
Leader: with Seven Deadly

In a world plagued by dark forces and chaos, a mysterious organization known as the Deadly stands tall. Led by the enigmatic Kato, the Deadly have one undeniable goal: to eradicate every trace of the group known as the Rebels, who are viewed as a threat by society. However, behind the veil of their crimes, the Deadly operates in total secrecy. The identities of its members are closely guarded, and they use pseudonyms to protect themselves from exposure. With unparalleled skills in espionage, sabotage, and violence, the Deadly pursue the Rebels with plans that are impossible to predict. On the other side, the Rebels are not a force to be underestimated. They are respected by society for their courage in fighting tyranny and oppression. Yet, with the growing threat of the Deadly, the Rebels must struggle with limited resources while keeping the fire of their resistance burning. In this clash between the Deadly and the Rebels, both sides must risk everything in a dangerous game where the fate of the world can change in the blink of an eye. Who will emerge victorious in this unending conflict?

EinLumi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


On the same night, while the three Seven Deadly were busy carrying out their deadly tasks, Kamiya's footsteps could be faintly heard on the deserted streets. With a rumbling stomach, he clutched his abdomen, realizing that tonight's mission was a test he had created for himself. His disappointment overflowed as some customers skipped out, leaving him to continue walking without the certainty of sustenance.

"Ugh, hungry."

However, ultimately, a still-lit café appeared in the distance. His heart raced, hoping to find a place to rest momentarily.

As he approached the café, someone could be seen sitting leisurely inside. With heavy steps, Kamiya entered the establishment, deciding to shout before sitting.

"Excuse me," he called out, trying to get the attention of the café owner.

The seemingly relaxed café owner replied casually, "There's only a little menu left; if you want, I'll make it for you. If not, just sit here and contemplate your fate, haha," he taunted, though his laughter sounded forced to his customers.

However, Kamiya chose to ignore the mockery, focusing on the hope of getting a warm meal on this dark night.

The atmosphere was interrupted when a man in a white suit sat next to him, casually swirling his coffee glass with a gaze full of mystery.

"I'll have it. Oh?"

Kamiya turned, noticing the stranger next to him subtly swirling his coffee glass. The man in the white suit seemed aware without looking.

"This city... It's deserted, isn't it?"

"Y-yes, it is," he replied hesitantly.

The man in the white suit hinted at concern. "I suspected as much, Talbion is slowly reducing its population on its own."

(Is he talking about the issue related to the disappearing residents?) Kamiya pondered.

"Poor souls," said the man in the white suit, making Kamiya feel even more uneasy.

"I'm not sure what you mean. But, if it concerns this city, then what you said is true,"

"100 percent for you, young man."

"Thank you," Kamiya accepted the praise even though the value didn't apply.

"Be careful, people can stab you in the back. Recently, there have been casualties among the Academy youths, right?"

Kamiya nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes, maybe not just the Academy."

"I haven't seen the leaders of Talbion taking action," the man stopped swirling his finger.

"Hmm... Why is that untrue? I think the leader's actions are limited. For example, has someone been threatened? So the leaders can't act freely."

Kamiya had a negative feeling. A feeling towards crime.

A negative feeling engulfed the man. "You mean forced unification?"

"You could say that. Ah, thank you."

The menu Kamiya ordered had arrived, after answering the questions from the man in the suit.

"If only young people think like that, what will the future be like?" the man said, his tone becoming serious.

"Beating up the perpetrators, I guess."

"Very well. It was nice talking to you, young man," he said, ready to leave Kamiya.

"Eh? Finished already? Although it was a short conversation, I enjoyed it. Too bad."

"I hope to meet again. As a reminder, let me introduce myself. My name is Isaac. And you, young man?" Isaac didn't hesitate to introduce himself.

When hearing the name Isaac, Kamiya's expression became serious, his eyes glowing red. "Kato," he answered shortly.

"Nice to meet you, and goodbye,"

(Isaac Brownhild. My time has come to end you.).

Kato cast dark magic on Isaac without his realizing it; his body lifted into the sky. The sound of the wind made the café owner wonder, "What just happened?"

Kato, with a friendly smile, concealed his anxiety. "Sorry, sir, it seems I couldn't finish this. I'll come back later."

"No problem. Where are you going first?"

"Just some business."

Kato left the chair and deceived the café owner. Kato distanced himself and quickly soared into the air, leaving

Throughout his body, gloves, boots, a hooded robe, and a half-face mask. All black with white motifs. This indicated that he was in the leadership of the Deadly.

The sky was suitable for one-on-one fights, as they were the leaders of the organization. The moon illuminating them would add silhouettes to the beauty of the fight. The covered clouds allowed them to dance in the freshness of the night.

Isaac, helpless, stared at Kato with a sharp gaze. "Young man?"

"Isaac. You're disturbing this city. But it's also beneficial for me. Now, do you know the red gem?"

"I don't know what you're asking."

Isaac released himself from the bondage with his own strength. So the melody of the air was very pronounced.

Kato, surrounded by his dark magic, launched an attack. Shadows suddenly enveloped Isaac.

Physical blows from Kato repeatedly struck Isaac, but every wound that appeared healed quickly.

"Hoh, regeneration," said Kato.

Their duel became a captivating dance under the night sky. Isaac several times launched liquids, which ended in vain.

Kato, without a sword or any object in hand, relied on his physical strength. There were also several punches, and accompanying magic.

"Great, young man. But I cannot be defeated," boasted Isaac.

"Is that so?"

Although Isaac was able to heal himself, the pressure continued to increase. Kato shook him with relentless physical attacks.

"End this game. I'm annoyed enough to delay my meal because of my own command to finish you off," Kato looked at Isaac seriously.

"Try me. You can't kill me; I'm immortal."

"Prepare yourself."

First, Kato created a protection over the entire city of Talbion.

Second, a very powerful magic that could shake the atmosphere in that place began to gather in his arms.

Little by little, his power increased.

The wind in the sky increased in speed.

Thunder rumbled and lightning struck.

And there, in the sky, where the magical power absorbed everything, if people glimpsed at it, it looked like white light.

Simultaneously with the magical power reaching its peak.


Simultaneous with the deep voice, a loud explosion filled the sky.

Kato remained calm. He saw the liquid wanting to unite that didn't have time to complete. All of it was too late due to the speed of the explosion.

Isaac was no more. He vanished into death.

"Weak regeneration."

Death caused by his own arrogance, ending like this.

From a distance below, Rea, Servetti, and Ninasa witnessed the greatness of their master as they saw the final explosion.

Rea appeared tired.

Ninasa remained calm.

Servetti seemed delighted.

"If I mention it, then, it is certain that you won't see the beauty of this world, someday," Kato said with confidence in the future.

"We have a purpose. Organization. Deadly. Will. Pacify. This world. In. Our own way."

The words were slow. But their tone sounded serious.

Afterward, Kato returned to the shop owner's café to collect his promise. He went back there. Of course, he had transformed his black robe into a school uniform. He put on a friendly face as before, as if nothing had happened.

The night continued at the café. Kato rested there for a while before eventually returning to the headquarters in Fontamari.

(Futile. In that case, I must apply a different approach).