
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
Not enough ratings
149 Chs

Side story : Misguided key of wind thelema [I]

The blue sky, has now being covered by the dark gray clouds.

The sun that had shone so brightly before, was now hiding in the darkness and was unable to show its full brilliance.

The sky was crying.

When the blue sky was covered by the dark clouds, and the sun couldn't shine its light, raindrops starting to fall and dripped onto the umbrella of a little girl who was alone on the side of the road.


Using her transparent umbrella, the little girl kept walking with her drenched shoes while trying to find a shelter for her tiny frame.

The randoseru she wore on her back, swayed to every direction as she quickened her steps under the increasingly heavy rain.

When her bag swayed uncontrollably, suddenly an eraser accidentally fell out from her bag which the little girl unfortunately didn't notice.

And on the eraser, there's a piece of paper that had been deliberately pasted on it, which seemed to have a tiny scribble made from a pencil.

Hatoba... Tsugu.

Those are the streaks that can be seen, before the paper is drowned by a puddle of rain the little girl had passed a while ago.


Once upon a time, somewhere in the ***** town, or rather somewhere in another「World」that still have some similarity with earth, there's a gray van traveling under 12mph (about 19km/h) in the middle of slippery roads due to heavy rain that has soaked the city.

There were three men who were in the slow speed van.

The three of them could be said to be already in their middle age, and looked like a men who already had a wive and also two kids to be fed for. Somehow... they look desperate.

"... It's her right?"

The owner of the first voice was the driver, he looked like a normal man with a slightly chubby stomach and wore a black and white shirt.

"Y-Yeah she's the same with the picture."

The second is the person behind the driver's seat, he looks like the youngest there, but his body is actually the most athletic of the three of them.

"Then keep following her and don't let she became suspicious at us."

And the last one is the person who is preparing a binding rope next to the driver, he looks like someone who is very reliable and has often faced situations like this.

As for what they were doing right in that moment, they're currently in the middle of following an unknown little girl who was running by the side of the road. The little girl seemed to be trying to find shelter from the rain that was starting to grow heavier.

Fortunately for the three people, it seems that little girl still doesn't know if there's a suspicious van that's slowly following behind her.

Who know what kind of deed the three men will soon do, but judging by the presence of a strap and an anesthetic that was just taken from the van's seat, it seems that they are about to commit an unpleasant act.

"Now! Grab her!"

"Don't struggle!"

And sure enough, they've done it.

Taking the opportunity when the little girl was off guard, the driver increased the speed of the van and suddenly stopped beside the her. The car door then opened, and out came the hands that quickly grabbed the girl's limbs.


She was also too late to realized it, when she turned around to find out if there's a car on her side, she only found nothing of those but someone who're yanking her body forcefully into the opened door.

The little one was frightened and tried to scream, the umbrella she was carrying was still in her hand and she used it to rebel against her captors.

"Didn't I said to stop struggling!? Then shut up!"

However, her efforts were in vain. Not only was the umbrella broken in two and thrown onto the back seat, she also had to receive a gut punch right on her stomach which made her curled up in pain while shedding her tears.

The van wobbled slightly, as a result of the men who're being too violent with the small girl.

"Ghoagh... khhuk..."「Hatoba Tsugu」

She became helpless and began to whimper in pain. The punch from the most athletic man felt like it had penetrated her internal organs, which also made her stomach feel like it was on fire.

"Stop it, if she's dead right now all of us could get in trouble."

But fortunately for the little girl, the reliable man stopped the other's tantrum which at least stopped her from feeling the pain, and told the driver to move on the next place in this kidnapping plan.

It didn't mean that the reliable man wanted to protect her either, as soon as he took the anesthetic that was smeared onto a cloth, he forced the little girl to continue inhaling it regardless of whether she couldn't breathe or not.

When he confirmed that the small framed girl had passed out, he then took all the clothes that were stuck on the girl's body off and threw it in a plastic bag.

"We can use this to blame someone."


The petite girl now didn't have a single strand of thread covering her body, but once again, it wasn't over yet.

The girl's hands and feet were then tied, her mouth was gagged with another piece of cloth which also contained anesthetic, and finally the unconscious little girl was put in a cardboard box which has been covered with a lot of duct tape.

"... is it okay now?"

"Y-Yeah, we can do anything on her right?"

Seeing the helplessness of the that little creature, the most athletic man then swallowed his own saliva as if he had some other wish he wanted to do to her. The driver tagged along and switched his seat with the reliable men, as if he didn't care about what they're going to do on her.

"Wait, I'll sent it to boss first before that... Now, suit yourself, but don't forget we need her alive and not in a dead meat."

Using his smartphone, the reliable man then took a picture if he had completed his kidnapping. His face looked disgusted at the two people who couldn't hold their crotch against the sleeping little girl.

"A-Alright we got it okay... so it's fine as long she's alive right?"

Seeing the helplessness of the girl, again, the most athletic man then swallowed his own saliva as if he had some other desire he wanted to do by using his fist. It may be hara-pan, or something worse.

"... Let's enjoy our time, Hatoba Tsugu-chan~"

While the driver who had lowered his belt now, took out some kind of medicine and pills which he had prepared before this kidnapping plan took place, in the same storage where they stored cloth and anesthetic drugs.

They looked like two horny monkeys who couldn't wait to eat the young fruit in front of them.


"Hmm? What was that?"


"W-Who cares!"

"... Well I do! What if someone saw us?! I have kids at home! Oi hurry and lock the door."

There, just as those hands were about to touch Hatoba Tsugu unconscious body, they heard a tinkling sound. The sound was loud, loud enough to pierce the downpour atmosphere from the heavy rain into the van after they've closed the door.

The two of them who felt panicked then tried to hide and take weapons if anyone was suspicious of them, but not for the man who could be relied on.

He, who was in the front seat of the car, actually saw this as a good opportunity to dispose of evidence and created a scene where other people is the suspects in this kidnapping case.

"Where's that girl's clothes? There huh, give me that. When I give you a sign, jumped out and knocked the guy out."

"O-Oi wait at least leave her pants..."

The reliable man then forcefully grabbed the plastic bag containing the clothes from Hatoba Tsugu, while also pocketing a revolver in his trouser pocket. He also told them about his plan to the other two.

After he sure with his preparation, the reliable man then got out of the van and ran towards the source of the sound.


"SoooBaksoooo *Ting-Ting-Ting-Ting* Sooooo- Oh? Baksonya mas?" (Zeimachi)

The reliable man then arrives, he came to a food cart that was being pushed by the seller. The cart is made of wood, moved by two tires, and had a big boiler in the middle. The seller himself also looks a little drenched even though he has taken a cover beneath an umbrella attached to the side of the cart.

"You... can you understand what I'm saying?"

"Ah excuse me of course I get it. Do you want some meatball sir? It's good especially during these rainy days~" (Zeimachi)

Apparently, the source of the trickling sound was a traveling meatball seller. He who looked like an ordinary person with a T-shirt and a towel around his neck, then continued to flick the metal spoon in his hand towards a ceramic bowl.


Meanwhile in the van, there was a debate taking place about who could take the "chastity" of the little girl who was lying limp in there.

"Meatball... that's great, I'll have three."

"Alright~ Do you want it spicy or?" (Zeimachi)


"Hehe, got it sir." (Zeimachi)

Seeing the attitude of the food vendor man in front of him, he felt that it would be very easy to frame this person. After all, the food vendor man look like a genuine good guy.

In addition, since his appearance was so fishy suddenly came outta nowhere, he would definitely be further accused of being the kidnapper of Hatoba Tsugu. That's what was in the reliable man's thought.


But little did he know, that the little bout in the van had now become so chaotic that it caused Hatoba Tsugu to wake up from his drug.

"Hmm, fried onion almost spent up." (Zeimachi)

"What're you talking?"

"Ahahaha nothing nothing, it's just... you really shouldn't walked with those clothes in plastic bag like that Mr.customer~ Others will misunderstand it. A grown man walked in the road with girl's clothing, you'll be thought of as a pedobear~" (Zeimachi)

The meatball seller then gave him a black plastic bag so that he could cover Hatoba Tsugu's clothes if he really wanted to carried it. There was absolutely no bad intention in this action, yet somehow it's as if the seller spoke like he had the experience himself.

"How do you know it's a girl clothing?"

"How? Well I have some acquittance who used the same outfit. It's Vrtual academy's elementary school uniform if I'm not wrong. Here's your order, you can pay with-" (Zeimachi)

The order has been made and he is about to give it to his customer, the meatball seller looks very happy because he has got three hot-selling portions that day.

Even though the reliable man was still a little suspicious of the peddler, he put that thought away in order to quickly get back into the van because earlier, he saw the two people in the van exchanging fists with some brazen bravery.

"!! The fuck!?"

The reliable man tried to get up from his spot and run towards the vehicle, he became even more panicked after seeing Hatoba Tsugu who had woken up and tried to call for help from the van's mirror.

"Don't the fuck me Mr.customer, you haven't paid it yet. Huh? Is that your daughter-" (Zeimachi)

"Ahhh shit. You saw it first, don't think bad of me."

Unfortunately he was stopped by a meatball seller who grabbed his hand and told him to pay. Left with no other option as there are more witnesses in this case, the reliable men then pulled out his revolver and aimed it on the meatball seller's head.

"You as well~" (Zeimachi)





"H-Hey that sound..."

"... He just killed another one, it doesn't matter. Now there's no one to help you Tsugu-chan!"

"No! Don't touch me!"「Hatoba Tsugu」

Inside the van, the two of them continued to pressure Hatoba Tsugu so that she couldn't fight anymore.

They kept holding her arms until they left some bruise, they tied her legs back which they had previously opened themselves before they begun to fight at each other, and sometimes they also slapped and even beat her body so she could stop asking for help.

"Khhuh... Hihhks... please... stop."「Hatoba Tsugu」

The girl's body looked even worse and covered with wounds than before, it was very sad and painful for her as she was nothing more than a little girl who previously was enjoying her way home while jumping on puddles by the side of the road.

And now she need to receive all of these violent act which she obviously didn't deserve.

"... So... you finally learnt... your lesson huh!? Haaahh.... Little brat! Don't mess with adult!"

"Stop..."「Hatoba Tsugu」

"N-Now spread your legs and let us make you a woman already!"

"Don't hit me..."「Hatoba Tsugu」

The anger of the two men culminated with Hatoba Tsugu who couldn't fight them anymore, they became increasingly violent and started to not care whether she's around their daughter's age or not.

Was that how it's supposed to be? Nonsense.


"H-Huh? That sound..."

Unexpectedly, the sound of the tinkling came back into their ears. They both fell silent when they realized the meaning of the sound.

*Ting-Ting-Ting-Ting SooooBakso Ting-Ting-Ting-Ting*

In addition, they could now clearly hear the voice of a man screaming in an incoherent language they didn't know.

"... what the fuck?"

As it turned out, the surprise for them was not over yet.

The two men who suddenly felt a chill seeped into the van, then saw a blue wooden cart passing beside them. The cart looks like it's filled with food, but... it's not ordinary food, when seen from afar it's indeed looks like ingredients for making meatballs, but in reality it's not.

*Ting-Ting-Ting-Ting SooooBakso Ting-Ting-Ting-Ting*

Starting from a pair of eyes, a tongue, a nose, even to the point where there is a black lump of threads that looks like noodles... but actually, it's a collection of human hair.

"Punten~ Ah, I mean excuse me~ Did you order some meatballs?" (Zeimachi)

They were so scared that they're late to realized if the owner and the driver of the cart was now knocking on the glass window, while holding two bowls of steamy meatballs on his hands.

"We got some fresh meat just now ☆" (Zeimachi)

Gyyyyaaaa I need to hold iiiittt!!!!

I need to hold myself from writing NTR!!!!!

Well about this month...

Many things happen and this chapter arrived.

What? That's all.

See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts