

A world where an empire still exist, where war could occure anytime. a young boy made his way through the battlefield across the land. as he continues his journey, the difficult his enemies gets.

LivingVoid03 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

After hearing what he said, she smiles as if nothing happened...

...After that While they're walking down the street heading to the inn, a sound of stomach suddenly ruined the mood of they're peacefully walking, (What the heck is that...)

Kuro couldn't stop his self from laughing after hearing that, as he asked Kagemia if she's hungry, "ppffftttt... hahaha... Are you somehow..??!! Hungry??"

She nod her head as she pout and kept being silent...

Kuro tried to stop he's laughter as he says, "ppfffttt.. hahah-... ohh... I see, I know a good place to eat.. haha-..."

Down the streets inside the Kyuni Empire, he decide to go a tavern. as they walk all over the place heading to a tavern, Kuro realized that Kyuni is the biggest place he have been before, houses are fancy, as well as the streets around the place. And if you walked around the Empire, you'll see a bunch of travellers walking around the corners of the streets.

Tavern in Kyuni Empire are pretty far away, from their current location. It takes half hour before they reached that place.

As he looked up and down on how the tavern looks like, he couldn't stop his self from getting hype from it's looks.

"Whoa! A 2nd floor house, this place... Was quite big!!..." Kuro looks suprised as he stares upside down how the tavern looks from outside.

And when they went inside the tavern, instead of seeing a place where everyone is eating in their seats, what they saw is crowds of person who's eating peacefully/ sitting in a bad manners as well as eating and person who had scary looks on their faces. Some may be living inside the Kyuni Empire or some may not.

Kuro looks around the place, looking for an empty seat where they could sit on.

"Hey! Isn't that the person who's called reaper..?? What is he doing here??" A person who's sitting in a bad manners in a corner whose staring at Kuro.

"Keep quiet... If he hear us, he might kill us!?" Beside the person who's speaking bad about Kuro.

Even though Kuro heard what they said, he continues to search for an empty seat and acts like he didn't hear them mutters.

Kuro continues to stand in a door to an exit from inside, as he continues to search. Some thoughts that he might been targeting someone. That's why some person inside the tavern avoids themselves from looking at Kuro's eyes.

"Oi! He's been standing there for a 5 minutes, don't tell me..??!! He's thinking of fighting someone??" Person who's eating peacefully while being distracted by Kuro

"You're right... We should take our leave, before a fight occure!" Person beside that person.

Those two person went outside as they prevent they're selves from looking at Kuro's eyes.

After Kuro see's that they leaves, he immediately take that empty seat and called out for the owner of the tavern.

"What do you want..??" The owner of the tavern as well as the waiter.

"Kagemia, right..?? I already know you're hungry!? What do you want to eat..??" Kuro glaring at her.

"I'll be waiting here!?" As the owner stand beside us.

"Excuse me, May I borrow you're menu..?? Because it seems like she doesn't want to talk!?" Kuro's *glazed eyes*

"Here!" The owner humbly passed the menu to Kuro.

As he let Kagemia see's what's on the menu and says, "Don't be shy!"

But no matter how Kuro tries to let her speak, she kept being silent.

That's why Kuro started pointing his fingers on the food in menu's as he let Kagemia see's or react. It has taken a lot more time before her reaction on the foods menu changed, like when Kuro pointed his fingers on the curry, she seems happy but kept being silent... That's why he decide to order it, because it seems that Kagemia has taken a liking or interested on it.

"Old man!? One plate of curry with rice and fried chicken as well!" As Kuro humbly speaks to the owner standing besides them.

"That would be 40 coppers, please wait for your orders. Because it will take long!" The owner glances at them as he smiles, as if he finds them cute for being together.

The owners smiles at the person who's coming inside his tavern as he walked away.

Kagemia suddenly spoke all of the sudden as we wait for our orders, "Mister!? Why are you being kind to a person you've never met before..??"

"Dunno, I don't even know myself. It just... I'm doing what others couldn't" Kuro, *blank stares*

"Sorry, i've caused you a big trouble... If you want, you could just leave me here after we've finish eating..." Kagemia, *vacant stare*

Kuro patted her head and says, "aren't you glad it turned out this way..??" Kuro, *cold stare*

When she was about to say "thank y-" the owner suddenly came back and says, "here's your order, be sure to pay!" As he walked away from us again.

"Uhh... Did you just said something..?? I didn't hear it. If you want, you can repeat it, I'll hear you out!" Kuro, *dumb stare.*

"It's nothing" as she stares with a gloomy eyes, as if she doesn't want to drag it out.

Kuro directly stares at her eyes and says, "hmmmmmmm... If you say so"

A sound of stomach came kicking again, even though Kuro knows who it came from. He humbly told her to eat, "Don't be scared, I brought it for you!? Not for someone"

"Is it really okay for me to eat this food you've brought??" Kagemia stares at Kuro with a gloomy eyes.

"Oi! Dont tell me you think there's a poison on it??" Kuro, stares at her with a crinkled eyes as he said.

Kagemia suddenly feels guilty for what she said earlier, even though she didn't mean it that way, "No... I didn't meant it that way, Mister" *downturned lips*

Kuro looks around the place and stares back at Kagemia and says, "I have a last question to ask you!?... Do You want to hear it..??"

"Sure... What is it Mister..??" Kagemia, *Initiating and maintaining eye contact*

"I'll bring you with me if you want tho!" Kuro, *blank stares*

"Really?? Oopps... Sorry, bad manners of mine. Mister!?" Kagemia eyes shine's bright with a hope on it, as if she really wanted to come with me in the very beginning.

"Well there's a one condition" as he stares at directly on her eyes.

*Gulp* "What's kind of condition is that, Mister..??" Kagemia glances at him with an excitement she couldn't get out of her face. As she hesitates to do it.

Kuro couldn't think of any condition. But he had no choice than to do it, "that is..."

"That is..??!!" Despite she's acting cool, she's really scared if it must be really hard that even she can't do. Even though for, Kuro was so dumb that he couldn't think of anything he could say as a condition.

As Kuro looks around thinking of nothing but (what should I do... I couldn't think of anything, wait her food looks delicious... Ahhh!? That's it... Yeah I've decided.)

Kagemia awaits what's he's about to say. If it's a serious condition or nah.

But, she was surprised from what she heard from him, "that is, if you can finish that dish, that is in front of you. I'll let you come with me!?"

Kagemia was really shocked on what he said. She thought it'll be a hard one but it wasn't even hard to do that she couldn't stop herself from the shock of hearing those words. Although Kuro looks serious outside, what he really thinks inside is, (Crapp... She doesn't seem to like that condition, I should change it!?)

"If you want I could change the condit-" when Kuro was about to finish what's he's about say. A crowd of traders came inside, some may owner of a shop somewhere in Kyuni Empire. one of them is the trader Kuro met earlier, that is with Kagemia as well.

"It's him!? He's the one who punched me earlier!" As the trader earlier, yells out Kuro's name.

Some of them walk towards Kuro and one of them suddenly grabbed his clothes and says, "So it's you!? You think you could get away, from what you did without getting hurt!!??"

"Oiii!! Kagemia! So..?? What do you think..??So... Do you like my proposal??"

Kuro glances at her and said.

at first Kagemia thought that she have to refuse his proposal but after thinking that she'll have nothing to go, or stay. She saw a glimpse of hope on his words and accept his proposal, "Yes! It'll be my pleasure" he smiles at him as she starts eating the food in front of her, as shee said.

Kuro glances at her with a bit smile on his face and says, "oh... I see"

"Huh!!?? What are you both talking about about..?? Can't you see, I'm talking to you right now!?" Trader who's currently grabbing Kuro's clothes, said that as he scratches his head on confusion.

Kuro eyes pierce into theirs, as they get mad on him as if he's ignoring them.


That person tried to punch Kuro's face as he ignores them. But as soon as he's fist was about to hit Kuro, Kuro suddenly kicked him and jumps on his head, and kicked that person's head while on the air, and landed on the ground. With his enemy lost consciousnesss and fell on the ground.

"Oii! What the hell just happened. A lot of things happened all of the sudden?!" Person that is, with those trader.

"I don't know what happen too, as soon as he kicked him and jumps on him, he's suddenly vanished in air. And when I looked at him, he's already standing on the ground, as if nothing happened!!??" Person that is, with those traders tho.

As everyone inside the tavern couldn't get out the shocked on their faces. Kuro starts counting how many are they, "1,2,3,4 and 5... One of them are down, that leaves 4 of them!?"

"Bastaarddd!!" One of them tries to attack Kuro. He rush towards him as he yells.

While the other one of them did rush towards Kuro as well, trying to outnumbered him, but unfortunately. It didn't work against him.


When his enemies was about to catch up with him as he runs. He suddenly lowered his body and did a lowered kick, that kick hit one of those two, but the other one manages to avoid it because he's too slow, and couldn't catched up with him, while the other one fell on the ground. He thought he should be able to stand up just in the nick of time, but Kuro didn't show any mercy that as soon as Kuro saw him fell on th ground. He hits his enemy hard enough to lost conscious, while the other one continues to chase after him even though he's been really scared from what he just saw. Although knowing that the same thing will happen to him if he continues to chase after Kuro. He didn't hesitate to run towards him as he prepare his fist.


Instead of using fist, Kuro used his legs to kick that person's face. That he wouldn't be able to react nor see his attack as he lost consciousness

"So!? Who's next??!!" Kuro stares with a cold stare and said.

Even though he's shaking, that other one of them face Kuro head on and brings out a knife...

"Dieeee!!!" As he rush towards Kuro with a knife pointed at him and said.


Instead of dodging, Kuro catched that enemy's hands before the knife reach his body, "aaaAahhhh!... That was close!?"

Kuro grabbed that knife and hits his enemy's neck using the back of the knife. He spitted out some blood from his mouth as he lost consciousness.

While the other trader that is with those two, their knee's fell on the ground as they grovel on the ground, asking for forgiveness.

Kuro stares at them with a cold stares and says, "Go!!"

"Y-eee-sss" the remaining traders whom with those two on the ground fled as they're body shakes in fear.


After realizing that they've brought everyone attention from that fight. Kuro ignores them as he sits back on their seats.

"Kagemia!? Have you finished eating..?? We'll go after you've finished your meal!" Kuro glances at her and said.

"Yes, Mister... Sorry for causing you so many troubles. But can i really join you on your journey??" As Kagemia stares at him with a little doubt on his face.

Kuro stares directly on her eyes and says, "Well, I don't really mind... Should we head out as well??"

"Mister... How about the bills?!"

"Don't worry about it, it'll work out somehow" as he pat her head and smile.


The owner went towards him while shaking and says, "S-s-siii-r h--oowww aa-bb-oo--uuuttt yo-u-r bil-llss!!??"

"Huh??!! Didn't you see they interrupted our meal! While you didn't do anything to stop them!! Then  how about this... Once they woke up, let them pay the bills!?"

The owner replies as his body keeps shaking, ""Ooo-okkkkaaaaa-yy..."

After the owner walked away from them...

...Kuro glances at Kagemia and says, "let me ask you one more time... Do you really want to come with me??"

Her eyes became bright as she blushes from what he said...

... And began to cries as she says, "c-caa-an i-i really co-ome with y-you!?"

Kuro let out a big sigh, a sigh of relief.

As he lent out he's hands and says, "Can't help it, you're really shy aren't you?! Here! Hold my hand!?"

As she holds his hands, everyone in the tavern kept staring at them as if they're watching a movie.


As they hold hands, Kagemia tilted her head for a sec and says, "Mister... Who are you..??"

Everyone in the tavern couldn't stop theirselves from saying "ehhh!?" From shock.

(Is she a clutz!?) Kuro facial expression changed as he prevent any direct eye contact with her. At first he felt bad about her for being such an idiot, that's why he patted her head smile, "Oh... Kurogami Takehisa, you could call me Kuro for short!"

"Oh... I see, that's a relief" she smiles at him as he continues to stare on his eyes.

"Well, should we head out now!?" Kuro holds tight her hands and said.

"Yes" Kagemia happily replies with him with a smile on her face.


As they head outside, people's inside the tavern starts muttering about them.

[They're really weird, aren't they?]

[Yeah you think so?!]

[Who would think that he would be that strong?!]

[Lower your voice, he might hear us!...]


Kuro keep hearings those words as he went outside together with her.

But all of the sudden, Kagemia pulled his upper clothes as she says, "why aren't you getting angry at them... Mister?? After hearing those words?!"

"Because it's annoying, and I don't want to talk about it" as he glances sideways and said.

"Oh... I see, then. I'll be in your care from now on, Mister!" As she sigh in front of him. And smile, as if that's the very first time on her life, she smiles to the fullest.