

COMPLETED [Mature Content] My life has no meaning. I'm forty years old, a middle age woman. Some say I have a fulfilling life, an architect with a high salary, a one-bedroom condo unit and a face that, although not the most beautiful, certainly warrants a second look. The only thing people criticize about me is the emptiness of my ring finger. I'm not married and don't have a family of my own. I don't feel anything about it. I don't need a man in my life, and I hate kids. The only thing I regretted was how I lived my life. Half of it wasted in school and the other half wasted in work. Before I knew it, I'm already old and at my deaths bed - alone and dying. THEN I WOKE UP FROM THE DREAM. ---- Read my other works: I am the Queen (FL) Genre: Fiction, Mature, Modern Romance, StrongFL, RichFL, PoorML, ColdML Realm Wars (ML) Genre: Epic Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Mature, R18, Romance, RPGelements, GAMEelements, OPmc Angels, Demons, Sprites, Elves, Beastmen Generation of Heroes (ML) Genre: Action, Adventure, Epic Fantasy, Friendship, Magic, Beasts, Game Elements, Multiple Leads, OPmc, Romance, War, Military Trinity the Last White Witch (FL) Genre: Werewolf, Vampires, Witches, Fantasy, R18, Mature, ColdML, StrongFL ---- Stalk me here: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: MiuNovels ---- Donate for my Milk Addiction: PayPal: Miu.2017@yahoo.com

MiuNovels · Urban
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279 Chs


"Lean, stop being unreasonable." My father shot a reprimanding look at my mother, who was sobbing non-stop at the side.

It was the day for my departure, and we were in a private airport where Luke Jansen's jet was prettily waiting nearby.

"What do you mean unreasonable?! What if Len-Len gets sick?! What if I miss her or decided to visit her?! Because of you canceling of buying a house in New Haven, I can't be together with Len-Len!" my mother retorted and threw dagger looks at her husband.

My father rolled his eyes. His wife was getting more unreasonable by the minute.

"Mom, you don't have to worry. I've bought a three-bedroom condo unit in New York and New Haven. When you come to visit, you can stay at my place," I said.

Four years ago, I invested in the still ongoing construction of Azure Sky in New Haven and New York. After the development, I commissioned a famous interior designer to design the units. In my previous life, Azure Sky exterior and interior were the envy of many designers. They were widely used as a reference for future projects even after years it was built.

A year ago, the construction of both condos was completed and was ready for occupancy. I was planning to keep the one in New York and sell the one in New Haven, but who would have thought that I'd be using the one in New Haven when I study in Artem University.

My mother stared at me with dead eyes. ". . . I want a house," she said, aggrieved.

". . ."

Mother really is getting more unreasonable by the minute.

After so many goodbyes and my mother's howls and cries, I hugged my parents and kissed my brothers on their cheeks.

I climbed the jet, and before entering, I turned and waved at my family goodbye.


It was seven in the evening when we landed in New York. Uncle Luke wanted to have dinner with me. He said to spend my free week in New York before class officially starts. He also offered to send my luggage first in my condo in New Haven, which I happily oblige.

A Maybach Limo fetched me from Uncle Luke's private airport and dropped me in a five-star hotel.

Giardino Casa

The hotel's exterior was surrounded by hanging garden balconies. In contrast with the simple surface, the interior was like a majestic villa for royalties complete with mini gardens combined with modern designs and technology.

The hotel was featured in every designers' magazine even after years it was built. And the highlight of it all was the awe amazing twenty meters three-star Michelin restaurant hanging on top of the building.

It's a miracle that the engineers pulled it off.

When I entered the restaurant, well-known and influential figures were dining and talking, all radiating elegance and wealth.

The attendant guided me to a four-person table near the side of the curtain wall where a proud and intimidating old man was sitting, casually drinking his wine.

I smiled.

Sensing someone was approaching him, the man turned his gaze at me, his face stern and expressionless, yet his eyes didn't hide a smile.