
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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149 Chs

Nanekluh ref Rednialsig part.4

Fu Hua and Himeko prepared to face those engines, Nanekluh ref Rednialsig struggled to be free from Moriarty, Yae Rin and Higokumaru supported each other in this difficult moment. Then the Agent silver wing who almost arrived with special Homu drinks.

And Moriarty...one of his oldest acquaintances who keep patting his head.

What showed from her beautiful eyes is nothing but his shadow, the shadow of a long lost person who has been always with her whenever she wants or when she hates it. She didn't pay much attention to any other things besides him because she knows if this world is formed by his will, but...that's not all.

[Your hair... It's always dry. You should take care of your hair.]

"My hair cost me little in battlefield Moriarty, so I don't have to. On the other hand, you both are different, I do agree if you two need to keep taking care of your hair."

"My hair...too?"

"Ofcourse, cherry blossom hair is beautiful to be seen. You too have beautiful hair Yae Rin."


"...Thank you, Rin. I'll surely return this gift."

"(P////P)...Not really a gift from me...I think you're really old fashioned to call people by their full name, right Higokumaru-chan~?"

Yae Rin turns her face away from him, in this world, she's the victim of El Dust. He gave her trauma that'll etch into her heart for who knows when. Even so, he's also the one who made her wish to be granted. She hated him, but also showed some interest in him at the same time.


They both remembered if Higokumaru's full name is what they called her.

"I-I'm not! Uuuu...Just wait until I show you!"

She thought to show them the fashion magazine she asked from her big sister.

"M-Moriarty...Why did you also change your hair??"

[You like this color right? How about it?]

Moriarty also changed her hair to similar color of Yae Rin's hair.

"Hmmm...If I have to say, your hair showed much less brilliant light than what I see from Rin's. Though your hair is not that much in sync with cherry blossom colour, yours is pretty much like bubblegum which makes me want to eat them."

[You can eat them if you want.]

"What?! Rin keep your hair from him!"

She put her body on Yae Rin's face as if to protect her from him.

"It's a joke you Maru-kun."

"Who did you call round?!!"

"Who knows HigokuMARU-kun~"


Moriarty heard his voice, that voice she has been longing to hear after all those times finally can be heard. Even with all of this turmoil taking place around her, she put everything she can to enjoy her moment with him.

And this reminds her of him as the person who knows about his character. He moves before it starts, he stops before he reaches his goal. She tried to figure out the reason of why he did it like that, but with just herself, she couldn't know more about his traits than what she knew.

[Do you really need to go?]

"It's not about need or needn't, I have to go so this will not be another parodic tragedy."

He clearly says it to her with a deep resolve to go. Moriarty bowed closer to his head and wipe her hair to the side so it didn't get in her way.

[...Do you want to go?]


[You really haven't changed a bit...Every reason you said is always that clearly not for you. You also never told me about what you wanted, but what you have to...]

"...Do what you must to do, and finish what you must finish. It sounds cold to those beside him, but that's what he chooses, and I'm one of him."

[What name did he gave you?]

"While its true he picked my name, I reject it. Now my name is Nanekluh ref Rednialsig."

[...That's a name?]

"Yes it is a name, he told me to change it but I repeatedly refused him."

Their small conversation continues with both guards readied them self to face those machines. While those shots couldn't penetrate the barrier, being surrounded with hundreds of them will sooner or later drain its durability.

At the same time, Moriarty lifted her staff back to her, with her other hand on his hand.


She gripped his hand to not let him go, stay beside her and no matter what trouble arises, she'll handle it. Everything and anything, as long he stay beside her.

She have found the thing which has been lost from her, and she don't want to lost it again.

[...This way I can know more of you, but...]

"I'm sorry, Moriarty. But each and everyone of us have their own determination. Be it gold, or feeling. Once again, I'm sorry."

He removes her hand and grab his weapon back, Moriarty who know this, held her head down.

[...I know.]

She let his hand go to his own choice beside Fu Hua watching those machine on formation at the skies, and when the warmth from his hand couldn't be felt again, her heart grew cold. She thought to resorted back just like when El Dust faced her, but another sound pique her interest.

"Oh my~ It's seems like he's not your man, girl."


"Hmm~? Sorry its not mine intention to throw salt on your wounds. But as the senior of relationship, I know one or two thing about man."

Himeko walks to her because when she look at Moriarty's face, that's the very face of a young one showing signs of a broken heart, from what she perceived.

[He never was mine from the start.]

"...*Sigh* And here I thought young people these days better at love matters more than me. Now then my question young girl, do you like him?"

[I...do. I want to be with him.]

Himeko flabbergasted when she heard this, just how frank this girl to tell her that with that blank face. But more than that he put a mental note about her friend's niece as a jerk.

"But he reject you and chose another girl?"

[...He...don't want to stay with me.]

"?!! What?! To think he made a girl like you fell on him but chase to other one!"

[Yes, at first he promised to pick me back, and I keep waiting for him until this day when I met him.]

"...And what did he say to you?"

["You like to joke..." or something...And when we leave the bed, he just laughed at me. Now, he had found the other girl, he's been looking...So...He chose her over me.]


Himeko need time to process her words, start from bed, then laugh and joke, moving to founding the other girl, and he chose the other girl while leaving her behind. And one conclusion appeared from this process.

'...Is there really no good man in this world?'

"What is your name? Young girl?"


"I see Moriarty, I'm Murata Himeko, you can call me Himeko. Nice to meet you."


"...Now then, while I do want to talk more with you. I have other matters awaits. Let's talk again later."


Murata Himeko walks to Fu Hua who keep watching those Thomas' at the sky if they'll made any rash movement, and beside Fu Hua, is none other than Nanekluh ref Rednialsig with a little distance from her. Even so there's no other people than those two over there, so they're pretty much together.

And then...


No, she didn't slap her. That'll be funny but she didn't do it to Fu Hua.



Moriarty moves her head to the source of the voice, its from Yae Rin.

"I think that's what you called love. Fufufu...You're really like Onee-chan when you talk with Murata-san. "

[...Lo-ve...So I have turns to love him...]

"Yes Love! To think he's such a bad guy to leave a lovely girl like you, my rate of him keep going down further and further."

[Do you...know more about love?]

Moriarty asked her with the same blank face to Yae Rin while hoping for a positive respond.

"E-Eh...Ummm....Higokumaru-chan...Help me..."

"...Rin, where did you know about these thing."

Their small talks continues.

"Naisu, Himeko-sensei!"


"Oopps...Sorry ehe~"


*At Yae Rin's house.*

"Rin? Rin?! Where are you?!"

There's a girl wore a skirt and Miko outfit screaming with her twitching bunny ears all around the house. Because there's no one give her an answer, she searched for the person in every cranny of this house as fast as she can.

"Rin!?? Where has she gone to? I can't find her in neither shrine nor her room."

She became panicked the more time passed but the person she's looking for has not been found yet.


From her room beside supposedly Yae Rin's room, there's a sound like when an intercom sounded. She run to pick it up hastily, because she thought this call will connect her to the person she's been looking for in this house.

*Picking Up*


" "Hello, Sakura. It's me Kallen, sorry to call you right now if you're resting." "

"A-Ah...I see so its Kallen..."

" "What's wrong Sakura? Something wrong?" "

"...My sister is not at home, I've searched her in every area of ours, but I still can't found her."

" "So its true. Coincidentally, Sakura its about Rin-chan. That's what I want to tell you, take a look at this picture I send you okay." "

Kallen sent her an image, and what inside that image is the picture of when El Dust crossed the city along with Yae Rin and Higokumaru. Sakura who look at this image boil in rage because she thought some bastard have dare enough to resort kidnapping her.

The culprit figure is blurred so she can't quite grasp his identity, but she wouldn't forget how her sister look no matter how blurred it is.


" "Sakura? Hello? Hello Sakur-" "

Sakura closed their conversation in the middle while keep looking at that picture. Her anger reached to the top of her head, but not with a scream and gritting her teeth.

There's only calm and coldness.


The intercom keep beeping from the same caller. But there's no one who will answer it.


*Saint Freya*

"Ah...I see, then I'll go by bike...Okay...Not really, who would meet that guy with a school uniform. I'll change back and give him a surprise...You want to join in? Haha, look at your age old hag*BAAM*..."

"Whoaa, she really needs to hold her temper now. Lately, with how much her works increase, her holiday also got cut short if I heard it again?"

There's a small girl with twin curly gray hair with blue on its end lied down at the roof with a small drone flying beside her. The weird thing is, she don't wear uniform like how girl in her age in this school, or maybe she's just that good to hide from consequences.

She tap that drone beside her while another one appeared on her other side.

"Oooh...Looks like a good catch again this time, what'll that old hag say when I show her this~"

From the look of it, she used the drone to spy at the city and spread her eye into every place of Soukai city to gain any intel she deemed as interesting.

"So you're here."


Suddenly a head popped up and shocked her to the brim. Not really but, her sudden appearance which could by pass her drone is what shocked her.

"Ahh...Its the savior, I thought that old man Kevin catch up."

"Ufufu, it is none other than I the one who will bring light to this rotten world!"

"Just climb already."

The one she call savior is also girl from this school. She's a girl with dark purple-pink hair, wear uniform with some chuunibyou vibe from her. Based from the girl's with drone tone when she called her, and how the savior address her, they already knew each other.

"...Perfect landing!"

"Then, any business you're doing here?"

The savior landed with a super hero landing, with one of her hand covering her left eyes.

"...Do you want to walk on the justice path with me?"


The savior talked with a weird pose, but she's serious about it.

"From the east, I've been struck with this tingling in my left eye when I look at that way. There's something this savior need to do over there."

"East huh..."

The girl with drone checked back her drone for any intel she could gain while sent the other drone to the direction the savior shows.

Not a minutes has passed, she already got the intel she's looking for.

"As expected of Savior, if its about calamity you know it so fast~"


The savior fall silent hearing her mocking tone, she already had this power since she's a small child and their response around her mostly stopped with the same words like her. But if she knew that then why would she came to her?

"Haha...Then the same as usual, savior. The greatest hacker, on your service~"


Because she's a hacker paired up with the savior.

They'll crack into the mystery of this world, while solving many problems people faced.

Okay this is done.

Next chapter about battle.

See ya.

Strunomcreators' thoughts