
Learning the art of seduction in kinder garden.

I was inspired to finally write this novel after reading Reverend Insanity. I've always wished to write a truly evil main character. Most main characters in novels, especially those of the cultivation genre are quite shallow in my opinion, collecting women like pokemon while breezing through cultivation at such high speeds due to their cheats that it reduces cultivation which is a concept i am quite fond of into just a mechanism to stimulate dopamine in the reader after every break through. Cultivation should be a hard and time consuming endeavor that takes one an entire life of dedication in order to achieve the smallest of feats, and yet even though the protagonist is often just a brat without even a hundred of years of life experience under his belt he often manages to obliterate, outsmart and out skill opponents that have lived for thousands of years. Just like Gu Zhen Ren i wish to write a story that dismantles the common cultivation novel plots and cliches. I wish to write a story with a believable world and characters. To construct a main character that isn't hung up on morality or swayed by beautiful woman. I do not wish to write a juvenile that only thinks with their genitals, possessing the personality of a wooden bucket. On the other hand although I love Fang Yuan and greatly enjoy reading about him and his philosophy, i do not wish to write a complete pragmatist for i know that i won't enjoy writing such a character. I wish to write about a calm, calculating schemer who can't help but dip their toes into insanity every now and then. A person who will never hesitate to cross the line. A person that views morals and virtues as naught but tools to exploit. A person who will trample, exploit and use everyone and everything available to them to achieve their ends. I wish to write about the greatest evil who will eat their own babies for fun!

Lustful_Death · Eastern
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4 Chs


[1417 Words]

This chapter is written, Proof read and edited by me, Your only god and savior



Tiny little note before we begin the single greatest piece of literature to have ever been penned, I am writing this novel primarily for my own enjoyment and to interact with people. I have no real intention of making money out of this book or achieving any sort of renown from it which is why it shall remain free for the rest of time.

Also, i am not Chinese nor do I come from any eastern background. I am writing a cultivation novel simply because I love the concept of cultivation itself so don't expect this cultivation novel to have the same feel as other cultivation novels.

If you have any suggestions or opinions concerning this book whether it be for future events or characters you wish to see please feel free to comment, i always look forward to reading people's opinions on my work.


"Could I ask you why you did it?" Inside a well decorated small office, a middle aged brown haired man wearing neat semi formal attire and holding a small tablet sat on a comfortable leather chair and asked an elderly man who sat on a chair across him. The man in question had thin white hair and an orange jumpsuit hung off his thin body, his boney wrists were bound together with handcuffs.

The thin old man opened his mouth revealing his rotten teeth. "Are you asking me what reason would a human have to kill another?"

"There are countless reasons for a human to kill another human, love, hatred, greed, pride, fear, weakness." The old man said.

The middle aged man said nothing, only typing a few times on his tablet as he listened.

"If you ask me why i personally did it then i would tell you that i did it out of weakness."

"You did it out of weakness? I am not very convinced, could you go into more detail?" The middle aged man questioned.

"Certainly, although the families and friends of my victims might feel that my statement might be an excuse, those well versed in human nature will perfectly understand what i mean." The old man said as he leaned back on the chair.

"And what is it that they would understand exactly?" The middle aged man inquired.

"Those well versed in human nature understand that weakness is both the source of all human kindness and cruelty. The reason why we are cruel towards each other is because we seek to elevate ourselves through stepping on others, we do it so that we can feel like we are better than others. 'I am better than that guy' those are the sorts of thoughts that we use to delude ourselves into thinking that we are strong. Weakness is what drives us to hurt others but it is also what drives us to help them as well, we help those in need because we understand what it feels like to be helpless and weak." The old man explained.

"The first time i killed someone it was out of weakness. My sister was constantly harassed by a thug on his motorcycle. It went on for months on end before she told me. I thought about reporting him to the police but after i did some digging i found out that he was no stranger to staying behind bars nor was he afraid of their coldness. Afraid of possible retaliation from him after he was set free i decided against reporting the matter to the police. Of course i couldn't just let him continue harassing my sister so i had to take things into my own hands. I was patient, i took my time and stalked him for months, i knew him better than he himself. after i was done collecting information on him and his routine i concocted a plan, i dug a four meter deep grave deep in a forest and picked up a stray dog i found on the street. i rented a van and i waited outside a club i knew he would go to at the end of every month to get black out drunk. He drank late into the night and once he exited the club stumbling around i followed him into an empty area before i pepper sprayed him with pepper spray i made myself then knocked him out before putting him in the van and tying him up before taking him to the forest." Unconsciously a small smile surfaced on the man's face as he recounted.

"Once I was at the forest i pulled out all his nails, broke his legs, shoved the thick handle of my shovel up his ass before flattening his head like a pancake with it." The old man licked his lips. "After that i kicked him into his grave and filled it up halfway, i then killed the stray dog and threw it's carcass Into the grave before completely filling it, that way even if police dogs sniffed him out they would find the dog's carcass and think it was just a dog."

"I had a lot of nightmares after that, sometimes i would fail and he would run to the police, sometimes i was the one getting tortured while other times the police would find out about what i did and i would get arrested, i thought about going back to the grave but I resisted the urge as the risk was high. The way my heart would almost beat out of my chest everytime I was stopped by a police officer on the road. It felt.....strange, people talked to me on a daily basis for years, completely unaware that they were speaking to a murderer."

"My second victim was a random homeless man i met, nobody cared nor ever remembered him, he was an easy target so i killed and buried him on the same afternoon that i met him. From then on it became like a game to me, something to help me break the monotonous routine of life. Overtime my targets grew more and more extreme, prostitutes then family men then children then police officers then politicians. No matter who i killed or how many i killed no one could catch me, so what if you're rich or powerful? can your money bring you back to life? Knowing that i could end whomever i wanted made my ego grow more and more, but the more my ego grew and the more people i killed the more i grew reckless and the less cautious i became." The old man recounted.

"Honestly if you ask me there are way too many cameras these days." The old man said as he looked at the corner of the room with his muddy black eyes.

A few days later The old man now rocking a fresh bald cut sat on a chair, different from the last one this one was made of wood and had an additional feature of being able to drive 2,000 volts of electricity through a human body, he was strapped to the chair and a wet sponge was put on his head before a large electrode was placed on top of it, two more electrodes were placed on his legs.

"Any final words?" An officer asked the old man.

"It's just death, what's there to fuss about?" The old man said before a black blind fold was placed on his eyes.

After the execution team withdrew to the observation room the warden of the prison signaled the executioner who pulled a handle that connected the power supply, sending a jolt of 2,000 volts through the old man's body.

The old man's body writhed and convulsed violently, eyeballs popped out and rested on his cheeks. The old man defecated, urinated, and vomited blood and drool. His body turned a bright red as its temperature rose, and his flesh swelled, his skin stretched to the point of breaking. He then caught fire. Witnesses heard a loud and sustained sound like bacon frying, and the sickly sweet smell of burning flesh permeated the chamber.

(A/N: kinda makes me hungry)


Anyway that concludes the first chapter. I usually don't like writing nor reading the obligatory dramatic death before transmigration scene since it feels mostly empty because we don't know the main character yet so i tried to use this chapter to give an introduction to the main character.

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