
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · Others
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146 Chs

Interlude: Parhelion

This is a piece of his past.

Once upon a time, when the gentle wind swept away so many lives on the Earth he inhabited, and when a deafening roar split the sun in half, everyone panicked and didn't know what to do.


That day marked the end of an era, but for the beings who finally revealed their existence, it was the day of their awakening from the various corners of distortion in the empty space, their beginning or their dawn.


The world was consumed by chaos and madness, transforming a place that had once been an unjust and chaotic prison into an even more brutal and merciless environment for all its inhabitants within that decaying planet.


It was referred to as 'The Fall of the Age of Reason' by those who lived in that era.




Every crime will inevitably face its enforcement.


This stands as a fundamental principle for those well-versed in rules and consequences.


A raison d'être, ingrained in the minds of many, strives to equitably calibrate the standing of the populace with each other.

A Law which will surely always emerge when the fires of war have subsided and the era of peace begins to cheer.

  "... are you looking for the other side?♪ Feel like nothing ever seems quite right?♪ Are you circling the drain pipe, getting off on pain like, you're corrupted?♪"

Shrouded in the frigid and the lonely embrace of a room, a solitary soul awaits the arrival of his own demise.

The reason for his presence in this desolate, hope-starved chamber is none other than his transgression, a violation of an existing rule befitting to be enforced.


The abode in which he presently dwell appears meticulously designed to exact retribution upon wrongdoers.

An individual who has disrupted the serenity of peace, viewed as a nefarious entity by the masses who have their rules to hold.

  "... I, need to know where your loyalties lie♪ Tell me are you gonna bite or bark?♪ Do you really want to twist the knife in the belly... of the monster?♪"

A place akin to a prison, specially crafted just for him.


Parhelion, or so that place was called.

Yet, instead of contemplating final utterances or grandiose desires, the individual chooses to serenade, weaving a melody of his own.

  "And then what was it again... ah, that's right."

The droplets of water from the ceiling reverberated with echoing resonance as they fell upon the weathered iron bed, choreographing a rhythmic symphony resembling a ticking clock with each fleeting second.


Immersed in an atmosphere similar to a confined prison, the only way he had to pass the time was to change the static rhythms and sounds, to then become a harmonious tapestry that weaved the melody of his original emotions.

  "Kingslayer♫ destroying castles in the sky♪ Kingslayer♫ ... Hm?"

〈Releasing control-restriction system : Level 3, level 2 and level 1〉

〈Recognizing approval of situation A according to the Neumann invocation〉

〈Commencing limited lifting of ability-use restrictions, until the specified limit is surpassed〉

However, upon the recognition of the sound customarily heralding one's approach to the prison, the melody of his song ceased abruptly. Seldom did any visitor wish to behold his condition.

Descending from the stiff and frigid bed, he strode towards a wall exhibiting a harshness beyond ordinary stone where no windows nor apertures are offered for him to catch a glimpse of the world beyond, as this barrier was accessible solely from the exterior of his prison.

All he could muster was to press his palm against the unyielding wall where thereafter, he was greeted by a nostalgic presence similar to that of an old friend he had lost in his misguided odyssey.

  "Why did you kill him?! Zei, tell me! Just why did you have to kill him!?" (Cera)

From behind the wall, a familiar voice resonated.

The voice belonged to one of his acquaintances who now possessed a physical form, a figure crucial for the continuation of System users and the tranquility of the beings concealed beyond the stars.

Cera, that was the name she had chosen as evidence of her existence.

  "Straight to the business? It's been a while isn't it Cher, how're you doing?"

  "Cut that courtesy off! Answer the damn question!" (Cera)

Cera appeared agitated and cornered.

Despite wearing attire befitting a powerful noblewoman. Her voice carried an unmistakable tone of panic and impatience, reflecting the harsh reality of the situation.

  "It's been a long time, Cher. The last time we met was around... when you started designing the Proto-System? Ahaha, I don't really remember exactly when. How is Neumann-chan and Suzuhara doing?"

In that era, the warfare among the Otherworldly Spectrum, Interstellar Pantheon, and other minor factions had come to an end.

In other words, that era was no longer the Age of the Fall of Reason.

Peace had been restored across many worlds in the era, providing solace to innocent inhabitants. It was the peace that many people longed to arrive.

Hence, the occurrence of bloodshed was deemed entirely unnecessary, according to the law that spoke so.

  "He is System user, do you pretend not to know?! What will happen if you interfere with their lives again?" (Cera)

  "I know very well. They will surely seek revenge on me, won't they?"

  "If you already knew, then why did you kill him?! When User dies and the bestower of their System comes to claim the boon they've granted, do you think the world will be safe from this ROB's rampage?! It's bad enough if this is a ROB or a god or some other nonsense figure, but what if the bestower of that System is one of the Outer Gods?! Do you truly understand this mess?!" (Cera)

Words poured out of her mouth, a mix of anxiety, worry, and disbelief evident in her tone.

Her clenched fists continued to thump against the still sturdy wall, seemingly trying to vent her frustration towards the figure imprisoned within.

Cera was truly infuriated, but the figure who had been silently listening to the oxblood haired's lecture showed no signs of annoyance.

  "Moreover, why are you so defending that girl so much? Is it just because she's a 'loli'? Are you willing to take such an absurd step for such a reason?" (Cera)

  "Haha, you're right. Hatoba-san is a 'loli,' isn't she?"

  "Don't joke around! There are still so many girls out there in many ever-enlarging world. Beautiful girls, splendid woman, cute sister, elegant princess and even incredibly strong queen, but why are you willing to throw away the opportunities I've given you, WE BOTH HAVE CREATED, just for the sake of a relatively unknown fictional character?" (Cera)

Her voice escalated until it became a full-blown shout. It even had a hint of panting, as if she were an ordinary girl pouring her heart out. It was truly a captivating sound, especially from the perspective of the captive.

  "Cher... you really have changed aren't you. Never did I imagined you'd scream like a little girl this way, haha I'll definitely stored this in my secret folder."

  "... The System User you killed was one of the incarnations from China, and you should know how troublesome they can be. Incarnations from that country will attack you immediately when you leave this place." (Cera)

  "Is that so?"

  "What's 'is that so'? Damn you, human! There's also a possibility their ROBs might attack you too! Don't you... don't you want to protect Fu Hua and your little brother as well?! What about the people who are important to you?! What you've done will only endanger them!" (Cera)

With oxblood hair cascading around her, the girl leaned against the wall. Gradually, her frame sank, surrendering to the pull of gravity as she allowed her weight to slump to the floor beneath her.

Her eyes, mismatched and imbued with distinct hues, each bore a unique message yet shared the same meaning—a sensation that enveloped her when she stood on an impaling edge.

They've both traversed oceans filled with planets, defeating the King of Yellow whose aim was to destroy humanity, foiling the plans of the Death Note owner who sought to become the sole angel of death, crossing over numerous summer days along with some of their old companions, and much much more.

They had worked together only to part ways later to pursue their respective goals, and now Cera has reached her destination. That is to ensure the only human friend of her, to live safely without having to accompany her anymore within her plan.

Her desire was for him to rest. One can imagine the frustration now, as all her efforts have turned futile, thanks to the very person she sought to protect.

  "Zei... tell me. Why did you go to such lengths? You don't really need to exterminate Users who've gone astray anymore, and even though they cause chaos in their world, that world belongs to them granted by the existence that chose them." (Cera)

  "... Then how about those who live inside it?"

  "They are indeed alive, but there're many others in awfully lot of different worlds who are just like them. Some suffer and endure, but there are also those who find happiness with the System user. Just like you and Fu Hua, and then the same with your brother with his own wife." (Cera)


  "We can't snatch away the happiness of others, Zei." (Cera)

The piercing words echoed in his ears, even causing the captive to lean his forehead against the same wall with a self-pitying smile, especially after hearing the words spoken by Cera to him.

  "Mustn't snatch away happiness, huh. Looks like failure is running thick within my blood huh?"

It's truly very tragic, that's what's inside his mind.

He, who tried to pursue and preserve happiness, has now become someone who has destroyed another's happiness.

A mocking smile still feels insufficient to pity his hypocrisy. Nevertheless, his mind is not yet locked-down.

  "Thankfully that guy didn't have one in him. Even his child were so bright, but I mean not literally okay?"

  "That guy? Do you mean about your lil bro- ... Hmm? H-Hold on, what?! You idiot, why didn't you say this from the beginning!" (Cera)

  "Jeez, you never stop being quite rough aren't you. But well... if what you're saying is true, does that mean I've become a villain? Have I... snatched away the happiness of others?"

  "It's obvious! Characters like Hatoba Tsugu are not weighted the same as souls of System users. You, who have faced them many times should understand this! More importantly, about what you just said before!  Y-You've become an uncle?! Is that true?!" (Cera)

Once again, a surprise echoed in his ears, especially when he heard the tone that felt joyful and impatient from the girl on the other side of the wall. It was rare for the man to see Cera sounded so delighted.

Based on what the man remembered, Cera was known to be reserved and intimidating in the eyes of many. But upon further reflection, he also recalled that Cera typically only seemed happy when discussing specific matters about him.

The man remained uncertain about what his companion truly desired.

  "... You really find enjoyment in mundane things. How about trying to find a different hobby?"

  "I don't want to because it's troublesome. But since you're suggesting it, maybe I'll consider the hobby you're recommending? Ehehe..." (Cera)

Even Cera seemed happier upon learning that her friend had acquired a new family member, very much different compared to when she talked about her previous problem.

It was truly amusing because when compared to her current self, Cera hadn't changed much. She remained the same being, capable of feeling something in her heart only when in the presence of that foolish man.

Despite having their goals might never to be truly understood, much like himself, Cera was willing to share the goal of her life in order to pursue her ultimate objectives.

  "What's interesting about someone like me who only knows how to breathe?"

  "It's pointless for me to tell you, you'll probably just deny it right away." (Cera)

  "... That's not entirely wrong."

  "Huhu, true, isn't it?" (Cera)

The man gazed upwards, as if recalling moments from the past, so fragile and fleeting to be remembered. His face appeared remarkably serene, in stark contrast to the turmoil within his heart and mind.

On the other hand, Cera began to find peace in the conversation they hadn't had in a while and contemplated ways to rescue her friend once more.

But little did she expect that when she tried to rescue the man, that fool would instead utter an extraordinary idea beyond all reason.

  "In that case, I'll just become a villain for real this time. It's fine, isn't it?"

  "Huh?! What crazy talk is this?!"

Cera couldn't believe what she heard, how absurd it was for him to turn into a villain in an era already filled with peace. Moreover, he spoke something completely unrelated to their previous conversation all of a sudden.

Regrettably, the man didn't present the idea instantly.

He had some solid reasons that Cera could consider a significant advantage for herself, considering he knew one or two things about the growth of weed by the side of the road.

  "… Look at the bright side, you know that the existing peace is just sickening, right? From what I've heard and seen, in the current days there've been many circles and small groups who are gathering their strength."

  "It doesn't mean you have to become a martyr, you fool! As long as they still have their human side, we can still talk to them! As long as they remember the Champion of Udna, you should be able to use that title!" (Cera)

  "I'm not trying to be Lelouch, Cher. I'm not that smart nor even handsome like him. Besides, I highly doubt if there's even any human who still remember that title. You'll just be a laughing stock if you tried to plead for some forgotten relic like me."

  "You! You... you, just how can you be so carefree and critical at the same time, damn human with their heart. Despite that, I still can't agree. What're you going to do about your niece and nephew? Didn't you heard if the one you've killed was from China?" (Cera)

Her gaze had come alive again, revitalized and energized. How could it not, after hearing such insane proclamation anyone who knew him would jolt awake as if doused in cold water on a morning.

A Champion who once stood at the forefront, facing an entity capable of driving sentient beings insane in an instant, now intending to become a villain. Those who recalled the meaning of that title would shudder and chuckle upon hearing it, certainly not a laugh of joy.

  "It's actually you who should pay attention to your position, Cera. Right now, you are a Guide. The sole arbitrator standing at the center, being the focal point for many parties. I know I'm not good at speaking, but I want you to understand that my choice is indeed not a good one."

  "I've already told you! Don't decide something so important recklessly! I can be the person I am now because of you too. If you decide to stop being human and transcend into another upper existence, then I'm sure no one would disregard you!" (Cera)

  "But I won't do that."

  "Zei!" (Cera)

A glimpse of her true form started to emerge, and the sleeves of her attire tore apart like paper. The space around her began to spin, resembling melted pudding due to heat.

Cera was determined to do everything in her power to stop what the fool was about to do. Even if she had to discard everything she had built up until now, she didn't care.

What she wanted to do now was to save her friend and her idol.

  "Don't worry, I'll try my best not to die."

  "It's not just about you, it's also about the people around you. Why don't you understand and keep being stubborn!?" (Cera)

  "I understand, but just because I know something is bad, doesn't mean I won't choose it."

  "Even if it means sacrificing them?! Why are you willing to curse yourself with this miserable fate!?" (Cera)

  "Because that's the last curse they conveyed to me, to live. A curse that I admit is quite powerful. If only... if only I could share this curse with them too..."

However, when she heard those words, Cera couldn't do what she had initially intended. Both of her shoulders slumped, followed by a foreboding she never wished to fathom.

About death and sorrow.

  "They... the last message?" (Cera)

  "Yes, that's their final curse. From all of them you worry about now, Cera. On the bright side, I suppose this is a reason enough for me to turn into a villain, isn't it?"

What she suspected turned out to be true, and this startled her a bit, prompting Cera to gather the lost composure once more. Not to further hurt her friend's feelings.

  "Who..." (Cera)

  "Ahaha, I've even forgotten myself. It seems I've burned my memories during the fight with the culprit, well... I guess that was a good decision on my part."

  "Zei... don't tell me you're deceiving yourself." (Cera)

  "I can't remember anymore. But oddly enough, it's as if... there's a consciousness within me that's trying to prevent me from remembering. Perhaps you're right, I might be deceiving myself."

Cera grew slightly uneasy, especially when she remembered her words that she shouldn't have spoken to someone whose emotions were already shattered.

Though her heart was different from the fragile hearts of humans, Cera understood well enough that humans would feel immense sorrow if someone very dear to them was lost.

Her hand moved to touch the wall that separated them, and utilizing her abilities in that prison of a place, Cera made the existing wall slowly vanish between the two of them.

  "Zei, you're crying." (Cera)

Until finally enabling them to see each other.

  "Well, I don't know how to say it as well. When I think 'if only I could go back,' I lose a bit more hope. Remembering the past can indeed be this saddening."

As the existing wall vanished, allowing them to face each other, that's where the man stood.

He remained stoic as usual, seemingly concealing his emotions. Unfortunately, the flowing tears were impossible to hide, especially when recalling the moments he least desired.

  "Though I'm clumsy, but I'll make up for it with my effort. Please use this opportunity to uproot anyone who has attempted to mess with the power they possess. Even though I stay away from political power matters, at the very least I know a little bit of news passed by."

Seeing the man trying to conceal his tears, Cera was reminded of the multitude of parties she had to deal with to enter the prison, and she agreed with what he said.

The problems she faced were not only from the Outer god entities or other faraway creatures attempting to destroy everything.

Now, she was also dealing with numerous figures attempting heinous act using the System she had created.

Be it something that could be called nepotism, the establishment of small-scale underground syndicates aimed to uncover the 'Truth' behind the fall of previous era, or even the some parasite-like trading syndicate that aimed for personal gain without the approval of the System they utilized.

Cera now found it difficult to pull her disagreement.

  "Are you really serious? You seriously want to be the bait?" (Cera)

This was also related to the man, who still appeared conflicted about whether he desired revenge or not.

  "In this peaceful era, those people are more adept at playing in secrecy. That's why we need someone or something that goes bang-boom-shakadosh! Sniff Ughh, sorry for that, and because I'm not good at being a hero either, I might as well try to be a villain, right?"

Indeed, he was an eccentric man. Even when his emotions were all tangled, he continued to speak with a playful tone, as if his actions were of little consequence. Confronted with this fact repeatedly, Cera felt an inexplicable desire to give this man a hug

Regrettably, she couldn't do it at that moment because she understood how averse he was to physical affection.

  "After acting like the space police, you'd undoubtedly struggle in that role. And have you forgotten, many people are eagerly awaiting your presence by their side. What will you do about them?" (Cera)

"Like a goldsmith who never content with polishing his jewelry, nice people sometimes get trapped in enhancing past brilliance, forgetting that new diamonds await perfection."

  "What do you mean?" (Cera)

  "I just need to be a villain not trapped by the past and always remembering that there's something shiny in the future. Maybe that's it? And isn't it true that villains are more despised than good or nice people? So, by breaking my promise, I'm already accumulating more bad karma."

She wasn't sure what he truly meant, but if interpreted, it would be something like 'be a selfish villain'.

By forsaking the past he had carefully nurtured, standing above others by any means necessary, and being acknowledged by all as someone to be eradicated.

That seemed to be the essence of the manifestation of evil he contemplated.

However, of course, this interpretation was just one of the meanings amidst the many intentions he wished to pursue.

One could only wonder what truly lay within those eyes of his.

  "What are you looking at?" (Cera)

  "I knew it, my bro's advice about your hair was spot on. How about changing your hairstyle to something that gives a twist and bun impression? Just like... hmm, Nanny Mcphee or Mrs. Doubtfire?"

  "Sigh... those tears of yours, hurry and wipe them away." (Cera)

Cera turned her face away slightly, although she managed a fleeting glance to see how his expression was nothing more than that of a pitiful human.

She also absentmindedly toyed with her long hair that extended all the way down to her hips.

  "In that case, please, Cher. Perhaps for others, this will just be a story of my revenge, and maybe that's true. But please do what needs to be done and finish what must be finished."

  "... If only everyone's hearts were as strong as yours, what do you think would happen?" (Cera)

Suddenly, Cera asked something he never thought she would. The man felt puzzled, he had never considered himself strong.

He saw himself more like a stone, no... perhaps more accurately, like two stones—hard and seemingly formidable, yet always susceptible to being shattered.

  "Then? It'll be a huge mess. Being unbreakable and anti-breakable is different Cera. I'm not yearning to be stronger, I just want to be happy."

  "Yeah, people would just ask you 'Can he beat Goku?' straight out of nowhere when you said you're strong. Just be yourself and don't influence your foolishness at others, weakling." (Cera)

  "That's not reassuring at all, especially from someone who got scared by mere zombies."

Hearing the mockery they would usually throw at each other, they both laughed, reminiscing about the past they had both shared. A time when they and their other companions could joke around no matter what.

Unfortunately, Cera felt a tinge of sadness, as all of this seemed like a farewell that would leave the man with no one he could possibly trust again.

  "Good luck being a villain Champion of Udna. Hope you could pulled some great trick befitting that title just like the old times." (Cera)

  "Thanks for the couragement, Guide. You better update the System to be more strict in regulations part, along with Neumann-chan later after this. Else I'll call you two as dumb developer for the rest of your life."

A secret handshake ensued, ranging from clapping hands, bumping fists, and various other unique forms.

Truly a relaxed behavior considering it was the initial moment when one of the creatures that would bring destruction to everything began his first steps. An era that will be far worse than when the Fall of the Age of Reason, in another meaning.

  "If I ever lose control, I won't ask you to stop me. But can you take care of Yjor with you?"

  "She'll probably despise you for it. Ah, was Yjor a female again?" (Cera)

  "It's okay, death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. That snake is large enough to comprehend the meaning of this expression."

An era that marked the creation of the rules known as the 'Renewal System,' and a time when the last remaining champion vanished from the memory of stars throughout the distorted night.

  "Ah! Almost forget, if you want to visit them, there're tomb in my old house that hold their name. Please pay them a visit if you could."

  "I will, you can stop worrying about that." (Cera)

"... Thanks."

"... You're welcome." (Cera)


Finally! For almost ten years! I've finally remember them!

After all this time trying to dig into this pathetic mind, finally I've found them again!




Oops almost forgot, that song is from:

Bring Me The Horizon - Kingslayer


See ya...

Strunomcreators' thoughts