
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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149 Chs

Let the Hellfire Comfort pt.2

Flowers are beautiful creations.

Across countless works of literature and stories spanning all corners of time and space, flowers have often been portrayed as symbols of beauty, grace, fame, and grandeur.

They carry multitudes of meanings.

In fact, there exists a language solely dedicated to understanding the significance of each growing blossom, which is then employed to translate and communicate using the meanings they embody.

Take the Rock Rose, for instance, symbolizing strength and resilience. Its sturdy petals weather the storms, standing tall against adversity.

Then there's Lavender, exuding tranquility and solitude. Its delicate fragrance whispers of peaceful moments amid life's chaos.

And who can forget the Middlemist Red flower, embodying both fragility and resilience? Despite its delicate appearance, it perseveres through challenges, blossoming with grace.

These beautiful blooms, nurtured and allowed to flourish, become even more exquisite over time.

It's no wonder that those with pure and innocent souls regard them as the most beautiful and purest of all creations, especially when they bloom. These moments of splendor are irreplaceable, encapsulating the essence of beauty itself.

Yet, no matter how exquisite a flower may be, in the end they all wilt and wither.

Regardless of their beauty and grandeur in bloom, all flowers are destined to experience the cycle of life—blooming and eventually fading away.

This fate is even more true for flowers that grow by the roadside, the wildflowers that cannot thrive in carefully tended flower beds. They must persist solely relying on their own stems and roots, facing the harshness of winds and rains without aid from anyone.

And from there, the fate of this wildflower boils down to just two possibilities.

The first is that unattended flowers will inevitably wither, decay, and fade away alone.

Or the second, which is to...


「PoV of Hylia」

Skull Island

As I tread through the murky waters, I pause for a moment to gaze at my reflection. My hair, the color of my lips, even my own face, all appear the same in the distorted mirror of the water's surface.

Everything obscured by shades of brown thanks to the dirt and mud.

"This mud... why does it taste salty?"

I wipe away a smudge from the corner of my mouth, a taste I'd rather not acknowledge lingering at the tip of my tongue. Simultaneously, I take a look of my attire, now thoroughly soiled and haggard thanks to my earlier skirmish.

It's going to be quite a challenge for Yamashiro... I mean, Yamama-nee, to clean this later on.

"Now then, looting time! What kind of drop will I get this time?!"

|〈Giant Squid Lv.130 (X)〉

〈Special attack : Ink Jet | Tentacle Slam | Camouflage Cloak | Tentacle Whirlwind | 〉

〈Chest drop available〉

After scrubbing my face until not a speck of mud or dirt remained, I shifted my focus to the aquatic monster I've defeated. It resembled an octopus albeit larger, with a shape that deviated from any I'd encountered before.

Recalling my visit to the aquarium with Jaberin and the others, I vividly remembered the long tentacles of the octopus. Yet upon closer examination, this creature doesn't have the typical characteristics of an octopus.

"Identification-wise, it's also a squid... and not an octopus... are they related? Or maybe they just come from different father?"

I pondered whether they shared different origins, perhaps from different fathers. Regardless, I believe that there's a good chance they might be siblings. But now, it was time to seek out the treasure!

"Hmm, where might the chest be... ah, there you are."

Summoning vermilion fire and crimson lightning to enshroud my hands, I now possessed the ability to dissect this monster without the aid of Alastoru's blade. Cutting here and slicing there, I had become quite adept at cleaving through monsters.

Finally, I uncovered what I had been searching for: a red wooden chest nestled within the creature's body, miraculously untouched and dry despite its aquatic surroundings.

Eagerly, I approached to unlock it.

〈Giant Squid ink sack x1〉

[Its ink is notoriously stubborn, darker than ordinary squid ink]

〈Tentacles x10〉

[Their arms and legs, some titan delicacy]

〈Aqua breaths x1〉

[Listen to the whisper of water elements]

"Got it! I got one!"

After inspecting each item I found inside, one particular drop caught my attention. Its form resembled a water droplet, yet uniquely, I could grasp it firmly without fear of it splattering if it fell to the ground.

This was the item drop I had been searching for: Aqua Breaths. Although its purpose remained unknown to me, I had my own reasons for seeking it out.


#(Intermediate mission: Balancing the elements)#

Artificial as it may be, the island still needs to be balanced in various aspects.

Once you've all met and introduced yourselves, the next mission you'll undertake is to restore balance to the situation and conditions of the island. But fret not, you won't be tasked with creating an entire island from scratch.

Your objective is simply to gather a few required items and place them in one location. Additionally, for this mission, your Demi-Systems will be interconnected with each other. The VIP could also see your mission now if she want to.

〈Requirement〉: | Aqua Breaths (2/3) | Earth Forge (3/3) | Fire Embrace (3/3) | Wind Echo (3/3) | 

〈Objective〉 : | Collect all requested items in one place and let something happen |

〈Reward〉 : | Skill level-up ticket (x5) | 

〈Time limit〉 : | None |

〈Penalty〉 : | Something bad will happen |


Following my call, a purple screen appeared along with numerous writings that I had read several times before. This was why I had to get dirty like this, all for this sought-after drop item.

Carefully stowing away the item within my pocket, I was ready to leave, but just before I could leap away, the translucent purple screen appeared again.

〈Item Drop available〉

"Hmm? There's still more? I thought we had everything."

Turning back towards the open chest still there, I stuck my head in to closely inspect if there were one or two drop items I had missed. Sure enough, there was a small piece of paper that I had overlooked.

"This... it's just like that time..."

But as I read, it was just as puzzling as before. I couldn't quite grasp the meaning of the words. Moreover, shortly after finishing my read, a strange sensation began to gnaw at my chest, slowly sinking inside me.

"What is this... uhh."

My chest tightened, and my head felt like it was spinning, though everything returned to normal shortly afterward, but this sensation was even worse than when I heard Uyu-nee (Hakuryuu) speak.

Maybe the other big sis can explain the meaning behind these words to me, that's why I'll bring it to them first and show it later. But... I'm still puzzled by the feeling just now, what did I really feel when reading those words?

['...'] (Alastoru)

"...It should be fine, right?"

After tidying up my appearance as best as I could, it's time for me to regroup. I already have everything we need after all, it's time to meet with Yamama-nee (Yamashiro) again.

"Purple screen, where is Yamama-nee?"

Instantly, the purple screen appeared, pinpointing Big Sis's location. From her position, it seemed she was quite nearby. She wasn't engaged in battle with any monsters either, so I thought it would be okay to head straight to her with this surprise.

Before we dispersed, I arrived at this area with her. However, to hasten our search for the drop item, we decided to move in different directions.

"I wonder what her expression will be like? Ehehe, I can't wait."

By leaping and traversing the terrain and pathways I could tread on, I quickly ran as fast as I could towards where Yamama-nee was.

Thanks to the assistance of the purple screen, I could easily learn some information about the monsters present, such as their levels and special abilities. This helped me determine how to fight or when to flee, much like when I battled the giant squid alone earlier.

Speaking of which, I could already see Yamama-nee's figure over there. Thankfully, she was still around the swamp area. Or perhaps she came here because she heard the sounds of my battle? Who knows, I'll ask her about it shortly.

"Yamama-nee! What're you doing-" But just as I was about to finish greeting her, she immediately interrupted and began wiping my face with a wet cloth.

"Dear my lord! What's going on with you?! You look like you've been submerged in mud!"「Yamama-nee」

She seemed genuinely concerned. "That's because I actually have been submerged in mud several times just now," I explained to her enthusiastically.

But upon hearing my words, Yamama-nee's voice rose even higher.

Her face and gaze turned ominous, resembling a black cat I once encountered in the market. Without much ado, she then took me by the hand like a kitten and swiftly led me to find the nearest source of clean water.

"A river in this place... the water looks clear!"

And when I asked why we were here, she replied like this.

"You're dirty as heck! You need a bath!" Yamama-nee exclaimed.

She then proceeded to bathe me with the river water, which felt cold and refreshing.

"Lia-chan, what is this paper?" Yamama-nee inquired.

"It's a drop item. I don't really understand its meaning, so... what do you think, Yamama-nee?"

That's rtight, I almost forgot about the paper. After explaining a little about the paper I decided to ask Yamama-nee to interpret it for me, she waved the once damp paper slightly before reading it.

Thankfully, she looks okay as she read it on her own.

[I wish upon the stars for just a little bit of strength to protect with all I have.]

[I gazed at the children dancing on the palm of your hand.]

[I promised the stars above I'd never let you shed another tear.]

[I lost sight of reality.]

From initially holding the paper with one hand to holding it with both, from initially appearing to read an unimportant letter to reading something that required a closer look. I could see her expression change as she read the words written on it.

I also became curious about it.

However, as I was about to approach her, my steps halted when I suddenly felt Alastoru calling out to me. So leaving Yamama-nee alone to read and understand those words, I responded to the unusual call from Alastoru.

'Holder, it seems this Seilenos has something for you,' Alastoru informed me.

'Seilenos? That azure sword? ... Alright.'

Yet, I still wanted to know why Yamama-nee looked sad when she read those words


The Frontline: Zone one, shallow waters

Deafening roars reverberated across the ocean, each cannon blast a thunderous assault on the tranquility of the sea. The explosions were so powerful they ruptured the water into vapor, and the sheer force tore the wind asunder.

The once-gentle waves now surged with an unmatched fury, their ferocity drowning out the uproar and cries of soldiers amid the chaos of battle.

"Ora ora! Come on, pipsqueak, where's all your bravado gone to?! I want a rematch and not this kind of sad fight!" Julian's voice boomed over the chaos of battle, filled with both arrogance and frustration.

"Save your breath for useless words like that!" L'Indomptable shot back, her tone dripping with disdain as she dismissed Julian's challenge.

"Then try to keep up, you weakling!" ☆Julian☆

Two blades left shimmering trails in their wake as they sliced through the air with deadly precision. Simultaneously, two arcs of light intersected and surged towards the ship girl wielding the black lance.


Its brilliance unmatched as the aura blade cleaved through everything in its path.

The sheer force exerted by the discharged aura blade was enough to cleave the sea itself, not even the Black NOMU, defiant in its stance, could withstand such unstoppable force. However faced with such thing, L'Indomptable only answered with the thrust of her vicious looking lance.

And make a charge together with it, to meet the challenge head-on.

"Black lance... forward!"「L'Indomptable」

Drawing upon her conviction and pride as a templar, L'Indomptable's rigging responded, empowering her speed even further. Fueled by the sophisticated energy of her emotions, she propelled forward with the gallantry of a valiant knight charging into battle.

Each stride she moved in amazing agility, her rigging vibrating with energy as she advanced towards her opponent. Nothing could deter her from her path. For she was a warrior fueled by unyielding shout, ready to settle the score with that dual-wielding scoundrel.

"Even if the wave itself scatters, I'll properly judge you!" True to her words, L'Indomptable stopped the sword aura on its track, before she continued to close the distance in order to impale her enemy.

"Haha! Now that's more like it! Come! I'll make you submit and shatter that pride you hold so dearly, just like before!" Julian taunted again, his voice filled with arrogance and disdain.

Their clash was just one of many unfolding on the battlefield at that moment. In addition to Julian's fierce determination to once again confront L'Indomptable, several other battles raged on.

NOMU forces clashed with various ship girls, while Suzuko found herself facing the combined might of multiple aircraft fleets. Meanwhile, Katchia remained adamant in her resolve to engage any ship girls she encountered, especially those with white hair.

"Don't let her touch you!"「Sovetskaya Rossiya」

As soon as another ship girl heard her caution, she swiftly dodged Katchia's lunging attack, retreating to the side of the Northern Parliament's flagship. Though not exceptionally fast, her steady movements as she dodged and retreated were commendable.

"What ability this time?"「Tirpitz」

"It turned some of my comrades' rigging and shells crumbled like pieces of cookies," Sovetskaya Rossiya explained, her tone grave.

Among the many white-haired ship girls present, they both found themselves exerting every ounce of effort to restrain the monster within the form of a young girl. Despite their sheer might as battleships, the adversaries they faced pushed them to utilize everything they possessed.

"...White hair, why're there too much of them here..." ☆Katchia☆

Based on the information they held, they knew that Katchia was capable of wielding several strange powers that surpassed the comprehension of ordinary humans. Or, to put it more simply, she possessed some form of superpower.

"Why... why are there so many with white hair here? Ahaha..." Katchia's laughter held a hint of unease.

"..."「Sovetskaya Rossiya」

This powers of her, posed a significant challenge because they made it difficult for those girls to anticipate and counter her moves effectively, considering how frequently her abilities changed and no clear data of how many abilities she could use.

Beginning with sonic waves, flying or levitation abilities, speed, and strength that surpassed human limits, electricity manipulation, and many others, Katchia's abilities were truly various in numbers and effect.

"So far, I've observed her using ten different types of abilities. Don't tell me she can still use more than that."「Tirpitz」

"In the worst case scenario, she could, so be prepared. Where are the others?" Sovetskaya Rossiya inquired, as she brushed away the hem of her coat which've been petrified.

For the ship girls who had already fought against the Sirens and their unique abilities and technology, this wasn't surprising, but it remained troublesome nonetheless. Even as they locked and loaded their main artillery and torpedoes, they couldn't help but think so.

Therefore, if their enemies could utilize numerous abilities, they simply needed to face her with different girls, each possessing their own unique abilities. Combating numbers with numbers.

A simple yet big brain move.

"What a trouble, she keeps aiming for some and thrashing away others. It's like watching an infant with their toys. Am I right?"「Le Terrible」

"Uhh... well, the part about being thrown away might be true. Thanks to that, I'm now far enough from Takao and the others. But... isn't your hair blonde, Le Terrible-san?" Shimakaze timidly pointed her finger to the destroyer besides her.

"Can't be helped when that girl keeps chasing after my sister, can it? Somebody have to tell her... huh, that girl... is she going to use another abilities again?"「Le Terrible」

Setting aside their conversation, Katchia's condition began to appear peculiar.

"...Fantasy, it's all just because this world is a fantasy. There's no way... white hair..." Katchia muttered, her words laced with confusion and disbelief.

Her actions had been marked as odd ever since she consistently targeted the ship girls with white hair, a fact that later turned into vital information for the ship's girls.

Several times, the targeted girls asked why she acted this way, but communication with her was always met with the same response...

"...I don't like them," Katchia spoke like a broken doll, as she unleashed yet another of her abilities.

The atmosphere around her, they've become somehow erratic more than before.

Every strong individual typically emits a certain aura of power, and let's say something strange began to emanate from this girl's aura. It created a chilling air that didn't freeze the water or the air, but rather sent a cold sensation seeping into the instincts of those around her.

"This chills... can you feel it?"「Tirpitz」

"Feels like a not a good thing."「Sovetskaya Rossiya」

Tendrils of black veined with red emerged from her sleeves, extending far beyond her arms' reach. The surrounding girls swiftly maneuvered to avoid their grasp and positioned themselves in a formation, keeping their distance from each other.

Their fight will begun in another moment, and they could take a guess it wouldn't end well.


「The Flying Garden of Babylon」

Some time had passed since the battle raged below.

"Hahaha, that one looks promising. Should I pick her?" Yulijer mused.

Watching fight after fight unfold was akin to flipping channels on a television for Yulijer. He found himself reasonably entertained in front of his hovering display screen. If one match grew dull, he could summon another screen from the comfort of his throne room.

The only thing missing was some snacks to complement the luxury he now enjoyed, perhaps a drink to suit his mood at the moment. Flaunting a bunch of document and giggling aloud, Yulijer continued to amuse himself with each ship girl displayed on his screen.

Everything seemed perfect.

If only the bloodied and severely wounded figure inside his throne room would disappear that is. Helpless and grotesque, the wounded individual cast a disturbance over the otherwise perfect tableau.

He even dared to gaze at the king on his throne while he could do nothing but bleed.

What a gruesome sight.

"..." (The commander)

This sight should never have tainted Yulijer's domain.

"Hmm, where is it... ah, there it is. [Operation Heavenly Blue]... pffft! What a delusional name you've chosen here. Did you never learn proper writing from your mother?" Yulijer scoffed.

"..." (The commander)

"Well, I suppose she's not around to teach you, was she? Probably just birthed you and went off with some new sugar daddy to suck them or something. And as for your father, I wouldn't even bother asking—probably an asshole anyway." ☆Yulijer☆

The man in uniform could only watch as numerous insults were directed towards him, but what puzzled him more was the document that the king had been using as a makeshift fan.

Unperturbed by Yulijer's meaningless words, the commander continued to stare at the king's hand. Yulijer noticed the commander's gaze and grinned once more in return.

"You want this? Then here, I'll give it to you." ☆Yulijer☆

With a flick of his hand, Yulijer sent each paper flying one by one. They danced through the air delivered by his mesmerizing gesture, taking their time before finally landing on the floor of the throne room.

From there, the commander could finally see the details written on those papers.

"This is..." (The commander)

The information before him was familiar, for he was the one who had meticulously compiled the data and details. The document that Yulijer had been holding was none other than the classified dossier he had prepared for this very day.

But how did it end up in Yulijer's hands? As he raised his head once more, his gaze locked with the king's, a silent question burning in his eyes.

"...What have you done to Saratoga?" (The commander)

"You're quick to accuse, aren't you? Besides, why would you assume Saratoga is the one betraying you when you have zero proof whatsoever? Are you even thinking straight?" Yulijer retorted sharply.

"I didn't mention anything of betrayal. What have you done to her?" The commander demands for an answer.

"Damn, that's such an old trick in book. Well, now that you know if Saratoga has betrayed you, congratulations. Not like I really want to sugar coat it, but yeah... I've done something to her. What are you going to do about it?" ☆Yulijer☆

Nothing, the commander could do nothing to him and he knew of it.

"I must admit, you're quite adept at spewing nonsense here. I almost believed you were truly a military man. But in reality you're nothing but a fraud, aren't you?" Yulijer taunted.

Then, with a golden ripple appearing beside him, Yulijer reached for another piece of paper and flung it towards the commander. As the commander glanced at it, the document could only be described as an execution order in the simplest terms.

Before the commander could gather his thoughts, Yulijer proceeded to produce various other documents containing sensitive information meant for governmental eyes only.

Starting from documents detailing funds flowing from the City of Rite to the academy, records of transactions executed by the commander to procure illegal goods, and even evidence of the commander falsifying his position at the Azur Lane Academy as a commanding figure there.

"You... how..." (The commander)

"You really are careless, aren't you? Should I teach you how to properly cover your tracks from the government? Ahaha! Well... thanks to this, I've gathered enough reasons to strip you of everything you have," Yulijer sneered triumphantly.

"What..." The commander's response was barely a whisper, stunned by the revelation of his own misdeeds laid bare before him.

Furthermore, Yulijer elaborated on the state of affairs at the HQ, the very place he had occupied upon his arrival in this world. It was from there that he had acquired ample evidence to bring down the commander from his position.

Not only that, Yulijer also shed light on the condition of the humans there.

Due to the majority of humans falling under their control, these individuals were little more than puppets, easily manipulated by Yulijer and his associates.

The influential and high-ranking individuals were no exception. That's why he prohibited certain individuals from being killed by Katchia or others. He knew that as long as these individuals remained alive, they still wielded power in their hands.

"So you're saying you used all of that to fabricate this execution order?" the commander questioned, his expression darkening.

"Not just that, every faction leader who dares to oppose will also be branded as traitors deserved to be hanged and scuttled. They should have received the order not long ago. Do you understand now, commander?" Yulijer explained, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

"..." The commander face turned grim.

"You have no one on your side. When those individuals learn of your deeds, you'll stand alone as the villain in the eyes of this world. And Saratoga, the ship girl who's been very close to you... she already knows about your deeds. I believe she's in the process of persuading others to sign your execution date right now," Yulijer added, his face lighting up with a triumphant gleam, sensing victory within reach.

Listening to Yulijer's plausible words, the commander found himself unable to do much but lower his head once more, deeply contemplating the weight of the situation.

Upon careful consideration, the truth became apparent to the commander. Yulijer's every assertion held potential to derail the current trajectory and put an end to operations.

As he carefully considered the situation, it dawned on him.

Each of Yulijer's statements held weight, presenting a grim reality: his "bad: actions had been meticulously documented, key figures within the human hierarchy were under Yulijer's sway, and the personnel at HQ held direct authority over the ship girls.

Realization struck hard.

The operation he had orchestrated would undoubtedly be condemned as an illegal venture, exploiting both land and military resources. And with this damning evidence, Yulijer had orchestrated a government-sanctioned execution order for him.

Faced with such circumstances, the ship girls would be left with little recourse, inevitably leading to his execution.

Yulijer had gained too many higher grounds, possessing numerous methods to cast the commander into the scorching magma of Mustafar, effectively sealing the commander's fate.

And with the commander's demise, the ship girls would inevitably fall under the control of Yulijer and his allies, condemned to perpetuate and potentially exacerbate the ongoing tragedy. All efforts would prove futile, and the System Users would revel in their ill-gotten gains.

Such a bleak outcome loomed ominously on the not-so-distant horizon.

"You can't fight back against law and political power! Do you understand that?" Yulijer exclaimed with a mocking laugh. "This is how the game should be played! What's the point of deploying weird machines and secret weapons? A true man should never set foot on the battlefield but instead control it from the outside!"

Once again, Yulijer was right. The commander had little recourse against him. Even if he tried, Yulijer could simply manipulate the individuals at HQ to command all the ship girls to align with him.

And if that happened, the commander would be left with no one.

"This is why I'm making you a part of my game," Yulijer continued with a twisted grin.

"Even if you're going to die, at least I'll offer you some solace. You can take your anger out on them. After all, they're the ones who're going to betray you. So, are you ready to face your destiny now? Come on! Just savor your last moments!" Despite the sinister undertone of his words, Yulijer delivered them with a seemingly friendly demeanor.

"You're now a sitting duck waiting to be butchered, so what's wrong with keeping one or two golden eggs for your own? Or what about this, I'll even give you some chances to run away just like the previous commander and bunch of cash while you're on it," in a hype for his complete victroy, Yulijer speak another sweets offer to lower the spirit of that commander.

"He ran away to Cuba didn't he? And from what I know, oh... and you're the one who killed him! DIDN'T YOU!? Haha, another weakness I could use. What would happen if those girls knew about this I wonder? Hahahahaha!" Yulijer continue to laugh on his ass off as he become more hyped with everything that taking place according to his wish.

"..." (The commander)

Silent and defeated, the commander had reached a point where he saw no path to victory.

Every path he considered led to a dead end.

With blood still flowing from his wounds and poison coursing through his veins, his condition worsened with each passing moment, both physically and mentally.

Should he scream out, declaring his desire to protect the ship girls? Or should he prostrate himself before Yulijer in hopes of eliciting even a shred of mercy? Such thoughts flitted through his mind, but ultimately led to the same conclusion.

He would die, and the ship girls would suffered another tragedy.

"..." The commander remained silent, his thoughts consumed by the impending defeat.

"Owww~ Did you got shocked?" Yulijer keep laughing at the loser.

Memories of the ship girls he had forged bonds with would fade away, rendered meaningless. The friendships he had cultivated would be severed and forgotten. And the promises he had made would remain unfulfilled.

A grim conclusion awaited him now.

"...Yes, that's should be enough my friend." (The commander(?)

"Wha?" ☆Yulijer☆

However, rather than succumbing to tears or despair at the dismal outcome, there was an unexpected turn of events from the defeated commander.

Instead of remaining in a state of defeat, he stood tall, his posture defiant. Instead of yielding to despair, he locked eyes with Yulijer, who appeared bewildered by his unexpected display of resolve.

And this surprising defiance didn't end there.

Because the loser whose defeat was already certain...

"Congratulations, for you have passed."「Als」

Have now offered him some applause.

Rosalie from Memento Mori really is cute, she reminds me of why I really like girls who're in love.

Since not only they're very beautiful, but also so easy to- *COUGH* Uhh, sorry almost got weird right there.

About this chapter, ugh... it's too heavy with a bunch of stuff I can't really understand. Thankfully there's GPT-kun who make it easier for me to write it.



See ya

Strunomcreators' thoughts