
Leader: with Seven Deadly

In a world plagued by dark forces and chaos, a mysterious organization known as the Deadly stands tall. Led by the enigmatic Kato, the Deadly have one undeniable goal: to eradicate every trace of the group known as the Rebels, who are viewed as a threat by society. However, behind the veil of their crimes, the Deadly operates in total secrecy. The identities of its members are closely guarded, and they use pseudonyms to protect themselves from exposure. With unparalleled skills in espionage, sabotage, and violence, the Deadly pursue the Rebels with plans that are impossible to predict. On the other side, the Rebels are not a force to be underestimated. They are respected by society for their courage in fighting tyranny and oppression. Yet, with the growing threat of the Deadly, the Rebels must struggle with limited resources while keeping the fire of their resistance burning. In this clash between the Deadly and the Rebels, both sides must risk everything in a dangerous game where the fate of the world can change in the blink of an eye. Who will emerge victorious in this unending conflict?

EinLumi · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Attack Will Be Launched

A week later, Rea reported, "The symbol users are prevalent in the academy. Servetti is the source of this information. When she found out, she had already discreetly eliminated several users of the horizontal symbol, including students from her own class."

Ninasa implemented a similar attack methodically. However, they had not yet captured the mastermind behind the grand plan to take over the city of Talbion. She continued to investigate the students using that symbol until she was satisfied with providing this crucial information to Mr. Kato.

Today, Late and the students in the class suffered greatly from losing several friends. It hit them hard, as did unavoidable circumstances. Not a single cheerful face was seen. They were aware of the loss and the sorrow.

The mysterious causes of death continued to be investigated by academy teachers. There were victims every day, and the students targeted never returned to the academy.

"My students, please be vigilant and continue to take care of yourselves. Don't let yourselves become their targets."

"We don't know when death will come. But... prepare yourselves for its stakes."

"The teachers are not in a good mood. Right now, we're not learning because these thoughts keep recurring."

"The essence of evil..."

Late slammed the podium in frustration. The students in the class fell silent.

"That's all. Please remain within the academy premises," Late said before leaving the class for the teacher's room.

"Oh no, this is serious. I can't focus on practice anymore," said Priscilia.

"Not just you, but all academy students are like that," replied the calm girl.

"We still don't know the motive of the culprit. I hope all these problems end soon so we can find peace," continued the tough girl.

"Let's hope for the best."

Priscilia smiled, a smile that conveyed peace as if the world were without threats.

"Well, we hope for the best. Oh, Priscilia, you said there's something you wanted to talk to me about; what is it?"

"It's... a secret... Just between us. Shall we go somewhere first?" Priscilia blushed slightly, feeling embarrassed.

"Sure, I guess. Shall we leave now?"

"Yes. So, sorry, okay? We'll be back. You wait here," Priscilia instructed the calm girl.


Arriving in a secluded area behind the academy, they felt a very cool atmosphere, accompanied by a vast natural landscape visible from a distance. The trees and fresh air created a peaceful atmosphere. The sun illuminated the scenery, casting soft shadows among the trees. The gentle breeze added to the serene ambiance of the place.

"Don't misunderstand, okay? Why didn't you talk in a place where there might be other students? It's dangerous to be alone like this," said the anxious girl.

The girl felt nervous when Servetti raised her hand. And indeed, the expected reaction from Servetti was evident when they first made contact. The girl looked surprised and anxious and quickly withdrew to ease the tension.

"W-what, Priscilia?"

"Enough with the acting; let's play pretend."

Servetti put on the same friendly expression. However, the aura was so different that the girl looked frightened.

"Suspicious. What are you worried about? Tell me, I'm your friend."

"It's nothing!"

"Ahaha, really? So, what's that symbol on your hand?"

"This s-symbol is... Ha!!" The girl suddenly covered her mouth, her expression full of surprise, before she continued her explanation.

"There, see? Caught you," Priscilia teased with her smile, trying to unravel the secret the girl was hiding.

"Priscilia, you're weird!" the girl exclaimed with a mix of confusion and fear.

"Do you need a mirror? Don't worry, I have one."

Servetti raised her hand to produce a shard of glass through her magic. It looked messy and irregular, but the shard could still reflect someone's image in front of her.

"A-aren't you supposed to be bad at us...ing magic?"

"So naive. I'm here at the academy on an undercover mission, you know? Like your group," revealed Servetti.

"W-what do you mean?" the girl asked, trying to understand the meaning behind the words.

"You realize your group, who also pretends, has been killed recently? Actually, among some of them... I was the one who killed them. By the way, I'm not Priscilia."

"Why would you... What..." Before the girl could continue, Servetti asked, "Who is the mastermind behind the evil plan to take over Talbion?"

"I won't tell you!" The girl attacked Servetti using magical wind. However, Servetti was not touched because of the protection that surrounded her.

"Oh... Trying to fight back? Alright, then I'll leave you until you're on the brink of death," threatened Servetti, making it clear that she wouldn't back down in seeking answers.

Servetti firmly commanded her hand to sweep the wind. Countless sharp shards went toward the girl. Although she was also protected, the weak protection was easily penetrated until she was pierced. She was cornered.

"Quick, tell me."

The girl felt extreme pain, "Ple... ase... stop."

"Hmm? Afraid? Your master sending someone like you to carry out the mission is a mistake."

Without hesitation, Servetti ran out of patience. She easily added more stabs until the victim's body was covered. And the girl was beyond help.

"Useless, ah. Failing again and again," Servetti responded with disappointment, her expression reflecting failure.

As Servetti was about to return to class, as if receiving a notification, she stopped walking. "Ah, yes?"

"Servetti, stop your investigation. I have identified the names behind this evil plan," Ninasa said softly through long-distance communication magic.

"Really? Who are they?"

"I'll tell you later; please inform Rea. I will request permission from Lord Kato for a meeting. That's all," Ninasa hung up, seemingly unwilling to hear further sentences from her friend.

"Eeee~ bad, tell me, please," she said too weakly.

Then, Servetti reopened the long-distance conversation magic to contact Rea. "So, Ninasa told me that..."

She continued to say what Ninasa had conveyed.


On a dimly lit night, a meeting was held in a room filled with expensive items. The atmosphere in the room felt serious and tense. In the middle of the room, a man sat arrogantly on a throne.

Elegant and exquisite clothing adorned their bodies, creating an aura that was hard to ignore. The deep black color, combined with various white motifs on their attire, added a luxurious and stunning touch.

Kato stared sharply at his subordinates before saying, "What do you have to report?"

"Yes! I report that the names behind the actions in Talbion city are," Ninasa replied, her tone slightly elevated.


"Ready! The names are: The leader of this plan is Isaac Brownhild, along with his four trusted individuals, namely, Emily Pelka, Darwin Tomimi, Reiner, and Sasagi Sakase." Ninasa gave her answer without hesitation, although her face was devoid of emotion.

"Kill them," Kato ordered coldly.


"Do you object?" Kato threatened, his voice sounding ominous.

"N-no, actually, that's perfect," she replied, with a hint of hesitation.

"Isaac... The leader... Let me handle him. The rest, it's your choice."

"Understood!" Their response echoed in the room, indicating their unanimous agreement to carry out the mission.

After the main meeting was adjourned, the three gathered for a small meeting to plan their fights. During the discussion, they decided on their respective opponents.

Rea would face Emily Pelka in the battle between academy teachers.

Servetti was assigned to confront Darwin Tomimi, two powers that would clash.

Meanwhile, Ninasa would confront the tough duo, Reiner and Sasagi Sakase.

This decision created dynamics among them, leading up to the upcoming battles.

Kato's inner voice spoke again after issuing the command (I thought it was the red gem. It turns out it's not.).