
Last tear

it's about a girl who had a dark past named Rei. She hate herself and everyone but something changed ever since she met Subaru. Rei experienced love and had friends for the first time after being a lone for a long time all of it was because of Subaru. But... God had a different wills. God didn't give her enough time to feel her happiness...

lyruxa · Teen
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


The girls at school were really pissed because Rei was close to the 3 school princes which triggered bullying.

Rei went to school as usual but, something unusual started to happen. Her shoes locker were filled with fragment of glasses. There's no trace of the culprits who left it. She didn't know who did it. Rei wrapped the fragments with paper and threw it to the nearby dustbin and went to class.

Today Subaru wasn't in the class either but the twins were. The four of them are in the same class but Rei rarely spoke to them in the class because she didn't want to draw attention.

Class has ended, Rei walked to the roof and read a picture book.


The story featured a girl who lived a life full of despair. She gave up on everything, every single thing that she ever dreamed of. She used to dream to have a prince who would find her one day but her friends make fun of her dream. Her dream broke into pieces. Her broken dream give her a big shock that make her decided to take her life.

The girl opened her eyes and looked around. Everything was white. There was no one there, not a single person. She walked and walked but there's no end of that white space. She then stopped walking and found a boy there. She talked to that boy, and soon, they became friends.

One day, the boy asked," hey, do you have a dream?"

The girl was caught by surprise by the sudden question. She thought hard to find an answer but she couldn't , so she said," I don't have one" to the boy.

The boy stared at her and pointed his finger to the sky, "Everyone has a dream. Even if it's silly, it's an important dream for the dreamer right?" he said then he smiled at her.

The girl cried, "But everyone makes fun of my dream. Everyone said that dream of mine is stupid and pointless."

The boy holds the girl hand tightly and says," But it's precious for you isn't it? No matter how stupid it is, it will always be precious for you. To achieve your dream, you need to wake up. You can't stay in here forever!"

The girl didn't understand what the boy meant by wake up, but as soon as she closed her eyes, everything turned into pitch black but there was a light in the corner of this place. The girl ran towards the light. The light becomes brighter that she couldn't keep her eyes open. She closed her eyes and the moment she opened her eyes, she saw ceiling.

The nurse told her that she has been in coma for 3 years since that accident. She couldn't say anything and lowered her head. Her eyes are teary, she wants to cry, but a voice of relief is heard.

"You have woken up?! Thank God"

That voice belongs to the boy she saw in her dream but, that boy now stood right in front of her. He wasn't a dream, he was real. The girl no longer desperate, she had found her prince. They love each other and it ended with a happy ending.


Rei murmured," the girl is a bit similar to me but there's one different thing, I never had a dream. But there's one thing that I wish to last forever, to stay with the 3 of them together. Just that would be enough".

Rei smiled bitterly, she stood and walked down. She found her shoes locker full of papers which were written ' bitch or slut'. Rei sighed, ' just how long will this last?'.


The next day, the same thing happened again. Her's shoes locker were filled with sand. It's even worse than yesterday. Just why did they do this and how should she clean this?

Class has ended. Rei found a letter in her desk. It's written, "Come to the storage room after class."

Rei didn't know what for, but she followed the instruction. She went to the storage room and didn't find anyone there. Just when she was about to turned back, someone pushed her to the storage room and locked her there.

One of the culprits shouted from outside," YOU BETTER KNOW YOUR PLACE! DON'T YOU DARE TO COME NEAR THE PRINCES!". After saying that, the culprits walked away until their footsteps sounds couldn't be heard.

Rei didn't have her phone with her. It was already late, no one knew she was there , she shouted for help countless time but there was no sign of anyone. She gave up and sat on the ground, leaning against the wall. She sighed, and muttered," what should I do..?". Tears began to wellup on her eyes, it was raining and there was thunder. She hugged her knees tightly. All she could do was waiting for someone to saved her. Suddenly, Rei heard someone shouting out her name, Rei quickly shouted back and told that person she at the storage room. The person who saves her was Ao. Ao was drenched in sweat, his face looked pale because he had been searching for Rei awhile but she was nowhere to be found. He hugged Rei and sighed as sign of relief, " Thanks God, I found you."

Ao walked Rei to home and left. Rei tried to ask Ao to come in and warmed himself but he declined and ran home.