
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
Not enough ratings
149 Chs

Nanekluh ref Rednialsig part.5 (End)

Roars of cannon and guns echoed into their ears, but all of those are nothing compared to the barrier's defense. Those shots which could take any human life with a single aim, couldn't penetrate it, which make their attempt is futile.

"Go back, I would't repeat it again. Get into the city with them and keep your head safe."

"...This is not your responsibility to take hold. We'll take care of them so you could safely escape with them."


Those voice are none other than Himeko and Fu Hua who advise him to return back into Soukai city. Even though they told him that, he wouldn't back down and keep forcing himself to join their fight.

But the other party wouldn't give up either, they're the warriors who've been chosen to protect this line and the guards of this Monolith. If they were to let civilian partake in this battle and let him lose his life, that's the same as defeat to them.

The two of them keep preaching him about the safety of those three, at first they counted them as two, but with Higokumaru on board they became three.

"Listen! I know you have some pride as a man to hold, but look at those girls. Will you let them killed on their way home by some random hooligan?! Don't underestimate the outskirt area, I know you have ability to travel fast so get them save first and protect other people got it?!"

Himeko grabbed his shoulders to shout those words, after she knew of him who throw Moriarty away then choose another girl and then slapped him. Indeed her evaluation of him has been degraded a bit, but his mistake can still be repaired. Not the life who'll lost within this calamity.


Fu Hua also concerned about Moriarty's safety and if her identity is true, what she should've done, is to bring her back to MOTH headquarters and lock her up.

But she disobey that order, and didn't used her feather to do it. Instead she chose to stay behind and hold those hostile who'll pose threat for humanity, and let her stay with him to return safely.


Fu Hua is a good and brave soldier but she's also a very diligent and clever girl. She knew if she were to return alive then she'll got more severe punishment for not complying her order. As a soldier, she have failed her duty, but as long Himeko watch over this girl, she'll not lost her way, afterall, the MEI who put order to others is not the same MEI from the canon.


Fu Hua looked at him and into his mind so she can know further about his motive to fight, while he lowered his head to hear Himeko words. She's not a dense either, so at least she knew of who the girl they're talking about.

'...Protect everyone, save everyone, don't let any meaningless death nor any heroic sacrifices, don't let their tears fall for their dead comrade, don't let them used smile to hide their sadness...'


This world is created from their wishes and molded based from their will. He knew if those engines are created to match his spec in battle or maybe far above him. They're maybe from Sengoku who got bored from fighting weak opponents and wish to fight better one, but another wish colluded with his and changed into Thomas the Abomination engine.

'...Stand far ahead of them and let them only see your shadow, stay behind their back so they can't see anything but you when they looked back.'

'You will die, but they'll live. You'll wither away, but they'll blossom. Use your own strength to protect them, and not others.'


'...This is the end of my line. The next part, I'll entrust it to you...My friends.'


"Call me with honorary."

"Major Himeko, thank you. Because of you I've opened my eyes, I'll keep them safe."

"...*Sigh* Thankfully you accept it. I'm prepared to knock your skull down if you're still stubborn."

Himeko put her fist up with her great sword on her back.

"...Make sure you protect them."


After that, it didn't took long for him to move down from the top of the Monolith. He called the three of them to follow him so they'll hurry and move their feet. First is Yae Rin who grab Moriarty's hand as she smiled happily beside her, but it turned into a pout when she passed him. Same thing for Higokumaru.

While the two guards have another pleasant chat, awaiting their demise.

"You know it right Fuka? He fall over you, girl~"

"...I don't think that's what he mean Major."

"Ufufu...What a great thing to be young~ Well not like I've given up either...Nice to have you by my side Fuka."

"...Me too, Major Himeko."

In the end, Fu Hua can't say anything to him,he left without saying anything either to her. The man before her is someone who showed pure intentions to her just like her first friend, but this time his intentions are way different than how her friend is.

Because of what she saw in his mind for the last time is...

'...Fu Hua-san, hope we met again.Next time we met, I'll definitely love you again. No matter how long it'll takes, and no matter how much you'll changes.'

"...He's not."

"What did you say Fuka?"

"N-Nothing Major."




*PoV of Nanekluh ref Rednialsig*

'...Sakura? She already reached this place already.'

What stand before me is her, Yae Sakura. The big sister of Yae Rin, I do some premonition if she'll chase after my tail and it looks like I'm right. She already changed her miko outfit into her battle suit with a katana at her waist.

Though we're already out of reach from that barrier effect, one thing I didn't expect, is her arrival before the agent Fu Hua-san spoke as the back up, or is she the agent?



Yae Rin and Higokumaru runs to her side to jump at her happily into her embrace. Yae Sakura caught them precisely with a smile from her face.

"Glad to see you're fine, Rin, Higokumaru too."

They deeply enjoy their memorial meeting, but Yae Sakura didn't ever put her eyes down from me even with all of that. I guess this is what comes after El Dust gone.


Moriarty didn't put a good sign either, her eyes become more lifeless while standing beside me in her first form with blonde hair. It's my fault to told her that, but that's something I must do so she wouldn't chase after someone who wouldn't answer her feeling.



"Do you hate me? Like, I told you if there's another for me and its not you. I pick another one instead of you, wouldn't that rose hatred inside of you?"

I decided to talked with Moriarty while Yae family enjoy their moment. Just because she can't attain her happiness, it doesn't mean there's nothing but despair for her. Call it blind responsibility, to see someone fall into despair is not a good experience.

[...*Kiss* Is this enough? My longing is not something that will washed away with your simple words, Zeimachi.]

"Is that really needed, kiss and holding hands? Don't you know those are lewds only for adults?"

[Do you want to do more? I only do what you did with that girl, Rin.]

No, don't ask me with that innocent tone. Just why its so hard to understand woman?! Anyway, it seems like our little 'deed' is being watched with more than a pair of eyes.

"What?! You want it too?"

I said with a loud and threatening tone to them.


Yae Sakura silently watched with scorned eyes.


Higokumaru silently pulls out the knifes.


Yae Rin asked...Ahhh sh*t, here we go again.


Change it back, Yae Sakura silently draw her blade with a scary face.






There's two object chasing over him. One is a bunny eared and Cherry blossom Vergil, while the other one is a giant Hegotchumaru on her glory, and then a new challenger who is none other than Moriarty, as for why she chase after him? Who knows.

"Get back here!"


"...Yeah...Nope, they wouldn't listen."

He escaped from them as soon as he saw a glimmering light from Yae Sakura's blade. Less than a second she already reached his place and ready to cut him down, luckily he summoned an arm guard which reflect her attack.

'...Now that I think about it, they won't even come close to the barrier aren't they? Should I step in? But they'll lose their ability to fight. Agent, and then Himeko Fu Hua-san pair, much things to solve.'

"Don't stop in the middle of sword clash, or you'll lose your head."

Yae Sakura appeared beside him and ready to cut him into mince meat, but her attack got deflected again by him, what surprised her more is his counter attack after he absorb her judgement cut. That attack sent her flying a few meters before she was caught by Hegotchumaru.

'This strength...Is he at the same league with Kalpas?'


"Don't worry Higokumaru, this is nothing but a scratch."

Yae Sakura have now acknowledge him to be more than what he looks, with that hit which cooled her head down. She engaged him with more human way, mouth. That's sounds wrong, I mean conversation.




But nobody talked.


Meanwhile at somewhere in the middle of ocean, there's a huge thing which look like a Deca-dence but is a Thomas. It walks slowly to cross the ocean with its huge frame and many type of engines surround it as if it's a king for them.

(Thomas the tank engine playing in the background).

As if it has found the target to aim for, the cannon from its side rose and charge a loud and rumbling sound. There's only one thing those particles charged in its cannon mean, which is destruction.


Thomas the Abomination engine fired the shot, that shot travel through great distance, until finally...


"Prepare for impact!"


It broke the tall Monolith into pieces, but even the barrier and the Monolith couldn't stop it either. The shot keep travelling through it, until it reached...Moriarty.


A huge light reached out to her, that light who'll roast and destroy anything in its path. Moriarty who know nothing about it, stand idly on her leg. There's no fear nor confusion, she's really didn't know about that thing.

"Young girl!"


Yae Sakura prepared her blade to unleash an attack which could stop the shot's track while Hegotchumaru used her body to shield both of them, she also use anything she can to help Yae Sakura to stop from blasting Yae Rin

'...Calm down, empty your mind. No matter what I need to protect Rin!'



Yae Sakura fall deep in thought, no matter what she do, there's no way to stop that alone with her blade. Behind her is the sister she really adored for, and that light will not only roast them, but also Yae Rin too and then many more innocent life will die in vain.

Even so, she did not retreat a step. She hold all her power and everything she can, into this one final slash.



"I leave Rin to you."

Yae Sakura moves so fast as if the time itself have been stopped, and dashed through the broken Monolith who already lost its function. Until she's eye to eye with that light.

"Slay all..."


In that flash, thousand of strikes have been draw from her blade. Those slash which could penetrate the coldness of deep ocean, and pierce through the night, fall onto that light. Even then, that couldn't stop it tracks.

'So its useless in the end...Rin....'


Fortunately there's Fu Hua down there used her feather to move and protect her from blasted by that light. Yae Sakura appeared beside them between the rubble of the Monolith, she got confused when she suddenly appeared in front of her.

But the problem still exist, that light which being aimed to Moriarty didn't stop on its track.


"What?! That means those girls and him are still here?!"

Himeko looked back, this news shocked her more with how close they're to the range of that light being shot at them. Chaos filled their view as more flying Thomas got inside of the barrier range, figured out if the barrier is broken as soon that light pierced it, Himeko got more enraged.

On the other hand this time, is finally her turns to showed up.

"0019, deploy barrier."

Another woman clad in silver have arrived to block that light with her tech barrier, there's a flying object behind her with a two cup of drinks. While she's focused to enforce the barrier.

"...Its strong."

"Then let me help you too."

While that woman clad in silver put more power into her tech barrier, another sound reaches her ears, which made her mood turn better.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure about that."

'Hey Sengoku my friend! Your turns is up, I'll leave golden fleece and Surtr Muspellsverd this time, talk about the mess you two made! Don't dream to gain more food from me!'

The man now have a different air from him not like when he spoke with the woman clad in silver. Then , as soon he arrived on her tech barrier, that man shouted something.


Another ear banging sound, created from his clash.


- In Nanekluh ref Rednialsig part, mostly its about which side you'll choose to be, I should've said this before when he chose Moriarty. There's different choice to pick, Himeko and Fu Hua side, Moriarty; Yae Rin and Higokumaru side, or pick his fight alone against those machine. -

- There's also selection where he choose to run with Fu Hua, not like I'll show it though. -

Now that Als is done, we're entering a break from main story.

See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts