
Late NPC Villain

Koo Hyun-seong, South Korea's best [Winter War 3] nertuber. He died as a result of a sudden heart attack. When he reopened his eyes, he was reincarnated as Pelas, the villain from [Winter War 3], whose death was confirmed. He makes a decision I decided to survive in my second life by writing everything I could! "I'll show you what happens when the dead put their lives in danger!"

Arnnok · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Episode 18. hero in mythology. >



An orc's ax that swings mercilessly over the shield.


Even though it was blocked with a shield, the knight rolled on the floor.


Gray wolves running low and biting the necks of the orcs.


An orc that twists the gray wolves' necks with their throats bitten.


"Break it up!!"

And a knight of Count Dimeo's family who thrusts his sword into the belly of the distraught orc.


"Look around, please!!"

The orc held up the gray wolf in one hand and grabbed the blade of the sword that stabbed him in the stomach with his bare hands.


An orc who lifts up a knight with the blade he clutches.

"Huh? Huh?!"

He throws away the gray wolf in his left hand.

Whiik! cooong!

The count's knight was also thrown on top of it.



Even when I turned my gaze and looked wider, there was no place that was not a mess.

And it was none other than Pellas who roamed the most frantically in that mayhem.


Pelas' Apel cut another orc's thigh.

The orc screamed at him and collapsed.

"Chur uh uh!!"

As he fell, he saw a young knight with his eyes closed in a state of fascination.

Pelas jumped up from the spot and pierced the orc's uvula with precision.


An orc who died with a brief agony.

Pelas walked past him, grabbed the knight by the shoulder, and shook him.

"Open your eyes! And wake up!"

"Ah, ah. Yes! I see!"

In fact, Fellas was equally absent-minded.

It was natural in my previous life, and even in this life, it was the first time I had ever had a battle like this.

But he had no choice but to stay calm.

The information of the party members that the leveled up seeing eye shows.

It was because of it.

'There's level 9, level 10, and here again level 9, level 9, level 8 this time... Why are the levels so low?'

This was the level of the average expeditionary knights now.

Thanks to the level up, if you consider that Pelas himself is now level 11, most of the people were staying at a lower level than that.

He had to actively step in to reduce the number of fallen knights.

In reality, every time Pelas lost his concentration, the knights were rolling on the floor.

Even the moment when I was thinking about it for a while.

Pelas urgently shouted at the mercenary to prevent the knight from dying.

"Mercenary! 3 o'clock!"


The mercenary fired an arrow at Pelas's words.

Wedge liquid!

The skills that shone even in the dark were now becoming a great strength.

The arrow flew through the rain and got stuck in the eye of the orc who was attacking the fallen knight.


The monster's desperate scream spreads in the rain.

During that brief gap, Pelas, who had come running, stabbed the creature in the lungs and stopped screaming.

"Whoa... whoa..."

Fellas, too, could feel his breath rising to the bottom of his chin.

But I couldn't tea.

Originally, in this situation, if only one person collapsed, the mentality would collapse one after another.

Especially if you, in the position of commander, collapse?

There was nothing to say.

This would be the way everyone would die.

Pelas turned his gaze to Robben, Barzan, and Havertz.

'At least it's a shame they're together...'

Robben is level 15.

Barzan was also level 15 like Robben.

Most surprising was Havertz.

At least 17 levels.

It was the highest number I had ever seen.

They were a really big force.

enough to turn the tide.

'If I had only brought the average knights, I would have been annihilated long ago.'

Pelas felt goose bumps as he briefly imagined the situation that would have happened if only the average knight had been brought.

But even Havertz couldn't face the orc alone.

I couldn't see it because I wasn't a member of the party, but it was Pellas who already knew the level of the monster.

Orcs would also be around level 15 on average, if only by level.

It was a situation where a fight was possible if the number of heads and level were only considered.

Since we formed a united front with gray wolves around level 10 on average.

However, there was one variable, and most monsters were much stronger than humans even at the same level.

'Because they are of different races, basically, the difference in inborn physicality is completely different. I understand... But seeing it in person, it's not on a different level!'

Even at the same level, Orcs were about twice as strong as humans.

Originally, in the Winter War series, humans were really weak.

Because of that, they united to create a mighty kingdom.

In any case, it was natural to be out of strength compared to other races in such small battles.

That's why it was Fellas who had to use everything he could.

The shrine's gloves, Apel, the mercenaries, and Havertz.

Reviving the memories of the former, no, previous life as an engineering leader.

With the widest field of view, using everything available!

"Habertz! Support at 6 o'clock! And mercenaries! Orcs at 4 o'clock!"

"I understand, Bocchan!"

"Damn! I was watching too!!"

Pelas gritted his teeth and jumped back into the line.

* * *


Barzan caught his breath while knocking down an orc in a pincer attack with the knights.

Barzan is also fighting with all his might, but looking back on his knightly life, today's battle was by no means a smooth one.

The fighting spirit of the knights who had started to run out of stamina had already faded a lot unlike the beginning.

Even in Barzan's eyes, it looked serious.

'I need something to raise morale.'

The gaze turned to grasp the war situation.

The first thing that caught my eye was Pelas, who was running amok among the knights.

Barzan was also fortunate to have Fellas with him.

At least because of Pellas, the current front line was maintained.

Even at this frantic moment, Pellas was constantly issuing new orders and struggling to turn the tide of the battle.

"Habertz! Support at 6 o'clock! And mercenaries! Orcs at 4 o'clock!"

"I understand, Bocchan!"

"Damn! I was watching too!!"

Pelas, it was thanks to him.

"Barzan! At 12 o'clock, the shield soldiers will collapse!"

"Yes! I'm leaving right now!"

Barzan runs straight ahead and maintains the defense wall with his large size.

The knight who was about to collapse looked up at Barzan and shouted.

"thank you!"

"Thank you later, and first the barrier!"

"Yes! Uhhhhhh!!"

Koo Goo Goo!

The center that was about to be pushed out stood up again.

Thanks to this, gray wolves and knights passed through from left to right.

Barzan's gaze turned to Pelas again.

At some point, he was waiting for Pelas' next order.

Pelas also destroyed the orc before his eyes and turned to Barzan to check the barrier.

"Good work, Barzan! Hold on a little longer!! I will make the way!!"

"All right!"

At that moment, Barzan realized.

A way to boost morale.

He took a deep breath, pointed his sword in the direction where Pelas was standing, and shouted.

"The new silver lion, Pelas Dimeo, is with us! Don't be ashamed of Pelas!!"

Barzan's booming voice shook the battlefield.

silence for a moment.

And what came out immediately was the cry of the knights.

"Give your life to the silver lion!!"

"Fight so as not to be ashamed!"


The momentum that had faded in an instant began to flare up again.

Pelas stares at Barzan in surprise.

Barzan grinned at him.

Bondi humans were weak beings.

Even if they were knights, it was no different.

That's why I needed a beotimmog-eul.

Barzan had made a support for them now.

Even at a young age, Pellas showed inaction beyond common sense, befitting the lineage of the silver lion Dimeo family.

'okay. If you're at the level of our little boy, you're worthy of being a hero!'

His appearance was already looking like a mythical hero.

Bravery to stand in the forefront, with great lineage.

And a power worthy of that bravery.

It would be strange that the morale of the knights would not soar if they were with such a mythical hero.

Maybe in the distant future, I might be able to remain as a knight with that hero.

It was the moment when the war situation began to change.

Morale on the battlefield was that important.

* * *


"Fuck it...!"

An orc dying with his last breath.

It was Pellas who ended his life.

He drew the sword from the orc's heart and held it high.

Barzan stood beside him and raised his sword together and shouted.

"Pellas-sama brought us victory!!"


Cheers emanated from dozens of knights stamping their feet.

On the ground shaking as if an earthquake had occurred, Pelas felt a shudder for the first time.

In the meantime, the gray wolves were disappearing one by one into the forest with the other wolves already injured in their mouths.


Beside him secretly taking a deep breath, Havertz whispered softly.

"You really worked hard. Master."

Pelas nodded.

"You've been through a lot too."

"I don't know what to do with you complimenting me even though I'm lacking."

"No. You have to be modest enough to look pretty."

"Then, I will accept it gratefully. Bocchan. Now, please say a few words of congratulations to the knights under your command for their hard work."

"Oh, that's right. That's how it should be."

Pellas took a step forward to deliver the horse to the knights as Havertz had said.

At that, Barzan stepped aside and opened the way.

All eyes were now on Pelas.

He took a deep breath and opened his mouth slowly.

"Your usual sacrifices, training, and hard work! You led us to victory today!"

Pelas slowly looks around them.

Now they looked like one.

The look of a real knight.

There was no sarcastic look, no growling at each other, no crooked standing.

Pelas continued talking to them, who were quietly waiting for their next words.

"I! I will not forget your hard work. And I hope you will not forget today's victory too!"

Strong emotions welled up on each of the knights' faces.

Some cried, others pursed their lips.

It was the appearance of those who came back alive from the crossroads of death.

Pelas slammed his sword into the ground and uttered the last words.

"You worked hard! You bastards!!"

Laughter erupted from the mouths of the knights, who were almost wrapped up in emotion.

In this serious situation, a sudden curse shook their hearts.

Henderson, who stood at the front of the knights, shook his head.

"Anyway, he's a young boy who won't be seen again!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Kuh-kuh! I tend not to say anything wrong. Really."

Pelas also laughed comfortably in the atmosphere that had been solemn but had become softer.

After the atmosphere has calmed down a bit.

The knights all sat down in their seats.

It was because the tension that supported the body until the end was released.

Pelas was no different from them, sitting on his butt on the floor.

Soon the rain had stopped and a pleasant breeze was blowing.

After taking a break, Barzan stood up again and approached Pelas.

"Mr. Pellas."

At some point, it was Barzan whose title changed from Master to Master Pelas.

It was a sign of respect that he now recognized Pellas not just as a son of the Dimeo family, but as a lord.

"It's not good to spend any more time in the woods, so I'll prepare to collect the loot soon."

But Pelas shook his head.

"it's okay."

Barzan's eyes widened at the unexpected answer.

"Yes? What do you mean?"

Pelas looked back at the knights lying on the floor.

Not all of them were perfectly fine.

Blood was flowing from somewhere, and those who were still in good shape were treating the wounds of others.

After hunting the orcs, the biggest spoil was the ax they used.

Make them carry that heavy burden?

"My knights come first before the loot. Take a break and return as it is. Collect the loot later."

"But then there is a possibility of losing the loot. With this level of achievement, you will get a big score in the successor test."

"I don't need an heir. But I need knights. That's my decision. We're back."

The other knights pretended not to listen, but none of them did not listen.

< Episode 18. hero in mythology. >end