
Last Year of High School

After her bestie changes school, and the new boy comes in her class, Alexis life fills with a lot of drama. And her crazy family won't make it easier for her. Will she become friends with Jonathan, the new boy, or remain enemies for life? A comedy to brighten up your day.

storiesbyjohana · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

The ✨PLAN✨ (15)


As you probably know, me and Jonathan were just talking and chilling when I saw my siblings spying on us from the window. Like are this people serious? Can't they just take my word for granted?

"Mabye next time, we... " and then I noticed them "should study somewhere else! What are you two little f*ckers doing at the window?"

Nicky and Katie hid from me, cause oh, they knew the consequences.

"Oh the suffering they're going to go through..." I planned devilishly in my head, smirking.

"Seriously, next time we study somewhere else." I walked towards to the house. "These people are getting on my nerves. Now we probably should go inside, it's getting pretty late to stay outside, even on a sleeples night. At least, until those two get of that window. I swear tomorrow I will kill them both as soon as they land out of that door, cause today I'm pretty tired."

"Remember me to help you!" Jonathan giggled.

And this was mabye where I got confused.

"Did Jonathan the Good Guy just say that he's going to help me cover a murder?" I stopped when we were super close to the door. "F*ck, this world's messed up man!"

"Just consider not telling anyone," he opened the door as a gentleman, but with some imaginary devil horns growing on his head.

I swear my imagination will be the death of me someday, cause my mind can make anything dirty, even this good guy in front of me.

So we entered the house, and I ran upstairs as fast as I could. I got on front of Nicky's room and started knocking violently.

"Nicky open the door" I kicked the door. "Open the f*cking door or I swear..."

"Or you what?" he responded. "We're staying safe here until you calm down tomorrow, a week later, or mabe even a year later."

But I wasn't going to let this go. It's unlike me to leave people who make fun of me without a taste of my revenge.

And I thought of the perfect plan.

"Hey Nattie," I grinned "I have the perfect plan for our revenge. You in?"

"Always." he followed me to my room.

I closed the door and locked it twice to be sure that no one would disturb us.

"Okay, what's the plan?"

"Just listen, don't talk." I ordered him. "You can make questions at the end."

"Code name, Operation: Nightmare." I said proudly. "Obviously Nicky isn't going to unlock the door. And he probably locked it twice, with a chair securing it from inside so that I can't get in. But what he doesn't know, is: if I can't get in, he can't get out."

"And how're you planning to get in?"

"Except the door, there's only one way I can enter the room, and that's the window. Now that's where you help me. You'll help me reach the closest branch to Nicky's room and climb in. But that's not all. I'm using my Michael Myers costume. Any questions?"

"Yes, I have a lot." Jonathan said. "First, where are you going to find the Michael Myers costume?

"I have it in my wardrobe since last Halloween."

"And you're sure they're going to buy it even though they know you have it?"

"Fun fact: They don't know. I had to dress up as a fairy to go Trick-or-treating with Katie and her friends"

"You as a fairy?" He laughed. "You don't seem like one."

"I was Maleficent, the evil fairy. And what were you, a robot?"

"I don't go out on Halloween."

"Then we have plans for Halloween this year. Now back to our Operation?"

"Yeah, my last question was: What about Plan B? What if this plan fails?"

"Let me tell you something Jonathan," I held his chin woth my index finger. "My plans never fail."

"And what if you fall?"

"Then my sacrifice will be worth it. My death will be rewarded with their little frightened faces. They'll never expect it. Hehehe!" I did my evil laugh. "Now let's go."

I opened the door quietly and snuck out at the garden. I wore my Michael Myers costume, and I was ready for action.

I climbed up Jonathan's back and hopped on the branch.

"With your athletic skills, you must go to America's Ninja Warriors." he whispered.

"Yeah, yeah. After I do this." I opened the window.

I had a fake knife in my hand and started coming near my siblings. They were talking peacefully on Nicky's bed. Katie saw me first and she screamed with all of her heart. Then Nicky turned his head and started screaming like a little girl and running around the room. I followed them with that weird Michael Myers walk, while they did the most to open the door.

Jonathan had climbed almost all up the window to film this thing, so we could blackmail them later, or even post this online.

I pretended to follow Katie so I could give Nicky enough time to open the door, so we could enter easily later. Finally Nicky managed to open the door and they both ran away from the room.

Jonathan and I laughed so hard, we feared they heard us. But we understood they didn't, because we heard them knocking hard at my room's door, screaming:


"Oh shit," I thought. "Jonathan, climb down, they're probably going downstairs to run away, and I'm going to be soooo grounded if we get caught!"

Jonathan climbed down first, and then he waited for me. I removed my Michael Myers costume, putted it in my bag, climbed up the branch, but it suddenly broke.

"This is the end of me," I thought. "Goodbye world!"

I close my eyes and wait for the pain to start, but it didn't. I feel a pair of arms under me. I open my eyes and see: Jonathan. He caught me.

"I take back what I said earlier about you going to Ninja Warriors."

"Hey!" I replied offended. "It's not my fault the branch broke!"

"Yeah, why didn't it break when I climbed it?" He arched his eyebrow.

"Are you implying I'm fat?" I pretended to be angry and turned around.

"I never said that, but that's a reasonable theory."

"I don't weigh enough to break a branch!"

"Yeah, say that to the broken branch."

We didn't talk for a little, and I noticed I was still in his arms. I didn't notice before that Jonathan had such a handsome face, because I never /observed/ him like this. Our faces were getting closer.

"He's just your math tutor, Alexis. Nothing more" I said to myself.

"You know, you can let go of me now..." my face blushed.

"What if I don't want to?" He said.

That was not the answer I expected, but suddenly I didn't mind our faces getting closer. My heart was racing like a Ferrari in a way with no obstacles. I was afraid he could hear my heartbeat, but still wanting him to. There were only one or two inches that separated our lips now.

Then I heard the thing that brought me back to real life. Katie's and Nicky's running and screaming, coming our direction. Jonathan let go of me and we ran 'round the house, entered the house, went in my room, and locked it.

Now we had an alibi, so they couldn't tell mom or dad.

"Phew, that was close." I laid in my bed tired.

"Yeah," Jonathan said and sat next by me.

Operation: Nightmare was a succes.