
League of Supernatural

Precious, a young pretty orphan found herself in a love triangle with three different supernatural creatures, a mermaid, a vampire, and a hybrid of a werelion and a werewolf. All three supernatural creatures had the conviction that they were destined for each other. Thank God for her friend who was a witch, she helped her to understand and make her choice wisely, and through this, she realized the cause of her parent:'s death. They never died a natural death. Together with her league of supernatural she took up her arms and went against her sea of troubles.

Onyeka_Rossi1 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Water Lives

"I often get the feeling that someone is always staring at me whenever I pass this stream, he could be one serial killer lurking in the woods waiting to strangle me." She had said to her friends to have them always walk her across the stream.

"No! No please, you can't leave me here, you know, you know that I can't walk across that stream alone, and no one is following me at all, and Obiagu is not here. Please don't do this, ok, I'm sorry, you are not a witch. Please come back." She called out on Love but her friend never listened, she had made up her mind that she was not walking her home anymore, after all, no one believed her tale of a person always trailing her from the stream.

"Who could be that jobless to always lurk in the dark woods only to be looking at you always?" So Love will always say to her whenever she said that to her.

Now Precious found herself deserted in the lonely and weary road of Rossville, she round to see if she could see anyone who she could join to at least walk past the scary stream which she feared a whole lot, the same stream that some people had claimed to have seen some mermaids on.

So when it became dawn on Precious that she had to go home by herself, she chose to take the bull by the horn, and face her fears, so she advanced, she progressed with panic in her heart as she sluggishly strode through the weary bush path of the community. Luckily for her, it was a full moon, and the night was pretty bright, so, it would be easier for her to see anyone lurking in the dark woods. So many times Precious had mistaken her own foot sound for the sound of her supposed gazer, she turned around numerous times in suspicion only to find out that it was her own feet that makes the supposed terrifying sound.

But when it seemed like she was almost trying to get acquainted with the courage which she sought to walk across the stream fearlessly, that was when something expected yet unexpected happened. She saw a man come out of the wood and stood. He stood just before the stream. He was not all that tall based on how she saw him, but he cast a very huge shadow as it almost seemed like he stood just beneath the illuminating moon. As soon as Precious saw this man, she knew there was trouble. Immediately she spun to run away only to find two other men walking down to her wearing this annoying and eerie smile.

Now Precious needed no prophet or a suit safer to confirm to her how much trouble she was in.

"Oh my God, my fear has caught up with me. That which I fear had just visited me." So she said in her mind, but with this, she made up her mind to advance forward. She pulled down her head and hastened her feet to walk past the man at the stream side as she wished that the three should not be together, but as she got to the side where the man was he stopped her, he walked to her front and stretched he had to hold her but she drifted backwards.

"Hey, stop there, where do you think you are going to?" So the man let out and as soon as she was stopped, the other two boys trotted down to the place where she was. Though Precious could not see their faces, it was evident to her that they were smiling

"She is the one, didn't I tell you? finally, she is in our hands." So said one of the boys behind her back, he spoke with so much confidence, and he sounded excited.

"Come and contour for me again, I have you in my hand, hahaha. Today we shall eat from your juicy pot, we will all take turns on you. Hahaha, I guess we will have to taste and see if truly, you are that virgin you claim to be." So said the other boy behind her back. Giving attention to them as they said this, poor Precious became baptized in fear, she turned to her left and her right, front and back, but she could not find a niche to gore through. She pleaded with them but they paid no attention to her plea.

"See her fine face, Oyibo pepper. Today you will confirm our rods" So the man from the front said, he smiled as he said this, he appeared to be desperate, and he could not wait to pounce on her, with his eyes he had already denuded her. As he spoke, he kept licking his lips with his tongue which he kept tucking out of his mouth. The three boys started taunting her, harassing her, and even almost molesting her, they nudged her into the stream. But just as they had caught her unawares, so also were they seized unaware.

As soon as Precious' body hits the water something strange happened, something unexplainable. It was as if the water came together and started to materialize, forming a solid stand. As the boys saw this, they drew back, they tried to run but could not, they had been held by the water itself. As they struggled to escape from the supernatural grip of the water but it turned out to be impossible as the water now seemed to have hands, the body of water which was coming together all of a sudden began to gain the flesh of a man. The boys became dumbfounded and paralysed with fear, they could not move a muscle, and all they did was just sit and watch with the four signatures of fear printed in their eyes. The upper body of the arising water became like that of a well- light-skinned man, but his lower never changed, it was still as it was, a standing killer of water. Out of concern for their lives, the boys began to plead for mercy. Making promises that they might never meet...