME WITH US!? WE CAN RUN TOGETHER!" Janel yelled angry and his tears wouldn't start flowing. 

The mother was contemplating, but they still dont have any other plans.. They both lived a virtuous life and they did everything to make things right, so what made it all go wrong.

"I really want to.. me and your father really wanted to live and raise you both, please believe me—I tried thinking of another way, but we are powerless no matter what Janel. Weather we were good to them, everyone will become selfish with their lives and they wont help us.. this is the only way, I want you both to run and never look back as we hold them back" She was sobbing and teary at first but the lasy part she became stern and authoritative. Janel's mother is an C rank warrior, and that assured the last word she dropped.

"Is there really-" just as Janel was about to complain more, gallops of horses was heard, and the soldiers was yelling to line up the kids. The mom didn't hesitate and gave both of them a twin sword. With different colours, Aubrey received an Emerald sword, while Jane'l Received an indigo sword.

She packed them up and they were fully ready.

"Analise, are they ready?" The father asked looking out the door.

"they're almost here ana, hurry up" The father was sweating, and scared for his kids. He too dont want them to be sent to the training camp to be trained to kill innocent's.

"They're done Clent, they'll do fine with this" She responded as she sneakily went to the back door, as Clent Followed.

"I'll miss you guys" The father knelt and hugged them both, he did not shed a tear as to not make them worry. 

"Where can we go?" Janel asked while wiping its tears. 

"Go to black wolves territory, adison yout aunt is there... dont come back here unless i sent you a message. Got it?" the mom demands, while sticking out her pinky finger for a pinky promise.

"Promised" Aubrey and janel pinky promised and left the area. 

They looked at the disappearing back of their children, and sigh'ed relief that they wont experience the hell that they went through before being married. 

"It's good that we know better how cruel those ruthless nobles are, everyone is lining up their kids to be killers and they don't even know that" Clent held Analise's hand as he kissed them.

"that was how we met.. I'm happy we're out of it, and the kids wont go through the same thing. I'll make sure of it" she assured clent, as her eyes darkens with hostility to those nobles. 

"The kids are really soft hearted and no ability with the sword so why give them?" Clent asked curious at the heirlooms they both preserved as a guft for Aubrey, and Janel, but they both had their passion to herbalism.

"Skills can be learned, it's not only those born talents can hold a sword, but those who are eager to learn can. And thats where i started." She replied and walked to the front door eith Clent.

"What made you think they'll do what you expect of them?" He knows how accurate his wifes predictions were, and he never doubts it no matter what.

"They will soon hold those beautiful swords, to fight against evil, side by side and avange the wronged." She knows her kids better than anyone, and she knows that they are just as righteous as her.