
Last tear

it's about a girl who had a dark past named Rei. She hate herself and everyone but something changed ever since she met Subaru. Rei experienced love and had friends for the first time after being a lone for a long time all of it was because of Subaru. But... God had a different wills. God didn't give her enough time to feel her happiness...

lyruxa · Teen
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Real Party

"Come in, don't be shy,Rei. Don't worry, the one who live here is only us" Sora welcomed Rei and Subaru.

"Pardon the intrusion" Rei bowed.

"Don't be so formal Rei-chan! Just take it easy~" Sora poked Rei's forehead.

"O..okay" Rei replied as she touched her forehead.

"I'm starving! Let's have dinner first" Subaru said while started to walk in and followed Ao.

"What do you what to eat??? Pasta? Hamburger steak??" Sora asked as he clang to Subaru.

Subaru turned his head and looked at Rei ," Rei, what do you want to eat???"

Rei eyes were glittering and she said what's on her mind without holding back, "Omelet!"

"That's an unexpectedly simple dish"Sora said monotonously and stared at Rei

"Omelet is fine. If you didn't want it, what do you want to eat?" Ao, the one who stayed quiet all this time spoke and staring at his brother with a cold expression.

"Err.., well, I don't hate it but..", Ao cut Sora sentence before he finished it, "Then, it's decided."

Sora couldn't complain since he didn't want to be killed by his brother and the one who will cook is Ao.

"You guys can watch TV to kill some time to wait for dinner." Ao said as he walked towards the kitchen.

"Ao is the one who make dinner??", Rei titled her head to one side

"Yeah! Nii-chan is a great cook, you know. His cooking is super delicious, I guarantee it!" Sora said as he put his thumb up and had a big smile on his face.

"Ao's cooking is the best! Once you eat it, you'll want to eat more!" Subaru added.

"I want to try his cooking" Rei smiled.

Subaru pat Rei's head lightly and said,"you'll taste it soon!"

"Ah! The dinners are ready!" Sora said when he smelled delicious smell. The smell was really inviting. Suddenly Sora tilted his head,"hmm??fried noodles ??".

Before they realized him, Ao had stood beside Sora and said "yeah, fried noodles".

"Uwaaa!" The 3 people which were surprised by Ao sudden presence jumped and screamed.

Ao just stood there quietly and shook his head.

"Seriously, you are going to give us a heart attack!" Subaru said while trying to control his breathing.

"Nii-chan, are you trying to kill me after what happened at the amusement park!" Sora asked and trying to stand because he fell down from the sofa when he was surprised.

Ao ignored them ,"Let's eat before the foods become cold"

"Nii-chan, did you cook fried noodles?" Sora asked and tilted his head.

"Didn't you want it? It's written on your face" Ao replied and gave a short explanation to him.

Sora just stood in the middle of corridor dumbfounded after hearing the explanation.


They spent time by playing cards. Times passed by so fast and before they realized it, it's already 10 pm.

Ao brought a cake to the living room, it's a Christmas cake. He put it in the table slowly.

"You bought a cake just now ??" Rei asked

"Nope, nii-chan didn't buy it, he bake it this morning" Sora replied on Ao behalf.

Then, Subaru asked multiple questions at once to Ao ," why is it strawberry shortcake? You don't like sweet food right? Usually you bake less sugar chocolate cake or coffee cake."

Ao sat on the floor and started to open his mouth to speak ,"Because all of you like to eat sweet food and Rei doesn't seem like the type who drinks coffee or such, isn't she?".

As soon as Ao finished his sentences, he turned his head and looked at Rei. Rei nodded and said," you're right!"

Sora and Subaru looked at each other and had the same expression on their faces. Their faces were written 'how did he know?'


Rei was staring at the clock, it's already midnight.

00 : 00

"It's already so late. Mann.., time sure pass by so fast. Let's go to sleep" Sora yawned and rubbed his left eye.

Rei didn't understand what Sora meant by 'let's go to sleep'. Just when she was about to ask, Ao told her "stay over.."

"Eh?? What did you say?" Rei looked at Ao in the eyes and her eyes were wide open.

"I said stay over. It's already so late, so you better stay over tonight"

Rei looked a bit worry whether to stay or go home. She didn't expect to stay over the night.

"You are in different room, so don't worry Rei-chan ~" Sora said and patted her head.


3:00 am

Rei couldn't sleep so she decided to have some fresh air. She walked to the end of the corridor and enter a balcony which was facing the house garden.

The garden was full of dandelions. She shut her eyes and fell in a deep thought , remembering what happened in the past.

Someone was calling Rei, but she didn't realize it. The voice was getting closer and closer. Because Rei didn't respond, that person tapped her shoulder that brought her back to reality. It made her startled and spontaneously stepped back. The one who tapped Rei was Ao.

"Ao-kun, you startled me" Rei sighed sign of relief.

"I have called you few times but you didn't respond. Do you have something on your mind?" Ao asked and stared at the dandelions.

This was a story I wrote 9 years ago when I was young. A clumsy one as you can see, but I hope you enjoyed it!

I would love to know your thoughts on it!

lyruxacreators' thoughts