
Laws of Karma

"Past mistakes will always come back to haunt you in unimaginable ways. Karma is real, and when it comes, it comes for all. Grace, Maya, Alicia, and Lauren are four women whose lives take a disastrous turn—not because of their own actions, but due to the deeds of their partners. As their partners' past misdeeds resurface, the women are caught in a web of unforeseen consequences that threaten to unravel everything they hold dear. Each must navigate through betrayal, secrets, and the relentless pursuit of karma, discovering their own strength and resilience along the way. This gripping tale of interconnected fates reveals that no one is truly free from the repercussions of past actions."

Star_Fire_9530 · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: David Carter

Nothing like the sound of gunfire to drown out the noise in your head.


David stood at the shooting range, his stance steady and focused. He held a powerful Desert Eagle .50 AE, its weight and recoil suited to his strong, athletic build. Each shot he fired hit the target with precision, leaving clean, devastating marks in the bullseye.

The range was a state-of-the-art facility, with sleek, modern decor and advanced equipment. Rows of targets stood at varying distances, the scent of gunpowder lingering in the air. The sound of gunfire echoed in the spacious, dimly lit room, creating a symphony of controlled chaos.

As David reloaded his Desert Eagle, he sensed someone approaching. A striking woman, with raven-black hair cascading in loose waves down her back, walked towards him. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of deep blue, were sharp and observant. She wore a fitted black jumper that accentuated her curves and blue jeans that hugged her slender legs. A hint of a smile played on her full lips as she set a black bag on the floor beside her.

"Not bad," she said, her voice smooth and confident, acknowledging his impressive marksmanship.

David glanced at her briefly, his icy blue eyes betraying no emotion, then returned his focus to the target.

Undeterred, the woman smirked and unzipped her bag, revealing a sleek, custom-made AR-15 rifle. She assembled it with practiced ease, the weapon's metallic components gleaming under the overhead lights.

She took her position at the range and, with a steady hand, began firing at the target. Each shot was delivered with remarkable speed and accuracy, the rounds creating a tight cluster in the center of the bullseye. The rifle's muzzle flash illuminated her determined expression, highlighting the intensity in her eyes.

David couldn't help but watch, grudgingly admiring her skill. She was not only beautiful but also highly capable, a rare combination that demanded respect.

After emptying her magazine, she lowered her rifle and looked over at David, her eyes meeting his with a challenge. "Your turn," she said, her smirk widening.

David's grip tightened around his Desert Eagle. He aimed and fired, matching her precision with every shot.

"Not bad," she repeated, this time with genuine admiration.

David allowed himself a small, almost imperceptible smile. "You too," he replied, his voice low and measured.

"Hm... let me guess. Ex-military. Army, right?"

Before David could answer, she continued.

"Your stance gives it away. I can recognize a soldier anywhere," she said with a smile. "I'm Courtney. Served in the Marines for four years. Came back home when my mom fell sick. Cancer is a bitch."

David didn't say a word, just stared at her with narrowed eyes.

"You're not much of a talker, are you?"

"I'm a man of few words."

"Oh. Do those words include your name?"

David hesitated for a moment, then decided to answer. "David. Army Special Forces, six years."

Courtney nodded appreciatively. "Impressive. Special Forces. You must've seen a lot."

David's expression darkened slightly. "More than I care to remember."

Courtney's eyes softened with understanding. "Yeah, I get that. It stays with you, doesn't it?"

David nodded, his gaze returning to the target as if trying to shake off the memories. "It does."

"So, what brings you here? Just keeping your skills sharp?"

David shrugged. "Something like that. Needed to clear my head."

Courtney smiled. "Well, you certainly picked the right place for it. Nothing like the sound of gunfire to drown out the noise in your head."

David chuckled softly, a rare sound. "True."

They spent the next few minutes in companionable silence, reloading their weapons and taking turns at the target. With each shot, their mutual respect grew, and the initial tension eased into a comfortable camaraderie.

As they finished their session, Courtney looked at David with a glint of mischief in her eyes. "How about a little challenge? First one to miss buys dinner."

David raised an eyebrow, his expression serious. "I have a girlfriend."

Courtney chuckled, unfazed. "She can come too. The more, the merrier."

David's lips curved into a slight smile. "You're on."

They took their positions, each aiming with precision. The shots rang out in quick succession, each one hitting the target dead center.

The competition was fierce, their skills evenly matched. As the tension built, David's mind drifted to Maya, her unwavering determination, and her fight for justice. He was momentarily distracted, and his next shot strayed just off the bullseye.

Courtney lowered her rifle, a triumphant gleam in her eyes. "Looks like dinner's on you, then," she said with a teasing smile.

David nodded, a good-natured glint in his eyes. "Fair enough. I'll bring Maya. She'll love the challenge."

Courtney's smile widened. "I look forward to meeting her. Anyone who has your respect must be impressive."

David's gaze softened, thinking of Maya. "She is."

As they packed up their gear, the camaraderie between them grew stronger. Courtney extended a hand to David. "Good match. Maybe next time, I'll be the one buying dinner."

David shook her hand firmly. "Maybe. Until then, stay sharp."

Courtney winked. "Always."


David arrived at his apartment building. As he stepped through the front door, he was greeted by the mouthwatering aroma of freshly baked cupcakes, a scent that brought a smile to his face.

Curious and pleasantly surprised, he made his way to the kitchen, wondering why Maya was home early and what she was making that smelled so good. However, nothing could have prepared him for the sight that awaited him.

There, in the middle of the kitchen, stood Maya, completely nude, her body bathed in the soft light of the setting sun filtering through the window.

"Hey! Welcome back. Want some cupcakes?" she asked with a playful smile, licking the frosting off one in a way that was anything but innocent.

David's eyes widened in shock and delight. "Maya, what are you doing? And why are you naked?"

"What?" she replied with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I'm baking cupcakes, and my clothes were too restricting. Plus, I know you like me better this way, so why not give you a treat and a threat?" She walked over to him, her movements slow and seductive, lifting a cupcake to his lips.

David couldn't help but laugh, a mix of amusement and arousal lighting up his features. "You are something else, you know that?"

Maya winked at him, her fingers brushing against his lips as she offered him the cupcake. "I aim to please," she said, her voice a low purr.

He took a bite, savoring both the sweetness of the cupcake and the intoxicating presence of the woman before him. "Delicious," he murmured, his eyes locked on hers.

Maya grinned, licking a bit of frosting from her own finger in a way that made his pulse quicken. "I'm glad you think so."

David set the cupcake aside, his hands finding their way to her waist, pulling her close. "You really know how to surprise a guy," he whispered, his lips brushing against her ear.

"I do my best," she replied, her voice a teasing whisper as she leaned into him.

With a soft chuckle, he kissed her softly, the taste of frosting still on his lips. First lightly, then more urgently, his tongue exploring her mouth and his hands deep in the softness of her hair. And it was like time froze.

He pulled her against him, closer and closer until he felt her breasts against his chest, her whole body sending a message that was undeniable.

In the heat of the moment, David's phone on the counter buzzed with a message. He ignored it, focusing entirely on the woman in his arms. The world outside could wait.

Maya's fingers traced the line of his jaw, her touch feather-light and electrifying. She nipped at his lower lip, drawing a low groan from him. Her hands roamed over his back, exploring every contour as if mapping out familiar territory.

David's hands slid down to her hips, lifting her onto the counter. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer still. He could feel the heat of her body through his clothes, a tantalizing promise of what was to come.

He trailed kisses down her neck, eliciting a shiver from her as his lips found the sensitive spot just below her ear. "You drive me crazy, you know that?" he murmured against her skin.

Maya's laughter was breathless, her fingers tangling in his hair. "That's the idea," she replied, her voice husky with desire.

David's phone buzzed again, more insistently this time. Annoyed by the interruption, Maya grabbed it, intending to turn it off. Her eyes caught the screen, and she paused, reading the message.

"Don't forget dinner, soldier. Tomorrow at 7. Bring Maya. - C"

Maya's frown deepened as she held the phone up to David. "Who's this?"

David glanced at the message and sighed, his fingers gently brushing Maya's arm in reassurance. "Just a new friend from the shooting range," he replied.

Maya read the message again and smiled. "Dinner sounds fun. I'm looking forward to meeting this friend."

David kissed her forehead. "Me too. She's...interesting."

Maya chuckled, playfully nudging him. "Interesting, huh? Should I be worried?"

"Not at all," David said, pulling her closer. "She's got nothing on you."

Maya kissed him, the taste of frosting still lingering on their lips. "Good answer."