
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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149 Chs

Omake : 100th special and New Year



... Ah, pardon me.

Yaa... Stranger, to those who are still somewhere in my current time frame, happy new year... whatever the numbers it should be. May the blessing of aftereffect leave your journey in ease.

Just like what the title said, this omake will be a special for the 100th chapter as well as for the upcoming new year. A special moment where chapter's milestone has been reached and also when the calendar around the world has changed.

Nevertheless, who knows whether it'll really be something special or not. After all, 100 is nothing but a number, and as long the time continue to elapse then another year will soon be upon your eyes.

Let's put an end to this meaningless babble.

Now then per usual for omake tradition, there's no need to use much of brain cell in order to read this writing. Just let those precious cell of yours to fall into slumber, but don't shut it down as it'll create another permanent damage when they awaken.

As for the plan for 100th special... let's just do a simple Q&A.

It's not like where you Stranger could ask me a question though as we're not in the same dimension after all. I'll take a guess of some question and answer it, so whether it'll match with your question or not its still up in my hand.

For one another notice, Cera will appear in the next section of this omake for the new year, so if this part brought you less interest then skim or skip it, as there may be some detailed information in this Q&A session.

In that case...

Q : Is there going to be harem in this story?

A : There... was.

Q : Who are the member of his harem? I'm getting tired with all this confusing concept and such.

A : Then which character do you wish to die? I'll put it in his harem candidate.

Q : First half of this story is too much confusing, could you tell me what's going on?

A : Back then in the first half... uhh, I'm still developing those right now I really need to patch it ASAP. Anyway, the main purpose for the first half is to introduce the Mc, Zeimachi who was in the middle of his journey.

Now that I think about it, perhaps some of you didn't follow the development of this story before the revitalization. Let's just continue for now.

Q : Who is the Mc?

A : A fool, a simp, a lolicon, a sadistic torturer, an introvert, an annoying bug.

But if you're asking for his identities, then his name was Zeimachi before he entered the first step of Cera's plan.

As for his current name, it's Sakura Zeimachi. His original name is Zeimachi which was derived from the words of "Duty" and "Error", he got the surname of Sakura from Sakura Megumi when he decided to sever his relationship with her.

The name Sakura itself means "Help, aid" and "Warehouse".

Q : What's so interesting from him?

A : Nothing, he's a boring one who always do what needed to be done. Although... he got some peculiar likeness for the thing that's called as the "DNA of Soul" a.k.a Meme.

Q : Why is there no sex scene!? Isn't this a story with R-18 tag?

A : Should I ask your mo- *Cough* I'm sorry for that slip, for the r-18 tag it's mostly for brutality, violence, gore, ryona, and some other tag that barely involve sexual intercourse. Well not like it'll be put out of this story though.

Q : This fanfic is suck, acting all mysterious and putting such a good concept without the perfect development. If you're going to write a fanfic then write one!

A : Well... I'm glad to annoy you, this is a good sign if what I've done is working very well. Haha sorry about that, don't worry it's just a wish fulfillment type of story, and it's not your wish isn't it?

Q : As the creator of this story, how much will you rate it?

A : First thing first, I'm the writer not the creator. As to how much... who knows? Although some could rate theirs, but in fact it's hard for me to do so.

Q : Mc a beta or not?

A : Oh playing a new covid variant are we? or maybe some country phonetic alphabets? Let's see, the Mc in this story is a... whiskey-tango.

Q : Are there going to be any NTR, Yuri, Yaoi, and furry elements?

A : Hmm... intriguing.

Q : About that time he had his family with those from Honkaiverse, will there be any continuation?

A : There is, as a matter of fact it was planned to be narrated for Moriarty's. However, if incest is what you like going to ask, then perhaps there is.

Although it's Mc who will love his siblings more than the other way around, because of how he used to be.

Q : Did Mc has ever do a women?

A : Yes he had, but the woman is already dead along time ago. In case you're asking, it's not his mom.

Q : Why is there a discrepancy in time between one event and another? Are you so unstable that you can't even remember when you write this novel?

A : ... Ah excuse me, I almost lashed out another one.

Time is not absolute, just take this theory to make it simple.

Besides, have you ever found a being that could literally "eats" the time just like eating any other common food? No, it's not like sucking away one's yearspan, to speed or slow down the world, or even to have an adherent authority over the concept of time.

It ate the "time".

It grows from it.

That's the story Mc is in right now.

Q : Who is Cera?

A : Let's see, there're different view point in order to understand her. First is where she act as the guiding light for Zeimachi, and the other is as another one of incomprehensible being.

- She has been thorough and thorough following「the fool's」journey way even before the first part of this story began. As one of the incomprehensible, Cera didn't have a humanoid form, at least until Zeimachi agreed to give her one. -

Q : Is there any world building in this story?

A : There is but since I'm too lazy to did that, I always use the fast forward button.

Q : I've seen some connection between the SCP Foundation and this story, to be honest this is what intrigued me. So can you tell us a bit about the relationship between SCP and the characters in the story?

A : The correlation between this story and SCP foundation huh... well there's time where Mc said he's like a walking SCP foundation wasn't he? Or maybe you read that from somewhere.

Many being in SCP categories hold elements, material, rule, law, object, nature, etc bending that pose many harm if being left unattended, taking this statement alone you could take a guess which part is going to be similar for this story.

Oh, perhaps you're asking me if he had some relationship with some being in those SCP categories? Well... the simple answer is yes.

Q : He's a Fu Hua simp right? Then what did he like from her?

A : What makes someone a simp? Do Otto Apocalypse that has been branded as a simp even a simp? Haha, sorry about that... he doesn't need something he could like from her, for Zeimachi, Fu Hua has gave him a lifelong salvation.

Q : We need more screen time for Yjor, and is she going to be Yor Forger?

A : It has been planned for Yjor to have a humanoid form similar to Mobius or Yor Forger, but as the current situation in the「Void」is still can't be help without that snake... it'll probably going to be postponed.

Q : I don't like Hylia, she's something every other protagonist from reincarnation or transmigration story always had. Moreover I can't bring myself to read further when she got her spotlight, I need more time to forget about her and then power through that chapter.

What is her purpose anyway?

A : Uhh... purpose... ehh... I don't... know, perhaps... to be the "destroyer" of this story?

Q : Where has Cera gone to?

A : As a matter of fact, I don't know.

- She's still in this story and has not been forgotten nor had her existence to be erased, but at the same time she's not in here. It was as if she has been turned into something that could reach even further from what I could reach. -

Q : Can I suggest which world to be put in this story?

A : Do as you please, but know that I could do much for this story.

Q : Hey Author-nim, is there any image for Mc and others?

A : There is, but for Mc and important character like Sakura Zeimachi, Hylia, Cera and Yjor... probably it'll never be published.

Q : Is there going to be any system in this story?

A : There are and quite a lot of it probably after the current Azur Lane arc ended.

If you're asking about what kind of「system」it is... then I'm not particularly sure since from what Mc had said before, there's numerous beings that could touch into those so-called「systems」.

But don't worry, the arc that'll explain those beings are still far in the distance, so just enjoy how the story about the「system 」unfold first.

... Looks like that should be most of it, if I put more words then Cera will have her parts to be cutted off.

My gratitude for reaching this far, for whatever your motivation to keep reading this part.

To the next section.



One night in a dark room at a New Year's celebration, where fireworks spread across the sky with brilliant flames, along with the explosive sound of sparks echoing all over the space, there's Cera who is alone in a room and was enjoying the view.

"Oh? Isn't it too soon? I thought there's still a few more before we met again."

The room looked deserted and there wasn't even a person except her, there's only Cera enjoying the view of the fireworks from a square window that connected her to the scenery outside.

"Happy new year, hopefully the next year will be a better one for him and many as well."

Her face, which was sometimes exposed to the light from the fireworks, and her hair which she deliberately left loose to be blown by the night wind, all of that is still part of her who is "human".

However, her attire which at that time consisted of only a blouse and a knee-length skirt, seemed out of place in the office, which usually required its employees to wear neat uniforms or any other formal attire.

"What's wrong with my outfit? Since this is an omake section, I thought there's little matter for putting anything as my outfit, besides don't you think a woman looks good in the outfit she likes to wear?"

That is for your definition of "good".

"And I'm the form of that definition haha~"

Gazing at the night sky which is starting to turn calm and serene again because the important seconds for the new year have passed, the oxblood haired woman continue to talk to herself as she enjoyed the view of fireworks that slowly starting to fade, diminish then disappeared without anyone to accompany her.

"If you're asking about them, then Zei is spending his new year with his family, Yjor is going to take some documentation in case there's some hot topic for our later content, and Hylia... she's probably somewhere in a good hand."

Leaning her shoulder against the window frame, Cera then took off the glasses she always wore and placed them in her breast pocket.

Leaving aside the time that has passed, Cera who hadn't moved from her place while kept looking at the blooming fire in the night sky finally saw the last fireworks before it finally faded in the dark canvas.

Fireworks bloom, and colored the dark night. The light emitted from the sparks makes everyone who sees it feel a warmth even if only for a moment.

Even so and no matter even if the warmth could only be felt for a few breath, those sparkles in the sky had ended the silence of the night even though it had to burn itself for only a few decisive seconds.

"Ehehe~ What's wrong ◼️◼️◼️◼️? Aren't you quite sentimental now for telling those words in such poetic way. Didn't I told you before, I doubt even the me in there will ever regret it."

The fireworks party was over, Cera who was satisfied to see the fireworks celebration then closed the window she was using and walked over to a messy table filled with lots of papers scattered around.

Her hands that seemed neither too fast nor too slow then grabbed a bag which she then put on her shoulder. There was not the slightest hint of sadness on her face.

"Every light will eventually disappear, but darkness will always return. No matter how bright the light shines through the darkness, one day that light will dim and fade, the same as those fireworks. Ughh... I'll clean this up later."

Cera looks neat with her luggage, and because it looks like she's about to leave the place in order to gone at another, Cera then do a little arrangement for her desk to make it look a little bearable before she heads out to the exit.

Since it's a new year after all, probably she's going to enjoy her holiday without any need to remember about her task job.

"Thanks for that neat part, and yeah... each of us decided to spent our holiday separately this time. I'm going to the "Backroom" and add more modification for that place right now, so don't peek alright?☆"

Using the exit door which fortunately still didn't led or showed her anything strange, Cera left the office and headed for a staircase leading to the ground floor. Each of those stairs also didn't show anything strange, Cera is still in the same building and at the same dimension where she was looking at the fireworks.

"Well... that's because- It'll only open up when I step onto the last staircase, now we're here. The "Backroom" that's probably has been housed by some random or nameless entity."

Like Cera said, the stairs themselves weren't strange, but when someone used the stairs to the last rung, they would then be transported to a room or perhaps another dimension that was different from the place they had previously came from.

"... ◼️◼️◼️◼️, aren't you going to Zei's? If some backroom monsters suddenly drag you into this place then I'm not going to take any responsible alright..."

It pose little matters even if that's what going to happen, but...


Don't you forgot something...

"Hmm... something? Uhh... what did I forgot..."

We're in omake section.

"Yes you're right, but... AH! I see I see, almost forgot about that."


"*Cough-Cough* Welcome ☆ To this corner where your brain is going to have its little sauna of relaxation... (Whisper) or aneurism."


"We met again with your lovely host, Dame Cera live in the backroom. So straighten up your back, tighten up those undies, and eat your Beijing corn in case you already have one in stock."

Pointing a can filled with corns, Cera finished her introduction and started walking in a direction where from that direction, it sounded like something was making an indistinct sound.

It's like a monster, awaiting patiently out there while fishing for its prey.

"Hmm~ This sounds is not a monster, ◼️◼️◼️◼️~ I know this voice well because there's that one time we met in this place."

Thus... Cera continued to walk straight in the direction where the indistinct voice came from.

"Hi Kronii, did you got here after eating another one of your subway smoothie? ... Eh, no? Then what're you doing here?"

And there she found a woman who had blue eyes, and long black hair that was lying on the floor. It looked like the long black haired girl was poisoned by something.

Unfortunately, the further details of this section ends here, and as to how they'll interact... who knows, it'll only be her secret to be kept.

To the next part.




Some extra note.

For your information, eating a Bejing corn could give you the power of teleportation, but... sometimes it's not in the direct means. Maybe that's what Cera is trying to explain, so in case you felt like you'll got dragged into that "Backroom", please prepare your Beijing corn in haste.

Hyaaa~ I just met my first cosplay event in my entire life!

Whohoo! Although I was late to noticed that event, but I got to saw many cosplayer in there.

Ah, I'm still keeping ideas for this story like Lycoris and Hatoba Tsugu for later, since maybe it's not the best time to put those ideas in.


See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts