
Laws of Karma

"Past mistakes will always come back to haunt you in unimaginable ways. Karma is real, and when it comes, it comes for all. Grace, Maya, Alicia, and Lauren are four women whose lives take a disastrous turn—not because of their own actions, but due to the deeds of their partners. As their partners' past misdeeds resurface, the women are caught in a web of unforeseen consequences that threaten to unravel everything they hold dear. Each must navigate through betrayal, secrets, and the relentless pursuit of karma, discovering their own strength and resilience along the way. This gripping tale of interconnected fates reveals that no one is truly free from the repercussions of past actions."

Star_Fire_9530 · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: Alejandro Perez

Peak X — A drug that helps you reach the peak of human performance, covering physical, mental, and sensory enhancements.

Warning: Very Lethal after third dose.


Alejandro Perez lounged in the luxurious marble bathtub, his muscular frame partially submerged in the steaming water.

The opulent bathroom, adorned with intricate gold fixtures and soft ambient lighting, was a testament to his immense wealth.

Beside him, Alicia Ray nestled against his chest, her rich chocolate skin glistening with droplets of water. The soft curls of her hair framed her face as she held up a glossy magazine, her soulful brown eyes skimming the latest tabloids.

"Famous interior designer Alicia Ray weds billionaire hot shot Alejandro Perez. Their wedding will be the biggest event of the entire year," Alicia read aloud with a sigh, her voice filled with a mix of frustration and amusement. "I wish we could just run away and have a private wedding on some beach in Haiti."

Alejandro chuckled, the sound deep and resonant. His piercing black eyes sparkled with amusement as he gazed at his stunning fiancée. He admired her simplicity, her preference for a life that was unfettered by extravagance and grandeur. It was one of the many things that made him fall in love with her.

"If we did that, your mother would probably have a heart attack," Alejandro said with a laugh, causing Alicia to giggle along. Her laughter was like a melody, filling the room with warmth.

"She never stops bragging about how I managed to get you wrapped around my fingers to her country club friends," Alicia said with an exaggerated eye roll, her annoyance softened by a playful smile.

"But she's right," Alejandro murmured, pulling her closer, his strong arms encircling her. "I am wrapped around your fingers." He captured her lips in a passionate kiss, his touch igniting a spark that left them both breathless.

Alicia melted into the kiss, her hands moving to caress his chiseled jawline. When they finally pulled apart, her eyes met his, a mixture of love and desire reflected in their depths.

"You always know how to make me feel special," she whispered, resting her forehead against his.

"That's because you are special," Alejandro replied, his voice husky with emotion. "You're the most important thing in my life, Alicia. And if it were up to me, I'd give you the simple wedding you want. But you know how our families are."

Alicia sighed, nodding in understanding. "I know. It's just...sometimes I wish things could be simpler. Just you and me, away from all the chaos."

"We'll get our moment," Alejandro promised, kissing her forehead tenderly. "Once the wedding is over, I'll take you to that beach in Haiti. Just the two of us. No distractions."

Alicia smiled, the thought of their future together bringing her comfort. "I can't wait for that day."

Alejandro's hand traced gentle circles on her back, the warmth of his touch soothing her. "Neither can I. But until then, we'll face everything together. And we'll make sure our wedding is a day to remember, for us and our families."

Alicia nodded, "Let's give them a wedding they'll never forget."

"That's my girl," Alejandro said with a proud smile, leaning in for another kiss.

Alicia and Alejandro were still wrapped up in each other when a soft knock echoed through the bathroom. The door opened slightly, and a maid, dressed in a pristine uniform, stepped inside. She kept her gaze respectfully low, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Excuse me, Mr. Perez, Ms. Ray," she began, her voice soft and apologetic. "I'm terribly sorry to interrupt, but the butler sent me to inform you that there's an urgent matter you need to attend to."

Alejandro sighed, glancing at Alicia with a look of regret. "Duty calls," he said, his tone resigned.

Alicia smiled, though there was a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "Go ahead. We'll continue our evening later."

He kissed her one last time before reluctantly rising from the tub, the water cascading off his sculpted body. Alejandro wrapped a plush, white towel around his waist, his dark eyes lingering on Alicia as she settled back into the water.

"I'll be back soon," he promised, giving her a reassuring smile before turning to the maid. "Thank you, Marissa. I'll take care of it."

Alejandro dressed quickly, choosing a sleek black suit that complemented his dark, brooding looks. His tousled black hair was neatly combed back, and he added a touch of cologne before making his way to the study where his elder brother, Javier, awaited.

Javier Perez was a mirror image of Alejandro in many ways. He had the same piercing black eyes and dark hair, though his was cut shorter, giving him a more severe appearance. Dressed in a tailored navy suit, Javier exuded an air of authority and sophistication.

"Ready?" Javier asked, raising an eyebrow as Alejandro entered the room.

"Always," Alejandro replied, his expression serious. "What's the situation?"

"A client is pushing for an increased supply of Peak X," Javier explained as they made their way to the private elevator. "He's waiting for us at the club."

The brothers descended to the underground garage where a a sleek, black luxury limo awaited them. The drive to Alejandro's exclusive club, Pulse, was swift, the city lights blurring past as they discussed their strategy.

Pulse was a high-end establishment, frequented by the wealthy elite. Its interior was a blend of modern luxury and opulence, with plush seating, neon lights, and an atmosphere that screamed exclusivity. Alejandro and Javier entered through a private entrance, making their way to a secluded VIP area where their client awaited.

The client, a wiry man with slicked-back blond hair and a gaunt face, stood out even in this extravagant setting. He wore an expensive but ill-fitting suit, his eyes darting nervously around the room. Despite his wealth, there was an air of desperation about him.

"Mr. Perez," the client greeted Alejandro with a strained smile. "Thank you for meeting me."

"Let's get to the point," Alejandro said, his voice cold and authoritative. "What do you want?"

"I need more Peak X," the man blurted out, his hands trembling slightly. "My clients are demanding higher doses, and I'm willing to pay whatever it takes."

Alejandro's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint in them. "You know the risks, Mr. Thorn. Increasing the dosage is lethal after a certain point. I supply only a three doses per client, and that's non-negotiable."

Thorn's face twisted with frustration. "Twelve million per dose, and I'll pay double if you can increase the supply."

"Money isn't the issue," Alejandro replied, his tone icy. "It's the principle. Peak X is dangerous enough as it is. I'm not in the business of mass-producing death."

The tension in the room escalated as Thorn's desperation turned to anger. "You're making a mistake, Perez. There are others who would kill for this opportunity."

"And there are others who would kill if I supplied them with more than they can handle," Alejandro shot back, his gaze unwavering. "This meeting is over."

Thorn's face turned red with fury, but he knew better than to push further. Alejandro Perez was not a man to be trifled with. "You'll regret this," Thorn muttered as he stormed out of the club.

Alejandro watched him leave, his expression unreadable. Javier placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "You did the right thing."

"I know," Alejandro replied, though his mind was already turning over the potential fallout from this encounter. "But we need to keep an eye on Thorn. He's desperate, and desperate men are dangerous."

"Agreed," Javier said. "Let's tighten security and make sure our clients understand the boundaries."

Alejandro nodded, his thoughts drifting back to Alicia. He was determined to protect everything he held dear. He had to keep his empire and his loved ones safe, no matter the cost.

Back in the limo, Alejandro pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Alicia: "Miss you already. Be home soon."

Her reply was almost instant: "I'll be waiting. Let's make this evening even more memorable."

Alejandro smiled, anticipation and resolve mingling in his eyes. He would face whatever came his way, knowing that Alicia was his anchor in the storm.