

COMPLETED [Mature Content] My life has no meaning. I'm forty years old, a middle age woman. Some say I have a fulfilling life, an architect with a high salary, a one-bedroom condo unit and a face that, although not the most beautiful, certainly warrants a second look. The only thing people criticize about me is the emptiness of my ring finger. I'm not married and don't have a family of my own. I don't feel anything about it. I don't need a man in my life, and I hate kids. The only thing I regretted was how I lived my life. Half of it wasted in school and the other half wasted in work. Before I knew it, I'm already old and at my deaths bed - alone and dying. THEN I WOKE UP FROM THE DREAM. ---- Read my other works: I am the Queen (FL) Genre: Fiction, Mature, Modern Romance, StrongFL, RichFL, PoorML, ColdML Realm Wars (ML) Genre: Epic Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Mature, R18, Romance, RPGelements, GAMEelements, OPmc Angels, Demons, Sprites, Elves, Beastmen Generation of Heroes (ML) Genre: Action, Adventure, Epic Fantasy, Friendship, Magic, Beasts, Game Elements, Multiple Leads, OPmc, Romance, War, Military Trinity the Last White Witch (FL) Genre: Werewolf, Vampires, Witches, Fantasy, R18, Mature, ColdML, StrongFL ---- Stalk me here: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: MiuNovels ---- Donate for my Milk Addiction: PayPal: Miu.2017@yahoo.com

MiuNovels · Urban
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[Shopping] [Coincidence]


I was shocked to find many people, especially university students, at one of New Haven's famous shopping area. The place was a long stretched of stores, complete with unique boutiques, retailers, eateries, award-winning restaurants, museums, and theatres.

The shopping street was pack, maybe because the day after tomorrow, the school would officially start.

Fortunately, I found a vacant parking slot to park my Chrysler Jeep. I got out of the car, checked my memo pad, and went for my first haul.


It was nearing three in midday when I finished everything on my list. I grabbed a hotdog sandwich for lunch, and went back to my car, shoving everything in the backseat.

I was ready to leave when a boutique caught my sight, selling one of a kind clothes for men. From the simple well-aged and elegant architecture, I knew that what they're selling were expensive.

I licked my lips, walking my way towards it.