
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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147 Chs

Let the heaven fall pt.1

In the end, a truth can never be hidden, and that is the brilliance of the stars will always shine brightly.

The light they emit can dispel something known as true fear, something that resides within the human heart, also known as terror.

Illuminating the unseen and potentially imminent threats that could loom ahead at any time.

Transforming the meaning of ambiance, that little shred of built-up terror for the unknown, into an oblivious secret.

Whether it's good or bad, they bring about many changes to their surroundings. Like a fire attracting moths, or like the crystal light in a cave shrouded in darkness.

Just like what they have done now.

〈The Quest will begin shortly〉

〈All Hosts are expected to prepare themselves〉

〈Countdown: 00:13:45〉

In a world where Heroes and Villains coexist in a society rife with conflict, a brightly shining star fell.

Her name was Katchia, a teenage girl with medium-length white hair and bright blue eyes.

"All right! Before I go and embark on a mission with my friends, as a finale for today, I will try Eri and Nomu-56, then Nejire and Nomu-57." ☆Katchia☆

In her world, where superpowers had become a common phenomenon, Katchia was someone who believed she was different from others.

All of this was because she was a young girl who had suddenly found herself inside her favorite anime world.

A world she had thoroughly understood, with its intricacies, plot, spoilers, and the names of characters from the anime she loved.

Talking about plot and spoilers, who doesn't know what a Nomu is?

If there are still some who don't understand, in brief, a Nomu is an experimental subject created from the dead bodies of superpower users, which have been modified to be able to use various other superpowers within a single body.

They are strong, resilient, and undoubtedly pose a significant threat to ordinary people including Heroes.

But of course it come with a heavy price, a cost that turned them to be inhuman as a side effect of their modification.

"N-no... please no more..."「Eri」

And the Nomu technology is just one of many things she has acquired from various characters in that world.

Another simple example of things, she had acquired is the place where she's in at the moment.

Formerly it was a facility that All for One created to formulate numerous plans to defeat his greatest opponent, the Hero All Might, and also served as the place where he recuperated his dying body.

It was also one of his base, where a faction known as The League of Villain will later born, and playing their part into the main plot.

"L-let go..."「Hado Nejire」

However, it's quite unfortunate for All for One.

When he continuously nurtured his successor, Shigaraki Tomura and continued his various plans to destroy the pro-hero society and replace it with his own villainous society, his opponent this time was neither a Hero nor the unwavering Plus Ultra spirit.

His opponent was none other than an Otaku or Weeb who knew a plethora of spoilers sourced from anime and manga she had read.

Combined with the fact that she's a main character blessed by the System, both All for One and his League of Villain ceased to exist in just one night.

Completely changed and shifted the plot of that World.

And just like an Otaku who had defeated their foe, Katchia who had tasted her victory plundered the loot she had found, including the incredibly powerful Quirk, All for One to be put in a better use on herself.

Those are some of her Testimonium de auditu.

"It's already this hour? Then maybe I'll add some aphrodisiac and recovery ointment to them, just in case they don't die of pain." ☆Katchia☆

Returning to where we left off.

Inside the research facility she had taken from All for One, there're many numbered rooms containing her experimental subjects which Katchia could observe through transparent glass windows.

Despite the numbers itself that could even reach three digits, the rooms itself are proved to be quite luxurious.

"Oohh, Mountain Lady took many of them. Hopefully she wouldn' die by then." ☆Katchia☆

Whether its Eri or Hado Nejire, along with the accompanying Nomus, they're among the 'pairs' that would undergo lovely experiments the same just like that Mountain Lady.

Thus soon after Katchia found a room suitable for them, she become to be more slightly elated to carry out her Group Chat's missions.

Then, what are the experiments like?

Were they similar to what Suzuko did to try and bring Uchiha Itachi into her timeline?

"Get nice and produce better Quirk." ☆Katchia☆

What Katchia did was much simpler and far more straightforward than what Suzuko was attempting.

It wasn't even that sophicathed, what she had done was crossbreed the genes of various Quirk owners with one another.

It was akin to a Quirk gacha farm, where Katchia paired up many superpower users to obtain as many Quirks as she could to incorporate into her current abilities.

"Ahaha, even genderbent Todoroki looks ready to deliver her first baby. Huu, maybe I should list her next partner to get her pregnant again." ☆Katchia☆

In other words, she intended for numerous interspecies mating or continuous breeding between Quirk holder to acquire new superpowers/Quirks to add into her collection.

A nursery, created for the purpose of multiplying offspring, could also be interpreted in the same way.

Because, as mentioned earlier, Katchia had seized many things from All for One.

One of them was the most important thing belonged to his ultimate goal, which was his Quirk, the power to take the superpowers of others and use them for herself.

So, the more Quirks = the better for her to use. That was her mindset.

"Make sure to finish it when I get home okay, and let me remind you both! Eri is a special child, so don't be too brutal with her! It'll be troublesome if she can't give birth again when her mind got messed up." ☆Katchia☆


"As for Nejire? Whatever, you pound her as hard as you want or make her pregnant with your semen, that's fine. Later when I come home I'll bring another girl too, as long as she's still breathing it's fine by me. Oh, and she's still virgin by the way. Make it taste like special." ☆Katchia☆

When she arrived in the room to be used by the four of them, Katchia gave her final piece of advice to the two Nomu.

Despite it sounded like advice from her, for the little horned girl and the young blue-haired girl who heard those words, it felt more like a death sentence had been imposed upon them.

"No, please!!! I don't want it! I only want to do... with the person I love..."「Hado Nejire」

"Stay away... No... Don't do it..."「Eri」

The faces of the two characters, Eri and Hado Nejire, turned pale and fearful. Especially when the approaching Nomu, standing with their large bodies, exuded a terrifying aura for the two girls.

Without further ado, they dragged the two young bodies into the Breeding Room. Their screams were clearly audible to Katchia as the door closed, giving the impression that she was accustomed to such occurrences.

"Hmm... I'll bring some Nomu just in case, and for Deku, Bakugo, and the others... I'll keep them in the ice box. I think that's enough. Alright, System, I'm ready!" ☆Katchia☆

With a snap of her fingers, a door opened, and a vast array of Nomu troops emerged from within.

They stood in a disorganized formation, resembling troops that had lost their minds but not their instincts. Additionally, they appeared to be much stronger than the Nomu used in the Nursery.

〈Affirmed response confirmed, commencing the Multiversal transfer into another world.〉

〈Good luck, Host Katchia〉

"Ahaha, don't worry. Besides, we have Yuli and the others. How could anything bad happen? I'm more interested in who can defeat Yuli. He must be far from an ordinary human, right?" ☆Katchia☆

With a mischievous grin, Katchia prepared to embark on her multiversal journey. The room around her distorted, as if undergoing a process to transport objects through space and dimensions.

The Nomu, on the other hand, transformed into small boxes, making it easier for Katchia to carry them, like candies stored in the pockets of her three-dimensional bag.

But never forget...

They're a force of superhuman creations, and they're ready to demonstrate the horrifying extent of what artificial humans with superpowers could create upon their rampage.

"If he really isn't a human race, it might be even more interesting."☆Katchia☆


〈The Quest will begin shortly〉

〈All Hosts are expected to prepare themselves〉

〈Countdown: 00:10:53〉

As for the last member, he was known by the alias Mourgant.

A middle-aged man with the appearance of a typical middle-aged guy, complete with his blonde hair and a well-maintained mustache and beard adorning his face.

His physique was surprisingly well-maintained, more alluring than many of the younger individuals in the group. His body hair and exotic scent set him apart from most System Users who were predominantly younger.

Unsurprisingly, this manliness made it easier for him to attract the attention of many women with his mature charm as well


"Shut up, can't you see what we're doing? Oi you bitches put more strength to those hip! Did you really think this enough for me?" ☆Mourgant☆

"I tried my best too... hnngh!"「Nyx」

Not even the goddess's tricks and deceptions, which had the potential to harm numerous unrelated beings, could defeat him.

Mourgant had the ability to overcome them, humbling the once arrogant and conceited goddess and transforming her into a submissive and devoted lover.

Just like many other women, whom he forcefully and manipulatively took to engage in 'Dual Cultivation' within the hidden nest of his dominance, where he continued to gain power every time he immersed his member in another's female honey pot.

"Heh, you keep acting tough but look at you now. What a dirty slut. Tighten up!" ☆Mourgant☆

"Khhgg! D-Don't think, that you've won! My heart will always be with Sirzech-sama!"「Grayfia Lucifuge」 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't have much time to listen to your bulshit. I'm finishing inside!" ☆Mourgant☆

"N-No, wait-"「Grayfia Lucifuge」

It's worth noting that he was one of those who had transmigrated, so the body he now possessed is the one he brought from his original world.

This was different from the majority of the Group Chat members, who acquired new bodies when they were reincarnated.

His process of receiving the System was also different than others.

He didn't have to die from being hit by a truck, getting impaled in the middle of the road, or accidentally dying due to the antics of an idiotic deity. He's never fitted to be such a loser.

Unlike most other members, Mourgant couldn't be described as a loser who got a second chance. Both before and after, he was and is an Alpha, a Chad, when viewed from the perspective of a young person who had no life goals.

"Even you can't done it with teamwork, you're next Ophis. Get over here and give me more of your power." ☆Mourgant☆

"If that's what you want..."「Ophis」

His Alpha status was not just about that, as unlike an introverted coward, Mourgant was a man with purpose and the courage to do as he pleased.

His behavior was well-practiced in seducing many women and conquering them. 

He had even rendered the Dragon God helpless, making her unable to resist him and instead continuously granting his requests. She was like a pet with a leash around her neck, completely under his control.

"Tsk, you're bad at kissing. Use your tongue." ☆Mourgant☆

"... It tastes sweet."「Ophis」

Be it a God, a Demon, or a Dragon, he had dominated and impregnated them all.

He was the former admin of the Group Chat. The leader of Julian, Freidhard, Suzuko, and Katchia in the Group Chat back when Yulijer had not yet entered the leader's throne.

That was his greatness.

However, his ill fate took a turn when Yulijer entered the Group Chat, usurped his position, and even took one of his women. Yulijer also prevented him from defeating Hyoudou Issei in the world he resided in.

It's only natural that Mourgant harbored resentment toward Yulijer, as Yulijer was the one who disrupted his reign and ultimately knocked him from the top.

But did he resent the act of Dual Cultivation? Absolutely not. Considering the abundance of beautiful and powerful women in that world, Mourgant actually relished the process.

For even the mighty lion would savor the pleasure of the prepared meat once it fell.

And soon, this man will arrive in a world where many extraordinary girls with powers are gathered in one place. It's a free real estate, if I were to express it using a famous meme template.

"That's pretty good, now clean it up. Use your tongue just like how smooth those chests of yours." ☆Mourgant☆

And thus, the six falling stars would soon land in a new world together with both of their feet and tails. Heading toward an old world that had been tarnished but was now cleansed.

The ultimate fate of that world remained uncertain, with only the whispers of the stars having the power to determine it.

"I'll take this opportunity to shit on that brat, you fucker." ☆Mourgant☆



Before we enter the next section, do you like poem, Stranger? Well even if you don't you could still skip this one below.

The stars are mansions built by Nature's hand,

And, haply, there the spirits of the blest

Dwell, clothed in radiance, their immortal vest;

Huge Ocean shows, within his yellow strand,

A habitation marvellously planned,

For life to occupy in love and rest …

What goes through the mind of a human child when they gaze upon the stars?

Could it be that they feel envy toward the stars for their brightness and lofty position?

Or perhaps, they feel a sense of fear when they look at the light emitted by the stars, possibly due to some past traumatic experience.

And who knows if there might be individuals who wish to reach out and claim the stars for their own. One might wonder about the motivations behind such desires.

There are many possibilities, but well... read and listen to these words first, Stranger.

In any place they exist stars will always capture the attention of many. They are symbols of light, guides, constellations, and hopes that soar through the cosmos.

Unlike a mere candle, who are definitely incomparable to stars.

In any era, in any age, stars remain unchanged.

They are the light, symbols of hope that ancestors have wished upon since the Stone Age. They are also guides, bearing names based on the constellations they form while lined up in the darkest night.

And even though these stars will later fall, crash, and devastate the land, there'll still be many who silently offer their wishes upon them as they descend from the heavens.

Unaware of what these fallen stars have taken in their wake, at the end of their landing.




「Skull Island」

As the stars fall to grant wishes, the artificial stars continue to sharpen their light with memories and unexpressed feelings.

Along with a fully bloomed flower who still doesn't know what kind of flower she is, the ship girls are currently engaged in a battle they must resolve as quickly as possible.

〈Magma turtle Lv.230 used Heat Absorption〉

"It's doing something." (Hylia)

There's no need to explain, the environment around them has turned into a battlefield.

It's an area that has undergone an ecosystem change due to the presence of the monster they are facing. The air around them has become scorching, causing them to sweat profusely.

Flames are clinging to the trees and the ground, and there is an abundance of hot magma everywhere, making their movements increasingly difficult. Resembling the terrain of a volcanic area.

"Yeah, but I don't think anything good will happen."「Hornet」

There're Hylia, Gascogne, Deutschland, and a new member named Hornet, facing a monster much more powerful than anything they had encountered before.

〈Magma turtle Lv.230 used Molten Ooze〉

The monster took the form of a gigantic turtle with a magma and rocky shell that served as its massive home. Its shell was so immense that it could rival a three-story building. The creature was towering, colossal, heavy, and imposing.

"Hmph! You mere turtle."「Deutschland」 

Even barrages from their main cannons, direct assaults, and aerial bombardments launched by the aircraft of the shipgirls didn't seem to have much of an effect in bringing the creature down.

Furthermore, with its scorching hot magma-filled shell and blood, the area around it became so incredibly hot that anything combustible would immediately catch fire if it came into contact with the flowing magma.

The monster creature was truly like a walking volcano.

〈Magma turtle Lv.230 used Magma Breath〉

"Alert: Significant temperature increase at a specific point detected. Accuracy level of focused attack from mouth area is high."「Gascogne」

"Breath attack incoming!" (Hylia)

As the monster finally prepared to unleash its devastating attack, a thick, molten magma could be clearly seen flowing from within its jaws, dripping down and scorching the sands.


Those who heard the warning immediately distanced themselves from the anticipated attack.

However, one of them did not follow suit.

"Uche-sama! It's dangerous over there!" (Hylia)

Instead of moving away, Deutschland stood her ground boldly, directly in front of the creature. Her gauntlet-clad hands had turned black due to the aura of Haki that enveloped them. It's clear she had no intention of avoiding the attack.

Realizing this, Hylia was the first to quickly move to her side.

"You, creature who knows nothing of your true master, do you think it'll only take this much to sink me down?!"「Deutschland」

The Magma Turtle creature unleashed forth a cannon-like blast of magma from its mouth, Deutschland quickly created a sturdy yet transparent barrier to ward off the attack in response.

The impact from the breath colliding against the barrier created an eerie blast of sounds.

Despite that, the barrier successfully blocked and diverted the molten eruption, redirecting the magma to the left and right sides, causing destruction in the areas left unprotected. Hylia become impressed, as the area behind Deutschland remained unscathed by the fiery spews

Although only for a moment before the barrier shattered into a burst of light.


"It got broken!" (Hylia)

The Ethereal Barrier had indeed shattered, as it was clear that the monster wasn't something Deutschland could face alone. Considering the level difference, it was an impressive feat itself for Deutschland to hold off the creature's technique for several seconds.

"You really think this is the end of it?!"「Deutschland」 

Realizing the immense power of the breath attack, she attempted to withstand the fiery spew using her gauntlet-clad claws. However the outcome was no different.

All she could do was to winched in pain as she tried to hold out against the searing pain.

Even worse, besides her weapons that wilted away while enduring the scorching temperature, her clothing began to slightly melt and burn, showcasing the extreme heat of the magma.

Seeing that the battle's risk of injury had become too great, Hylia knew it's her time to provide cover. It's time for her to act and save her friend.


"Retreat Uche-sama, I'll cover. Sis Orn catch!" (Hylia)

Hylia quickly pulled Deutschland away from the battle and, while still holding the back of Deutschland's collar, Hylia tossed her towards another ship girl who was ready to catch her.

This prompted Deutschland to utter a German curse or two as she was thrown like an object.

"Strike! She's fine here~"「Hornet」 

Facing the looming threat, Hylia adeptly maneuvered backward to evade the oncoming danger. Her increased energy and agility allowed her to move with greater nimbleness and decisiveness.

However, her path of retreat was soon blocked by another pool of magma.

At that critical moment, just in the nick of time a blade enveloped in fiery crimson crackling with living lightning materialized, slicing through the molten wave that threatened to engulf her and causing it to splatter in different directions.

"Thanks for coming. Now let's give it a try!" (Hylia)

As if forming a cocoon-like shield, the fiery and thunderous wrath brought by Alastor covered Hylia's surrounding, relentlessly eroding the encroaching magma similar to the ethereal shield of Deutschland.

It seemed that Hylia had found inspiration during the battle, sparking her desire to attempt something new.

"[Hmm? ... Ehehe thank you. Now it's time to clear all of this!]" (Hylia)

Alastor also offered some praise to Hylia for her adept control over the destructive power, but he then ceased his shower of praise as Hylia concentrated her energy for a counterattack.

With the tip of her blade raised, a small crimson lightning ball formed, continuously drawing the nearby flames into its core.

The lightning ball itself was no larger than a golf ball, but when launched, the combined power of the concentrated lightning and fire pierced through the rolling magma that blocked her path.

Even the creature's incredibly tough shell, resembling solid bedrock, couldn't block that. Causing the creature's hardened shell to shatter, with molten blood dripping and scattering along with it as the fiery magma flowed out from its body.


"[It got staggered, Sis Coney!]" Hylia


〈Gascogne Lv.115 used Precision Salvo Protocol (Lv.10)〉

A volley of rain of fiery projectiles showered down upon the monster, taking advantage of the opportunity created by Hylia. This made the creature even more immobile as the ground around its massive legs crumbled, worsening its condition.

On the other hand, when the Magma Turtle fell, Hornet manifested her ship girl's rigging as she felt that the battle was heating up. Definitely without a doubt, Hornet had intended to participate and showcase her abilities.

She felt it was the right moment to shine, different from Deutschland who was agonizing upon her melted and bent weapons.

"Well, if it's going like this, I feel like I'm just a spectator. Time to show my move!"「Hornet」

She leaped high into the air, utilizing a simplified grappling hook gun attached to her left wrist to swing quickly and continuously while avoiding the magma-contaminated area.

The hook from her grappling gun even managed to penetrate the creature's shell slightly, providing Hornet with increased kinetic force and momentum, making it easier for her to maneuver around the monster.


〈Race : Ship girl〉

〈Level : 84〉

〈Job : -〉

|〈Power : 2484〉|


〈Hornet Lv.84 used Moeba Shot (Lv.8)〉

After reaching what she considered an ideal distance, the ship girl then drew the arrow she had created from her trusted bow, a bow that had gone through the struggles of a Rogue and a lost eagle's tale.


〈Hornet Lv.84 used Paralysis Shot (Lv.7)〉

Then she fired a variety of shots with various properties.


〈Hornet Lv.84 used Smoke Dust (Lv.7)〉


〈Hornet Lv.84 used Smoke Dust (Lv.7)〉


〈Hornet Lv.84 used Moeba Shot (Lv.8)〉


〈Hornet Lv.84 used Paralysis Shot (Lv.7)〉


〈Hornet Lv.84 used Smoke Dust (Lv.7)〉


〈Hornet Lv.84 used Smoke Dust (Lv.7)〉

Repeatedly, rain of pulverizing arrows were unleashed from various directions. Hitting their marks repeatedly and making the Magma Turtle to be even more immobile as it struggled with various debuff.

"Fheww, nothing taste better than finishing my barrage shot. Get him now!"「Hornet」 

If she wanted to, she could repeat the attack as long as she wanted and lock the monster into an endless barrage as well. However for now, she knew who was most deserving of delivering the final blow.

"Enough with that name!"「Deutschland」 

Deutschland who had previously acted as a steadfast shield for the first attack, was now dashing through the magma field toward the Magma Turtle with her two claws, which had been reinforced with Armament Haki.

Though slightly bent, her pair of claws had been strengthened by the Haki of the Spiritual Overlord, making her weapons more powerful than ordinary ones.

Additionally, her Observation Haki helped her evade many scorched zone, allowing her to arrive in front of the monster very much safely and launch a direct slashing attack to its head.

That pierced the creature's thick hide and made it fall shortly after.

"That's for melting my lovely claws!"「Deutschland」 

|〈Magma Turtle Lv.270 (X)〉

〈Special attack : Pyroclasmic Shell | Lava Surge | Volcanic Slam | Molten Ooze | Magma Breath | Tectonic Resilience | Heat Absorption | Magmatic Roar | Seismic Stomp | Molten Armor |〉

〈Mini Boss felled〉

〈Item Drop available〉

〈Chest drop available〉

"Mini boss? Waaahh... so that's why he's so tuff. Uche-sama, how about your weapon?" (Hylia)

When the battle ended, Hylia and Deutschland found themselves standing before the defeated monster.

It was rather peculiar that shortly after the Boss Monster's defeat, their surroundings had returned to normal, quite different from the chaotic battlefield they had been in.

The temperature gradually returned to normal, and the once-flowing magma had disappeared as if it had never existed, leaving only visible traces of scorch marks.

Furthermore, when they stood next to the monster comparing their height to it, their bodies were incredibly small, perhaps not even larger than the monster's nail. But setting aside the issue of size...

"... I-Its..."「Deutschland」 

Hylia was indeed delighted by their success. However it isn't the same for Deutschland, who due to the consequences of her final attack, had caused both of her Gauntlet Claw weapons to melt and lose their sharpness.

"I-It's going to be fine! Back then you also got drop item right? I'm sure you could use that drop to repair your gauntlet! Hm! I'm sure." (Hylia)

"Yeah... whatever you say. Hurry up and fetch the reward for me..." 「Deutschland」

"Okay! Wait a little bit while I used Alastoru alright~" (Hylia)

After consoling the ship girl, Hylia looked at the massive turtle's body followed by Deutschland who had unequipped her weapon. The other two ship girls also gazed at the monster, and they all shared the same response.

It's big.

Nonetheless, Hylia didn't find it too problematic, considering the presence of Alastor, whom she regarded as a plasma cutter that could be used to dissect the bodies of the monsters they encountered.

With enthusiasm, she stepped forward to collect her loot.

"Is she... always got that look while doing it?"「Hornet」 


"... Don't know."「Deutschland」

"New scene data collected."「Gascogne」 

Grotesques sound continue to resounded for a while.




"Dedde den! Treasure chest getto!" (Hylia)


"*Clapping her hands moderately*"「Gascogne」

"Hurry and bring it over, it's going dark soon and we'll miss another day from meeting with the other."「Deutschland」

When Hylia was done with her dissection phase, she came back to the ship girls with her loot, a large gold-colored chest that she carried down from the monster on her head. Her face looked very happy, although while there're still visible wounds from the after-battle.

"Uche-sama, I got some Mana Stone as well. Maybe we could use these to rebuilt your claw." (Hylia)

〈Mana Stone (C) x3〉

〈Treasure Chest (SSR) x1〉

"You do a great job at least, now move. I'll take this chance to open this chest."「Deutschland」

After Hylia placed the chest that could accommodate her own body, Deutschland then magnificently strode forward to open the treasure chest with a kick of her feet that had been trained thanks to someone when she was still a queen.

Unfortunately for Hylia, she also wanted to do the same but Deutschland had beaten her to it.

"Treasure chest huh? Now this is more and more like game."「Hornet」

As the treasure chest opened, a dazzling golden light filled their eyes. It was the same golden light as the color of the chest, which also radiated from the items stored inside.

〈Material for Synthesize〉

"What is a fruit doing in here? ... Oh? This is a material?"「Deutschland」

"And is this... an egg? Looks pretty imposing for an ordinary egg."「Hornet」

Although what was stored inside wasn't another clawed gauntlet Deutschland had hoped for, at the very least, the items seemed quite valuable, even though they were unsure of their exact use.

"Hmm?" (Hylia)

Interestingly, while the others remained captivated by the treasures they had yet to touch, Hylia felt more compelled to retrieve a piece of paper tucked among the items.

The same for Gascogne who joined her, slightly leaned down onto her knees to read the contents of the message. When she stood on her side Gascogne had become reminded of how little Hylia is.

Champion is not a leader, neither a king.

Based on the writing style, it's the kind of style that frequently appeared in the reports written by Sakura Zeimachi. Hylia realized this not long after she recalled the stack of papers she had seen during her visit to that busy man.

"Champion? What does it mean... did Zei really write this? What do you think, Sis Coney?" (Hylia)

"Gascogne's response capabilities are still limited, given the lack of data Gascogne can use to draw conclusions. Hypothesis: On the other hand, Gascogne considers this message to have a profound purpose for Little Hylia and the others."「Gascogne」

Glancing at Deutschland and Hornet, who were fighting over the stored items for a moment, Hylia nodded in agreement with the ship girl's response. She believed this could be another clue behind her training.

"Champion... leader... king. Flower..." (Hylia)

She continued to contemplate these words, unknowingly reached Gascogne's arm beside her. With important and serious thoughts filling her little head, Hylia gripped Gascogne's arm tighter.


However, this moment didn't last long. Just as they were enjoying their moment of respite, the ship girls sensed the presence of their other comrades, who were uniquely situated high above them.

"Huh!? Everyone, retreat!"「Hornet」

The first who acted are those two near the treasure chest, as Hornet and Deutschland evaded while carrying the treasure chest with them, Gascogne took Hylia with her and moved away from their initial position.

They all turned their attention toward the sky.

Where they could see a large object falling from above in a very high speed, until ultimately crashed upon the earth impacting the ground and the monster they had just hunted, causing sand and dust to scatter as the aftereffect.

|〈Titanus Sker Buffalo Lv.290 (X)〉

〈Special attack : Mighty Maul | Titan's Endurance | Earthshaker Stomp | Rampaging Charge | Boulderhide Armor | Stampede Crush | Rage of Titans | Terrain Mastery | Seismic Stomp | 〉

It was a monster's corpse, roughly the same size as the Magma Turtle.

This creature appeared to be dead, but the impact from its massive body nearly knocked Hylia and the ship girls off their feet.

"Aghhh, got dust stuck in my throat. You guys fine?"「Hornet」 

"The chest is fine."「Deutschland」 

"Not the respond I hoped but, alright that's two check, two more to go. Lia~ Gascogne~"「Hornet」 

As the dust settled from the impact, they could finally get a better look at the fallen monster.

Lying in a heap on top of the Magma Turtle's shell was the carcass of another monster, resembling a giant prehistoric bison who had moss grown all over it. But its appearance are not that much important.

Because alongside the fallen beast, there were the three ship girls who had landed on its body.

"Wahaha! Mine's bigger!"「Hakuryuu」 

A ship girl wielding a large sword resting on her shoulder stood triumphantly on her prey, followed by her two companions. Who soon showed their figure.

"What were you thinking?! What if the person we're looking for got hit by this thing you threw?"「Yamashiro」 

"Don't worry, look. She's standing just fine... well, maybe not perfectly fine, but yeah! She's okay."「Hakuryuu」 


They're none other than the remaining members of the Demi-System plan: Hakuryuu, along with Yamashiro who looked at Hakuryuu with a cynical expression due to her actions, and another ship girl who remained silent, with her gaze fixed upon Hylia who barely knew about her.


"???" (Hylia)

And with this, the artificial stars had also arrived on their board.


「Chamber of Mind」

"So it is time." ❛Als❜

Inside the cinema room, where the personas used to watch the Point of View (PoV) broadcast of Sakura Zeimachi directly on a large screen, there's one persona sitting in his favorite seat.

A seat located in the front row, which naturally had a close proximity to the screen.

"Haha... the power of Love and Friendship. The power that could triumph over anything, the classic choice of finality." ❛Als❜

Oddly enough, the room was incredibly quiet with no other personas present besides Als, who was alone in the PoV room.

"Don't take my words to heart. I've always believed in the same miracle, I also think this is a much more suitable way for that nameless flower. If she can't grow her own thorn, then we need to teach her how to protect herself." ❛Als❜

Alone with his gentle yet eerie laughter, Als appeared to be a completely different persona compared to when he's around some other personas he referred to as his friends.

"Let us show the miracle of love and friendship once more for those who had forgot about it. For all the beauty of this world, let's cheers." ❛Als❜

Something foul appeared...

Strunomcreators' thoughts