
League of legend start from marvel(d

( stop collecting this ff author has stopped writing this ff so there will be no translation) Lu Wu, who was terminally ill, was pulled into a white space in despair. As long as he completes the tasks released by the space, he can go home with billions of bonuses and a healthy body. And the first task he received, It is to play the role of the dramatist in “Spider-Man 3: no way home; build his stage, and complete the performance FIRST WORLD: spider-man no way home SECOND WORLD: pirates of the Caribbean dead man tell no tales THIRD WORLD: Batman:Dark Knight FOURTH WORLD: Harry Potter(all series) (I am not the real author I just upload it here. ) Author: colours from the stars my other translation fanfic:question and answer system:starting from marvel

translator_sama72 · Movies
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96 Chs


In the corner of the dining room, lifting a square wooden floor, he can enter the basement that the scarecrow said. Going down the stairs, the whole underground is arranged into a simple chemical laboratory.

In addition to various test tubes and instruments, it is a huge fear gas generator.

Anyway, graves couldn't understand the working principle of this machine, but he didn't need to. He took out a few cans of fear gas the size of a fire extinguisher from the freezer next to him, and then he was about to leave. He only needs to deal with Batman, so he doesn't need much.

As for the others enemies, graves himself is the embodiment of fear and doesn't bother to use any fear gas at all.

Holding the silver-gray tank, he walked towards the ground, only to see the scarecrow crawling forward with difficulty through the small window used for lighting in the basement.

Seeing this, graves couldn't help but smile, and then quickly walked out of the basement.

After a while, he appeared behind the scarecrow and asked softly, "My friend, where are you going?"

The unsuspecting scarecrow almost jumped up on the spot, but fortunately, the broken leg stopped him.

Looking at the trembling scarecrow, graves showed a kind smile.

"Thank you for your help, kind crane."

"By the way, I brought you a phone from the inside, call the doctor as soon as possible, I hope it will be in time."

Saying that he threw a mobile phone in front of the scarecrow and walked towards the black car parked not far away.

After getting in the car, graves threw a few cans of fear gas into the back row, then started the engine and drove the car away.

Maybe the start was too fast, all raised sand and dust splashed onto the scarecrow's face.

"Bah ah ah, Graves... ah... you will die!"

"I will definitely take revenge!"

The furious scarecrow yelled wildly, then grabbed the phone in front of him and said incoherently: "You wait for me."

Unexpectedly, just after pressing a series of numbers, he found that the sim card in the mobile phone was taken away, and there was no signal at all. He collapsed and shouted to the sky, and finally threw the phone to shreds as if venting his anger.

On the other side, graves, who was in a good mood, walked through the path in the wheat field, searching for something.

Soon, in the pond beside the road, he found the figure of Roman. Slowly parked the car on the side of the road, graves got out of the car and walked towards the pond.

He guessed that roman was infected with fear gas and ran here in a panic. It looks like he wanted to use the water here to wake himself up, but unfortunately, it was useless. In the end, unable to bear the terrifying illusion, he fell into a coma.

Effortlessly putting the wet Roman into the car, graves continued to drive the car and drove towards home.


The Joker escaped, the day after Batman beat him to death. One of his thugs attacked the Gotham Police Station with a bomb, killing several of the police officers. After that, Joker who couldn't move was rescued.

This also indicates that Gotham's police system has completely collapsed, and all the backbones in the department, from commissioner Gordon to the grass-roots cadres, have all died. There are only three or two officers left, but they all have the idea of ​​quitting.

This made Batman fall into deep self-blame. He just handed over the captured prisoners to the police according to his habit.

Unexpectedly, this kind of thing happened less than half an hour after leaving.

The Joker was rescued, Harvey disappeared, and now there are only two sticky notes with addresses in his hand.

Not to mention the kidnapped Rachel, and the lost reactor. When Bruce thought this was the limit, there was bad news from Alfred that Lucius, the president of Wayne Group, had not come to work for two days.

Lucius, the chief designer of the reactor, also knows the password to open the reactor.

In just a few days, one thing was worse than the other, pressing down on Batman like a mountain, making him a little breathless.

Fortunately, his spirit was tough enough and his body strong enough to not fall into deep despair. But the current Batman is like a tight bowstring, which will suddenly break one day, and eventually lead to irreversible consequences.


Standing on the rooftop, Bruce Wayne let out a long breath. The bat lamp in front of him is still so bright, and the huge bat pattern in the clouds is still conspicuous, which means that Batman is still guarding this decaying city.

Bring a little hope to those who still believe in Batman so far.

Bruce came to mourn his old friend Gordon. Today is the day of his burial, but he did not dare to go to the grave because he was afraid of seeing the sad eyes of Gordon's wife and children.

It was afternoon, but Gotham was dead and raining. There is usually a lot of rain in this city, but today's event was especially special. It gave people an inexplicable sense of calm when the rain hit them as if they were seeing off commissioner Gordon and the police officers who died.

The Gotham Knight, covered in rain, patted the bat lamp in front of him as if saying goodbye to his old friend and cheering him on.

Those villains who are ravaging Gotham will never continue to go unpunished!. Turning off the huge spotlight, Batman walked downstairs quickly, stepped on the Batmobile, and rushed to the first address on the note.

He was not the only one who was also driving on the road. graves was also driving a car on his way home.

He is not in a hurry like Batman, drives very steadily, and strictly obeys traffic rules. While driving, he enjoyed the drizzle.

"This rain, the needle will not poke." When the interest came, graves even hummed a little tune.

"My master revolted in Mangdang, and he drew his sword and slashed snakes."


He sang an excerpt from the Peking Opera "Xiao He Yuexia Chasing Han Xin". Although he had a broken voice, he still sang happily.

he remembers when he was a child in the orphanage, Lu Wu didn't play with others due to physical reasons, so he pestered the dean's mother every day.

The dean's mother is from an older generation and likes to listen to opera, so he listened to it together, and gradually fell in love with opera, and even had the dream of becoming an opera actor.

Besides, he also has a strange habit, he always likes to bring himself into the perspective of the bad guy in the play.

Perhaps because of his tragic childhood and weak body, Lu Wu, who was still young, mistakenly thought that the only people who could become bad people were tall, strong, and extremely healthy.

In his simple little head, he felt that after becoming a bad guy, his body would recover, so that other children would not dare to bully him again. Unfortunately, the bad guys usually end up miserably.

This made Lu Wu slowly put out his dream of becoming an opera actor, and he no longer likes watching operas.

When he grew up, he didn't really become a bad person when he was sick, but he did end up being a bad person.

A predictably tragic end.

People say that childhood has a great influence on a person's life. Lu Wu thinks it makes sense. The reason who he is now is due to his childhood.

But it seems a bit one-sided to attribute all the problems to childhood. Perhaps in his bones, he was born with an indifferent madness...