
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
Not enough ratings
149 Chs

Let the hellfire comfort pt.3

"The System," often hailed as the God's gift of fantasy program.

It possesses the ability to retrieve what was once given, to learn the impossible or the forgotten.

A golden finger descended from the heavens upon mortal beings traversing the earth, a gift bestowed upon chosen souls, or sometimes perceived as a trial given to test one's worthiness of existence.

Some aspire to become heroes, thus they are bestowed with a Role-play System. Others seek to reach the pinnacle, hence they are granted the strongest, the greatest, or the mightiest System to ever exist. Then there are those who are simply given a System as another privilege of their new life.

There are countless "Systems" known to humanity, each ultimately aimed at making the lives of their recipients easier.

They receive, they thrive, and then they truly live.

A classic tales of reverse Isekai.


Hmm, it seems we've strayed a bit from the topic at hand.

Fundamentally, Systems are comprised of various components created by humanity, as only humans are capable of crafting something so grand, powerful, and elevated solely to satisfy their own desires.

For example, the functions of UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer), PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access), or even SIMMs (Single in-line Memory Module).

All of these are integrated into a Wireless Interface structure that can be linked to the recipient of the System across space and time, to ultimately create a convenience that is hoped for by everyone, capable of transforming regrets into happiness.

But well for simplicity sake... let's just say if System is great and useful, shall we?

Associated within the past of this story, the original purpose behind the creation of the System is intertwined with The Collapse of the Age of Reason, and more era from there on.

For, as the saying goes, the System is revered for being great and useful.

Such grandeur and potency undoubtedly wield profound influence, shaping myriad aspects of ebb and flows in all kind of spectrum.

But nevertheless despite lingering issues that persist to this day, from the day of its creation the System has served as a beacon of hope amid the darkness of that era. Thanks to it, many peaceful beings have been saved and spared from being engulfed in the whirlwind of destruction.

Its existence also gained immense popularity across various circles, with a considerable number of almighty beings intrigued by the phenomenon of the System, which they later adapted in their own way.

Why? Because, once again, System is great and useful.

In a time when lives hung in limbo and the remains of living were ensnared in the uncertainty of the final days, the descent of the System was likened to a drinkable water for bodies trapped in the mud.

This moment was deemed profoundly captivating by both those who received the bestowed gift and those who bestowed it upon them. Until it don't.


「The Hanging Garden of Babylon, throne room」

The applause of appreciation resounded with admiration as the commander gently smiled. Each clap echoed like a steady-rhythmic stream, filling the space with his unmistakable approval.

"Ahahaha... ahahaha..." ☆Yulijer☆

His body remained in the same condition, battered and nearly decayed to the point of death.

The dagger, still lay embedded in his right shoulder. It was the very same blade coated with the lethal poison of Hydra, its insidious effects persisting as it corroded and dissolved the commander's insides.

The bleeding, fresh blood containing his life essence continued to trickle slowly from the commander's body, a sight which had left him severely weakened.

The corrosion, the once vibrant hue of his skin now tainted with a sickly greenish tint. Veins, which should have been hidden, now stood out like dark lines coursing beneath his skin, a grim testament to the poison's insidious effects.

He's been stabbed, poisoned, bled, and even slandered to the brink of death, and yet he remained audacious enough with such words? And to offer congratulations, no less?

"You dare to mock me? You damn mongrel." ☆Yulijer☆

"That's not my intention, really. I just want to praise how much work you've done just to avenge that grudge you have. Not many people have such great dedication like you do, that's why I admire you so much."「Als」

This led Yulijer to believe that all the commander's current actions were merely a last-ditch effort to feign strength or perhaps just an attempt to infuriate him further.

Even though Yulijer's aware that victory would inevitably be his, he couldn't allow such insolence to be directed at him. His pride can't tolerate even a hint of disrespect from this dying common folk.

"...Heh, do you want to appear insane and terrifying just like how those naïve protagonists get their power-ups? Who do you think you are?! You're just a damn supporting character dreaming of becoming the main hero," Yulijer spat with increased disdain towards the commander.

"Indeed, in your narrative I may be a supporting character. But in mine, I am simply myself as I am. Besides, what's wrong with aspiring to be a hero? I believe everyone had their own right to dream of such things."「Als」

The golden ripples surged once more, a shimmering tide of power aimed at both silencing the commander and reminding him of his place in the room. How dare he belittle Yulijer, the one who've claim victory over him just like that.

"Don't you know when to shut up?" ☆Yulijer☆

Receiving such sinister tone, the commander halted his applause with his remained composure.

He appeared unfazed by Yulijer's emotions or intentions. Despite being aware of the impending barrage of projectiles from the ever-increasing ripples, he remained calm, observing Yulijer as though watching a pet's growth.

Meanwhile, as the count ascended from one to ten, then to fifty and beyond, each golden ripples emerged into reality one after another, harboring devastating Noble Phantasms capable of reshaping lands and territories.

"Hmm? What's wrong?"「Als」

However Yulijer still couldn't shake off those composure.

With a fiercer fury consuming him, Yulijer found himself increasingly puzzled by the commander's unexpected defiance. Where was the obedient submission he had displayed moments ago, bowing his head in defeat?

The commander appeared much too calm, which he didn't like it very much.

"Don't die so easily, okay? I want to kill you right before those bitches, after all," Yulijer spoke with a regal air from his throne, as the Gate of Babylon prepared to unleash its deadly barrage upon the commander.

"Sure, but before that, can I ask you one simple question? It's not such a hard quest. I just want to ask you a very little bit, alright?"「Als」

"Your last word? Well, I'll grant you my permission." ☆Yulijer☆

As Yulijer lowered his hand, a flicker of amusement danced in his eyes. Anticipating that the commander was about to utter his final words, Yulijer saw an opportunity to assert his dominance once more.

He intended to reiterate the many facts he still held sway over, aiming to further weaken the commander's resolve and mentality, just as he had done before. Yet, the effectiveness of his words would only hold true if indeed these were to be the commander's last words.

"Thank you very much dear king with white hair. So, my question is... do you believe in the power of love and friendship?" Als asked calmly, his eyes gleaming with the sincerity of his heart.

As expected, the response he received was nothing short of a barrage of insults and curses. Yet, despite the venomous words hurled his way, Als couldn't help but smile. It was a small, knowing smile that spoke volumes of his inner scheme.

"...I've changed my mind. You're better off dying right here!" Yulijer's voice dripped with venom as he spoke, his words laced with disdain and malice. "I'll present your pathetic head to those wretched bitches and plunge them into the depths of despair!"

With the end of their short exchange, Yulijer moved his hand and caused a multitude of sharp blades to shoot forth like rain. Whether they were swords, daggers, axes, or spears, all those sharp objects were propelled from each of their golden ripples to impale their target, the commander.

The whistling of wind mingled with the slicing of metal as the commander surveyed his surroundings. Yulijer was certain that no ordinary human could ever hope to survive such a storm of sharp iron.

Even a seasoned hero skilled in wielding their weapons would struggle to withstand such an all-encompassing bombardment of numerous Noble Phantasms, or perhaps decided to accept their fate and embrace their own death in full glory.

He had tested it and there's no argue of that.

"Haha, that's indeed a good idea but... I think there's something far more better than that."「Als」

However, while such thoughts might have consumed Yulijer's mind or the minds of others, Als didn't align with that sentiment. Although he had tested his own death within some few of simulations, he deemed that his death will not to be so impactful after all.

Rather than getting himself killed and diminishing the willpower of those ship girl, he had a better idea to complement the end of his current plan, which is none other than to keep fighting even in his current state.

"Astra, give me one weapon please."「The commander」


[Constructing weapon suitable for current user's preference... succeed]

Thereby why, just as the steel was about to graze the tiniest strand of his hair, right when he could be certified as death in any moment, Als raised his last usable hand and reached out towards a flying sphere that appear out of nowhere.

Enduring the steady trickle of his life essence, which flowed relentlessly and pooled at his feet, the commander/the fool closed his eyes, in order to grasp a clear image of his ordered weapon.

[A weapon that is light in weight has been constructed... Dull Blade x1]

In the mere span of a heartbeat, the desired weapon materialized in his grasp. It was a blade devoid of any remarkable form or adornment, merely a worn piece of steel that had long surrendered its edge to time.

Yet, such trivialities did not concern him.

"Well... so be it."「Als」

Even though the blade amounted to nothing more than a useless hunk of metal, and its current state is nothing more than some edgeless blade, Als simply needed to follow the teachings he had always trusted from his mentor and turned it into the finest edge there is.

"Let me borrow your edge again, teacher."「Als」

Putting an end to all his doubts, Als swung his arm with all his might.

"Edge of Taixuan... Eminence."「Als」

And with a single stroke, he rend The Hanging Garden of Babylon asunder.

"What was that!? Oh no... NO! You fucking bastard! Do you have any idea what I had to go through to obtain this floating castle!?" ☆Yulijer☆

"That's not very interesting to be told."「Als」

With the destruction of much of the Hanging Garden, the colossal structure began to lose both control and altitude. The floor beneath them started to separate from the walls, slowly plummeting towards the sea waiting below.

Despite Yulijer's desperate attempts to regain control, the fortress's command system had been irreparably damaged by the commander's recent attack.

"What you have done?! WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!?" ☆Yulijer☆

"Instead of reminding people about your tedious past, you should laugh all the way to the bitter end. Now... laugh."「Als」

"You told me to laugh when you destroy my castle?! You really are crazy!" ☆Yulijer☆

In a fit of rage, uncounted golden ripples manifested in the real world as Yulijer unleashed his projectiles. All the sharp blades shot forward with incredible speed, ignoring the debris in their path.

Whether pillars, walls, or chandeliers that had fallen from the ceiling, nothing could stop Yulijer's Noble Phantasms from targeting the commander, who deftly dodged behind the chaos.


[Constructing a suitable cover for current user's circumstances... succeed]

[A multi-purposed tool has been constructed... Divine Key: Oath of Judah x1]

"Hmm... well, maybe I should've said for you to handle the defense. Can't be helped."「Als」

However, just when it seemed the commander could no longer evade, a massive golden cross appeared out of nowhere, blocking all the incoming projectiles. It was an enormous cross, perhaps comparable in height to a teen, something that clearly not of this world.

Using the golden cross as his shield, the commander deftly deflected the remaining projectiles with ease.

Despite wielding it with only one hand, he effortlessly lifted and swung it while continuing to leap and land on various parts of The Hanging Garden, which was beginning to crumble.

Every action taken by the commander only served to further enrage Yulijer and deepen his confusion. He lashed out, roared in denial, and even screamed accusations of cowardice, claiming the commander was hiding behind the giant cross.

"Bind him and take him down, Chain of Heaven!" ☆Yulijer☆

"Judah, your chain."「Als」

Unfortunately, the only one who could hear all of Yulijer's ranting was no one but Yulijer himself.

If it was a sword then he parried, if it was a chain then he countered with his own, and if it was an axe or a spear he retaliated with Judah's spear.

The commander paid no heed to any of Yulijer's words, remaining focused on defending against every attack directed at him. His demeanor had truly transformed into that of a weapons master, wholly absorbed in the weapons he wielded.

Nevertheless, it was still not enough to bring Yulijer down from his throne.

"Hahaha! Looks like you've miscalculated! Now, plunge into the sea and be buried beneath the wreckage!" ☆Yulijer☆

The commander was running out of time, but that didn't mean he was out of options.

If he lingered in facing Yulijer any longer, he'd be prepared to sink beneath the waves with the wreckage of The Hanging Garden, a structure rivaling a skyscraper collapsing upon him.

The commander was running out of time, but that didn't mean he was out of options.

"Mark A Prototype, twin 457mm. Fire one cannon at the throne, and the other into the air at a 70-degree angle."「Als」

[Affirmative... initializing construct preferences...]




The Frontline: Zone one, shallow waters

A brilliant blade of ephemeral flame burst forth, its radiance piercing the sky and parting the clouds. With a swift stroke, it cleaved the flying fortress in half, casting the colossal structure into a rapid descent towards the waiting arms of the ocean.

As a rumbling wave surged beneath their feet, the ship girls who're each absorbed in her own tasks, beheld the awe-inspiring sight.

"Whoaaa... thankfully, that didn't create too big of a wave," Cleveland breathed a sigh of relief.

Despite the necessity to remain vigilant amidst the surroundings, where numerous NOMU carcasses bobbed in the waves, the spectacle was undeniably breathtaking and impossible to ignore.

Once they felt secure, they moved towards their closest comrades.

"What's wrong, Helena? We need to regroup with others before another one of them gets to us," Cleveland said, gently tapping the shoulder of the ship girl beside her.

"Yah?! Oh... so it's you Cleve."「Helena」

Of course, the two of them alone couldn't hope to defeat such a vast army of mass destruction.

The rest of their fleet had moved on and were in the midst of gathering the rest of their active forces to confront bigger threats, such as the System User.

However, when the ship girl was addressed, Helena found herself focusing instead on what she could sense through her detection equipment.

"Wait a moment, something's caught on my radar," she said, detecting a signal that felt familiar yet was coming from an impossible direction.

And because Cleveland didn't quite understand Helena's clear intent, the tomboyish ship girl misunderstood. "Something, oh... do you mean Eldridge and San Diego over there? I'm not sure why they're rushing to this side but... are you talking about them?"

Indeed, she was correct.

From a distance, two ship girls could be seen sailing across the ocean surface toward them. There was Eldridge, the petite twin-tailed blonde destroyer, leading the way, followed closely by San Diego, the twin-tailed redhead light cruiser, attempting to keep pace with her.

"W-Wait up... the other group is that way! Whucaahh?! Ughh... hey! Can't you hear me!"「San Diego」

Ignoring San Diego's slip and fall, both San Diego and Eldridge's rigging appeared battered and worn, like metal losing its luster and falling apart. Smoke billowed from their engines, and their cannons showed signs of damage.

Seeing their worn appearance and the numerous tears in their clothing, there seemed to be no better course of action for the two ship girls than to tend to their own repairs or to retreat as ordered.

"It's not them..."「Helena」

However, it became evident that the pair approaching wasn't the intended target of Helena's attention.

Like a skilled cruiser adept at detecting signals from other vessels, Helena diligently sought to pinpoint the origin and identity of the detected signal on her radar, particularly in this instance.

Surrounded by an absence of enemies or allies (aside from Cleveland and the two approaching ship girls), Helena felt perplexed by what she had detected.

"A plane? But there's nothing there..."「Helena」

For if her instincts were correct, the signal seemed to originate from the expanse of the sky above.

While Helena continued to speculate, the two twin-tailed ship girls arrived by their side. Especially for San Diego, who appeared utterly exhausted, wasted no time in voicing her concerns once she could stop and catch her breath.

"Yo, Eldridge, Sandy. What's wrong? We already got our orders, so you should regroup as well," Cleveland greeted them.

"Its that girl! Instead of grouping with the others, she just took off and headed this way, claiming the commander was here. But obviously, he's not!"「San Diego」

"Well yeah... he's supposed to be commanding us in the Command's room with Saratoga and the others. What could have made her say such things, though?"「Cleveland」

"...I don't know either. She doesn't really talk about it," San Diego replied with a hint of confusion.

They all turned their gaze in the direction Eldridge had gone.

Eldridge herself could be seen passing Cleveland and San Diego to approach Helena. Pulling at the hem of her skirt, she simply uttered, "...There," while pointing in the direction corresponding to what Helena had seen.

Her actions caught the attention of the cruiser with the SG radar, and when Helena inquired about what Eldridge meant, the blonde destroyer merely added one more word to her previous utterance.

"...Commander, there," Eldridge reiterated, her lock of hair forming an arrow pointing in the indicated direction.


Hearing the familiar 'C' word, Cleveland and San Diego joined in to look in the direction Eldridge indicated. However, when asked how Eldridge knew such a thing, she couldn't provide an answer herself.

The ship girl only possessed the ability to locate the presence of her commander, which she acknowledged. She didn't know why her commander was there, but she could sense his presence.

And as a glimmer of light shone through, Eldridge's joy became even more evident.

"This!!! Incoming from twelve- hyaah?!"「Helena」

Upon hearing her friend's call, Cleveland and San Diego swiftly readied their rigging and aimed, but they were too late in their actions. The object had closed in much faster than they anticipated, landing right before them and creating a splash of water all around.

Fortunately, their vision quickly cleared.

As the wave subsided and they could assess their surroundings again, Cleveland, Helena, and San Diego immediately surrounded the point of impact of the foreign object. They also wanted to ask for Eldridge's help, but the blonde destroyer seemed to have vanished into thin air.


As they could clearly see the figure slowly emerging from the water, the three of them finally realized who they had aimed their light cruiser main guns at.

It was none other than Eldridge, pulling someone they recognized to the surface of the sea.

"...Commander, help."「Eldridge」

"Ahaha... you sure have helped me Eldridge-kun. Thank you." (The Commander)

Sensing that the commander couldn't tread water just like her, Eldridge lead him to cling to her body. Despite her small stature, she could still move with the person she was towing.

Honestly, Eldridge appeared delighted to be able to assist her commander in this way and didn't want to share such fortune with anyone else.

"Well... if it isn't Sandy, Cleve-bro, and Helena-kun! I've seen some of your fight, can't help but say I'm very impressed with your teamwork," the Commander greeted them warmly.

"W-W-W-Whaa!? Commander fell from the sky?!"「San Diego」

"Well of course you've watched- no, I mean! What're you doing in here?! And what about those wounds?! You even got a sword lodged right on your feet! Your face... what's..."「Cleveland」

Seeing the Commander in such a dire state, they found it difficult to articulate their feelings. It went without saying how grave the Commander's condition appeared to be.

But as usual, the Commander brushed it off as nothing major.

"Oh, you mean these? Nah... it's fine. Cough-cough... I just overdid something just now, cough-cough..." (The Commander)

"A-Are you really okay, though?" San Diego pressed, concern evident in her voice.

"I'm still fine, it's just... I'm worried that there might be sharks attracted to come here because of my wounds. Sandy might end up being eaten again like last time," the Commander chuckled weakly.

"Eh, I was eaten by a shark? ... When? Are you sure you're okay, Commander?"「San Diego」

The man's words were considered somewhat rambling by the ship girls around him.

He began to talk about other nonsensical things, just as he typically did to deflect the conversation. Unfortunately, his classic tactic didn't have much effect in front of Helena. Despite the short time she had spent with him, Helena could tells a little bit of his lies and façade.


She observed his torn shoulder, the bruised and discolored arm, his leg submerged in water still trickling with blood after the sharp blade had been dislodged, and even though she didn't know why his face was starting to show greenish lines, Helena sensed something ominous about the color.

Lost in her thoughts, Helena might have continued to freeze up and remain silent with a shocked expression if she hadn't been interrupted by the Commander's voice.

"What's wrong, Helena-kun? Are you contacting the others?" (The Commander)

"Huh? Uhh, no, I mean, yes, I'll be contacting them! Should I inform everyone in Command that you're here, Commander?" Helena hastily offered her response.

However, the suggestion made by Helena was promptly rejected by the Commander out of unknown reason, "It'll be trouble if they leave their plan half-baked. Let them cook for a while longer. Now then, excuse me, Eldridge-kun."


"Just testing my step a little bit, don't be shocked with just this much alright?" (The Commander)

Using the shoulder of the blonde destroyer, the man then rose to his feet and take a firm stand on the ocean surface, similar as to what the ship girls had done. This event certainly shocked them even more, but they were quickly reassured by the Commander.

Because as he had explained, it was still too early to be surprised.

Following the Commander's mysterious words, the sky above them began to darken slightly.

"So you're here, fucking mongrel!" ☆Yulijer☆

A chariot gracefully traversed the skies, effortlessly gliding through the wind before gracefully halting just above the ocean's surface. Adorned with intricate Mesopotamian designs, it stood as a testament to the opulence of its owner, the King of Kings, Gilgamesh.

This magnificent chariot was none other than a Vimana, a floating palace said to be capable of traversing the heavens themselves. Seated upon his new throne with the regal aura befitting a king, Yulijer finally revealed himself before their astonished eyes.

His face was etched in their memories, intertwined with their nightmares, making it indeed very difficult to forget his visage. He was the one who had turned their lives far worse than they were before after all.

"What you looking at, vermin." ☆Yulijer☆

Seeing how Yulijer continued to berate the Commander, it was clear that he had come to pursue him. But would the ship girls remain silent in the face of such ugly and unholy person?

As Cleveland recognized the figure before her, she swiftly discharged her last remaining ammunition towards the white-haired man.

Though not one to succumb to vengefulness, she refused to allow the white-haired man to act without being punished once more.

"You noisy flies." ☆Yulijer☆

Unfortunately, Cleveland's resistance amounted to nothing more than a futile effort. Another sword projectile materialized instantly from Yulijer's side, hurtling through the air to pierce her main cannon and graze the left side of her hull.


"I'm fine! He just destroyed my main battery, but I can still move just fine! Go with San Diego and Eldridge... and take the Commander with you!" Cleveland urged.

The ship girl was prepared to serve as a decoy, even if all she had was nothing but her armor. Unfortunately, luck still eluded her. As Cleveland became too focused on Yulijer, the ship girl hadn't realized that the real adversary she needed to face wasn't just Yulijer alone.

And when she finally realized it, she could only blink, shielding her eyes, before witnessing another System User now standing beside the white-haired figure bastard.

"I thought you were going to just sit and watch. What's with the change of heart?" Suzuko's voice reverberated as her Susano'o descended gracefully upon the dissipating waves. With a fluid motion, she allowed her Susano'o to fade away like dying embers before standing beside Yulijer's throne.

As someone who disliked changes that didn't benefit her, Suzuko appeared displeased with Yulijer's deviation from her expectations. Hence, she requested a brief explanation.

"Heh! That's what you get for playing around." ☆Suzuko☆

"How about you? Did you do anything aside from flying around like a giant bug? You're just hiding behind your Gundam-made-Chakra while leaving the job to those two. Now that I think about it, did you see the other two?" ☆Yulijer☆

"...That stalker already sneaked into academy, I don't know about that old fart though." ☆Suzuko☆

After a brief exchange and explanation of the recent events, another winged comrade, Julian, soon arrived. With the assistance of his two wings attached to his back, he gracefully flew and landed atop Yulijer's chariot.

Alongside the limp body of an incapacitated ship girl on his shoulder, he also appeared curious as to why Yulijer was down there with them instead of merely observing from above.


"This one is mine, I'm not giving it." ☆Julian☆

"I'm just aiming for that dying bastard. You could do whatever you're doing." Yulijer replied casually.

Julian felt pleased with the statement.

"That's more like it. So, who is this dying bastard you're talking about—" However, as he glanced towards the Commander, who was with the four ship girls beside him, someone suddenly kicked the body of the ship girl he was carrying, causing her to slip from his grasp.

Unconscious, L'Indomptable fell from the floating chariot.

"Whuaa?! H-Hey what're you doing you little brat!" ☆Julian☆

Katchia swiftly joined them, floating at the front of the chariot to keep her clothes dry. Glancing at her non-functional NOMU swept beneath the waves, she showed little concern for her creations, having never considered them particularly significant.

Rather than those ugly creations, she had something far more discerning to inquire about.

"...Another white haired, why're there so many of them. You've never told me about this!" ☆Katchia☆

"You never ask." ☆Yulijer☆

The white-haired girl looked annoyed.

Even after kicking L'Indomptable's body away from her, she still seethed with anger. She even lashed back at Julian's protest, instructing him to find L'Indomptable's body himself, which she had kicked away like trash.

Feeling there was nothing more to say, Katchia turned her face away from Julian.

"Ah whatever! Where're you my good little cunny... ah!" ☆Julian☆

As Julian searched and found L'Indomptable's body, he saw the unconscious ship girl being cradled by Cleveland and San Diego. They were trying to secure the ship girl, who was on the brink of death.

This sight provided Julian with some relief.

"H-Hey, get your hands off her! She's mine!" Julian's voice rang out with urgency.

But as he witnessed the Commander approaching his ship girl, a tinge of panic crept into his demeanor. His voice echoed with anger as he dared to stop the Commander, who had audaciously approached someone else's woman.

"Will she be fine?"「San Diego」

[Constructing Emergency Repair x1... succeed]

"Not completely fine, but enough to support herself." (The Commander)

[Implementing the usage of Emergency Repair...]

Feeling ignored and infuriated by so many people, he also witnessed his possessions being tampered as if they were mere toys, Julian darted forward with lightning speed. He aimed to swiftly sever the arm that had dared to touch L'Indomptable's body.

But to his astonishment...

"What the?!" ☆Julian☆

The sharp edge clashed with a crackling grip of electricity.

Julian hadn't anticipated that his attack would be thwarted by a ship girl who appeared rather unassuming, especially with just her bare palm coursing with electricity. He had expected someone like Cleveland or Helena to intervene, but not her.

Deciding it was best to keep his distance, Julian retreated.


"Heh, so there's someone this cute and strong. Fine then, I'll add another one," Julian remarked, preparing himself and assuming a stance with the sharp edge of his blade aimed at the ship girl.

The ship girl also readied herself to face the swordsman once more.

Eldridge focused the electricity coursing through her body, channeling it into her armament and rigging. A fluctuating blue current of zapping energy crackled to life around her.

But before she could set sail into battle, Eldridge was halted by a hand patting her head. The figure of the Commander, who had previously been tending to L'Indomptable, now stood beside her.

"Ouchy... calm down Pikachu." (The Commander)

"...Commander?" Eldridge halted the flow of her electricity immediately, surprised by his sudden appearance.

"Thank you again, Eldridge-kun. You've blocked it for me. But having you alone fighting him is quite unfair. Just wait until she regains some of her strength again." (The Commander)

Hearing the Commander's words, the agitated and prepared-to-battle "little Pikachu" nodded her head. She trusted her commander's words implicitly, and seemed to enjoy the touch of the person she admired.


But at the same time Eldridge also felt a slight sense of unease.

Why did the Commander look slightly different in her eyes?

Though just a fleeting glimpse, he appeared almost unfamiliar, like someone she had never known.

As Eldridge pondered this, she felt a twinge of disappointment when the head-patting session came to an end and began to channel electricity through her hair once again.

"Haha, that ability of yours really are troublesome. Just where did you even got that..." (The Commander)

Their relaxed and friendly demeanor stood in stark contrast to Julian, who couldn't tolerate the nonsense unfolding before him. Claiming Eldridge as another of his own, he despised the closeness demonstrated by the Commander.

Harnessing his emotions as fuel, the handsome redhead had reached his breaking point. With a renewed surge of wrath, he lunged forward once more, aiming his strike directly at the Commander without a second thought.

"Die you fucking normies!!!" ☆Julian☆

This time, there was no holding back.

His face was contorted with the rage, together with jealousy of someone who couldn't bear having his girl stolen from him. The edge of his blade has now contained the same power that had left L'Indomptable helpless in his grasp.

But soon, he would come to realize the insignificance of the power he wielded in the harsh way.

"Stand up and take your spear, Templar. You have a heretic to judge." (The Commander)

Especially when the black lance, which he thought had been defeated, have rose again with renewed vigor. Piercing through and thwarting his advance, before ultimately sending him hurtling away like a stone cast upon the surface of the water.

"How could you—damn it!!!" ☆Julian☆

Craters formed upon craters as he bounced across the surface of the sea until he came to a stop, only to be bombarded by the relentless barrage of anti-air guns from the three light cruisers present, forcing him to defend himself against the onslaught.

"I made it in time... so, are you..."「L'Indomptable」

After receiving some care from the commander, the little templar had returned to the battlefield. Though not at her peak, she felt enough strength surging within to wield her beloved lance once more.

Despite the damage to her armament, with several gun barrels broken or severed, L'Indomptable stood resolute. Her knightly uniform lay torn, baring her back to those behind her.

"I've heard from them. Thank you, you're... you've helped me." timidly and awkwardly, the ship girl express her gratitude.

"Hmm, those are not conduct befitting of a knight. Stand straight, lift that chin and show me your determined eye. Do you dare call yourself a Templar Knight with such behavior?" (The Commander)

"Y-Yes! You have my gratitude. I will never forget this debt!"「L'Indomptable」

"Ahaha, that's much better," The Commander smiled, satisfied, as he lent her his uniform, which was no worse than her knightly attire. At least it would serve to conceal the sword mark on her back.

After instilling a bit of resolve in the ship girl, he then directed Eldridge and L'Indomptable to cooperate in fighting against Julian who had recovered from the knockback.

While reminding them that cooperation was not something to be ashamed of, the Commander concluded his simple arrangement prepared for the two, then gave them both a brief pat on the head.

"You fucking dirty pedophile!" ☆Julian☆

Which only fanning more fuel into the fire.

The wings belonged to those of fairies in the realm of imagination reached wide and tall, leaving behind a trail of glowing dust as their wielder surged forward. Julian had darted back for the third time towards the Commander's position.

Now wielding both of his swords in each hand, Julian once again displayed his swordsmanship prowess, prompting L'Indomptable to prepare herself to face the combo.

"Starburst stream-" ☆Julian☆

"Wait." ☆Yulijer☆

However amidst the standoff, Yulijer's voice served as a savior for those ship girls who didn't want their commander dragged into the fight.

Especially Helena, she appeared visibly relieved compared to her comrades.

Using only the golden chain emerging from her golden ripples, Yulijer effortlessly managed to restrain and halt Julian's combo attack. And despite the dual-wielding swordsman's resistance, the Chain of Heaven remained unbudging, continuing to bind his body and limbs.

"He's mine to kill, lower your weapon." ☆Yulijer☆

"What?! You actually think I'll just let him touch my girl when she's in my sight?!" ☆Julian☆

Hearing his words, L'Indomptable looked both disgusted and fearful. "Who do you call your girl..." were the words that seemed to almost escape her lips. But of course, Julian couldn't know that.

"Not like he had done anything weird, right? He just revived her to battle again. He's just like an African Warlord who tells children to go fight and die. So you know what kind of trash he is." ☆Yulijer☆

Hearing his reasonable-sounding words, "...Dang it! This is why I hate those kind of people!" Julian finally relented, retracting the wings on his back to shrink in size. The atmosphere now became albeit calmer, all thanks to Yulijer's control.

The scene also made the ship girls realize that the young man with white hair was someone who could be considered "above" or the "boss" among his comrades.

"(Whisper) Helena..." Cleveland called softly.

"The others are aware of their disappearance, they should be arriving shortly."「Helena」

Thanks to the earlier commotion, Helena had managed to send a signal and a message requesting assistance to the nearest ship girls. Despite having to disobey the commander's orders, Helena felt that her decision was the right one.

However, now that the commotion had died down, they had to confront the suffocating aura emanating from the System Users once more.

Just one of them was enough to take on two or three fleets, let alone all four. Among them was also a figure capable of reigniting their deepest traumas. So winning might be something impossible.

Even with Eldridge and L'Indomptable by their side, they didn't feel confident in their chances of victory.

"Then... what are we gonna do?" ☆Katchia☆

"Yeah, what we could even do now." ☆Suzuko☆

Both women glanced sharply at Yulijer, seeking something to alleviate their boredom.

"Why would the three of you even arrive here in the first place? Even though I am a king, you should continue your battles in your own places. It's not my concern." ☆Yulijer☆

"Well, what if you couldn't swim?" ☆Suzuko☆

"I could just fly." ☆Yulijer☆

"What if you couldn't fly?" ☆Katchia☆

"I could still handle it, stop asking me so many question." ☆Yulijer☆

Judging by their behavior, the ship girls could see that despite their savage actions, the System Users were nothing more than ordinary humans. They could talk, joke, and even fight amongst themselves.

It could be said that the System Users were not so different from the ship girls. They had a "human" side within them that they could reveal whenever they chose. Because of this... why?

"Why... despite being able to... why did you do that to us?" Helena asked, her voice trembling with confusion and pain.

"...Did you, talk to me?" ☆Yulijer☆

"Yes, I'm the one talking to you. I'm asking why you did so many cruel things to us. Aren't we just like you? We can feel anger, frustration, and sadness just like you."「Helena」

"Sigh... your point is?" ☆Yulijer☆

Tears streamed down Helena's face, mingling with the salty sea water. As the commander gazed at the figure of the ship girl, he saw Helena's tears fall alongside memories that began to repeat in her mind.

"Please don't hurt us! Please treat us just like you! ...You gonna say something around that right? Pfft... you useless crybaby bitch. What makes you think that weapons like you are the same as us, the chosen humans?" Suzuko spat out.

"We're human just like you! Even though we are indeed weapons, but—"「Helena」

"Different from you who are nothing more than characters from a game world, we are real humans. Remember that well and don't forget it, bitch. We didn't come from a game world like you, got that!?" ☆Suzuko☆


"That's enough, I'll take it from here." ☆Yulijer☆

After instructing Suzuko to calm down, Yulijer, now standing from his throne, slowly descended from his chariot. Floating with a kingly aura surrounding him, the young man with white hair seemed intent on explaining the meaning behind Suzuko's words.

"You girls are nothing more than replaceable commodities, created only to fulfill the desires of the masses. And by that, I don't mean the people of this world, but rather a place you could never imagine the origin of." ☆Yulijer☆

And what he meant was...

"We come from that place, where all of you are nothing more than fast-food. With the technology we possess, you can be used at our whim. It's as simple as that. But if you're just a fool... In other words, we are different from you, you trash." ☆Yulijer☆

What a word very befitting for a king.

It holds not only a strong reminder, but also a warning for those ship girls to never, ever think they're the same as them. They are the chosen ones, individuals with powers and abilities vastly different and even superior to others.

Although they didn't speak about the nature of the System they use or the reasons for their existence in this world, Yulijer and Suzuko's statements clearly indicate that they are very different.

"This power is called... the Divine Gift, System. We've been given the power to become gods, hence your existence is nothing more than fertilizer for us to reach that peak of power." ☆Yulijer☆


Looks like I need to revise that part, hmm where was it...

They are different individuals, and they just made it clear.

Yulijer was confident that even if he revealed the word "System," no one besides his comrades would know about it. Because the System was a very great thing known to only a handful of people.

Although the commander displayed strange abilities, and there was a possibility that he did not originate from that world, Yulijer didn't concern himself with it.

What would be the point if he knew? After all, he would die anyway. Besides, since their first encounter, he hadn't sensed the presence of a System within the dying man, so it didn't matter.

"We're not like you all! We're the true humans worthy of this power of god. We've been given the ease to do as we please, and no one can control us! Ahaha, do you get that?!" Yulijer boasted very clearly.

"...What, what kind of nonsense is that?!"「Cleveland」

"That's right, what kind of stuff was that?! Different from us? Being able to do as you please to us? What makes you think you're above us except for the power of that gift, huh?!"「San Diego」

"That is the truth, you all are nothing but fodders for us," Yulijer reaffirmed with a cold certainty.

All of them could clearly hear every word that came out of his mouth, including Helena, whose heart shattered further when she learned just how trivial and bewildering their reasons were, in hurting her friends.

But of course, Yulijer paid no mind to such trivial matters as the feelings of that ship girl. His attention was more focused on the other side, where a swarm of ship girl fleets had approached.

"Oh... looks like those girls have catch up to you guys." ☆Yulijer☆

"Ahaha yeah? Well can't be helped right? I'm pretty famous here and in my world." ☆Suzuko☆

"Suzu, can you take care of the white-haired one but don't throw it to me again? Having them near me makes me want to vomit." ☆Katchia☆

"Alright alright, I'm sorry. I'll just throw them to Juli instead." ☆Suzuko☆

"Yeaayy!" ☆Katchia☆

"Huh? What did you just say?" Julian asked, as he hadn't quite caught their conversation.

Even in moments like these, they showed no signs of fear or panic whatsoever. Instead, they laughed and teased each other like regular friends playing together every day.

"If you don't want to, then I could take care of it. I'm itching to use EA after that bastard destroyed my flying castle." ☆Yulijer☆

"Ah, come on! No Merit stealing you asshole!" ☆Julian☆

"Yeah, whatever. Just fight or fuck away over there! I'll be watching from my throne again," true to his words, Yulijer floated back and comfortably settled into his chariot.

With that, the looming battle that would likely determine the outcome of Zone One drew closer. The System Users awaited the arrival of the ship girls who chased after them with casual indifference.

Though it might have taken the girls only a few minutes to reach their destination. However in just a matter of seconds, the System Users had uttered words that pierced the hearts of those who heard them.

So, who knows what will unfold before the girls arrive?

"I'm sorry, Commander. I didn't mean to make you see this..."「Helena」

"I don't mind it. Just let it out, Helena. You don't need to bottle it up. There's Cleve-bro and this number one gal here for you," The Commander reassured, gesturing towards the two girls beside him.

"Eh? Number one is me? W-Well, I mean, of course it's me, right?! Ahaha!"「San Diego」

They did their best to comfort their comrade.

And in an effort to be recognized too, Eldridge then tugged on the shirt her commander wore, "Ahaha, there's also Pikachu and this little Templar as well," The Commander chuckled, giving both destroyer's head a gentle rub.

By making the ship girls smile and laugh, Helena slowly began to feel a sense of joy herself. Especially when she received a gentle pat on the head from the commander, she felt happy, and smiled despite still being haunted by what she had just heard.

In short, Helena felt a little better.

"Instead of succumbing to the despair they've imposed upon us, we should retaliate with smiles of our own happiness. Keep resisting and struggling, that aspect also belongs to the side of humanity they've forgotten." (The Commander)

"They've forgotten? You talk as if you know them, Commander."「Cleveland」

"Haha, I just had a little chat with that man up there," The Commander gestured towards the position where The Hanging Garden had fallen.

"Ehh! So that's why you're in this state?! But... what makes your skin turn green? Matcha injection?" San Diego asked casually, which was met with a slap of seaweed by the Commander.

"Whatever it is... this side suits him very well. He's the type to keep laughing until the end, oblivious to the toll that smile has taken on him. Just keep laughing and laughing... until the very end. Sigh... disgusting."「Als」

Once again, Eldridge noticed the change in her commander. 

"He'll keep laughing with his friends, oblivious to everything else. At least that's what he'll do before reality hits him hard. What a suitable choice like we had thought, am I right my friend?"「Als」

The blonde little destroyer attempted to reclaim the commander she knew by tugging at his shirt, but her efforts were in vain.

His eyes grew increasingly vacant, resembling a hollow mirror incapable of containing anything of its own, only reflecting the presence of others.

"Hmm? H-Hey..."「L'Indomptable」

Therefore as a final recourse, Eldridge resorted to shocking her commander's back to his usual self.

"(Whisper) From the data, they might have been around for 1 to 2 years. Moreover, the chassis they possess is the latest model with the Renewal Agreement, even accompanied by Group Chat. Yes, everything should work out, my friend - ugh..."「Als」

Done with the shock therapy, he looked down and found his therapist, Eldridge, sulking and puffing out her cheeks.

It was clear that the ship girl longed for the commander's attention and wanted to stop him from continuing whatever he was doing.

"Ahaha, sorry. Looks like I got carried away." (The Commander)

"You got that right. What were you muttering about?"「Cleveland」

Pushing down and taking the rein again from the previous persona, the commander truthfully explained the details he wanted to convey, while also playing around just a little bit.

"Yeah... put simply, let them revel in their laughter as they wish. When this trial ends, I'll be taking the price of their smiles with interest," The Commander grinned, his expression turning into the most sinister grin he could muster.

"No no no! You can't turn into them, commander!"「Cleveland」

"So you really got drunk on matcha-?!" for asking such question, San Diego received another seaweed slap in returns.

I kept getting zapped by my own phone, it's kinda annoying.

More importanly looks like Fu Hua from HSR is about to come out? I don't know when, but hopefully it'll be the Fu Hua I hoped for.

And also... I think the voice have become very calm these days, so I'll just some minor detail here and there. Well as long as I could still remember it of course.


See ya.

Strunomcreators' thoughts