
Last tear

it's about a girl who had a dark past named Rei. She hate herself and everyone but something changed ever since she met Subaru. Rei experienced love and had friends for the first time after being a lone for a long time all of it was because of Subaru. But... God had a different wills. God didn't give her enough time to feel her happiness...

lyruxa · Teen
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Rei has been waiting for this day. She woke up early and made sandwiches to save money from buying lunch. After finished making sandwiches, she took a bath. Rei wore a simple white dress with a red ribbon around the chest and the same colored coat and her long black hair made her look perfect

10 am

Ao fetched Rei as he promised. When he saw Rei, he froze for a moment , admiring how beautiful she was.

"What's wrong? Do I look strange?" Rei asked as she lower her head

"No, you look beautiful" Ao said as he kept staring and suddenly he lifted Rei's chin.

"You should have more confidence, and lift your head high or it will be a waste since you already look beautiful." Ao smiled sweetly

Rei eyes were wide open. She couldn't believe what just she heard and saw. Ao's smile was so charming. Even though the girls at school said he is an ice sculpture prince or a sadist but now she changed her mind. She's scared of Ao before because she thought he's scary but it's totally different. Everything people said were wrong, they just didn't understand how kind he was.

"Rei..??" Ao's voice made Rei came back to her sense.


"What's wrong?" Ao looked at Rei in the eyes as he put his hand in his coat pocket.

"Sorry, I was daydreaming just now.." Rei bowed her head.

"Ne.., may I call you with your first name? And you can call me 'Ao' becauce it's confusing if you called me Kazemi." Ao said plainly.

Rei smiled ,"yes!"

"It's getting colder and colder, let's get going" just when Ao about to walk, "where are your gloves?"

"I don't have one. It's fine this way" Rei said as she tried to warm her hand.

Ao just stared without saying anything, then he suddenly took Rei's hand and put it in his coat pocket as he held it.

Ao whispered "it will be warmer this way.."

Rei just followed without saying anything. Her face turned a bit pinkish. Ao is the first man who held her hands after a long time. It's so warm.

When they arrived at the station, Subaru and Sora were there waiting for them. Ao released Rei's hand just now when they almost reach the station.

Sora and Subaru noticed their arrival, they waved their hand from far.

Sora said as he smiled mischievously , stood between Ao and Rei and put his arms around them " you guys sure take your time~"

Ao just stood silently, and let Sora said whatever he wanted. Ao always kept his cool, so it's really rare to see him reacted to what people said and that's where his nickname from, 'ice sculpture prince'.

"Okay, that's enough, Sora. Don't put your arm around Rei , she feels uncomfortable" Subaru said as he pulled Rei to his side and enthusiastically said "Let's go to the amusement park!"


There were so many rides in the amusement park. First, they decided to start with 'Tea Cup Ride'. Sora turned the wheel so fast. As the result, Subaru felt so dizzy that he barely stood properly, so he leaned against Sora, and Rei almost fell when she walked but Ao caught her just in time .

"I..fe..eel..so dizzy. You turned it so fast. Yet.., how can both of you be fine as if nothing happened?!" Subaru said as he tried to stood properly.

Sora slumped his shoulders and replied, "aww man , it's not that fast! I usually do it faster than that or maybe I should say it's way too slow".

"Sss..sslow?! That's too fast!" Rei voice was louder than usual when she said it.

The three men just stared for a second, then,"Woah, it's the first time I hear you talk loudly ,Rei-chan! How surprising!" Sora laughed followed by Subaru. They never expected that Rei would react this much.

"Sora, now that you have made me dizzy. I'll get my revenge on you! The next ride will be jet coaster!"

"Gah! Should it be that? Can't we ride another rides?? Right nii-chan??" Sora looked at Ao and tried to cooperate with him.

"Anything is fine for me" Ao replied with monotone voice and a blank stare

"Geh! Nii-chan , you should have cooperated with me! Ne, Rei-chan , we can ride another rides right?? Just not this one, right???" Sora looked at Rei with puppy eyes, begging Rei to cooperate with him. It's hard for Rei to turn down that cooperation especially when Sora was like that. He looked like a little child begging his mom to buy him a toy. Unfortunately , Rei want to see his expression after he rode it and maybe a little revenge won't hurt, will it?

"I'm sorry" ,Rei smirked

"Well,well , it won't be a problem then~. You won't be able to get away now." Subaru said and flashed a devilish smile.

Sora gulped, he couldn't do anything now. When he wanted to run away, Subaru was on guard and didn't show him any chance to get away.

----15 minutes later-----


Sora's scream could be heard clearly by people which were near the jet coaster. His scream was really hysteric that everyone couldn't help but only looked for a second and then walked away.

Sora is panting hard and his face looked quite pale, that's because he is afraid of height.

I guess, Subaru and Rei's revenge worked out really well.

"You guys are really devils! Although you have known that I don't like jet coaster or such things. Don't you know that you almost kill me!" Sora pouted.

The three devils just gave him short reply"nope"

Sora was speechless he couldn't say anything to argue with them. Rei and Subaru laughed while looking at each other then looked at Sora. Ao just stood and pat Sora's shoulder lightly and staring at them.

Time passed and it's noon now.

"I'm hungry!" Sora said while raised his hands.

"Let's have lunch first. What do you want to eat?" Subaru asked the 3 of them.

Rei raised her hand a bit and said softly while looking on the ground "I made some sandwiches.."

Just when Subaru was about to said something, Sora cut his turn to speak "Really?? Let's eat Rei sandwiches."

They were searching for a place to eat. They found an empty table in front of a burger stand and ate their lunch there.

"It's delicious!" Subaru and sora said together," the bread was so soft and the meat is so easy to be chewed!"

Rei smiled happily and replied"I'm glad they suit your taste!"

Rei stared at Ao, waiting for his comment. Just by seeing Rei stared at him , Ao directly said,"not bad"

Although he just gave her a short comment, it made her happy.


They continued to play many things and finally, it left 2 rides, the haunted house and ferris wheel.

The haunted house rule was to enter with a pair. To be fair, they used janken* to decided who pair with whom.

*janken is a rock, paper and scissor suit.

And the results , the first was Rei and Subaru , the second team was the twins. Rei and Subaru entered first. Rei was afraid of ghosts and the bad news here was ,it needed 10 minutes to explore the haunted house.

Subaru noticed Rei had trembled even before they entered it. Subaru held Rei's hand. Rei was surprised and looked at Subaru.

"Let's hold hand so that we don't get separated" Subaru said softly and smiled .

Rei just nodded and they entered the haunted house. Sometimes, Rei would jump and accidentally hugged Subaru or clung to him.

When they are done, Rei face was as red as tomato after remembering what happened few minutes ago.

The twins turn. You must remember what happened with Sora when he rode jet coaster. The same thing happened twice now. Sora was quite afraid of ghost especially sadako. Ao's ears were hurt because of his brother scream.

As soon as they reached the finish, the first thing Ao did was touching his ears and said " my ears hurt"


The last ride, ferris wheel. This time, Ao paired with Rei and Sora with Subaru.

Rei didn't like high place because when she was a kid, she climbed a tree and couldn't got down.

Her face was really pale and she sweated much. Ao who sat across her before, moved and sat beside her. He held her hand tightly and said "You really afraid of many things " he sighed.

"..it can't ..be helped .." Rei whispered and held Ao's hand back. She felt better after holding his hand but it wasn't enough to make her stop trembling.

Ao looked at his watch in the right wrist.

"Rei, look there", Ao pointed on the window next to Rei. She turned her head and suddenly the fountain sprinkled the water really high, the illumination was lighted. The water looked like stars falling from the sky. It looked really beautiful. Rei was amazed by the view she saw.

" at 7 o'clock , the fountain will sprink the water really high and the illumination will be lighted " Ao explained without moving his gaze from Rei.

As soon as they reached the top of the ferris wheel, Rei was trembling really bad, it's worse than before. She shut her eyes tightly and tighten her grip of Ao's hand. Ao hugged Rei to calm her. That's the only thing he could do to calm her. Rei was surprised indeed but she didn't hate to be hugged by Ao. She felt at ease in his arms and stopped trembling.

Ao stepped out first and reached his hand out to Rei to help her. Rei put her hand on the top of Ao hand. Ao led her to a nearby bench and waited for Sora and Subaru.

Sora and Subaru walked toward Ao and Rei, Sora said energetically, "Finally! Let's get going to the real party!"