
Late NPC Villain

Koo Hyun-seong, South Korea's best [Winter War 3] nertuber. He died as a result of a sudden heart attack. When he reopened his eyes, he was reincarnated as Pelas, the villain from [Winter War 3], whose death was confirmed. He makes a decision I decided to survive in my second life by writing everything I could! "I'll show you what happens when the dead put their lives in danger!"

Arnnok · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

< Episode 17. Yeah, it can't be just one guy, can it?>

< Episode 17. Yeah, it can't be just one guy, can it? >

entrance of the cave.

Meanwhile, the main body of the expedition was already encamped at the entrance of the cave.

Like the knights, they had built a fairly solid formation for a temporary composition.

There were two guards standing on either side of the entrance to the cave.

The main unit, which had gone so deep that it could not be seen from the outside, took turns resting and maintaining combat power.

Robben, who was leading the troops, was worried about Pelas, who had been scouting inside.

"It takes quite a while."

Barzan quenched his thirst with water from the canteen and replied.

"I see. The cave is deeper than I thought."

"I don't even know what's going on. I think we should build a new scouting party and send it out."

"Hmm. Henderson, he's a bit unlucky, but he's one I can admit to his skills. Besides, that butler named Havertz doesn't seem to be normal. Aren't you worried too much?"

Robben shook his head in response.

"Haberts-sama's skills are such that even the picky Count Egor acknowledges them. Still, I can't help but be concerned."

"I see what you mean. Then, let's select some good guys and organize a scouting party."

"Okay, please do me a favor. I think it will cause trouble if I mix my kids, so I'll just make it with your kids."


Barzan got up from his seat and looked around at the troops.

His physical strength was restored to some extent, and the guys with good skills came into his eyes one by one.

Just as they were about to gather them and prepare a new scouting party, someone's cry was heard.

"Hey! Hey! Henderson? What's up!"

A voice calling out into the cave.

All eyes turned to the direction of the voice.

Then a shocking figure began to come into view.

Pelas and Havertz covered in blood.

And Henderson follows him.

Robben, who confirmed the appearance, jumped out in surprise.

"young master!!"

Pelas spotted him as he stomped towards him with a massive body.

"Ah. Robben."

"Bocchan!! What happened!"

"It's no big deal."

"No big deal! You're covered in blood!"

"Calm down. It's not my blood. Don't cry again."

Robben answered, stealing his eyes indistinctly.

It was a man with a lot of tears that didn't fit his really ugly size and face.

He too was embarrassed, but he grumbled in a low voice.

"I don't cry. It's embarrassing even though I have kids..."

"Yes, yes. I understand, so take this. It's quite heavy. I'm dying."

Pelas showed him the mercenary on his back.

Robben's face was understandably embarrassed.

A bloody mercenary.

Robben had no choice but to ask Pelas about the addition of people who were obviously not there when he went.

"But who is this?"

"It's long, so to speak..."

Pelas pondered where to start and how to explain.

But to the dismay, his lengthy explanation was cut off by a shout before it even began.

It was the voice of the sentry guarding the entrance to the cave.

"Chairman Barzani! You should arrive as soon as possible! "A swarm of bright wolves at the cave's entrance!" I'm slowly moving away!"

* * by *

The car, the window!

Knights with swords.

In the entrance of the cave, the cavalry knights were confronting the glowing wolves.

The longer this way, the more advantageous.

Outside, the rain will bring the temperature down, but not here.

But it wasn't a good feeling.

"The bad guys..."

The voice of an unknown person.

As he stated, the dread of the pale wolves lay in their evil.

I was slowly retreating with close to three heads.

When he claimed he'd confront one sparkling wolf per person, the remote was left out.

The entrance to the cave was not narrow, as shown on the map.

It's not a good place to fight.

If the situation had erupted, landing would have been impossible.

If you were to run simultaneously from the front to the left on the basis of your head, then there was no solution.

Prolonged tension.

The knights were sweating on their brows despite the fact that the battle had not yet begun.

Pella was in the same boat.

"I let go a little."

Henderson stood next to him.

"But of course. "

It's still appropriate for Orkney."

Bartholomew heard the words of Henderson.

"The Oak? What else does that mean?"

Henderson responded with a quick glance.

"Let me explain."

"You've said that before. "Have you both gotten any sleep?"

"It's really long, so I'll take care of those dogs in front of me first, and then I'll tell you a heroic story with a drink later."

"Okay. You buy the alcohol."

"Hey, pathetic man. He gets paid more than me."

The courage to joke like that even in front of gray wolves, which were much bigger than normal wolves, surprised Pelas.

It's like the smirk of many people who have stood at the crossroads of life and death.

Pelas also looked at them and gathered his floating heart.

Kurrureureung, kwakwang!

Both sides flinch at the sound of thunder.

It wouldn't be strange if a fight broke out at any time.

Taut tension enveloped the cave.

And, it was from an unexpected direction that the tension broke out.

"Keep it!"

The sound of catching dogs, no, catching wolves, can be heard somewhere.

It came from behind the gray wolves.

The sudden change in the situation threw the gray wolves into confusion.

In the meantime, the wolf's scream is heard again.

"Wake up!"


This time not only screams, but a whole wolf flew in from somewhere in the forest.

The rolled wolf was already incapable of combat.

His entire body was covered with blood and he could barely breathe.

A pack of wolves in total chaos.


Howling the guy who seemed to be the boss calmed them down at least.

However, the situation was not good by their standards.

In the future, the knights of the expedition, behind them, were surrounded by mysterious enemies.

Conversely, the knights of the expedition began to turn red on their faces.

"Are you reinforcements!"

"The timing is amazing!"

"Yeah, catch all those wolf cubs!"

However, the face of their commander, Robben, was not very good.

Robben asked Barzan quietly.

"Did you call reinforcements?"

Barzan also shook his head with a serious face.

"No way."

"Then it's more likely that you're not an ally over there."

"You should see that."

It was a conversation in a low voice, but it was loud enough to be heard by the knights close to each other in the cave.

Thanks to that, the atmosphere that had risen quickly subsided.

It could have been one more group of enemies, not just the gray wolves.

And the bad hunches were not always wrong.


Those who appeared in the shade of the trees in the forest were orcs.

Those blood red eyes.

giant monsters.

The only difference from a moment ago was that the number was not one.

They appear one by one in the forest.

Their number gradually increased.


and fifteen.

Pelas remembered the guy he met in the cave.

"Yeah, it can't be just one guy, right? But a lot came."

Pelas muttered and looked around.

The faces of the expedition knights are turning into contemplation.

It was as if he had already been defeated before he even fought.

Pelas broke the silence before the storm and shouted.

"Knight DiMeo! Forward the shield!"

sudden cry.

That time when everyone was confused.

Robben sat down in front of Fellas, unfolded his shield, and cried out.

"Forward the shield!"

His actions signaled it.

All the knights of Dimeo, who were wearing thick armor, stood at the forefront and raised their shields.

""Forward the shield!!""

Their voices resonate loudly.

The momentum that seemed to have disappeared came back up again.

Pelas then gave the order.

"Vatinos Knights! Prepare for battle!"

This time, Barzan drew his sword, sticking close to Robben's back.

"Prepare for battle!"

And immediately, the other knights also stood close behind the Dimeo knights who were holding their respective shields.

""Prepare for battle!!""

In an instant, the chaotic battle line was organized neatly.

In fact, it was a battle against monsters whose attack routes were unpredictable, so these battle lines were not very important.

Even if it was a situation where there were more troops enough to overwhelm or enduring in a narrow street, in the current situation, once the battle started, the line would be disorganized.

However, the momentum has definitely risen.

The determination not to suffer one-sidedly was evident in each of their eyes.

Is it because of that?

Even the Orcs, who at first seemed like they would rush in at any moment, were now looking at the charter.


And what made the start of the battle flew from an unexpected direction.

Wedge liquid!

An arrow that flies past Pelas' shoulder from behind.

The arrow flew precisely at the eye of one of the orcs.



An orc with an arrow stuck in his eye before he even had time to react.

He clutched his arrow-pierced eye and let out an eerie scream.

Pelas looked back in surprise.

Behind him, a mercenary who had fainted a moment ago had awakened and was drawing a bowstring.

He immediately blew a loud whistle.


Then the gray wolves prick up their ears.

The mercenary blew his whistle again.

A slightly different whistle.


This time, the eyes of the gray wolves turned to the orcs.

With their backs to the knights of the expedition.

As if leaving your back.

The mercenary met Pelas's eyes and shouted.

"You don't have to fight the gray wolves! Just focus on the orcs! A pack of wolves will help you!"

Pellas immediately understood what he was saying.

Those who can communicate with the gray wolves.

The creatures of the forest and those who live without pretending.

Those who are better with bows than swords.

Finally, even the quest written on the shrine's gloves.

All the evidence was pointing to his identity.

that he is an elf.

Pelas immediately gave orders to the knights again.

"Ashen wolves are not the enemy! Hit only the orcs! Full army!! Charge!!!"


Twenty knights ran through the rain and across the gray wolves to the orcs.

The view from behind was truly spectacular.

And the gray wolves also jumped into the air, kicking off the ground with all fours.

Twenty knights, thirty gray wolves.

Their advance was like a great wave.


Even though the momentum was about to be broken by the overwhelming number, the orcs also jumped forward rather than screaming in accordance with their warlike tendencies.


Quaang!! Kwaaang!! coo!!

A roar erupted from everywhere, announcing the beginning of a life-and-death battle.

< Episode 17. Yeah, it can't be just one guy, can it? >end