
Le Fluer: Braves of the Sacred Flower

Braves. That is the name given to the ones who fight against the Chimeras. They suddenly appeared some hundred years ago, humanity's greatest enemy. After many years of fighting amongst each other the world united to confront a common enemy. The Braves are the only ones who can fight the Chineras. They possess the strange power called Ascedance. The Chimeras brought humanity the power of Ascendance and the knowledge of the higher worlds. Establishing connections with these foreign worlds, humanity struggles against the fight with Chimeras. While they are students, they fight against the Chimeras. Braves' ability vary from each other, some are for combat, others for defense, and some for healing. Arata, a young man without memories who is saved by William joins the Wings Academy a prestigious university of Braves. There he meets seven people who change his life. In the face of despair and powerlessness what he finds is a single flower that blooms in a bloody battlefield. What awaits him is it hope or despair? The gears of fate begin to move and the story of the young souls begin.

Red_Earl · Fantasy
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256 Chs

Chapter 126, Pierrot

"None of this went as planned." Pierrot sighed. "Who knew she was so useless that she couldn't even realize that she didn't take his power."

He sighed as Karin had failed to steal Arata's power. He picked up the crystal they tossed aside when they brought Arata to the medical wing. It didn't even get a piece of his power. He tossed it aside and wondered what he would do next.

"What a useless woman. No wonder no one likes her." He sighed. "She's lucky the Le Fleur is alive, otherwise, I'd rip her to shreds with these hands myself."

"Yo, it's been a while, Peridot." A voice said behind him and he turned around to see a man with white hair and crystal blue eyes with white skin. "Oh, that's right, you no longer go by that name. What is it again? Pierat?"

The man was very skilled in getting others angry and Pierrot was indeed made angry but he composed himself and simply asnwered.

"My oh my, if it isn't Diamond, as rude as ever aren't you?" He smiled. "My name isn't Puerat, it's Pierrot."

"Peurat, Pierat, Perot, I don't care. What I care about is what you did to the Flower." He smiled. It was a warning, one that if not heeded would meant death at the hands of this man.

"Tch. It's Pierrot and it'll do you good not to forget it." He answered, he was not affected by Diamond's pressure and smiled and he said these words. "The one to take the Le Fleur's powers, is me alone!"

Pierrot disappears in a cloud of smoke and Diamond is left alone. He takes the stone in hand and sighs.

"Tch. He got away. What a bother." He sighed and he thought of something that would cheer him up. "I'll go see the Le Fleur!"

With this in his head he went on his merry way to visit the Le Fleur. He carried the crystal with him thinking it may be of use to the Le Fleur.

The man was the Fourth Crown of the Crest of Acients who is known as Diamond. His name is Dino and among the Twelve, he was the first to arrive to this world and was eager to meet the Le Fleur.

As he proceeded to search for where the Le Fluer is, William who was with Andrew was worrying as to what would happen to Arata. Despite the fact that the doctor said he would be fine, he was very worried as was everyone around them. He was pacing back and forth in their club room worried sick as any sibling would be. Finally, Andrew breaks the silence and Will's back and forth pacing.

"Calm down Will. I'm sure he'll be fine." Andrew said and May and Mayumi agreed.

"Besides, we have bigger fish to fry." Touya said and they nodded.

They all headed down into the deeper levels of the school, there, Hatori and Dustin were watching Karin who was writing numbers on the wall. When Karin saw them she just acted like a broken doll, sitting there being useless.

"Did you get her to talk?" Seiji asked the two.

"No. She kept her mouth shut and acted like a child." Hatori answered.

"Oh? So she wants to act like a child?" Will said. "Come here! I'll rip her to shreds!"

Andrew and Mayumi immediately tried to calm William down as he was obviously not hesitating to kill their only useful prisoner.

"Why don't we try this?" Zander asked hanging them a pill.

"What does it do?' William asked.

"It's made from certain herbs that reduce the ability to lie and it's effects go higher with each dose." Van stated. "If she drinks this then she should sing like a bird in spring. If she still doesn't just torture her."

"You sure? We can torture her?" Dustin asked.

"We need to get as much information from her as we can." Monica said. "No matter how small and trivial it may."

Meanwhile, the Chimeras had begun to reach the end of their revival. Sirius, who had now gathered the remaing Chimeras was preparing the last of their fighters. He smiled as he craved both blood and revenge.

"Sirius, is still not time yet?!" Regil, in rage asked him.

"Not yet. It's still not time. But soon." He announced. "My brothers, the time is nearly upon us."

The Chimeras who stood before him answered with a joyous roar. They were all eager to return to the worlds.

"When the sun and moon meet, we shall resume our feast of the worlds!" He announced and they answered with another loud cry of joy.

When the moon and sun meet, during an eclipse they would begin their attack on the worlds. This would be many, many moons away in the world Arata dwelled in but only a matter or days in the Sirius and the Chimeras dwelled in.

While the Chimeras rejoiced on their long awaited revenge, a certain someone had begun to regain consciousness. He opened his eyes to find Hayato, Mao and Yuuki looking down on him with smiles on their faces.

"Yo, you finally awake?" Mao asked.

"Yeah." He answered.

He looked around and checked himself for a bit. It seems like he was thinking of something.

"Is something wrong?" Yuuki asked.

"Mao, how are your powers?" He asked.

"Huh? They're alright." He smiled.

Arata was worried, as for some reason he felt that his power was waning. He asked for them to bring him whatever it was that Karin tried to stand him with.

In their rush, they had completely forgotten about it and Mao was about to ask someone to get it when Arata said he'd go himself much to everyone's dismay.

"You need to rest." Yuuki said.

"Don't worry about me, my body can heal rather quickly." Arata stated and got up.

Seeing as how they wouldn't be able to stop him, they went with him willingly to where Karin had stabbed him. There, they meet Diamond who stood there, holding the crystal that Karin tried to stab Arata with.